scholarly journals Policy Evaluation Of Performances Allowance using System Dynamics Approach: Case Study Of Indonesia Navy

Sukmo H. Nugroho ◽  
Kazan Gunawan ◽  
R. .Madhakomala

Indonesia Navy (TNI-AL) has implemented a policy in the field of performance management to improve the professionalism of soldiers with the provision of performance allowance. Performance allowances (remuneration) are expected to improve the performance of personnel that will have an effect on improving organizational performance. However, this policy at the level of application still appears some potential problems. Nowadays, the policy has not given a significant influence on the performance, productivity and improvement of the personnel welfare of TNI AL. The provision of performance allowance is not based on achievement, weight and level of work risk on each personnel. The aim of this paper is giving analysis, studies, and research about how the application of remuneration allowance policy of Navy personnel and an impact on performance, soldiers welfare, and public services. This research uses system dynamics (SD) approach to answer a research problem. The result of paper was given analysis that professionalism aspect has weight 7,02; Soldier income aspect has weight 6,73; soldier capability aspect has weight 7,71. The final result showed that public service aspect has weight 4,88; Navy workload aspect has weight 7,18; Job risk aspect has weight 5,12. The final result showed that soldier welfare aspect has weight 6,75; Performance allowance aspect has weight 6,54; social status aspect has weight 6,11

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Manzurul Alam ◽  
Megan Paull ◽  
Anne Peachey ◽  
David Holloway ◽  
John Griffiths

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how performance management systems in nonprofit organizations are influenced by their funding sources. It explains how resources motivate organizations to diversify their strategies with attended performance management systems. Design/methodology/approach It adopts a qualitative case study approach involving semi-structured interviews with key informants in a nonprofit organization to understand the evolving nature of performance management systems associated with different funding sources. Findings The findings suggest that the case study organization changed its revenue base along with its performance management systems to satisfy the reporting and accountability requirements of different funding sources. Despite external funding sources detailing different restrictions and requirements, the overall performance management system was able to manage these different expectations. Research limitations/implications This study is based on a single case study, and its findings need to be interpreted with care, as there are differences between nonprofit organizations because they differ in their environments, services and funding. Originality/value This paper contributes to extant knowledge on how organizational performance management is influenced by funding sources, providing insights at the operational and governance levels.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (22) ◽  
pp. 6435 ◽  
Sardi ◽  

Public organizations need innovative approaches for managing common goods and to explain the dynamics linking the (re)generation of common goods and organizational performance. Although system dynamics is recognised as a useful approach for managing common goods, public organizations rarely adopt the system dynamics for this goal. The paper aims to review the literature on the system dynamics and its recent application, known as dynamic performance management, to highlight the state of the art and future opportunities on the management of common goods. The authors analyzed 144 documents using a systematic literature review. The results obtained outline a fair number of documents, countries and journals involving the study of system dynamics, but do not cover sufficient research on the linking between the (re)generation of common goods and organizational performance. This paper outlines academic and practical contributions. Firstly, it contributes to the theory of common goods. It provides insight for linking the management of common goods and organizational performance through the use of dynamic performance management approach. Furthermore, it shows scholars the main research opportunities. Secondly, it indicates to practitioners the documents providing useful ideas on the adoption of system dynamics for managing common goods.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1036 ◽  
pp. 1072-1076
Cosmin Mihai Nacu ◽  
Silvia Avasilcăi

Using organizational performance management that is validated and used in active companies, this research aims to study business performance management in entrepreneurial frameworks. This study presents a conceptual approach based on some theories founded on the organizational performance management as a process, but adapted to the context of entrepreneurship. It is proposed the conceptual analysis and submitting the verification of the formulated hypotheses. An entrepreneurial framework is defined by some factors such as: entrepreneur, along with his personal and professional characteristics, who is the main actor of the so-called entrepreneurial process; business idea that entrepreneur wants to turn it into profitable business; market opportunity, which demonstrates that the business idea is valid, has novelty and can be fructified and developed; business plan, that needs to be well prepared in a very detailed manner and containing long run strategies; business start-up resources, including time resources allocated to implement the business plan, physical resources, information, financial and human resources; the environment where the business will be active; technology needed to develop the business activity. To study more closely the issue of performance management in entrepreneurial contexts, will be defined entrepreneurial performance management as a process, which can lead to the success rate of a business idea and to the rate of business sustainability. To perform this study it has been proposed a case study where an entrepreneur wants to develop a business in renewable energy, and more specifically, the development of a solar power plant that transforms solar energy into electricity, which then it’s been introduced into the national grid of electricity supply. So in this research will be studied the entire process by which the real business appears and a variant of the case that the solar power plant could be built in Romania and will be proposed a detailed system of performance indicators, specific to the entrepreneurial framework. Using a research methodology based on case study, this research has as a central objective, to define the entrepreneurial performance management through a set of specific performance indicators, which can then be used in practice, by entrepreneurs who want to start a new business in renewable energy.


Laburpena: Goi-zuzendaritza publikoko txandakatze-mailek zerbitzu publikoen kalitateari eragin diezaiokete. Errotazio-mailarekin lotutako antolamendu-jardunaren emaitzek nabarmentzen dute garrantzitsua dela eskualde-testuinguru espezifikoetan zerbitzu publikoa optimizatzen lagunduko duten praktikak identifikatzea; horregatik, azterketaren helburua da identifikatzea eta deskribatzea Kolonbiako, Peruko, Ekuadorreko eta Boliviako jardunbide egokiak goi-zuzendaritza publikoaren errotazio-mailak kudeatzeko. Ikerketa deskribatzailea da, ikuspegi kualitatibokoa, kasuak aztertzeko diseinua barne duena: analisi dokumentala eta metodo organiko-analitikoak erabiltzen dira testuinguru bakoitzeko errealitateak aztertzeko. Emaitzek agerian utzi dute jardunbide egoki gutxi daudela, identifikatzen dituzten ezaugarriekiko hurbiltasun mailaren arabera, hala nola eraginkorrak, berritzaileak, jasangarriak, erreplikagarriak edo moldagarriak diren edo ez. Resumen: Los niveles de rotación en la alta dirección pública pueden afectar adversamente la calidad de los servicios públicos. Los resultados de desempeño organizacionales relacionados con los niveles de rotación destacan la importancia de identificar prácticas que, en contextos regionales específicos, contribuyan a la optimización del servicio público; por ello, el objetivo del estudio es identificar y describir la existencia de buenas prácticas de gestión de los niveles de rotación de la alta dirección pública en Colombia, Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia. La investigación es de tipo descriptiva de enfoque cualitativo, con un diseño de estudio de casos, se utiliza análisis documental y métodos lógico-analíticos para examinar las realidades de cada contexto. Los resultados evidencian una reducida existencia de buenas prácticas, a través de su aproximación con las características que las identifican como efectivas, innovadoras, sostenibles, replicables o adaptables. Abstract: The turnover levels in senior public management can adversely affect the quality of public services. The organizational performance results related to turnover levels highlight the importance of identifying practices that, in specific regional contexts, contribute to the optimization of public service; for this reason, the objective of the study is to identify and describe the existence of good practices management for the turnover levels of senior public management in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. The research is descriptive in qualitative approach, with a case study design, documentary analysis and logical-analytical methods are used to examine the realities of each context. The results show a reduced existence of good practices, through their

2017 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-80 ◽  
Federico Cosenz

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how system dynamics (SD) modelling can provide a methodological support to business model (BM) design with the intent to better communicate business strategy and manage performance. Design/methodology/approach After a literature review of the field and an analysis of the strengths and limitations of conventional BM frameworks, the paper illustrates and discusses an approach that combines such a framework with SD modelling. A single-case study design was selected to explore the implications and limitations of using this combined approach to business modelling. Findings The methodological support provided by SD to BM design may effectively improve business strategy communication and performance management through both the adoption of a systemic and flexible perspective able to identify and analyse the main cause-and-effect relationships between the key-elements of the business strategy, and the use of a simulation technique that contributes in understanding how a firm operates, and its prospective performance over time. Originality/value Growing interest for BMs appears in the recent strategic management literature with research highlighting strengths and shortcomings. However, few attempts have been produced to overcome such limitations, while the adoption of SD is relatively new in supporting BM design.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (4(J)) ◽  
pp. 6-13
Sekar Gopal

This case study describes the problems faced by Muhibbah Engineering (M) Bhd group of companies (Malaysia) due to the poor performance of it’s service departments. This case was identified as a result of declining organizational performance of the company from the starting of year 2011 to early 2013. The main issues are declining profits (losses), delay in completing projects, customer complaints, skill depletion and poor organizational culture in the group besides other associated issues. The data related to the problems &issues are collected through personal discussions with the Project Directors of the company, company’s financial reports, financial research reports related to the company and through company’s website articles. The analysis is done on the inputs based on proven management concepts and theories such as leadership styles, organizational culture, span of control, performance management, human behavior and so on. The steps taken to mitigate the problems and the solutions are identifed through the changes made in the company through strategic interventions. The outcomes of each of the major interventions are recorded in this case study for the readers to understand and experiment them in similar and or different situations as the outcomes are positive and proven to be effective.

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