scholarly journals IoT based fluid management automation system using Raspberry Pi and ultrasonic sensors

Ayesha Urooj ◽  
Sallar Khan ◽  
Sana Shafiq ◽  
Bilal Ahmed ◽  
Abdul Basit ◽  
Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 3784
Cristina Stolojescu-Crisan ◽  
Calin Crisan ◽  
Bogdan-Petru Butunoi

Home automation has achieved a lot of popularity in recent years, as day-to-day life is getting simpler due to the rapid growth of technology. Almost everything has become digitalized and automatic. In this paper, a system for interconnecting sensors, actuators, and other data sources with the purpose of multiple home automations is proposed. The system is called qToggle and works by leveraging the power of a flexible and powerful Application Programming Interface (API), which represents the foundation of a simple and common communication scheme. The devices used by qToggle are usually sensors or actuators with an upstream network connection implementing the qToggle API. Most devices used by qToggle are based on ESP8266/ESP8285 chips and/or on Raspberry Pi boards. A smartphone application has been developed that allows users to control a series of home appliances and sensors. The qToggle system is user friendly, flexible, and can be further developed by using different devices and add-ons.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-66
Aditya Mirza Bahari ◽  
Nenny Anggraini ◽  
Siti Ummi Masruroh

ABSTRAK Cody App Academy adalah sebuah tempat kursus berbasis teknologi di Bintaro, Jakarta Selatan. Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan penulis, Cody masih menerapkan cara manual untuk menyalakan dan mematikan listrik. Selain itu, hasil dari wawancara oleh pengelola Cody, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hal ini berdampak terhadap efisiensi penggunaan arus listrik yang ada di Cody, yang berkaitan langsung dengan besar atau kecilnya tagihan listrik yang harus dibayarkan oleh pengelola Cody. Maka penulis mengusulkan sebuah solusi berupa prototipe Sistem Pengendali Ruangan dengan teknologi motion berbasis mobile web yang merupakan aplikasi yang dapat merubah sistem manual menjadi sebuah sistem home automation. Aplikasi ini akan secara otomatis mematikan arus listrik ketika ruangan sedang kosong, dilihat dari tidak terdeteksinya gerakan dalam rentang waktu lebih dari 10 menit. Metode pengumpulan data yang yang penulis gunakan adalah pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder yang terdiri dari observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur sejenis. Sedangkan untuk metode pengembangan aplikasi adalah prototipe evolusioner dengan 4 tahap yang mencakup analisis kebutuhan pengguna, membuat satu prototipe. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah  penerapan home automation yang berupa Sistem Pengendali Ruangan dengan teknologi motion  selama jangka waktu 2 bulan berbasis mobile web terbukti membuat penggunaan listrik di Cody lebih efisien berdasarkan perbandingan tagihan listrik sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan sistem yang penulis usulkan. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari perubahan signifikan pada biaya listrik yang harus dibayarkan Cody per bulan yakni sejumlah 20% lebih efisien dibandingkan tanpa menggunkan sistem yang penulis usulkan.   ABSTRACT Cody App Academy is a technology-based course place in Bintaro, South Jakarta. Based on observations made by the author, Cody is still applying the manual way to turn on and turn off the electricity. In addition, the results of interviews by Cody's managers, it can be concluded that this impacts on the efficiency of the use of electric current in Cody, which is directly related to the large or small bill of electricity that must be paid by the manager of Cody. So the author proposed a solution in the form of prototype Space Control System with motion technology based mobile web which is an application that can change the manual system into a home automation system. This application will automatically turn off the power when the room is empty, judging from the detection of movement in the span of more than 10 minutes. Data collection methods that the author uses is the collection of primary and secondary data consisting of observations, interviews and studies of similar literature. The method of application development is an evolutionary prototype with 4 stages that includes user needs analysis, making a prototype. The result of this research is the implementation of home automation in the form of Room Control System with motion technology for 2 months based on mobile web proved to cause the use of electricity in Cody more efficient based on the ratio of electric bill before and after using the system that the author proposed. This can be seen from the significant change in the cost of electricity that Cody has to pay per month which is 20% more efficient than without using the proposed system. How To Cite : Bahari, A.M. Anggraini, N. Masruroh, S.U. (2018). SISTEM OTOMASI RUANGAN DENGAN RASPBERRY PI BERBASIS MOBILE WEB STUDI KASUS: (LEMBAGA KURSUS CODY APP ACADEMY). Jurnal Teknik Informatika, 11(1), 55-66.  doi 10.15408/jti.v11i1.6261 Permalink/DOI: 

Xuejun Tian ◽  
Haowen Feng ◽  
Jieyan Chen

Aiming at the detection and tracking of moving targets in industrial automation system, a dynamic target tracking algorithm based on HAAR and CAMSHIFT is proposed. A cascade HAAR classifier is designed and trained for tracking targets. CAMSHIFT algorithm is used to track and detect moving targets quickly. The system is tested on Raspberry Pi embedded platform. The results show that the algorithm can detect the target correctly and track the target effectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 216
Vikash Yadav ◽  
Deepak Kumar Mishra ◽  
Prathmesh Singh ◽  
Priytosh Kumar Tripathi

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 5294-5300 ◽  

Country’s economy depend on well-maintained roads as they are major means of transportation. It becomes essential to identify pothole and humps in order to avoid accidents and damages to the vehicles that is caused because of distress to drivers and also to save fuel consumption. In this regard, this work presents a simple solution to detect potholes and humps and hence avoid accidents and help drivers. Potholes are detected using Image Processing Technique and Ultrasonic Sensors are used to detect humps. Controlling device used is Raspberry Pi. The system acquires the geographical position of potholes using Wi-Fi and transmits it to authorities to take corrective measures

H. H. Qasim ◽  
A. E. Hamza ◽  
H. H. Ibrahim ◽  
H. A. Saeed ◽  
M. I. Hamzah

The dramatic advancments on communication and networking technologies have led to the emergence of Internet-of-Things (IoT). IoT technology has opened the door for various applications. In particular, the home automation was one of the common applications that took the advantage of IoT. Several research efforts have addressed the home automation system using IoT covering wide range of functionalities. One of the concerning tasks is providing a secure system that can give alarms for suspicious activities within the house. This paper presents a secure house system based on IoT where several activities are being sensed and detected. Specifically, gas, humidity, body temperature and motion have been considered within the sensing based on two main types of micro-controller including Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Consequentially, an Android prototype has bene developed in order to give an interactive interface for warning the house owner regarding any suscpicious activities. Results of simulation demonstrated the efficancy of the proposed system

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 191
Sujarwata Sujarwata

<div style="text-align: justify;">This study aims to design a robot car that can follow the line and can avoid obstacles if it detects objects. The movement of the robot car is equipped with light sensor (LDR) and ultrasonic as its navigation system. Automation system navigation settings using BS2SX Basic Stamp microcontroller hardware, while the software with Pbasic programming language. The program is written on the Basic Stamp Editor already installed on the PC, then downloaded to EEPROM. Ultrasonic sensors are utilized as a detection of obstacles and light sensor sensors (LDR) as a tracked line detector. The robot will follow the designed line, if there are obstacles in front of it the robot will avoid and run back if the ultrasonic sensor does not detect obstacles in front of it. With the PWM signal input setting (Pulse Width Modulation) from the microcontroller, the robot car can walk straight, turn and will avoid when detecting obstacles. ©2017 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved</div>

2020 ◽  
Muhammad Azmi Rafly

Iklim yang cenderung sulit untuk diprediksi secara langsung membuat para petani sulit memenuhi kuantitas, kualitas dan kontinuitas produksi sehingga belum terealisasi dengan baik atau optimal. Greenhouse merupakan sebuah bangunan kontruksi yang berfungsi untuk menghindari atau memanipulasi kondisi lingkungan agar tercipta kondisi lingkungan yang dikehendaki dalam pemeliharaan tanaman. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) untuk membantu proses perawatan pada tanaman di dalam greenhouse, padahal dengan menggunakan Internet of Things dapat mempermudah petani dalam hal monitoring dan controlling. Monitoring yang dimaksudkan antara lain keadaan udara, air, dan tanah yang ada di dalam ruangan hingga mengontrol nyala lampu UV untuk menggantikan matahari.

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