semantic transformation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 102743
Junfeng An ◽  
Haoyang Luo ◽  
Zheng Zhang ◽  
Lei Zhu ◽  
Guangming Lu

Alexandr Romensky ◽  

Introduction. The article discusses the motive of a “miracle in a fiery furnace”, based on the story of the Three Holy Children in the Book of Daniel. Methods. The study provides a comparative analysis of the Biblical topos about the trial by fire in Byzantine, Western European and Eastern sources. A semiotic approach of textual study is used. Analysis. In Byzantine hagiography and hymnography, the plot of the “Three Holy Children” was interpreted as a prototype of the Incarnation, so, the sacred situation was reproduced in new historical conditions. In the Lives of Bishops of Cherson, the plot about miracle in the furnace is used for construction the local sacred history. Similar motives are found in the narratives about the baptism of Rus, such as Vita Basilii (the fifth book of Theophanes Continuatus), Vita beati Romualdi by Petrus Damiani, Historia de predicatione episcopi Brunonis. In narrative about conversion of Özbeg Khan to Islam, literary plot was connected with shamanistic representations about the holy fire. Results. The Biblical topos of the “fiery furnace” underwent a semantic transformation within the framework of various discourses. It was used in Byzantine texts for constructing the Christian Identity, while was enhanced by Turkic mythology in Muslim tradition.

Camille Senepin

The worship of the Four Palace [Tứ Phủ], recently named Đạo Mẫu [Mothers Godessess Religion] can be found in Vietnam and is mainly present in the Northern part of the country. After years of prohibition and stigmatization, this Four Palaces are inscribed as Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Unesco in December 2016. The worship and its possession ritual [ln đồng] were mostly analysed in Hanoi by Western and Vietnamese researchers. In this article, the author proposeses an analysis of the dynamics of the Four Palaces outside Hanoi, linked to the semantic transformation taking place within the worship. The importance of the locality and how specific places can create singular discourses about the deities, the mediums and the devotees are emphasized in this communication. The author demonstrates that the Đạo Mẫu community is imagined. Nevertheless, the author analyses how the locality can modify the representations and the perceptions of the spirits embodied by the medium, depending on the localisation of the speakers. This paper also highlighted the consequences of the heritagization on the vocabulary and the contemporary practices, and how it can change the ones that are considered unorthodox. In this analysis the author also mentions the significance of those discourses inside the social medias, mostly on Facebook, which is one of the contemporary challenges of the worship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (24) ◽  
pp. 326-333
Mohammed Jawaluddeen Sani ◽  
Ivin Amri Musliman ◽  
Alias Abdul Rahman

Building information modelling (BIM) and geographical information systems (GIS) domains immensely contribute to a digital representation of architectural and environmental bodies respectively. BIM is endorsed in order to enhance the Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry process to save time, cost and speed up the project, and more so, to minimise the frequent requests of information by the stakeholders within the industry. On the other hand, the Geographic Information System (GIS) has been increasingly used to generate detailed 3D data, geolocation and spatial analysis. Both BIM and GIS provide 3D data for the development of 3D city models, digital twin, smart city, AEC etc. However, there are significant diverse between the two in terms of their characteristics, scope of interest and focus that makes it difficult to easily be achieved. The amalgamation of the two worlds provides a clear picture of a built environment based on data (geometry and semantics) integration, which reinforces the enhancement of the three-dimensional (3D) applications in general into the digital world. This paper presents a methodology that semantically integrates the two worlds through their standards that is the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) which is an open standard, selected because it is the typical free standard to exchange data in the BIM world and City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) is the most leading 3D city model standard in 3D GIS. This is carried out by performing a semantic mapping between the two standards, converting the encoding that the two standards use from STEP in IFC(BIM) to XML in CityGML (3D GIS), by providing a basic implementation created using Python to combine the above tasks.

Fei Wu

In the traditional sense, the translation evaluation of English complex long sentences is often limited to the idea of whether or how to realize the semantic transformation of the original text, so many phenomena that have nothing to do with language but directly affect the translation evaluation are not included in the field of vision and can be interpreted. In order to solve the above problems, a multi-label clustering algorithm is proposed to evaluate the translation accuracy of English complex long sentences. The multi-label clustering algorithm is introduced into the translation evaluation activities to carry out the translation and detection parameters of complex long sentences. The comprehensive description, the accuracy of generalization and the rationality of interpretation lay a solid foundation for English translation activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-196
Oksana Hordii

Abstract This paper deals with the functioning of expressive and communicative formulas of modern German in computer-mediated discourse. The set phrases analysed are pre-formed sentence-value word combinations that serve as a means of expression of various speech intentions and emotions. These linguistic units are known to evade a uniform classification scheme, with boundaries between different groups being indistinct. The set phrases considered in this work are viewed as a functional-semantic field which includes communicative and expressive formulas and some mixed types. By discussing their cultural specificity – provided by units containing symbolic components, as well as by entities in various areas of national life, and fixed phrases of obscure literary origin – I attempt to explore their intertextual potential for further contribution to studies in intercultural communication. Expressivity, intertextuality, multimedia impact and interactivity have been defined as constitutive characteristics of computer-mediated discourse. The units discussed keep the tone of asynchronous online communication humorous and help to establish communicative closeness. In online media, the language game comes to the fore: a common phenomenon is semantic transformation often performed as simultaneous actualisation (ambiguity) of literal and idiomatic meaning, causing additional communicative effects. In combination with the informative part of a headline, these units act as emotional and evaluative indicators of media texts. Due to its technological features, internet communication allows easy combination of visual and verbal channels of information, and so there is frequent play between language images and digital images, especially in photo and video hosting services. My analysis of different online genres has shown that in internet communication, the core of the functional-semantic field (i.e. the most frequently used units) acquires added discursive value. The universal nature of their creative use, appeal, entertainment and community-building functions was also ascertained.

Lyuboslovie ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 293-310
Teodora G. Ilieva ◽  

In this article the neo-semanticisms are presented by real neologisms and occasionalisms, excerpted in recent years from Bulgarian media texts with different thematic orientation and stylistic expression. Commens are also made on the lexicon that has emerged through tracing and borrowing, which builds formal relations of homonymy with words that already exist in our language. Each of the 44 lexical items is presented in a dictionary article, including its morphological and semantic characteristics; word formation parameters; the motivating foreign word (if any); distribution of the palette of semes registered in the lexicographic arrays; the new sememe – the result of semantic transformation, in a minimal context; classification of the free and/or stable word combination it forms; the formal and semantic relations in which it enters and its stylistic affiliation. The study finds that the enrichment of the vocabulary of the Bulgarian language is achieved as a result of democratization, colloquialization and internationalization of the language. Semantic modifications are realized mainly through: metaphorization, metonymization, personification and comparison.

Lyuboslovie ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 258-275
Aylya Iliyazova ◽  

The work is an attempt to consider the concept of “cooperation” in cognitive-linguistic terms, taking as a syntagmatic basis “thinking”, which contains the motivating feature of the primary basis: the cognitive verb denken [think]. The term “semantic function” is one of the main terms in the work: this function acts as a stimulus for semantic transformation and the formation of a new semantic quality. The aim of the research is to analyze different semantic transformations in: 1. Formation of a derivative prefixed verb mitdenken. 2. Formation of the reflexive verbs sich einigen and sich sammeln. 3. Formation of the construction “adverb and cognitive verb”: miteinanderdenken/ zusammendenken / gemeinsamdenken. 4. Formation of the construction “preposition, pronoun and cognitive verb”: mit anderen erarbeiten. Through the method of componential analysis, the work presents lexemes, morphemes and functional words referring to the same semantic field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 07 (11) ◽  
Manzura Jamolovna Isroilova ◽  

The actualization of phraseological units, mainly the creation of humor or humor in a particular text, is based on a general stylistic need. This type of actualization is distinguished by the fact that the compound is understood simultaneously, in the same text in the sense of a phrase and in the sense of a free compound. There are two ways to understand and use a compound in a person's speech. The main condition for two different understandings is the situational context, extra-linguistic factors. The media is rich in such contextual contexts.


Abstract Assertion checking is an invaluable programmer’s tool for finding many classes of errors or verifying their absence in dynamic languages such as Prolog. For Prolog programmers, this means being able to have relevant properties, such as modes, types, determinacy, nonfailure, sharing, constraints, and cost, checked and errors flagged without having to actually run the program. Such global static analysis tools are arguably most useful the earlier they are used in the software development cycle, and fast response times are essential for interactive use. Triggering a full and precise semantic analysis of a software project every time a change is made can be prohibitively expensive. This is specially the case when complex properties need to be inferred for large, realistic code bases. In our static analysis and verification framework, this challenge is addressed through a combination of modular and incremental (context- and path-sensitive) analysis that is responsive to program edits, at different levels of granularity. In this tool paper, we present how the combination of this framework within an integrated development environment (IDE) takes advantage of such incrementality to achieve a high level of reactivity when reflecting analysis and verification results back as colorings and tooltips directly on the program text – the tool’s VeriFly mode. The concrete implementation that we describe is Emacs-based and reuses in part off-the-shelf “on-the-fly” syntax checking facilities (flycheck). We believe that similar extensions are also reproducible with low effort in other mature development environments. Our initial experience with the tool shows quite promising results, with low latency times that provide early, continuous, and precise assertion checking and other semantic feedback to programmers during the development process. The tool supports Prolog natively, as well as other languages by semantic transformation into Horn clauses.

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