2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-106
Munadi ◽  
Imam Solekhudin ◽  
Sumardi ◽  
Atok Zulijanto
Water ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 1822
Tingjie Huang ◽  
Yan Lu ◽  
Huaixiang Liu

As a typical waterway modification, the spur dike narrows the water cross section, which increases the flow velocity and flushes the riverbed. Meanwhile, it also protects ecological diversity and improves river habitat. Different types of spur dikes could greatly impact the interaction between flow structure and local geomorphology, which in turn affects the evolution of river aquatic habitats. Four different types of spur dikes—including rock-fill, permeable, w-shaped rock-fill, and w-shaped permeable—were evaluated using flume experiments for spur dike hydrodynamics and fish aggregation effects. Based on Shannon’s entropy, an index for calculating water flow diversity is proposed. Additionally, the impact of the different spur dikes on water flow diversity and the relationship between water flow diversity and fish aggregation effects were studied. The water flow diversity index around the spur dike varied from 1.13 to 2.96. The average aggregation rate of test fish around the spur dike was 5% to 28%, and the attraction effect increased with increasing water flow diversity. Furthermore, we plotted the relationship between water flow diversity index and average fish aggregation rate. A fish hydroacoustic study conducted on the Laohutan fish-bone dike in the Dongliu reach of downstream Yangtze River showed that the fish aggregation effect of the permeable spur dike was greater than the rock-fill spur dike. These research results could provide theoretical support for habitat heterogeneity research and ecologically optimal design of spur dikes.

2020 ◽  
María Cabrera Fernández

<p>In recent years, there has been an increasing number of studies about freshwater micro-litter  and how it ends up in the ocean. Nevertheless, macro-litter studies are not common in freshwater landscapes and yet less frequent among rivers. Almost always, research is focused on estuaries rather than rivers.</p><p>The Asociación Paisaje Limpio has been developed, for some years, several studies as an affordable methodology to measure macro-litter in rivers throughout its.</p><p>This way, our methodology is a combination between research and action. We don’t just tackle the macro-litter data field, but also identify specific litter problems along the river. We act through campaigns, agreement for companies and public administrations, etc.</p><p>A need have been observed to combined different types of methodology to monitoring different types of rivers in order to be able to draw a conclusion:</p><ul><li><strong>Visual counting</strong>: counting floating macro-litter on <strong>surface </strong>using RIMMEL app.</li> <li>By the <strong>riverbank,</strong>through a <strong>Citizen Science</strong> tool create by Asociación Paisaje Limpio and Asociación Vertidos Cero, called <strong>eLitter</strong>. Elitter is harmonized with other marine-litter methodologies (Marine litter watch, MARNOBA in Spain) and its litter classification is based on OSPAR protocol.</li> <li>If the <strong>riverbed </strong>is accessible eLitter is also used, but when is not accessible a dredge "Van Veen" have been used instead. This method has been applied in other marine-litter projects on seabed.</li> <li><strong>Floating booms</strong>: it lets us know plastics rate in captured floating litter, and the water flow extrapolation.</li> <li><strong>Nets from a kayak</strong>: to study the plastic concentration  in <strong>the water column </strong>and the water flow extrapolation.</li> <li><strong>Water quality general analysis:</strong>this analysis is useful to support the hypothesis about litter’s source in a river, mainly where the source is the sewage as happens with wet wipes, ear sticks...</li> </ul><p>-<strong>Case study</strong>: river Lagares, a spanish river in Pontevedra, Galicia. The river Lagares flows into the Atlantic, in a Special Protection Area (SPA), a designation under the European Union Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds.</p><p>The Asociación Paisaje Limpio is working on this river since 2018. We have applied the different methodologies explained before, in the river Lagares.</p>

Ayaanle Maxamed Ali

The culvert is small structures that are required for the under roads and its uses for the crossing of water like streams under the roads. The culvert structure balances the water flow on both sides of the roads, also is protecting and balance of the embankment to reduce the water flow level. There are different types of culverts shapes, and they are circle, arch, Slap & box; therefore, these can be constructed by using different materials like; stones, bricks, reinforced cement concrete. Since the culvert crossing under the earthen embankment, so the culvert is subjecting a traffic load similarly as the roads carry; therefore, they required to be designed for such loads the acting on the surface of the culvert. This project is dealing with the RCC box culvert with and without cushions. The cushion depends on the road profile at the culvert location.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 2421
Kai Zhang ◽  
Baoxu Zhang ◽  
Delan Zhu

Low pressure oscillating water flow can reduce the investment and energy consumption of irrigation. It is also effective in reducing the clogging of an emitter and improving the spraying quality of sprinklers. In order to overcome the problem of the complex process in calculating the amplitude of the pressure head loss of oscillating water flow in different types of pipes, in this study, an empirical equation for the amplitude of the pressure head loss of oscillating water flow in different types of pipe has been developed. Further, validation experiments have been conducted to verify the accuracy of the calculated amplitudes of the pressure head loss by the empirical equation. The results show that average relative error between the measured and the calculated amplitudes of the pressure head loss by the empirical equation is 10.77%. Since the relative errors are small, it is an indication that the amplitudes of the pressure head loss calculated by the empirical equation are accurate. For the empirical equation developed in this study, the sensitivity of the model parameters has been analyzed. The results show that the amplitude of velocity, the internal pipe diameter, and the length of pipe are classified as highly sensitive. The average velocity, the period of oscillating water flow, and the modulus of elasticity of the pipe material are classified as sensitive. The thickness of the pipe wall is classified as medium sensitive. Compared with the calculation models of the existing researches, the empirical equation reduces the number of parameters required to be calculated, by which many complicated calculations are avoided, which greatly improves the computing efficiency. This is conducive to the efficient operation and management of oscillating water flow in irrigation pipe networks and also provides help for the optimal design of irrigation pipe networks.

1964 ◽  
Vol s3-105 (72) ◽  
pp. 405-414

Water currents set up by flagellar activity are used to bring food particles to the body in each of the sessile flagellates Actinomonas, Codonosiga, Monas, and Poteriodendron. The water currents produced by the 4 organisms are all somewhat different, and, while that set up by Codonosiga is in the expected direction with water flow from the flagellar base towards the tip, the currents set up by the other 3 forms flow from the tip towards the base. In all 4 types the flagellar movements take the form of plane sinusoidal undulations propagated from the base of the flagellum towards its tip, but the different types show adaptive modifications according to the pattern of water currents required. The rates of beat of the flagellum (range 30 to 50 cycles/ sec) and the speeds of propagation of the contraction wave (range 100 to 600 µ/sec) did not differ sufficiently to explain different current patterns. It is suggested that the ‘unexpected’ direction of current flow in 3 of the types may be the result of the presence of flagellar mastigonemes; these are known to be present in the chrysomonad phytoflagellates, to which group Monas and probably also Actinomonas and Poteriodendron belong. Attention is also drawn to the peculiar mode of coiling and unrolling of the flagellum of the bicoecid Poteriodendron.

1984 ◽  
Vol 106 (3) ◽  
pp. 498-505 ◽  
N. Seki ◽  
S. Fukusako ◽  
G. W. Younan

Experiments have been performed to investigate the ice-formation phenomena and the heat transfer characteristics for water flow between two horizontal parallel plates. The experiments were carried out under the condition that the upper and lower plates were cooled at the same uniform temperature, which was less than the freezing and the temperature of the water. The temperature of the plates ranged from −7 to −14°C with inlet-water temperature varied from 2 to 5°C. The cooling-temperature ratio θc ranged from 1.4 to 7.0. By using three different values of height H, 16, 30, and 40 mm between the horizontal parallel plates, the Reynolds number ReH were varied from 3.8 × 103 to 3.2 × 104. As a result of the present investigation, two different types of ice-formation were observed. One was transition ice-formation type, and the other was smooth ice-formation type. It was found that the transition ice-formation type occurred for ReH/θc0.741 < 104, while the smooth ice-formation type occurred for ReH/θc0.741 > 104. The relation equations for the ice-transition position and the heat transfer coefficients along the water-ice interface were extensively determined.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
pp. 6566-6573 ◽  
Alan Sam ◽  
Vishnu Prasad K. ◽  
Sarith P. Sathian

Flow rate of water in CNTs of different types.

Zootaxa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4407 (2) ◽  
pp. 254 ◽  

The absence of eyes in Hyalella (Hyalellidae, Amphipoda) is typical of obligate groundwater-dwelling species. However, a new intriguing blind amphipod of this genus was found in epigean streams from the Iron Quadrangle (state of Minas Gerais, Brazil). Hyalella troglofugia sp nov. presents antenna 1 shorter than antenna 2, gnathopod 1 propodus inner face with four setae, gnathopod 2 propodus posterior margin longer than palm, dactylus slightly longer than palm, pereopod 5 shorter than others and uropod 3 shorter than telson. The absence of eyes and presence of reduced U3 and pereopods of H. troglofugia sp nov. may suggest that such species also inhabits interstitial subterranean spaces. Moreover, the presence of the new species on streams associated to distinct hydrological zones indicates that this species may be present in different types of subterranean habitats of the region. We hypothesize that at least part of the population of this species may have left the subterranean environment looking for food and when out of this habitat it preferentially inhabits high water flow stretches of the stream in function of predation avoidance. 

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