scholarly journals Hubungan Ketahanan Pangan dan Penyakit Diare dengan Stunting pada Balita 13-48 Bulan di Kelurahan Manyar Sabrangan, Surabaya

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 52 ◽  
Chovinda Ayu Safitri ◽  
Triska Susila Nindya

 Background: Stunting is an acute malnutrition that is one of the leading causes of death in under-five children in the world and can impact on low quality of life in the future. Household food security and infectious diseases especially diarrhea in under-five children are indicated to be factors that cause the stunting state. Toddlers 13-48 months old are likely have a high risk for disease and its effects. Stunting in under-five children is closely related to food insecurity of the family and diarrheal diseases by the children.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the association of food security of the family and diarrheal diseases to stunting. Methods: This research was an observational analytic with cross sectional design. The sample was 68 children under-five age 13-48 months in Manyar Sabrangan, Mulyorejo Sub-district, Surabaya. Selection of sample was using simple random sampling with lottery technique. The data were collected by interview method with questionnaire. Food security was accessed by US-HFSSM questionnaire. Spearman correlation test was used in the statistical analysis (α=0.05). Results: The data showed that the percentage of stunting, diarrhea, and household insecurity respectively 30.9%, 19.1%, and 61.8%. There was an association between food insecurity with stunting (p<0.05). There was not an association between diarrhea with stunting (p>0.05). Conclusions: It is necessary for family to have a coping strategy to avoid long-term food insecurity. There is another factor such as a history of food intake that may be able to affect stunting in addition to diarrhea.ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Stunting merupakan keadaan kekurangan gizi akut yang menjadi salah satu penyebab kematian pada balita di dunia dan dapat berdampak pada kualitas kehidupan yang rendah di masa depan. Ketahanan pangan keluarga dan kejadian penyakit infeksi yang dialami balita terutama diare diindikasikan menjadi faktor yang dapat menyebabkan keadaan stunting. Balita usia 13-48 bulan merupakan kelompok yang rentan terhadap penyakit dan dampaknya. Keadaan stunting erat kaitannya dengan kerawanan pangan keluarga dan penyakit infeksi seperti diare yang dialami balita.Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis hubungan ketahanan pangan keluarga dan penyakit diare dengan keadaan stunting balita.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancang cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 68 balita usia 13-48 bulan di Kelurahan Manyar Sabrangan Kecamatan Mulyorejo Kota Surabaya. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling dengan teknik lotre. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara dengan kuesioner. Ketahanan pangan diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner United Stated-Household Food Security Survey Module (US-HFSSM). Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji korelasi spearman (α=0,05).Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 30,9% balita mengalami stunting, 19,1% mengalami diare, dan 61,8% berada pada keadaan rawan pangan. Ketahanan pangan keluarga dan keadaan stunting menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan (p<0,05). Penyakit diare balita dan keadaan stunting tidak menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan (p>0,05).Kesimpulan: Dibutuhkan coping strategi dalam keluarga untuk mengatasi masalah kerawanan pangan yang terus-menerus. Terdapat faktor lain seperti riwayat asupan makanan yang dapat mempengaruhi stunting selain penyakit diare.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 52
Chovinda Ayu Safitri ◽  
Triska Susila Nindya

 Background: Stunting is an acute malnutrition that is one of the leading causes of death in under-five children in the world and can impact on low quality of life in the future. Household food security and infectious diseases especially diarrhea in under-five children are indicated to be factors that cause the stunting state. Toddlers 13-48 months old are likely have a high risk for disease and its effects. Stunting in under-five children is closely related to food insecurity of the family and diarrheal diseases by the children.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the association of food security of the family and diarrheal diseases to stunting. Methods: This research was an observational analytic with cross sectional design. The sample was 68 children under-five age 13-48 months in Manyar Sabrangan, Mulyorejo Sub-district, Surabaya. Selection of sample was using simple random sampling with lottery technique. The data were collected by interview method with questionnaire. Food security was accessed by US-HFSSM questionnaire. Spearman correlation test was used in the statistical analysis (α=0.05). Results: The data showed that the percentage of stunting, diarrhea, and household insecurity respectively 30.9%, 19.1%, and 61.8%. There was an association between food insecurity with stunting (p<0.05). There was not an association between diarrhea with stunting (p>0.05). Conclusions: It is necessary for family to have a coping strategy to avoid long-term food insecurity. There is another factor such as a history of food intake that may be able to affect stunting in addition to diarrhea.ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Stunting merupakan keadaan kekurangan gizi akut yang menjadi salah satu penyebab kematian pada balita di dunia dan dapat berdampak pada kualitas kehidupan yang rendah di masa depan. Ketahanan pangan keluarga dan kejadian penyakit infeksi yang dialami balita terutama diare diindikasikan menjadi faktor yang dapat menyebabkan keadaan stunting. Balita usia 13-48 bulan merupakan kelompok yang rentan terhadap penyakit dan dampaknya. Keadaan stunting erat kaitannya dengan kerawanan pangan keluarga dan penyakit infeksi seperti diare yang dialami balita.Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis hubungan ketahanan pangan keluarga dan penyakit diare dengan keadaan stunting balita.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancang cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 68 balita usia 13-48 bulan di Kelurahan Manyar Sabrangan Kecamatan Mulyorejo Kota Surabaya. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling dengan teknik lotre. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara dengan kuesioner. Ketahanan pangan diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner United Stated-Household Food Security Survey Module (US-HFSSM). Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji korelasi spearman (α=0,05).Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 30,9% balita mengalami stunting, 19,1% mengalami diare, dan 61,8% berada pada keadaan rawan pangan. Ketahanan pangan keluarga dan keadaan stunting menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan (p<0,05). Penyakit diare balita dan keadaan stunting tidak menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan (p>0,05).Kesimpulan: Dibutuhkan coping strategi dalam keluarga untuk mengatasi masalah kerawanan pangan yang terus-menerus. Terdapat faktor lain seperti riwayat asupan makanan yang dapat mempengaruhi stunting selain penyakit diare.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Devi Eka Jayarni ◽  
Sri Sumarmi

Background: Households experiencing food insecurity in Indonesia is 30%, while vulnerable to food is 11%. Food insecurity is related to nutrional status. Based on Riskesdas Indonesia data in 2007 the prevalence of underfive children less than 19.6%, decreased to 18.4% in 2010, but increased to 19.6% in 2013.Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze relationship between food security, family characteristics with nutritional status of children aged 2-5 years old at area Puskesmas Wonokusumo Kota Surabaya.Methods: This study was an observasional analytic using cross sectional design. Sample size of 97 from 4101 of underfive children used Lemeshow with simple random sampling method. Collecting data used US-HFSSM questionnary for examine household food security, weight- age index for measuring nutritional status of children. Statistical analysis test used Spearman correlate test and chi square test.Results:Most of mother graduated from primary school by 38.1%, mostly mothers doesn’t work by 85.6%, most of parents income are below average amount IDR 2,363,092 by 53.6%, as well as spending on food consumption expenditure amount IDR 1,724,943 by 7.3%, while mostly household have food insecurity by 54.9%. However, there is relationship between parents incomes (p=0.006) and household food security (p=0.045) with nutritional status of children under five years old.Conclusion: The higher household income the higher food expenditure. Household’s food insecurity is mostly below average expenditure.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Rumah tangga yang mengalami rawan pangan di Indonesia sebesar 30%, sedangkan sangat rawan sebesar 11%.Ketahanan pangan erat kaitannya dengan masalah gizi. Berdasarkan data Riskesdas tahun 2007 prevalensi balita mengalami gizi kurang di Indonesia sebesar 19,6%, menurun menjadi 18,4% tahun 2010, namun meningkat menjadi 19,6% tahun 2013.Tujuan : Tujuan pada penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan ketahanan pangan dan karakteristik keluarga dengan status gizi balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Wonokusumo Kota Surabaya.Metode : Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan observasional analitik dengan studi desain cross sectional. Besar sampel 97 dari 4101 balita menggunakan rumus Lemeshow dengan metode simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner US – HFSSM untuk mengukur status ketahanan pangan rumah tangga, indeks BB/U digunakan untuk menilai status gizi balita. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji korelasi spearman dan uji chi-square.Hasil : sebagian besar ibu balita pendidikan terakhir tamat SD/ sederajat sebesar 38,1%, sebagian besar ibu balita tidak bekerja sebesar 85,6%, pendapatan keluarga sebagian besar kurang dari rata –rata Rp 2.363.092 sebesar 53,6%, sebagian besar pengeluaran rumah tangga kurang dari rata – rata Rp 1.724.943 sebesar 75,3%, sebagian besar rumah tangga rawan pangan derajat kelaparan sedang sebesar 54,9%, Terdapat hubungan antara pendapatan keluarga (p=0,006) dan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga (p=0,045) dengan status gizi balita.Kesimpulan : tingginya pendapatan rumah tangga maka mempengaruhi pengeluaran untuk pangan. Rumah tangga rawan pangan sebagian besar penegeluaran untuk pangan dibawah rata – rata. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Dessy Nur Fadzila ◽  
Edy Purwanto Tertiyus

Background: Children under two years are susceptible to nutritional problems. Nutritional problems can be caused directly by nutritional intake and infection. Nutritional intake can be affected by conditions of household food security. Household food insecurity can be caused by insufficient food availability which causes a lack of nutritional intake.Objectives: To analyze the condition of household food security with stunted and non-stunted children aged 6-23 months in Wilangan, Nganjuk District.Methods: This study was an observational and used case-control design. The subject of this study were 72 children aged 6-23 months in Wilangan, Nganjuk District obtained from the simple random sampling method. The samples of case group were 36 children and control group were 36 children. The United Stated Household Food Security Survey Module (US-HFSSM) questionnaire was used to measure household food security, and anthropometric measurements of body length. The data analysis used by spearman and chi-squared statistical test.Results: Majority of non-stunted children was in household food security (75.0%). The stunted children in household food insecurity was higher than non-stunted children (41.7%). This study showed there was no significant correlation between family characteristics with stunted. But, there was a correlation between the age of children under two years old (p=0.02) and household food security status (p=0.041) with stunted. Conclusions: Household with food insecurity have a higher risk stunted than household with food security.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Anak yang berusia dibawah dua tahun rentan mengalami masalah gizi. Masalah gizi dapat disebabkan oleh asupan gizi yang dipengaruhi ketahanan pangan. Rumah tangga yang mengalami rawan pangan dapat disebabkan oleh ketersediaan pangan yang kurang sehingga menyebabkan kurangnya asupan gizi.Tujuan: Menganalisis kondisi ketahanan pangan rumah tangga dengan stunting dan non-stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan di Kecamatan Wilangan, Kabupaten Nganjuk.Metode: Jenis penelitian yaitu observasional dan menggunakan desain penelitian kasus kontrol. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah anak berusia 6-23 bulan di Wilangan Kabupaten Nganjuk sebanyak 72 baduta yang didapatkan dari metode simple random sampling. Sampel kelompok kasus sebanyak 36 baduta dan kelompok kontrol sebanyak 36 baduta. Kuesioner United Stated-Household Food Security Survey Module (US-HFSSM) digunakan untuk mengukur ketahanan pangan rumah tangga, dan pengukuran antropometri panjang badan. Uji statistik menggunakan spearman dan chi-square.Hasil: Sebagian besar baduta non-stunting berada pada rumah tangga yang tahan pangan (75,0%). Baduta stunting yang berada pada rumah tangga yang rawan pangan lebih tinggi daripada baduta non-stunting (41,7%). Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil tidak terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara karakteristik keluarga dengan stunting, namun terdapat korelasi antara usia baduta  (p=0,02) dan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga (p=0,041) dengan stunting.Kesimpulan: Rumah tangga yang mengalami rawan pangan berisiko stunting lebih tinggi daripada rumah tangga yang tahan pangan.

Ajaya Paudel ◽  
Tulsi Ram Bhandari ◽  
Nim Bahadur Dangi

Background: Food security refers to accessing to desirable, nutritious, and healthy foods to live a healthy and productive life. Household food insecurity is an underlying cause of malnutrition in children. In this study, the household food security and its influence on the nutritional status of under-five year children were investigated. Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted from August to November 2019 in Syangja district of Nepal. Of six rural municipalities of the district, Phedikhola Rural Municipality was selected using the lottery method. We found 905 eligible households that have an under-five year child. A total of 289 children entered the study after considering the 40% overall prevalence rate of malnutrition among children under five years of age.  Data were collected proportionately from each ward considering the health status and anthropometric measurements of children and household food security using a structured interview schedule and the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale. Descriptive statistics and chi-square tests were applied to assess the situation and determine the association. Results: Food insecurity was observed in more than half (52.3%) of the households. Food insecurity was associated (P < 0.001) with the socioeconomic status of the family. Prevalence of stunting (height-for-age), underweight, and wasting (weight-for-height) in children were 28.7%, 20.0%, and 13.9%, respectively. Food security, exclusive breastfeeding, and initiation time of complementary feeding were significantly associated with wasting and underweight (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Food insecurity and under-five year malnutrition were highly frequent in the study areas. The improvement of educational, occupational, and economic conditions of the households may be a solution to this problem.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Penti Suryani ◽  
Ahmad Darmawi

This study aims to determine 1) the condition of household food security, 2) the factors that affect the capacity of women farmers in food consumption in order to achieve food security at the household level, 3) the factors that affect spending foodstuffs on the level households and 4) the capacity of women farmers to achieve household food security in the era of globalization in the city of Pekanbaru. This study uses a cross-sectional study design, located in four districts in the city of Pekanbaru namely District Tampan, District Marpoyan Damai, District and Sub-district Rumbai and Rumbai Pesisir. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire which was distributed to 100 respondents of women farmers selected by simple random sampling. Factors that affect the capacity of women farmers in achieving food security household level are: income, education and nutrition knowledge of women farmers. Factors that affect spending foodstuffs at the household level women farmers in the city of Pekanbaru is the price of rice, household income, number of household members and the level of education. Capacity of women farmers in food processing is still at the low level. Threats of globalization on food security in Pekanbaru city can be resolved by the farmer community empowerment program. Empowerment of women farmers not only to protect the rice trade, but also to uplift the lives of women farmers through programs that improve local agricultural businesses

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 257
Musyayadah Musyayadah ◽  
Sri Adiningsih

Background: Stunting is growth failure in toddlers due to chronic nutrients deficiency and recurrent infections, especially during the first 1000 days of life and can be a bad impact to quality of widely accepted human resources, which further can decreases future national productivity. The incidence of diarrhea and family food security are indicated to be factors cause stunting. Stunting is closely related to food insecurity and the incidence of recurrent diarrhea experienced by toddlers.Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the relationship between family food security and the frequency of diarrhea among stunted toddlers in Kampung SurabayaMethods: This research was observational analytic using cross-sectional. Sample consisted of 52 toddlers 6-24 months in the Puskesmas Bulak Banteng Surabaya. Sample selection with simple-random-sampling. Data was collected by interview with questionnaire. Food security was measured by US-HFSSM questionnaire and a questionnaire to the frequency of diarrhea. Data were analyzed using the Spearman statistical test (α=0.05).Results: The results showed that as many as 63.5% of toddlers are stunted, 71.1% of toddlers were in families with food insecure conditions, and 55.8% of toddlers diarrhea with frequency rarely (1-2 times). Results showed a significant relationship between family food security with stunting (p=0.004). Frequency of diarrhea with stunting showed a significant relationship (p=0.01).Conclusions: The proportion of stunting events increase if condition of food insecurity occur continuously, hence, coping strategies in the family were needed to overcome food insecurity. Besides, to overcoming the incidence of diarrhea by held counseling about PHBS.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Stunting merupakan kegagalan pertumbuhan pada balita akibat defisiensi zat gizi kronis dan infeksi berulang terutama pada masa 1000 HPK dan dapat berdampak buruknya kualitas sumber daya manusia yang diterima secara luas, yang selanjutnya menurunkan kemampuan produktif suatu bangsa yang akan datang. Kejadian penyakit infeksi terutama diare dan ketahanan pangan keluarga diindikasikan menjadi faktor yang dapat menyebabkan stunting. Kondisi stunting erat kaitannya dengan rawan pangan dan kejadian diare berulang yang dialami balita.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan ketahanan pangan keluarga dan frekuensi diare dengan stunting pada balita di kampung Surabaya.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan menggunakan desain cross-sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 52 balita berusia 6-24 bulan di wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Bulak Banteng Surabaya. Pemilihan sampel dengan teknik simple random sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Ketahanan pangan diukur dengan kuesioner US-HFSSM dan kuesioner terkait frekuensi diare. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji statistik Spearman (α=0,05).Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 63,5% balita mengalami stunting, 71,1% balita berada pada keluarga dengan kondisi rawan pangan, dan 55,8% balita mengalami diare dengan kategori frekuensi jarang (1-2 kali). Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara ketahanan pangan keluarga dengan stunting (p=0,004). Frekuensi diare dengan stunting juga menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan (p=0,01).Kesimpulan: Proporsi kejadian stunting akan meningkat jika kondisi rawan pangan terjadi terus menerus, sehingga dibutuhkan coping strategi dalam keluarga untuk mengatasi kerawanan pangan. Selain itu untuk mengurangi kejadian diare dengan mengadakan penyuluhan tentang Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS). 

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Zinat Mortazavi ◽  
Ahmad Reza Dorosty ◽  
Mohammad Reza Eshraghian ◽  
Mohtasham Ghaffari ◽  
Alireza Ansari-Moghaddam ◽  

Background.Today, more than one billion people globally suffer from poverty and food insecurity. This study aimed to determine the severity of and factors related to household food insecurity in Zahedan, Southeastern Iran.Methods.This cross-sectional study was conducted on a total of 2,160 households between November 2014 and December 2015. Demographic and socioeconomic data were collected through interviewing the household mothers. Household food security status was assessed through the USDA 18-item questionnaire. The data were analyzed using chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, and logistic regression model.Results.Total food insecurity in the households investigated was 58.8%. There were significant associations (P<0.001) between household food insecurity status and the socioeconomic status of the households, ethnicity, education, age, and employment status of the head of the household and the mother of the household.Discussion.The results showed that more than half of the households examined suffer from food insecurity. Interventions to improve the food security status of people should be designed and implemented to improve people’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to healthy eating and food preparation. People’s access to healthy foods and knowledge of how to select healthy foods (especially on a limited budget) should also be improved.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 272-282 ◽  
Conor M McWade ◽  
Sheau-Chiann Chen ◽  
Fei Ye ◽  
Douglas C Heimburger ◽  
Troy D Moon ◽  

Abstract Background To identify individual and household characteristics associated with food security and dietary diversity in seven Haitian–Dominican bateyes. Methods A cross-sectional sample of 667 households were surveyed. Novel household food security scores were calculated from components of the Household Food Insecurity Assessment Scale, while the Food and Agricultural Organization’s Household Dietary Diversity Score was utilized to calculate individual dietary diversity scores. Multivariable analyses were performed using ordinal logistic regression models to estimate the association between these scores and the covariate variables. Secondary dietary diversity analyses were performed after removing non-nutritious food groups. Results Food security was significantly associated with being above the poverty line (OR 3.14, 95% CI 1.92 to 5.14), living in a rural batey (OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.02 to 2.03), receiving gifts and/or donations (OR 1.76, 95% CI 1.03 to 3.00) and having a salaried job (i.e., not being paid hourly; OR 1.67, 95% CI 1.05 to 2.64). Dietary diversity was significantly associated with living in a semi-urban batey (OR 1.70, 95% CI 1.26 to 2.30), living with a partner (OR 1.47, 95% CI 1.08 to 2.00), growing at least some of one’s own food (OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.17 to 2.23), and receiving gifts and/or donations (OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.08 to 2.73). Conclusions Food insecurity and low dietary diversity are highly prevalent in Haitian–Dominican bateyes. The inclusion of sweets and non-milk beverages in dietary diversity calculations appear to skew scores towards higher levels of diversity, despite limited nutritional gains.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 1200-1208 ◽  
Salome Nduku Kasimba ◽  
Boitumelo Stokie Motswagole ◽  
Namukolo Margaret Covic ◽  
Nicole Claasen

AbstractObjectiveTo determine access to traditional and indigenous foods (TIF) and the association with household food security, dietary diversity and women’s BMI in low socio-economic households.DesignSequential explanatory mixed-methods design, including a random household cross-sectional survey on household food insecurity access (HFIA), household dietary diversity (HDD) and women’s BMI, followed by focus group discussions.SettingTwo rural and two urban areas of Botswana.SubjectsPersons responsible for food preparation or an adult in a household (n400); for BMI, non-pregnant women aged 18–49 years (n253).ResultsAlmost two-thirds of households experienced moderate or severe food insecurity (28·8 and 37·3 %, respectively), but more than half of women were overweight or obese (26·9 and 26·9 %, respectively). Median HDD score was 6 (interquartile range 5–7) out of a total of 12. A positive correlation was found between number of TIF accessed and HDD score (r=0·457;P<0·001) and a negative correlation between number of TIF accessed and HFIA score (r=−0·272;P<0·001). There was no correlation between number of TIF accessed and women’s BMI (r=−0·066;P=0·297). TIF were perceived as healthy but with declining consumption due to preference for modern foods.ConclusionsTIF may potentially have an important role in household food security and dietary diversity. There is need to explore potential benefits that may be associated with their optimal use on food security and nutrition outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 201
Sutyawan Sutyawan ◽  
Ali Khomsan ◽  
Dadang Sukandar

 Background: Household food insecurity is a underlaying causes on undernutrition problems in children under five years. Household food security especially from food acces dimention is reflected from many indicators that are complex and easier to understand in a composite index. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop a index of household food security and its relationship to nutrient intake level and nutritional status in children under five years. Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted in four villages in West Bangka Regency in December 2018 until April 2019. The study involved 219 subjects consisting of mothers and children aged 12-59 months. Data were analyzed using Rank Spearman relationship test. Results: The validation results showed that the index score has a negatively correlation (p<0.01) with the proportion of food expenditure and it has a significant correlation with dietary diversity (HDDS Score). In addition, the index score was a significant correlation (p<0.01) with the level of adequacy of energy, protein, fat, calcium, iron, zinc and dietary diversity in children. The index score was a significant associated (p<0.01) with the nutritional status of children based on height for age, weight gor age, and height for wight. Conclusions: The index was developed from this study can be an alternative to evaluate the status of household food security level and stronger marker of food consumption and nutritional status of under five children.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Kondisi rawan pangan pada rumah tangga merupakan salah satu penyebab masalah kekurangan gizi pada anak berusia di bawah lima tahun. Ketahanan pangan rumah tangga tercermin dari banyak indikator yang kompleks dan lebih mudah dipahami dalam indeks komposit.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan indeks ketahanan pangan rumah tangga serta hubungannya dengan tingkat asupan gizi dan status gizi pada anak balita.Metode: Penelitian cross-sectional ini dilakukan di empat desa di Kabupaten Bangka Barat. Penelitian ini melibatkan 219 subjek yang terdiri dari anak berusia 12-59 bulan dan ibu dari anak. Data dianalis menggunakan uji beda Kruskal Wallis dan uji hubungan Rank Spearman.Hasil: Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa skor indeks memiliki perbedaan yang nyata (p<0,05) berdasarkan tingkat kerentanan pangan wilayah dan terdapat hubungan negatif yang kuat (p<0,05) dengan proporsi pengeluaran pangan. Selain itu, skor indeks memiliki keterkaitan yang kuat (p<0,05) dengan tingkat kecukupan energi, protein, lemak, kalsium, besi, seng serta keragaman diet pada balita. Skor indeks juga memiliki hubungan yang nyata (p<0,05) dengan nilai z-score status gizi balita berdasarkan indeks antropometri tinggi badan menurut usia, berat badan menurut umur, dan tinggi badan menurut berat badan.Kesimpulan: Indeks yang dikembangkan dari penelitian ini dapat menjadi alternatif dalam menilai status ketahanan pangan rumah tangga serta prediktor yang kuat dalam melihat gambaran konsumsi pangan dan status gizi balita. 

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