scholarly journals Nikolai Sergeevich Korotkov - Russian surgeon, pioneer of modern vascular surgery (to the 145th of birthday)

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-83
Alex Alexeevich Andreev ◽  
Anton Petrovich Ostroushko

N.S. Korotkov was born in 1874 in the city of Kursk. In 1893, after graduating from high school, he entered the medical faculty of Kharkov University, transferred to the medical faculty of Moscow University, which he graduated in 1898 with a degree in medicine with honors. In 1900, N.S. Korotkov became a supernumerary order of a surgical clinic for a term. Further N.S. Korotkov became a doctor of the sanitary unit of the Iberian Red Cross community. For participation in this trip N.S. Korotkov was granted the right to wear the honorary sign of the Red Cross, and in 1902 he was awarded the Order of St. Anne of the III degree. Nikolai Korotkov again works as a supernumerary, since 1903 - a regular intern at the surgical clinic of Professor A.A. Bobrov, then a supernumerary resident at the surgical clinic of Professor SPPedorov of the Imperial Military Medical Academy.In 1904, in the St. George community of the sisters of mercy of the Red Cross Society, a sanitary squad was formed to be sent to the Russian-Japanese war, NS was appointed as the senior physician. Korotkov. Systematically listening to the vessels in the wounded, the young surgeon discovered five regular phases of changes in sounds during compression of the brachial artery with a Riva-Rocci cuff, which later formed the basis of his proposed method for determining blood pressure (Korotkov method). November 8, 1905 N.S. Korotkov for the first time made a historical report “On the issue of blood pressure research methods”. At the end of 1905, he left Petersburg for his parents in the city of Kursk. In 1908, N.S. Korotkov successfully passes the examinations for the degree of doctor of medicine and leaves for Siberia in the mines of the Lena gold mining association for the position of doctor at the Andreevsky hospital. In 1910, N.S. Korotkov defends his doctoral thesis on the topic: "The experience of determining the strength of arterial collaterals." Since 1914, N.S. Korotkov worked as a senior physician at the Petersburg Clinical Hospital. Peter the Great, and with the outbreak of World War I, a surgeon in the Charity House for Wounded Soldiers in Tsarskoe Selo. After the Great October Revolution until the death of N.S. Korotkov served as chief physician at the Mechnikovsky hospital in Petrograd. Nikolai Sergeevich died on March 14, 1920 and was buried in the Theological Cemetery of St. Petersburg. The exact burial place of N.S. Korotkova has not been established, in 2011 a cenotaph was installed on the site of the Military Medical Academy. The Korotkov method was the only official non-invasive blood pressure measurement method approved by WHO in 1935. In honor of N.S. Korotkova is named the street in St. Petersburg, the city hospital of Kursk, the Memorial Society in St. Petersburg.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 154-162
Elnur Ağayev ◽  
Constantin Rusanov

«WHITE RUSSIAN» DOCTORS IN CYPRUS: THE FATE OF SIX GRADUATES OF KHARKOV IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY (PART II)Ağayev E., Rusanov C. The article discusses the fate of physicians who graduated the medical faculty of Kharkov University before 1917 and immigrated to Cyprus in 1920. For three of them the island became the second home. Apart from Pavel Smitten (we described his biography in the first part of the article), physicians Mark Freiman and Boris Vroblevskiy decided to live and work in Cyprus. The former had medical practice there, though in Kharkov he was engaged in real estate and became famous due to excavations of the city catacombs. Vroblevskiy worked in hospitals, supervised by Smitten, and after the death of the latter independently, until 1956.Three of the physicians were unable to find work in Cyprus, and in 1922 the British authority moved them from the refugee camps to Balcans. Sergey Kozentsov served as a surgeon in Kharkov Red Cross hospital for many years. Mkrtych Arevshatiants before immigrating worked in Tiflis City hospital; Alexey Ivanov served as a country doctor in Ukraine. After the departure from Cyprus Kozentsov lived in Dubrovnik, where he died in 1942. There is no information on the fate of the other two doctors who left Cyprus.Keywords: Alexey Ivanov; Boris Vroblevskiy; Cyprus; graduates of medical faculty; Kharkov University; Mark Freiman; Mkrtych Avevshatiants; physicians; Sergey Kozentsov; White emigration.«БЕЛЫЕ РУССКИЕ» ВРАЧИ НА КИПРЕ: СУДЬБЫ ШЕСТИ ВЫПУСКНИКОВ ИМПЕРАТОРСКОГО ХАРЬКОВСКОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА (ЧАСТЬ II)Агаев Э. , Русанов К. В статье рассказано о судьбах врачах, окончивших до 1917 г. медицинский факультет Харьковского университета и эмигрировавших в 1920 г. на Кипр. Для трех из них остров стал вторым домом. Кроме Павла Смиттена (речь о котором шла в первой части статьи), на Кипре остались жить и работать врачи Марк Фрейман и Борис Вроблевский. Первый содержал медицинскую практику, хотя в Харькове занимался бизнесом в сфере недвижимости и получил известность раскопками городских подземелий. Вроблевский работал в больницах, которыми руководил Смиттен, а после смерти последнего – и самостоятельно, вплоть до 1956 г.Три врача не смогли найти работу на Кипре, и в 1922 г. британские власти переселили их из лагерей беженцев на Балканы. Сергей Козенцов много лет служил в Харькове хирургом лечебницы Красного Креста. Мкртыч Аревшатьянц до эмиграции работал в Тифлисской городской больнице; Алексей Иванов служил земским врачом в Украине. После отъезда с Кипра Козенцов жил в Дубровнике, где и умер в 1942 г. О судьбе двух других врачей, уехавших с Кипра, нет информации.Ключевые слова: Алексей Иванов; белая эмиграция; Борис Вроблевский; врачи; выпускники медицинского факультета; Кипр; Марк Фрейман, Мкртыч Аревшатьянц; Сергей Козенцов; Харьковский университет.«БIЛI РОСIЙСЬКI» ЛIКАРI НА КIПРI: ДОЛI ШЕСТИ ВИПУСКНИКIВ IМПЕРАТОРСЬКОГО ХАРКIВСЬКОГО УНIВЕРСИТЕТУ (ЧАСТИНА II)Агаєв Е. , Русанов К. Описані долі лікарів, які закінчили до 1917 р. медичний факультет Харківського університету і емігрували в 1920 р. на Кіпр. Для трьох з них острів став другим домом. Крім Павла Смiттена (про якого йшлося в першій частині статті), на Кіпрі залишилися жити і працювати лікарі Марк Фрейман і Борис Вроблевський. Перший мав медичну практику, хоча в Харкові займався бізнесом у сфері нерухомості та здобув популярність розкопками міських підземель. Вроблевський працював у лікарнях, якими керував Смiттен, а після смерті останнього – і самостійно, аж до 1956 р.Три лікарі не змогли знайти роботу на Кіпрі, і в 1922 р. британська влада переселила їх з таборів біженців на Балкани. Сергій Козенцов багато років служив у Харкові хірургом лікарні Червоного Хреста. Мкртич Аревшат’янц до еміграції працював у Тифліській міської лікарні; Олексій Іванов служив земським лікарем в Україні. Після від'їзду з Кіпру Козенцов жив в Дубровнику, де і помер в 1942 р. Про долю двох інших лікарів, які виїхали з Кіпру, немає інформаціїКлючовi слова: бiла емiграцiя; Борис Вроблевський; випускники медичного факультету; Кiпр; лiкарi; Марк Фрейман; Мкртич Аревшат’янц; Олексiй Iванов; Сергiй Козенцов; Харкiвський унiверситет.

2016 ◽  
Vol 97 (5) ◽  
pp. 755-763
V A Reshetnikov ◽  
V V Kozlov ◽  
V V Royuk ◽  
N O Sokolov

Aim. To develop medical and organizational measures to optimize the early diagnosis and prevention of hypertension complications.Methods. A study of the hypertension incidence in population of Krasnogorsk city based on the analysis of report forms was performed. A questionnaire survey of 400 office workers of working age for the presence of high blood pressure was conducted.Results. It was found that, despite the downward trend in the prevalence and incidence of hypertension in population served by Krasnogorsk City Hospital №1, as well as the decrease in the relative frequency of hospital admissions of patients with hypertension in 2011-2015, mortality due to hypertension-related causes does not decrease. The results of the survey and blood pressure measurement in 400 office workers of working age have shown that only 30.8% of respondents regularly monitor the blood pressure, and women 3.5 times more often than men. In 14.5% of examined persons, who claimed that they have no high blood pressure, unstable blood pressure, in 19.1% - high blood pressure is detected.Conclusion. As an important measure for the early detection and correction of hypertension, the organization of units for measuring blood pressure at workplaces in organizations and institutions should be considered. Heads of organizations and institutions, in agreement and cooperation with the healthcare authorities, are recommended to organize units for measuring blood pressure at the personnel workplace and purchase devices for measuring blood pressure. Local healthcare authorities should organize trainings of the institutions personnel on self-measured blood pressure monitoring by means of collective actions involving volunteer health professionals in health centers, and in organizations and institutions, if possible.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 41-46
Temuri Sh. Morgoshiia

The main milestones of the life and creativity of Professor S.R. Mirotvortsev are described in the article. Little-known facts from the professor's biography are noted. He was rewarded with two gold medals for his students' works: “Vessels and nerves of sinews of the human foot” (with his student V.P. Vorobyov) and “Dislocations of bones of the wrist.” Notably, during the Russian-Japanese war, S.R. Mirotvortsev spent 11 months in the besieged Port Arthur and remained with the wounded who were taken prisoner by the Japanese there. From 1905 to 1914, S.R. Mirotvortsev worked in the Military Medical Academy (Saint Petersburg), initially under the leadership of Professor S.P. Fedorov and then as assistant for Professor V.A. Oppel. From 1914 until the end of his life, S.R. Mirotvortsev worked in Saratov, in the Department of General Surgery; beginning in 1920, he was a member of the fa­culty of the surgical clinic. From 1922 to 1928, S.R. Mirotvortsev was the rector of Saratov University. In the period of the Great Patriotic War, he was the chief surgeon of Saratov and the Saratov region. S.R. Mirotvortsev published approximately 150 scientific works regarding questions of clinical and field surgery. In 1908, he demonstrated the first transplantation of ureters in the rectum and defended a doctoral dissertation (1909) on this subject. Broad popularity was gained by his work regarding malignant new growths, particularly sarcomas of tubular bones. S.R. Mirotvortsev developed methods of unilateral closure of the large intestine, determined the plasticity of the sealing gland of the meninx, and processed burn wounds with potassium permanganate solution. S.R. Mirotvortsev suggested the use of the hemostatic properties of catgut for local cessation of bleeding from parenchymatous bodies and channels within the meninx. His numerous works on field surgery provided statistical analysis of 180 000 cases involving gunshot wounds; these were especially valuable during World War I (1914–1918). Notably, the Department of Faculty Surgery of the Saratov Medical Institute, as well as a street in Saratov, carries the name of S.R. Mirotvortsev. He was awarded the Labour Red Banner, the Red Star, and numerous medals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 39-47
Tetiana Borodina

The article examines a still unexplored issue of collective help to Jews during the Holocaust in Kremenchuk. Based on theoretical developments in Holocaust studies, it attempts to investigate the phenomenon of collective help to Jews in the context of the genocidal process unfolding in the city and the vicissitudes of the war in the region. Therefore, the author considers the process of changes in the “solution of the Jewish question” at the time of the Wehrmacht’s entry into Kremenchuk, as well as the dynamics of the Holocaust in the city. The author outlines the definition of “collective help” and offers its analysis through the prism of the activities of both non-Jews and Jews. In this regard, the article analyzes possible ways to obtain information by the local population about the genocide of Jews, as early awareness of the situation could provide more opportunities for action. The author reviewed the available historiographical works on the topic of helping Jews during the Holocaust, collected and systematized the available mentions of assistance to Jews in Kremenchuk, which can be qualified as acts of collective help, and described the specifics of the source base. For the first time, the article considers the actions of Synytsia-Verkhovsky, the first mayor of Kremenchuk under Nazi rule, and underground fighters from the organization “Patriot of the Motherland” under the leadership of Taras Zhvania as acts of collective aid. The article outlines what types of collective help were provided to Jews during the Holocaust in Kremenchuk. In addition, it assumes that during the collective assistance of the members of the organization “Patriot of the Motherland” infrastructural cooperation was established (the First City Hospital, the Red Cross, apartments of members of the underground organization). In this way, the author seeks to complement the historiographical contributions that have discussed help to the Jews of Kremenchuk very briefly and only from the viewpoint of individual acts.

1988 ◽  
Vol 52 (9) ◽  
pp. 519-521
NK Nordstrom ◽  
S Longenecker ◽  
HL Whitacre ◽  
FM Beck

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 33-44
N.L.G. Sudaryati ◽  
I P. Sudiartawan ◽  
Dwi Mertha Adnyana

The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of giving hydrotherapi foot soak in hypertensive patients. The study was conducted with one group pretestposttest design without a control group by measuring blood pressure (pretest) before being given an intervention in the form of foot soak hydrotherm against 15 people with hypertension in Banjar Sri Mandala, Dauhwaru Village, Jembrana Subregency. Then do the blood pressure measurement again (posttest) after finishing the intervention. After the study was completed, the results showed that before the hydrotherapi foot bath intervention, there were 0% of patients classified as normal, 13.32% in prehypertension category, 60.08% in hypertension category I and 26.60% in hypertension category II. After the intervention was given, there were 13.32% of the patients classified as normal, 66.68% in the prehypertension category, 20.00% in the first category of hypertension and no patients belonging to the second grade hypertension category. There is a decrease of 20-30 mmHg for systolic blood pressure and 0-10 mmHg for diastolic blood pressure after intervention. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the hydrotherapi foot bath is effectively used to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients in the Banjar Sri Mandala, Dauhwaru Village, Jembrana District.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 206-214
Putri Indes Oktabriani ◽  
Fuad Ughi ◽  
Aulia Arif Iskandar

The continuous blood pressure measurement research is widely known for helpingthe development of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring where it measures blood pressureevery 15 to 30 minutes throughout the day. The cuff is a problem for the patient withAmbulatory Blood Pressure Monitor. It can make a person feel uncomfortable and must staystill when the cuff starts to inflate. It is limiting and disturbing their daily activity when thedevice is starting to measure the blood pressure. Blood pressure measurement without cuff isbeing proposed in this research, called cuff-less blood pressure measurement. It will be based onPhotoplethysmography (PPG) and Electrocardiography (ECG) signal analysis. ECG (Lead 1,Lead 2, and Lead 3) with PPG signal produced from index finger on the left hand are comparedand analyzed. Then the relation of PPG and ECG signal and the optimum location for daily usecan be obtained. The optimum location will be based on the electrode’s position that producedthe optimum ECG lead Signal to measure blood pressure. Based on the result, PPG and ECGsignal have a linear relation with Blood Pressure Measurement and Lead 1 is more stable inproducing the ECG signal. The equation from Lead 1 appeared as one of the optimum equationsfor measuring Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) or Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP).

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