terminology system
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Kateryna Sheremeta

The article, based on a systematic approach, highlights the author's thematic groups of English-language terminological units of the specialized  language of higher education in the United States. An attempt has been made to comprehend on the scholarly basis the correlation between the concepts of “thematic group” and “lexical-semantic group”. It is noted that the thematic classification of lexical units, which is the most common way of combining words, is bgrounded on the internal connections of objects and phenomena of reality, and is determined by the subject-logical features and common functional purpose of these units. Thematic groups of one or another branch terminological system can contain several nuclear lexical-semantic groups, and their units are characterized by a clear differentiation of features. It is emphasized that in interpreting the concept of thematic group, modern linguistics aims to determine the ways and features of semantic development (extralinguistic aspects) not of individual words, but of groups of lexems that have one semantic orientation. A thematic group is a group of words that includes words selected and combined on the basis of common subject-logical connections, and these words are the same parts of speech; or words from other parts of speech, needed to reveal a common theme. In the process of systematic study of English terminology of the U. S. higher education at the conceptual level, the terms are distributed by the author in a certain order – built subject-matter classification, which results in combining terms into thematic groups. Thematic classification involves a clear, logically sound organization of terminological vocabulary. The classification of the terminology of American higher education is based on determining its content, establishing the scope of semantics of each term, its concept that is combined with other terminological units in a single terminology system of the U. S. higher education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
H Sydoruk ◽  

Abstract. The article summarizes the theoretical experience of studying the structural and semantic characteristics of scientific and technical terms and agricultural terms in particular. It has substantiated the fact that the agrarian sphere is experiencing a rapid emergence of terms-innovations that are quickly passing all stages of structural-semantic assimilation. A significant percentage of terms are formed as a result of rethinking their previous meanings, which leads to the emergence of so-called semantic terms. Analysis of structural and semantic features of agricultural terms showed that their formation occurs through derivation, terminologization of common vocabulary and assimilation of borrowings. The paper also analyzes examples of the functioning of English-language multicomponent clusters and the peculiarities of their translation. The purpose of research is to clarify the structural and semantic features of agricultural terminology, to identify and describe the processes of formation of one- and multi-component agricultural terms, to determine the main word-forming types of agricultural terminology. Results of research. Agrarian terminology, which is a set of words and stable phrases corresponding to the concepts functioning in this area (objects, phenomena and actions), is a mobile and flexible part of common vocabulary, and therefore requires systematization. The main carriers of these concepts are nouns, a certain number of verbs and adjectives which most serve as definitions in multicomponent clusters and are not independent. Word-forming means are mainly Latin-Greek morphemes, word stems and phrases. Depending on the participation of language in term formation, the terms of the agricultural sector are divided into three types: simple terms or word-terms; complex terms; terms-phrases or multicomponent clusters Agrarian terminology uses such ways of word formation as lexical-semantic, lexical-syntactic, morphological, abbreviation, and morphological-syntactic. Many commonly used lexical items acquire meanings inherent in the agricultural sector, becoming terms with a narrower meaning. Modern scientific literature on agricultural topics contains terms that have two or more meanings in this area, the clarification of which is only disclosed by the context. In translation, such ambiguity causes blurring of meaning, vagueness, substitution of terms and ultimately distortion of the content as a whole. It is important to consider the lexical and grammatical environment of the term. Due to the context, the following translation issues can be addressed: a) the word is used in its common or special narrow meaning; b) the choice of one of several meanings of a polysemous term in a particular context. From agrarian vocabulary, terminological units move into colloquial language, sometimes becoming jargons or terminoids that function in limited areas of engineering and technology, forming a layer of stylized new scientific and technical terms. Professional slang is usually short, expressive and to some extent stylistically colored. The most successful of them are fixed in the terminology system over time and receive official recognition in a certain subject area, being fixed in dictionaries, and some pass to other areas and into the common language. Specifics of functioning the terminological combinations require appropriate methods of their translation, among which there are a few main ones: literal translation of lexical units is carried out with the help of calque; replacement of parts of speech; explanatory translation of terms; translation with word order changes, primarily in attributive group. Conclusions. Agro-biological terminology tends to be poly-variant in translation, polysemy and homonymy. In order to overcome the difficulties in translating professional texts, it is necessary to work more actively with special vocabulary, thoroughly study the issues of ambiguity, synonyms and antonyms, word formation and methods of translation. The above considerations open opportunities for the practical application of these methods of translation of agro-biological terminology, and for further creative search for the correct perception of professionally oriented texts.

Ivan Bohatyryov ◽  
Andriy Bohatyryov

The article considers the paradigm of the penitentiary system of Ukraine functioning. The scientific positions of domestic and foreign researchers on the concept of penitentiary system are given. Thanks to a study of the genesis of the paradigm of the functioning of the penitentiary system, four main historical periods have been identified. It has been proved that it is time to transform the criminal-executive system of Ukraine into a penitentiary system. Ways of such transformation are considered. It is stated that the penitentiary system of Ukraine, as an independent sphere of scientific thought and practical activity, dates back to 1991, with Ukraine gaining its independence. By this time, it was located and developed for many centuries in various state institutions. In particular, such as; NKVS of the USSR, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Department for the Execution of Sentences, State Penitentiary Service. Currently, the penitentiary system is subordinate to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. It was noted that at the present stage, the requirements for the scientific validity of the penitentiary system of Ukraine functioning are increasing by transforming its criminal-executive system into a penitentiary one. This is also confirmed not only by theoretically domestic scientists of penitentiaries, but also by the legislative, by the development of the draft Law of Ukraine «On the penitentiary system of Ukraine». There is also an objective need to develop and implement fundamentally new or radically modernized approaches to the functioning of the penitentiary system of Ukraine. The article proved that the negative factor in the development of science is the absence of publications in which the theoretical results of evolution in the field of the «Penitentiary System of Ukraine» would be completely displayed in the form of a terminological hierarchy. The need to establish a rigid terminology system is an integral part of the paradigm of the functioning of the prison system in Ukraine. That is why the definition of the «paradigm of the penitentiary system of Ukraine functioning» remains very relevant. Based on centuries of theoretical and practical experience, it follows that the modern understanding of the paradigm of the penitentiary system of Ukraine functioning was formed under the influence of domestic scientists in the field of criminal and criminal-executive enforcement law, incorporating all their best achievements. Thus, the paradigm of the penitentiary system of Ukraine functioning is a scientific classical technology that provides a theoretical, practical and methodological understanding of the penitentiary system as a state body with organizational power to implement state policy in the field of execution of sentences and probation.

O.V. Minchenko

The article is devoted to the topic of application of provisions and conclusions of legal linguistics in the field of law. The purpose of the study is to focus the attention of legal scholars on the necessity to consider legal and linguistic theory as a component of general and theoretical legal science. It is drawn attention that in the research of domestic scholars the connection between law and language is mainly highlighted by focusing on one of the aspects: either the legal basis of language functioning, or the linguistic features of law terminology system. It is emphasized that legal and linguistic theory (as well as legal linguistics) provides not two subjects of knowledge with an emphasis on one of them, but it is a dual subject - language and law; symbolic nature of law. The factors that influenced the genesis and development of legal and linguistic theory as a component of modern jurisprudence are presented and analyzed. First, it is globalization and integration processes, providing for the necessity to harmonize regulations, the correct translation of legitimate rules of conduct into the appropriate language, etc. Secondly, it is the borrowing of forreign concepts into the national legal system, which also stipulates an adequate understanding of their content, and phenomena denoted by the term. Partly in this context, the interdisciplinarity of modern knowledge is noted (processes of integration and differentiation of knowledge, is a factor in the interdisciplinary borrowing of concepts and categories). Secondly, it is a “linguistic turn” that marked the rejection of the prevalence of the metaphysics of consciousness and the intention of thinkers on the linguistic quintessence of cogito. Language began to be perceived as the basis of cognitive activity, thinking; the attention of scientists has shifted to the epistemology of senses and meanings. It is concluded that in response to the challenges of society, since the second half of the twentieth century, a new field of interdisciplinary research - legal linguistics - has been conceptualized. This interdisciplinary field is crucial in the field of law, based on the social and cultural essence of this regulator of social relations. Language, as well as law, being an element of the culture of the society, influence the perception of social values, their formation. In the context of globalization, a significant part of legal phenomena and processes can be known precisely by means of the use of epistemological tools of legal linguistics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-48
A.K. Zotova ◽  
O.J. Romanova ◽  

The paper outlines specificity of linguistic terminology, in particular the use of synonyms and equivalent terminological patterns in the new desktop version of the «Languages of the World» database that is being compiled at the Institute of Linguistics RAS. The analysis includes terminology in the «Languages of the World» encyclopedia articles (Institute of Linguistics RAS). The topic could be of interest for those dealing with applied lexicography and linguodidactics.

Bokshan H.I.

The purpose is to identify the specificity of synonyms in the terminology system of the English language texts on economics and determine the most widespread patterns for the formation of synonymous pairs on the basis of the analyzed material.Methods. The following methods were employed in the research: general scientific (generalization, induction and deduction) and empirical-theoretical (analysis, synthesis) methods. The process of term-selection was performed with the method of continuous sampling. The descriptive method and the method of semantic-component analysis were used to distribute the synonymous terms into groups and identify the specificity of synonymous relationships. Results. Understanding the phenomenon of synonymy is an important precondition for improving language skills, since it implies the ability to choose the most accurate synonymous equivalent among a few variants of a certain concept and ensure the success of communication in this way. In spite of undesirability of terminological synonymy in scientific discourse, this phenomenon is especially widespread in the texts of economic orientation, since terms in this field of knowledge go beyond scientific use, enter social life and become a part of common vocabulary. Therefore, the emergence of variants and parallel functioning of several duplicates is caused by openness of this terminology system and its enlargement with common words. Since the area of economics covers a large number of participants, interacting at different levels, it is reflected –in a language dimension – in the scope of vocabulary designating the key concepts of this field and linguistic processes of the formation of terminology system. The most typical consequence of using the terminological apparatus by a large number of the native language speakers is a parallel functioning of a term and a common word (word combinations). Conclusions. The widespread synonymy in the terminology system of the English language texts on economics is explained by the specificity of this field of knowledge: the adjacency of economic concepts to everyday life that is reflected in the possibility of interaction between common and scientific vocabularies. The analyzed cases of synonymy show the pairs whose components have different stylistic marking: one of the components mainly belongs to bookish words, whereas the other one – to common vocabulary. Moreover, in the terminology system of the English language texts of professional orientation there are quasi-synonyms and relative synonyms. The most widespread ways of the formation of synonymous pairs is a combination of a common verb and a specifically economic term. The examples of syntactical synonyms represent the pattern with one verb component and the combination of a verb and a noun.Key words: scientific terminology, common words, synonymous pair, quasi-synonyms, relative synonyms, stylistic marking. Мета статті – виявити особливості синонімів у терміносистемі англомовних текстів економічного спрямування й визна-чити найбільш поширені моделі утворення синонімічних пар на основі проаналізованого матеріалу.Методи. У дослідженні було використано загальнонаукові (узагальнення, індукція і дедукція) та емпірико-теоретичні методи (аналіз, синтез). Процес відбору термінів проводився методом суцільної вибірки. Дескриптивний метод і методика семантико-компонентного аналізу використовувалися для інвентаризації і розподілу досліджуваних синонімічних термінів у групи та виявлення специфіки синонімічних відносин. Результати. Розуміння явища синонімії є важливою передумовою удосконалення мовленнєвих умінь, оскільки передбачає здатність добирати якомога точніший семантичний еквівалент з-поміж кількох варіантів відповідного поняття й забезпечувати в такий спосіб максимальну успішність комунікації. Попри небажаність явища термінологічної синонімії в науковому дискурсі, особливо поширеним воно є в текстах економічного спрямування, оскільки терміни цієї галузі виходять за межі суто наукового використання через проникнення у соціально-побутову сферу й частково стають загальновживаними. Відтак поява варіантів і паралельного існування кількох дублетів обумовлюється відкритістю даної терміносистеми та її поповнення загаль-новживаною лексикою. Оскільки сфера економіки охоплює величезну кількість учасників, що взаємодіють на різних рівнях, у мовному вимірі це відображається на масштабах функціонування лексики на позначення ключових понять цієї галузі й лінгвістичних процесах формування терміносистеми. Найбільш типовим наслідком активного використання термінологічного апарату значною кількістю носіїв мови є паралельне функціонування терміна та загальновживаного слова (словосполучення). Висновки. Поширеність явища синонімії в терміносистемі англомовних текстів економічного спрямування пояснюється специфікою галузі, а саме: дотичністю економічних реалій до побутової сфери, що на мовному рівні відображається в можливості взаємодії загальновживаної лексики з науковою. Проаналізовані випадки синонімії засвідчують наявність пар, складові частини яких мають різне стилістичне маркування: переважно один із компонентів належить до книжної лексики, тоді як другий – до загальновживаної. Крім того, в терміносистемі англомовних текстів фахового спрямування трапляються квазі-синоніми й умовні синоніми. Доволі поширеними способами утворення синонімічних пар, як показує опрацьований матеріал, є поєднання загальновживаного дієслова з вузькогалузевим економічним терміном. Випадки синтаксичної синонімії репрезен-тують модель з одним дієслівним елементом і сполученням дієслова та іменника.Ключові слова: наукова термінологія, загальновживана лексика, синонімічна пара, квазісиноніми, умовні синоніми, стилістичне маркування.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 155-165
S. N. Gavrilov

The paper analyzes the general approaches and terminology of the draft Concept of regulation of the professional legal assistance market, prepared by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The text of the document published in October 2017 is analyzed in the context of the problem of the quality of professional legal assistance (services). The author analyzes the main approaches to solving the problem of the quality of legal assistance, which were consolidated in the document. The author analyses the use of the terms “effectiveness”, “activity”, “inactivity”, “professionalism”, “reasonableness”, “adherence to principles”, “timeliness”, “competence”, “qualification”, “efficiency”, “availability”, “fairness”, “quality” in the draft Concept of regulation of the market of professional legal assistance. In order to organize terminology work properly, it is necessary to identify and analyze legislative and corporate (advocacy) requirements for the procedure and results of legal assistance, which make it possible to establish features (criteria) of the quality of legal assistance and fix them in the form of appropriate terms and definitions in a special terminology system. The “quality problem” in the professional legal assistance market must be addressed through the prism of quality management approaches by creating organizational and legal systems (mechanisms, procedures) that ensure the implementation of the main functions of legal assistance quality management, which, in turn, can be ensured by the formation of a national system of professional legal assistance. The purpose of creating such a system should be to ensure the proper quality of qualified legal assistance provided in the market of professional legal assistance (services).

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 92-98
I. I. Krivonosov

The article is devoted to the history of the appearance and functioning of the word supertask (sverhzadacha) in the Russian language. Two lines of the lexeme functioning were distinguished: the first is associated with the etymology of the word, the second – with its use by K. S. Stanislavsky in the terminology system and the further entry of the unit into general use on the basis of determinologization. It is interesting that the second meaning has acquired the most widespread use. Only in the past two decades, the word has begun to lose its connection with the process of artistic creation. The purpose of the study was to briefly review the history of the word: from its first fixation in the Russian language and application by K. S. Stanislavsky (to designate one of the key concepts of Method Acting) up to modern contexts of use. The entry of the lexeme into the language was investigated using structural methods. The methods of contextual and distributive analysis were used to analyse both the contexts in which Stanislavsky used this word and the process of its fixation in the National Corpus of the Russian language. Statistical analysis was used to trace the dynamics of integration of the lexeme into the Russian language and its fixation in various spheres. The methods of component and comparative analysis were used to describe the formation mechanism of the initial term in the historical context. Borrowings of the term supertask (sverhzadacha) were found in other languages, indicating the spread of Stanislavsky’s system. The conclusion is drawn that the word supertask (sverhzadacha) functions in the Russian language mainly as a term from Stanislavsky’s system, gradually becoming determinologized and returning to the meaning conveying the logical sum of its constituent components.

Tatyana A. Boronenko ◽  
Vera S. Fedotova

The authors of the article consider the issue of how future teachers of Computer Science and Mathematics are going to perceive the terminology of the digital world. The authors note that the terminological system “digital” arises as a result of digitalisation of all spheres of human activity. The results of the classification of digital terminology into thematic groups on the basis of decoding their lexical and semantic meaning are presented. The authors consider the issue of the most productive understanding of digital terminology based on the allocation of thematic groups "Space", "Time". “Form and Matter”, “Consumption”, “Technological Transformations”, “Human in the Digital World”. The authors review scientific works from different fields of science, they select phrases with the adjective “digital”. The authors create assignments to identify understanding of digital terminology. The authors determine special attention to the most accessible and complicated understanding of the lexical meaning of the thematic group, they compare the volumes of thematic groups. The novelty of the research lies in the definition of the lexical and semantic group of digital terminology. Topicality of the research lies in the need to expand the vocabulary of a teacher of Computer Science and Mathematics of digital terminology, to build a digital terminology system. The authors prove that the most capacious thematic group is the group “People in the Digital World”. The authors conclude that an assessment of the current level of mastering digital terminology by a Computer Science and Mathematics teacher is to reveal problems in the lexical interpretation of new words in schoolchildren.

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