scholarly journals POLÍTICA DE SAÚDE E ORGANIZAÇÕES SOCIAIS: limites para a consolidação da universalização da saúde no Rio de Janeiro

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 153
Marcelo Augusto do Nascimento Muniz ◽  
Marcio Eduardo Brotto ◽  
Marcio Eduardo Brotto

Historicamente, o debate em torno da política de saúde sempre representou uma das questões mais complexas e contraditórias no âmbito da questão social no Brasil. Neste sentido, podemos afirmar que a saúde é parte e expressão da estrutura macrossocietária e suas interfaces com a ordem capitalista hegemônica. A perspectiva de loteamento das urgências e emergências hospitalares no Rio de Janeiro revela a lógica de subordinação da saúde às relações sociais estabelecidas pela égide neoliberal, suscitando contradições entre público e privado, que colocam em xeque a linguagem pública dos direitos sociais em nome dos ideais mercantilistas. O presente estudo apresenta reflexões que apontam para a consolidação de um modelo de gestão na saúde, que privilegia a perspectiva privatizante dos serviços, fortalecendo a lógica de desconstrução do modelo de atendimento enquanto sistema único, além de incidir diretamente no direito de cidadania, provocando fraturas profundas no processo de construção da política de saúde. Palavras-chave: Saúde, Organizações sociais, Cidadania.HEALTH POLICY AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS: limits for the consolidation of universal health in Rio de Janeiro Abstract: Historically, the debate over health policy has always represented one of the most complex and contradictory issues in the social question in Brazil. In this sense, we can say that health is part and expression of corporate structure and its interfaces with the hegemonic capitalist order. The prospect of allotment emergency rooms and hospital emergencies in Rio de Janeiro reveals the health subordination of logic to social relations established by neoliberal auspices, raising contradictions between public and private, which call into question the public language of social rights in the name of mercantilist ideals. This study presents reflections related to the consolidation of a health management model, which focuses on privatization perspective of services, strengthening the deconstruction of logic of the service model as a single system, and focus directly to the right of citizenship, causing deep fractures in the process of construction of a health policy. Key words: Health, Social organizations, Citizenship.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 56

The paper states the necessity to implement a new model of management in the health sector, based on a new concept, of synergetic satisfaction having an institutional relation between patient and medical entity in its centre.The present doctoral research finds its roots in the interdisciplinary approach linked to Health industry and market, as profitable businesses. The purpose encounters the anchor into a new concept, of synergetic satisfaction having the patient in its centre. The measurement centre resides in the societal performances’ rules linked to the real needs of a health status afterthought. Several constituents of the classical healthcare principles receive, exquisitely, shaped clarifications under the state, public and private health of public recognition. As the principles of humanism depict the governments’ obligation to guarantee their citizens fundamental rights to access health services, the international dimension of activities seed new designed health objectives. Hence the research maps a new model sustaining that the health management systems, differently recognized, can assume regular nudgers to better drive the understanding of the reality, close to financial interests and realistic resources. The implementation of the innovative and realistic reform would diminish the national burden, make people embrace the responsibility of active citizenship letting them to get involved in any process that protect the right development of a country and its citizens, far from partisan interests, only for their own future and comfort in life.

José Jerez Iglesias

La cuestión de la gestión sanitaria en España planteainterrogantes sobre cómo abordar las causas que inciden en sussíntomas de falta de sostenibilidad y como resolver sus ineficienciasmás significativas, es decir, cómo encontrar modelos más eficientesde gestión de las prestaciones sanitarias para hacer sostenible el derechoa la prestación sanitaria de los ciudadanos.Se propone una reforma del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS)con un modelo alternativo de financiación y provisión de las prestacionessanitarias, basado en los principios de competencia, eficacia,eficiencia y libre elección de los asegurados entre centros concertadospúblicos y privados.The issue of health management in Spain raises questionsabout how to address the causes that affect its symptoms oflack of sustainability and how to solve its most significant inefficiencies,that is, how to find more efficient models of health benefitsmanagement to make sustainable the right to health care for citizens.A reform of the National Health System is proposed with an alternativemodel of financing and provision of health benefits, basedon the principles of competence, effectiveness, efficiency and freechoice of insured persons between public and private contractedcenters.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 377
Antônio Álvaro Soares Zuin ◽  
Luiz Roberto Gomes

In today’s society of the spectacle, the screens are present in all spheres of public and private spaces, in such a way that it becomes possible to characterize the current society as the Media Age. This omnipresence of screens in all social relations determines unprecedented transformations in both the objective and the subjective dimensions. It is no coincidence that it is possible to identify signs of addictive behaviour in relation to audio-visual stimuli continuously produced and consumed through electronic gadgets, with emphasis on the ubiquitous presence of mobile devices. Following this line of reasoning, it becomes increasingly common to intensify anxiety, if someone separates from their cell phone for example. Given this context, the main objective of this article is to reflect critically on the metamorphoses in the subjective dimension present in the so-called Media Age. In order to do so, we will present considerations about the transformations related to the concept of cultural industry in the era of the microelectronic revolution, as well as the analysis of the changes in subjectivity resulting from the reconfiguration of the public and private spheres in times of hegemony of digital technologies.ResumoNa atual sociedade do espetáculo, as telas estão presentes em todas as esferas dos espaços público e privado, de tal maneira que se torna possível caracterizar a sociedade hodierna como a da Idade Mídia. Esta onipresença das telas em todas as relações sociais determina transformações inéditas tanto na dimensão objetiva, quanto na subjetiva. Não por acaso, já é possível identifcar sinais de comportamento de vício em relação aos estímulos audiovisuais continuamente produzidos e consumidos por meio dos gadgets eletrônicos, com destaque para a presença ubíqua dos aparelhos celulares. Seguindo esta linha de raciocínio torna-se cada vez mais comum o recrudescimento da ansiedade, caso alguém se separe de seu celular, por exemplo. Diante de tal contexto, os autores deste artigo têm, como principal objetivo, refletir criticamente sobre as metamorfoses na dimensão subjetiva presentes na chamada Idade Mídia. Para tanto, serão apresentadas considerações sobre as transformações no conceito de indústria cultural na era da revolução microeletrônica, bem como a análise das modifcações na subjetividade decorrentes da reconfiguração das esferas pública e privada em tempos de hegemonia das tecnologias digitais.Keywords: Subjectivity, Media Age, Cultural Industry, Microelectronic Revolution.Palavras-chave: Subjetividade, Idade Mídia, Indústria Cultural, Revolução Microeletrônica.ReferencesADORNO, Theodor W. Educação e emancipação. Trad. Wolfgang Leo Maar. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1995.ADORNO, Theodor W. “A indústria cultural”. In: COHN, Gabriel (Org.), Theodor W. Adorno, coleção grandes cientistas sociais, São Paulo: editora Ática, 1994a.ADORNO, Theodor W. “Sobre música popular”. In: COHN, Gabriel (Org.), Theodor W. Adorno, coleção grandes cientistas sociais, São Paulo: editora Ática, 1994b.ADORNO, Theodor W. Minima Moralia: reflexões a partir da vida danificada. Trad. Luiz Eduardo Bicca. São Paulo: Ática, 1993.ADORNO, Theodor W.; HORKHEIMER, Max. Dialética do esclarecimento: fragmentos filosóficos. Tradução de Guido Antonio de Almeida. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar editor, 1986.ARENDT, Hannah. A condição humana. Trad. Roberto Raposo. Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária, 2017.CABOT, Mateu; LASTÓRIA, Luiz A. C. N.; ZUIN, Antônio, A. S. (Coords.). Tecnologia, violência, memória: diagnósticos críticos de la cultura contemporánea. Barcelona: Anthropos; México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalana, 2018. 270p.DARDOT, Pierre; LAVAL, Christian. Comum: ensaio sobre a revolução no século XXI. Trad. Mariana Echalar. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2017.HABERMAS, Jürgen. Entre naturalismo y religião. Madrid: Technos, 2005.HABERMAS, Jürgen. Direito e democracia: entre facticidade e validade. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro, 2003. 2 v. 2003a – volume 1 e 2003b – volume 2.HABERMAS, Jürgen. Mudança estrutural da esfera pública: investigações quanto a uma categoria da sociedade burguesa. Trad. Flávio R. Kothe. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro, 1984.HABERMAS, Jürgen. Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns - Band 1 und 2. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1981.HABERMAS, Jürgen. Técnica e ciência como ideologia. Trad. Artur Morão. Lisboa: Edições 70, 1968.HABERMAS, Jürgen. Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit. Neuwied und Berlin: Hermann Luchterhand Verlag, 1962.HEW, Khe F. Students’ and teachers’ use of Facebook, Computers in Human Behaviour, 27, 662-676, 2011.HORKHEIMER, Max. Teoria tradicional e teoria crítica. Coleção os Pensadores. São Paulo: Editora Abril, 1987.HORKHEIMER, Max; ADORNO, Theodor W. Dialética do esclarecimento. Rio de Janeiro. Jorge Zahar, 1985.KANT, Immanuel. Resposta à pergunta: que é esclarecimento? In: Textos seletos. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1985.LUHMANN, Niklas. Soziale Systeme: Grundriss einer allgemeinen Theorie. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1994.MARTINS, Sandra Olades. A esfera pública: dos salões à rede virtual. In: BORGES, Bento Itamar; GOMES, Luiz Roberto; JESUS, Osvaldo Freitas de (Orgs.) Direito e democracia em Habermas: pressupostos e temas em debate. São Paulo: Xamã, 2010.MAZER, Joseph P.; MURPHY, Richard E.; SIMONDS, Cheri J. I will see you on “Facebook”: The effects of computer-mediated teacher self-disclosure on student motivation, affective learning, and classroom climate, Communication Education, 56 (1), 1-17, 2007.McLUHAN, Marshall. Os meios de comunicação como extensão do homem. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1969.NOBRE, Marcos. A teoria crítica. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2004.TÜRCKE, Christoph. Erregte Gesellshaft: Philosophie der Sensation, München: C.H. Beck Verlag, 2002. TÜRCKE, Christoph. Sociedade excitada: filosofia da sensação. Tradução de Antônio Zuin, Fabio Durão, Francisco Fontanella e Mario Frungillo. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 2010.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 73
Kelly Russo ◽  
Edson Araújo Diniz

This article aims to discuss the access and permanence of indigenous students in higher education, based on a field work conducted with young people of different ethnicities, university students from public and private institutions in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Through a work of historical revision on the right to education of the indigenous populations in the country, the analysis of documents and interviews conducted to students, we verified the need to improve the entry process and the conditions of permanence of these students, executing and making feasible an expansion of public affirmative action policies aimed at the inclusion of indigenous populations in higher education in the state of Rio de Janeiro. 

elni Review ◽  
2017 ◽  
pp. 42-48
Aleksandra Aragão ◽  
Ana Celeste Carvalho

The authors of this contribution explain the Portuguese system of actio popularis: according to the authors the most favourable of all with regard to locus standi in environmental matters. They argue that the dichotomy between public and private environmental damage underlying the construction of the right of access to justice is not an accurate representation of the real life social relations concerning the environment. This is where the concept of diffuse interests, adopted in Portuguese constitutional law comes in.

Mariіa Konstantinovna Kulava

Within the presented article, taking into account already existing achievements of scientists, the concept, the main features of the principles of state administration of the executive system of Ukraine are defined. The principles of activity of executive bodies bodies according to the current legislation of Ukraine are determined. A brief description of the principles is presented, namely: the rule of law, legality, compulsory, independence, justice, impartiality and objectivity, discretion, transparency and openness of executive proceedings and its fixation by technical means, the reasonableness of the time limits for enforcement proceedings, the proportionality of enforcement measures and the amount of claims for decisions, the right to appeal decisions, actions or omissions of state executives, private performers. It is established that in general the principles of executive proceedings in the investigated normative acts are duplicated, in addition to the principles of independence and the right to appeal decisions, actions or inaction of state executives, private performers. The actual vision of the principles of public administration of the executive system of Ukraine is determined. The opinion on the need to supplement the list of principles with the following: the principle of equal competition between state and private performers through the balance between them; the principle of responsibility of the executive system bodies, their officials and private executors for damage caused as a result of violations of regulatory requirements; the principle of introducing effective incentives for voluntary implementation of decisions; the principle of professionalism and competence. Also, within the submitted article, it is stated that the use of the terms “principles” and “principles” in the Laws of Ukraine “On Bodies and Officials Performing Enforcement of Court Decisions and Decisions of Other Bodies”, “On Enforcement Proceedings”, which are adopted simultaneously and regulated, are unjustified, identical social relations.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 7 (14) ◽  
Márcio Piñon de Oliveira

A utopia do direito à cidade,  no  caso específico do Rio de Janeiro, começa, obrigatoriamente, pela  superação da visão dicotômica favela-cidade. Para isso, é preciso que os moradores da favela possam sentir-se tão cidadãos quanto os que têm moradias fora das favelas. A utopia do direito à cidade tem de levar a favela a própria utopia da cidade. Uma cidade que não se fragmente em oposições asfalto-favela, norte-sul, praia-subúrbio e onde todos tenham direito ao(s) seu(s) centro(s). Oposições que expressam muito mais do que diferenças de  localização e que  se apresentam recheadas de  segregação, estereótipos e  ideologias. Por outro  lado, o direito a cidade, como possibilidade histórica, não pode ser pensado exclusivamente a partir da  favela. Mas as populações  que aí habitam guardam uma contribuição inestimável para  a  construção prática  desse direito. Isso porque,  das  experiências vividas, emergem aprendizados e frutificam esperanças e soluções. Para que a favela seja pólo de um desejo que impulsione a busca do direito a cidade, é necessário que ela  se  pense como  parte da história da própria cidade  e sua transformação  em metrópole.Abstract The right  to the city's  utopy  specifically  in Rio de Janeiro, begins by surpassing  the dichotomy approach between favela and the city. For this purpose, it is necessary, for the favela dwellers, the feeling of citizens as well as those with home outside the favelas. The right to the city's utopy must bring to the favela  the utopy to the city in itself- a non-fragmented city in terms of oppositions like "asphalt"-favela, north-south, beach-suburb and where everybody has right to their center(s). These oppositions express much more the differences of location and present  themselves full of segregation, stereotypes and ideologies. On  the other  hand, the right to  the city, as historical possibility, can not be thought  just from the favela. People that live there have a contribution for a practical construction of this right. 

Alison Brysk

Chapter 6 concerns denial of women’s right to life . The new frame of “femicide” has dramatically increased attention to gender-based killing in the public and private sphere, and encompasses a spectrum of threats and assaults that culminate in murder. The chapter follows the threats to women’s security through the life cycle, beginning with cases of “gendercide” (sex-selective abortion and infanticide) in India, then moving to honor killings in Turkey and Pakistan. We examine public femicide in Mexico and Central America—with comparison to the disappearance of indigenous women in Canada, as “second-class citizens” in a developed democracy. The chapter continues mapping the panorama of private sphere domestic violence in the semi-liberal gender regimes of China, Russia, Brazil, and the Philippines, along with a range of responses in law, public policy, advocacy, and protest.

Sociology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Peter Kivisto

Conservatism refers to one of the constituent political positions found in all contemporary democracies. It can be construed as a philosophy, an ideology, a political party, a movement, a disposition, a mode of discourse, performance style, and an emotional relationship to the political. Since the birth of modern democracies in the aftermath of the French Revolution, it has become commonplace to describe the range of political options available to the citizenry as occupying a spectrum from left to right, with a range of alternatives between the extreme poles, including a centrist position in the middle that straddles the divide. The left was associated with promoting challenges to established authorities and existing hierarchies, along with calls for increased economic equality and expanded social and political rights to all citizens, including the heretofore marginalized. This contrasts with the right, which was defined as defending inequalities and differential entitlements, concentrating matters involving rights around preserving property rights, shoring up public and social order, and promoting traditional values and conventional social relations. In this context, liberalism became a mark of political identity associated with the left, as did socialism, while conservatism, broadly construed, represented the right. This framing of politics also includes the possibility of underminings by extremism on both the left and right. For the former, the main threat since the Russian Revolution has been posed by revolutionary communism, while right-wing extremism has manifested itself in reactionary movements, including fascism and illiberal populism. Since liberalism and conservatism must be understood in relational terms, the spatial and temporal settings for the politics of opposition will vary considerably. It is impossible to do justice to the vast literature on conservatism in a bibliography such as this. What follows is a more delimited, and thus manageable examination of work on conservatism. First, it focuses on conservatism in the United States, and not elsewhere. Second, it is chiefly concerned with conservatism since the end of World War II. Third, it concentrates on the study of conservatism by sociologists and those working in cognate disciplines; while not all the authors are card-carrying sociologists, their works reflect a sociological character, although the exception to this third point is the overview section, which presents key readings by advocates of conservatism, and thus offers insider depictions of the meaning of conservatism. Fourth, this article does not concentrate solely on extremist right-wing movements; rather, in surveying the relevant literature on American conservatism broadly construed, it points to a growing consensus that the radical right wing has pushed mainstream conservatism increasingly further to the right.

Leandro Benmergui

As the number of favelas and poor residents of Rio de Janeiro grew quickly by the mid-20th century, they became the object of policymaking, social science research, real estate speculation, and grassroots mobilization. After a decade in which local authorities recognized the de facto presence of favelas but without legally ascertaining the right of permanence, the 1960s and early 1970s witnessed the era of mass eradication. Seemingly contradictory—but complementary—policies also included the development of massive low-income housing complexes and innovative community development and favela urbanization experiences empowered by community organizations with the assistance of experts committed to improving the lives of poor Cariocas (residents of Rio). Favelas in Rio were at the crossroads of a particular interplay of forces: the urgent need to modernize Rio’s obsolete and inadequate urban infrastructure; the new administrative status of the city after the inauguration of Brasilia; and the redefinition of the balance of power between local, municipal, and federal forces in a time of radical politics and authoritarian and technocratic military regimes, Cold War diplomacy, and the transnational flows of expertise and capital.

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