scholarly journals A categorical analysis of the «personality self-determination» concept in the context of the problem of students’ orientation towards moral self-determination

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 269-273
Oksana Konstantinovna Pozdnyakova

The paper raises the problem of students orientation towards moral self-determination as one of the directions of moral education of students. The necessity of carrying out a categorical analysis of the personality self-determination concept to determine the content and methods of orientation of students towards moral self-determination is substantiated. Personality self-determination is considered at the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical levels of analysis. At the philosophical level of analysis, the essence of the personality self-determination phenomenon and the concept adequate to it is revealed; it consists in a persons choice of certain actions and deeds in a given situation; shows the role of moral choice in the self-determination of the individual. At the psychological level of analysis, the author substantiates the relationship between the self-determination of the individual and the system of his/her relations (to the surrounding reality, other people and himself/herself), which determine the content of the personalitys position. At the pedagogical level of analysis, the self-determination of a person is associated with his/her choice of values, the source of which is his/her needs. The paper argues that the self-determination of a person is both a process and a result of a persons choice of his/her own position, there is a choice of relations that form the content of a position, there is a choice of values, the focus on which constitutes the value orientations of a person, which become the core of self-determination. The author also has determined some practical pedagogical tasks, the solution of which is aimed at creating conditions for the orientation of students towards moral self-determination: the task of students moral principles development, which will ensure their choice of their position, goals and means of self-realization in life; the task of familiarizing students with the value of good, which is the essence of their ethical attitude to the world, to people and to themselves; the task of developing students ability to substantiate the foundations of moral choice and its principles to reflection.

В.П. Позняков ◽  
Т.С. Вавакина

Представлены результаты теоретико-эмпирического исследования ценностно-смысловых факторов самоопределения предпринимателей в их отношении к деловому партнерству. В качестве содержания ценностно-смысловой сферы рассматривались смысложизненные и ценностные ориентации личности. Психологические отношения предпринимателей к базовым принципам делового взаимодействия - прагматичности и нравственности, а также оценки процесса и результата делового взаимодействия рассматривались как характеристики их самоопределения . Выявлена взаимосвязь важности прагматичности и нравственности как принципов делового партнерства со смысложизненными и ценностными ориентациями личности. Ориентация предпринимателей на прагматичност ь связана с двумя показателями смысложизненных ориентаций - «Цели в жизни», характеризующим целеустремленность, наличие целей в будущем, и «Локус контроля-Я (Я-хозяин жизни)», характеризующим представление о себе как о сильной личности, обладающей достаточной свободой выбора, чтобы контролировать события собственной жизни. Ориентация предпринимателей на нравственность взаимосвязана с таким показателем смысложизненных ориентаций, как «Процесс жизни или интерес и эмоциональная насыщенность жизни», который отражает удовлетворенность своей жизнью в настоящем, восприятие ее процесса как интересного, эмоционально насыщенного и наполненного смыслом. Высокая значимость общечеловеческих гуманных ценностей совместной жизнедеятельности (семьи, любви, доброты) оказалась положительно связана с эмоциональной удовлетворенностью деловым партнерством, в то время как высокая значимость индивидуалистических, прагматических (материальной обеспеченности и богатства) - отрицательно. Результаты исследования подтверждают релевантность рассмотрения смысложизненных и ценностных ориентаций личности в качестве факторов и основания самоопределения предпринимателей в деловом взаимодействии. The results of theoretical and empirical research of value-sense factors of self-determination of entrepreneurs in their relation to the business partnership were presented. The content of the value-sense sphere considered to be the meaning and value orientations of the individual. The psychological attitude of entrepreneurs to the basic principles of business interaction - pragmatism and morality, as well as assessment of the process and result of business interaction were considered as characteristics of their self-determination. The relationship between the importance of pragmatism and morality as principles of business partnership and the understood and value orientations of the individual has been revealed. The orientation of entrepreneurs on pragmatism connected with two indicators of understood orientations - "Goals in Life," which characterizes determination, presence of goals in the future, and "Locus of Control-I (I am the master of life)," which characterizes the perception of myself as a strong person, having sufficient freedom of choice to control the events of his own life. The orientation of entrepreneurs to morality is interrelated with such an indicator of meaning orientations as "Process of life or interest and emotional saturation of life," which reflects satisfaction with its life in the present, perception of its process as exciting, emotionally saturated and filled with meaning. The high importance of the universal humane values of joint life (family, love, kindness) was positively related to emotional satisfaction with a business partnership, while the high importance of individualistic, pragmatic (material security and wealth) was negative. The study results confirm the relevance of considering the meaning and value orientations of the individual as a factor and basis of entrepreneurs' self-determination in business interaction.

В.П. Позняков

Представлены результаты теоретико-эмпирического исследования взаимосвязей смысложизненных и ценностных ориентаций личности предпринимателей и показателей их экономического самоопределения. Результаты корреляционного анализа показали наличие множественных статистически значимых связей смысложизненных ориентаций предпринимателей с показателями их экономического самоопределения. Наибольшее число обнаружили шкалы «Процесс жизни или интерес и эмоциональная насыщенность жизни» и «Локус контроля - жизнь или управляемость жизни». Высокая значимость ценностей, объединенных Ш. Шварцем в блоки «открытость изменениям» (самостоятельность и стимуляция) и «самовозвышение» (власть и достижения), в сочетании с высокой значимостью ценности «гедонизм», которая, по Шварцу, составляет отдельный блок и включает элементы как открытости изменениям, так и самовозвышения, которые положительно коррелируют с показателями экономического самоопределения, характеризующимися позитивными оценками своей деловой активности и динамики ее изменения, отношения к конкуренции и риску, собственных возможностей в повышении успешности своего бизнеса и успешности своей предпринимательской деятельности. Результаты исследования подтверждают правомерность рассмотрения смысложизненных и ценностных ориентаций личности в качестве факторов самоопределения предпринимателей. The article presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the interrelationships of the meaning-life and value orientations of the individual entrepreneurs and the indicators of their economic self-determination. The results of the correlation analysis showed the presence of multiple statistically significant relationships between the meaning-of-life orientations of entrepreneurs and indicators of their economic self-determination. The scales "Life process or interest and emotional saturation of life" and "Locus of control - life or manageability of life" found the greatest number of correlations with indicators of economic self-determination. The high importance values, the United Schwartz block "openness to change" (self-direction and stimulation) and "self-exaltation (power and achievement) combined with high significance values "hedonism", which, according to Schwartz, is a separate unit, and includes elements of both openness to change and self-exaltation, is positively correlated with indicators of economic self-determination, characterized by positive assessments of their business activity and the dynamics of its changes, the relationship of competition and risk, their own opportunities to increase the success of their business and the success of their business activities. The results of the study confirm the validity of considering the meaning of life and value orientations of the individual as factors of self-determination of entrepreneurs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 103-106
N. V. Vinitskaya ◽  
E. P. Shabalina ◽  
M.N. Shipunova ◽  

The article deals with the interaction of culture and education, the influence of culture on the self-determination of the individual, its development as a person. The article describes the analysis of the study of the social experience of generations and its impact on the spiritual and moral development of the individual.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-35
Abakumova I.V. ◽  
Grishina A.V. ◽  
Godunov M.V.

The processes of meaning building act as adaptive mechanisms for the reaction of the experiencing individual to changes in the external and internal world. The building of personal meanings is based on a s meaning choice that reflects the preferences of the individual in the direction of his development. The mismatch and unevenness of the biological, mental and social development of a person can lead to an insufficient level of adaptation in the form of personality infantilism. Such immaturity of the personality may be associated with incomplete formation of the emotional-volitional sphere, due to the predominance of children's character traits, the influence of upbringing and relationships with parents. The reasons for personal infantilism are the constant acceleration of scientific and technological progress, cultural variability of society, unclear prospects for life development, high competition in the professional and social sphere. An infantile person experiences difficulties in terms of regulating his activities, lack of reflection, has gaps and deformations in moral self-regulation. This leads to shortcomings in the value- meaning, educational, legal, political, socio-economic, family spheres, in the field of vocational guidance and development. Such a passive adaptation of the s meaning sphere as an insufficient manifestation of the key personality traits in situational interactions reflects a hypoadaptive meaning strategy. Signs of a mature personality: competent professional work and independent development in the chosen field of activity, stable personal and family relationships, subjectivity in relations with parents in the form of territorial and economic independence, consistent development of the range of mental, social roles and transcendental roles in various social groups, the ability to personal self-determination of the experiencing subject in relations with other people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-27
G.V. Lobastov

The paper is an attempt to give an inner outline of F.T. Mikhailov’s logic in the study of the human Self. The principles of analysis and the meaningful path of becoming the Self are analyzed, from the problem of the emergence of the mind to the developed, creative and free personality. Reflection of logical categories and their formal and substantive connection with the problems and methods of theoretical research in psychology is carried out. The paper shows the dialectic of the concept of the Self — both in the objective reality and in the self-consciousness of the individual. The subjectness of the Self is presented as an expression of the social whole and the internal logic of its development. This logic of the whole is the potential basis of the creative ability of the Self. The creativity arises in the contradiction between the universal and the specific, the distinction of which is, according to F.T. Mikhailov, the most difficult problem. But it is precisely in the solution of this problem that the solution to the phenomenon of the Self lies. And thus of freedom as the objective self-determination of man in being and in thinking. The reproduction of the logic of thought of F.T. Mikhailov is carried out by the author in his own synthesis of problems that highlight the main line in understanding the problem of the Self.

Dauksha L.M.

Под нравственным самоопределением понимается процесс ориентации личности в системе нрав-ственных ценностей, а также как осознанный процесс поиска, выбора и создания собственных нрав-ственных эталонов и идеалов, а затем на их основе – принципов, ценностей, норм и правил. Целью исследования является изучение связи социального интеллекта и нравственного самоопределения студентов. Методы. Использовался тест на определение уровней социального интеллекта (Дж. Гилфорд, М. Салливен) в адаптации Е.С. Михайловой, который позволяет изучить познание студентами результатов поведения; познание классов поведения; познание преобразования поведения; познание систем поведения. При помощи методики А.Е. Воробьевой и А.Б. Купрейченко «Нравственное самоопределение личности» измерялись следующие параметры: представления о нравственности, морали; нравственные стратегии; нравственные ориентации личности. Результаты. Выявлено, что познание результатов поведения, классов поведения, познание систем поведения положительно связаны с представлениями исследуемых студентов о высокой значимости нравственности и морали для общества. Чем в большей степени для студентов свойственно познание результатов поведения человека, тем в большей степени они характеризуются представлениями об абсолютности нравственности. Исследуемые респонденты с высоким уровнем познания систем пове-дения человека в большей степени характеризуются представлениями об относительности нравствен-ности. Выявлены положительные корреляции субтеста «познание классов поведения» и показателей по шкале «воздаяние за добро и зло». Наибольшее количество положительных связей нами выявлено между представлениями о нравственности как о силе личности и познанием результатов поведения, познанием классов поведения, познанием преобразования поведения и познанием систем поведения. Выводы. В эмпирическом исследовании установлено, что выраженность социального интеллекта не имеет однозначной связи с нравственным самоопределением студентов. В целом позитивность нравственного самоопределения личности в большей степени является присущей студентам с высоким уровнем социального интеллекта.Ключевые слова: познание результатов поведения, познание классов поведения, познание преобразования поведения, познание систем поведения, представления о нравственности, нравственные стратегии, нравственные ориентации личности. Moral self-determination is understood to be the process of orientation of a personality in the system of moral values, as well as a conscious process of searching, choosing and creating one’s own moral standards and ideals, and then on their basis – principles, values, norms and rules.Purpose. The purpose of the research is to study the interrelation between social intelligence and students’ moral self-determination.Methods. A test was used to determine the levels of social intelligence (J. Guildford, M. Sullivan) in the adaptation of E.S. Mihailova, which allows to study students’ cognition of behavior results; Cognition of behavior classes; Cognition of behavior transformation; cognition of behavioral systems. Using the method of A.E. Vorobyeva and A.B. Kupreychenko “Moral Self-Determination of the Person” the following parameters were measured: ideas about morality, morality; moral strategies moral orientation of the individual.Results. It was found that cognition of the results of behavior, classes of behavior, cognition of the systems of behavior is positively connected with the ideas of the students studied about the high importance of morality and morality for society. The more students are ingested by learning the results of human behavior, the more they are characterized by notions of the absoluteness of morality. Respondents studied with a high level of knowledge of human behavior systems are more likely to have ideas about the relativity of morality. Positive correlations of subtest “cognition of classes of behaviour” and indicators on the scale of “retribution for good and evil” have been revealed. The greatest number of positive relationships we have identified between the ideas of morality as the power of the individual and the cognition of the results of behavior, cognition of classes of behavior, cognition of the transformation of behavior and cognition of behavior systems.Conclusions. In the empirical research it is established that the expression of social intellect has no unambiguous connection with moral self-determination of students. In general, the positivity of moral self-determination of a person is more inherent in students with a high level of social intellect.Key words: сognition of the results of behaviour, сognition of behavior classes, сognition of behavior transformation, сognition of behavioral systems, ideas about morality, moral strategies moral orientation of the individual.

ICL Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-105
Markku Suksi

Abstract New Caledonia is a colonial territory of France. Since the adoption of the Nouméa Accord in 1998, a period of transition towards the exercise of self-determination has been going on. New Caledonia is currently a strong autonomy, well entrenched in the legal order of France from 1999 on. The legislative powers have been distributed between the Congress of New Caledonia and the Parliament of France on the basis of a double enumeration of legislative powers, an arrangement that has given New Caledonia control over many material fields of self-determination. At the same time as this autonomy has been well embedded in the constitutional fabric of France. The Nouméa Accord was constitutionalized in the provisions of the Constitution of France and also in an Institutional Act. This normative framework created a multi-layered electorate that has presented several challenges to the autonomy arrangement and the procedure of self-determination, but the European Court of Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Committee have resolved the issues regarding the right to vote in manners that take into account the local circumstances and the fact that the aim of the legislation is to facilitate the self-determination of the colonized people, the indigenous Kanak people. The self-determination process consists potentially of a series of referendums, the first of which was held in 2018 and the second one in 2020. In both referendums, those entitled to vote returned a No-vote to the question of ‘Do you want New Caledonia to attain full sovereignty and become independent?’ A third referendum is to be expected before October 2022, and if that one also results in a no to independence, a further process of negotiations starts, with the potential of a fourth referendum that will decide the mode of self-determination New Caledonia will opt for, independence or autonomy.

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