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Published By Consulting Group Education And Science Llc

2414-0562, 2414-0562

Iryna Vitaliivna Chaplay

У монографії проаналізовано стан розробленості проблем розвитку державно-громадянської комунікації в науковій літературі; розкрито теоретичні аспекти досліджуваного феномену, визначено його методологічне забезпечення; з’ясовано роль державно-громадянської комунікації як регулятора розвитку державного управління в Україні; обґрунтовано історичні передумови становлення інституалізації державно-громадянської комунікації; виявлено спільне та особливе в управлінні державним та громадським секторами на організаційному, правовому та соціальному рівнях взаємодії; конкретизовано основні характеристики поняття «комунікативна ефективність публічного управління»; надано практичні рекомендації до розробки передумов формування саморегулівної системи механізмів та каналів громадянського впливу на публічну політику в Україні. Монографія буде цікавою та корисною як науковцям галузі державного управління, так і педагогічним працівникам, державним службовцям, представникам органів державної влади та місцевого самоврядування, громадським діячам. Видання сприятиме популяризації, поширенню знань про державно-громадянську комунікацію та викличе подальший науковий і практичний інтерес у наукових спільнотах.

Andriі Mykolajovych Valiukh

The issues of the essence of the concept of “natural capital”, as well as management in the field of conservation of natural capital have been investigated. The author uses an archetypal approach. The activity and structure of international organizations engaged in environmental policy have been analyzed. The basic features aspects and cooperative efforts in biodiversity identified shortcomings for international and suggests ways to address them have been investigated. The basic state policy measures improving conservation and reproduction of natural capital have been ordered. The basic approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of conservation based on best international experience. The economic evaluation of natural capital resources of Ukraine has been done and the necessity of increasing the annual state budgetary financing natural capital conservation has been improved. The methodic of evaluating the effectiveness of conservation on three levels: national, regional and local has been ordered, to better analyze the actual state of natural ecosystems, to investigate the dynamics of the cost of maintaining of natural capital by various sources (state budget of Ukraine, the cost of regional state administrations and local self-government). The experience of international financing of natural capital conservation through environmental funds has been studied, funds of NGOs and grant projects. Scientific and practical interest in the work is the proposed funding mechanism for biodiversity conservation in the current economic climate of Ukraine. Investigated the organizational structure of government natural capital conservation of Ukraine. The effectiveness of government natural capital’s conservation has been investigated. The functions of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine as a central body of executive power in the field of natural capital conservation have been studied and analyzed. The staffing Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine has been investigated, the system of placement and examined staffing departments of the Ministry, responsible for natural capital Ukraine, has been analyzed. The best foreign practices of natural capital public administration and recommendations for its implementation in Ukraine have been ordered.

Tetyana Konstantinovna Mitropan

The article presents the questions of reviewing models and mechanisms of public administration in the procurement of goods, works and services in the field of construction. A comparative analysis of the types of public procurement mechanisms in construction, based on a set of features, has shown the superiority of a centralized type of mechanism that facilitates the introduction of efficient and flexible procurement methods, for example, the conclusion of framework agreements. The author’s vision of the mechanism of state building purchases, in the form of a conceptual model and system differences, is proposed. It is determined that a decentralized model of public procurement management involves the independent implementation by purchasers of procurement, that is, allows each customer to procure goods, works and services in the field of construction. The centralized model of public administration is characterized by the implementation of public procurement in order to provide the general needs of a single body on public procurement, that is, customers commission the implementation of public procurement on their behalf, a centralized body. According to the combined model of management, public procurement in the construction industry takes place under contracts implemented under the centralized model, and the direct ordering and receipt of goods, works, or services takes place according to the rules of a decentralized model. It is noted that according to the system-wide understanding of the mechanism of public administration in the procurement of goods, works and services in the field of construction, it represents a set of specialized management technologies (methods, techniques and tools) that ensure the organization of the process of public procurement of construction products by authorized agents. The direction of this process is determined by the need to implement the principles of vali- dity and innovation, fair choice of the best bidding, prevention of corruption and ensuring the high efficiency of the implementation of public public procurement.

Anatolii Petrovich Mykolaiets

It is noted that from the standpoint of sociology, “management — a function of organized systems of various nature — (technical, biological, social), which ensures the preservation of their structure, maintaining a certain state or transfer to another state, in accordance with the objective laws of the existence of this system, which implemented by a program or deliberately set aside”. Management is carried out through the influence of one subsystem-controlling, on the other-controlled, on the processes taking place in it with the help of information signals or administrative actions. It is proved that self-government allows all members of society or a separate association to fully express their will and interests, overcome alienation, effectively combat bureaucracy, and promote public self-realization of the individual. At the same time, wide direct participation in the management of insufficiently competent participants who are not responsible for their decisions, contradicts the social division of labor, reduces the effectiveness of management, complicates the rationalization of production. This can lead to the dominance of short-term interests over promising interests. Therefore, it is always important for society to find the optimal measure of a combination of self-management and professional management. It is determined that social representation acts, on the one hand, as the most important intermediary between the state and the population, the protection of social interests in a politically heterogeneous environment. On the other hand, it ensures the operation of a mechanism for correcting the political system, which makes it possible to correct previously adopted decisions in a legitimate way, without resorting to violence. It is proved that the system of social representation influences the most important political relations, promotes social integration, that is, the inclusion of various social groups and public associations in the political system. It is proposed to use the term “self-government” in relation to several levels of people’s association: the whole community — public self-government or self-government of the people, to individual regions or communities — local, to production management — production self-government. Traditionally, self-government is seen as an alternative to public administration. Ideology and practice of selfgovernment originate from the primitive, communal-tribal democracy. It is established that, in practice, centralization has become a “natural form of government”. In its pure form, centralization does not recognize the autonomy of places and even local life. It is characteristic of authoritarian regimes, but it is also widely used by democratic regimes, where they believe that political freedoms should be fixed only at the national level. It is determined that since the state has achieved certain sizes, it is impossible to abandon the admission of the existence of local authorities. Thus, deconcentration appears as one of the forms of centralization and as a cure for the excesses of the latter. Deconcentration assumes the presence of local bodies, which depend on the government functionally and in the order of subordination of their officials. The dependency of officials means that the leadership of local authorities is appointed by the central government and may be displaced.

Mariіa Konstantinovna Kulava

Within the presented article, taking into account already existing achievements of scientists, the concept, the main features of the principles of state administration of the executive system of Ukraine are defined. The principles of activity of executive bodies bodies according to the current legislation of Ukraine are determined. A brief description of the principles is presented, namely: the rule of law, legality, compulsory, independence, justice, impartiality and objectivity, discretion, transparency and openness of executive proceedings and its fixation by technical means, the reasonableness of the time limits for enforcement proceedings, the proportionality of enforcement measures and the amount of claims for decisions, the right to appeal decisions, actions or omissions of state executives, private performers. It is established that in general the principles of executive proceedings in the investigated normative acts are duplicated, in addition to the principles of independence and the right to appeal decisions, actions or inaction of state executives, private performers. The actual vision of the principles of public administration of the executive system of Ukraine is determined. The opinion on the need to supplement the list of principles with the following: the principle of equal competition between state and private performers through the balance between them; the principle of responsibility of the executive system bodies, their officials and private executors for damage caused as a result of violations of regulatory requirements; the principle of introducing effective incentives for voluntary implementation of decisions; the principle of professionalism and competence. Also, within the submitted article, it is stated that the use of the terms “principles” and “principles” in the Laws of Ukraine “On Bodies and Officials Performing Enforcement of Court Decisions and Decisions of Other Bodies”, “On Enforcement Proceedings”, which are adopted simultaneously and regulated, are unjustified, identical social relations.

Sergey Anatolievich Vavrenyuk

The article reveals the economic essence of the current state of higher education in Ukraine. It examines the main problems of state regulation of risks and challenges facing modern education at the stage of reform. The subject of the study is the very system of higher education in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the modern market of higher education in the country, as well as the features and trends of its development to date in the process of reform. The development of the national education system is shown together with its social and economic problems and challenges, as well as the political conditions that find the direction of the development of education in the country. It was revealed that the main risks in the education system of Ukraine can be considered a decrease in the number of highly skilled professionals, the closure of a number of educational institutions with a reduction in the contingent that lead to financial losses. In addition, among the risks studied, the low efficiency of training technologies and the low-level of graduates’ competence, corruption and low rating indicators in the world educational community are highlighted. The author specifies the existing external risks of the education system in the country and presents possible ways of overcoming them. And also draws the conclusion that the current conditions of the country’s existence and specifically the development of the education sector, the introduction of new models and training programs is a complex process. The reform of higher education today does not have significant results, therefore, it is suggested that the entire education system in Ukraine is integrated and fundamentally reformed, with the aim of overcoming existing discrepancies between the educational product and the needs of society. So, the author says that the modern structure of education should give to ensuring ideal conditions for the functioning and development of the education system, taking into account the needs of modern society and the existing problems in the educational sphere, which should give quality educational services and freedom of choice in education.

Laila Seysembekovna Akhmetova ◽  
Dmitry Pavlovich Shorokhov

For the world community UNESCO has developed international standards of media information literacy, which have been adopted by all UNESCO member countries. In Central Asia, Kazakhstan was the first to deal with these issues 10 years ago. The group of scientists of the Kazakh National University named by al-Farabi is working on studying this issue. Most of the scientific works on media education are aimed at justifying the need for media education in modern society and its value. The purpose of the article is the development of methodological materials on the formation of literacy in the field of media and information literacy for training target groups and informing the public. The authors of this article apply the methodology of comparative historical research, the methodology and technique of sociological research, the systemic and structural-functional approach in combination with comparative historical method and statistical data analysis, as well as the study of official documents characterizing the policy of international community and Kazakhstan. Also, content analysis and qualitative documents analysis, as well as comparative research methods, were used. As a result of the research, it was concluded that any conceptual design, scientific paradigm suffers to some extent with idealization and the conceptual approach of UNESCO discussion formed the basis for this review, causing positive expectations. However, media is not always socially-oriented tool. It is clear that in this scenario, it is not necessary to rely solely on the consciousness of journalists and self-censorship of editors. However, understanding the principal approaches of UNESCO and following the recommendations developed can control risks and contribute to the development of a full-fledged civil society. Practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in the field of media, psychology, pedagogy, culture, history, journalists, political scientists, social engineers, teachers, students and post-graduate students of universities. The results of the research can be integrated into the educational and upbringing processes. It is necessary to train target groups for the further dissemination and training of media and information literacy and to address the issues of forming a civic position in Kazakhstan.

Anatoliy Ivanovich Bogdanenko

In the monograph the theoretical identification of concepts and categorical series of state regulation of investment-innovation processes are investigated; the directions of optimization of the state policy of innovation and investment development management in Ukraine are determined; the organizational and legal principles of the state regulation of development of intellectual potential of the population are substantiated; the areas of development and improvement of the national innovation system as an object of state policy are highlighted and assessed. The monograph will be interesting for scholars, lecturers, doctoral and graduate students, and will also be useful to practical politicians, journalists and media workers and a wide range of readers interested in investment and innovation activities.

Sergii Mykhailovych Prylipko

The content of the concepts of “public administration”, “rural area”, “integrated rural area development” and “public administration of integrated rural areas development” are determined. The conceptual principles of public administration of the integrated rural area development are substantiated due to the activation of servicing cooperatives to solve the most actual problems of territorial communities. It is determined that its essence consists in administrative decisions by the administrative management through introduction of effective mechanisms, tools and levers of state and regional policy. It is summarized that public administration should be carried out taking into account the project-targeted approach to increase the level of social and economic development of rural communities, rational use of natural resources and preservation of the environment. It is proved that servicing cooperatives are the effective tool for self-organization of community representatives and serve as a unifying center for rural population. Their capabilities are not only in combining of commodity producers to meet economic interests in harvesting, processing and marketing of agricultural products, but they could be engaged also in providing quality services in the spheres of housing and communal services, servicing of communal property, the carry out and utilization of solid household waste, organization of civilized landfills, provision of landscaping. Due to the public-private partnership the local self-government bodies could be delegate some of their powers to cooperatives and support them through financing of measures of social and economic programs of integrated development of rural areas.

Khrystyna Vasylivna Pletsan

The article analyzes the state and problems of the development of the synergy of the career success of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere. The main aspects of career development formation are highlighted, attention is paid to the definition of “career specialist’s success” as a process of development, implementation and decision making on the basis of human-centeredness, motivation, self-development and self-realization, a system of professional knowledge, skills and skills that provides professional development, achievement of goals and satisfaction with professional activity.The synergy of career success of a specialist as a targeted activity of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere in relation to the achievement of the goals and objectives of professional activity was characterized. The preconditions for the career success of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere have been argued and outlined. In particular, the presence of special features of the cognitive and intellectual spheres, providing a reflection of the activity; developed intellect; high ability to goal-setting; wide horizons; morality; personal maturity, supporting the desire for constant self-development, self-improvement; ability to self-control, self-control and self-realization. Factors, factors, indicators, criteria, components are analyzed. Functions of the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere. The relevance of the management of the success of a career in a specialist in the socio-cultural environment has been substantiated through the implementation of the relevant cycles: professional definition → professional education → selection for the position → professional adaptation → career development planning → professional development → professional development → evaluation of the results of professional activity. It is proved that the success of the career of specialists of the socio-cultural sphere is formed, in accordance with the general laws of development, which contain creative and innovative principles of professional and personal growth. The corresponding subsystems of career success of the specialist of socio-cultural activity, namely: personnel, organizational, personal, and cultural-ethical subsystems, are determined. It is noted that due to the functions of the involved subsystems and associated career orientations, the specialist of the socio-cultural environment, given their interaction and interrelationship taking over the nature of the mutual perception of the activities of these elements, you can get the programmed result — the success of a career. It is substantiated that in order to achieve the success of a career, a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere must possess the appropriate complex of competencies. Namely: the definition of the direction of activity and vision; effective communication; decency and justice; delegation of authority; strategic thinking; making managerial decisions; analytical thinking; skills of working with information; innovation; leadership; professional experience; improvement of activity; change management; demanding possession of knowledge and skills of self-management; ability to make the most of their own abilities; stress management; self-confidence, decisions taken; ability to work in a team; creativity (the ability to creatively approach the decision of managerial tasks, the tendency to improvisation); responsibility; self improvement; organizational skills; trust; conflict management; rational resource management; criticality; orientation to the result. The conclusion is made that the synergy of the career success of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere can be presented in the form of such a structural process: a successful specialist → self-improvement and self-realization of a specialist → creative and innovative principles of professional development of a specialist → human centered dimension of the socio-cultural sphere → achievement of the determined goals and goals of the specialist → measure of goals and goals → synergy of success and career specialist socio-cultural environment.

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