2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Penti Suryani ◽  
Ahmad Darmawi

This study aims to determine 1) the condition of household food security, 2) the factors that affect the capacity of women farmers in food consumption in order to achieve food security at the household level, 3) the factors that affect spending foodstuffs on the level households and 4) the capacity of women farmers to achieve household food security in the era of globalization in the city of Pekanbaru. This study uses a cross-sectional study design, located in four districts in the city of Pekanbaru namely District Tampan, District Marpoyan Damai, District and Sub-district Rumbai and Rumbai Pesisir. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire which was distributed to 100 respondents of women farmers selected by simple random sampling. Factors that affect the capacity of women farmers in achieving food security household level are: income, education and nutrition knowledge of women farmers. Factors that affect spending foodstuffs at the household level women farmers in the city of Pekanbaru is the price of rice, household income, number of household members and the level of education. Capacity of women farmers in food processing is still at the low level. Threats of globalization on food security in Pekanbaru city can be resolved by the farmer community empowerment program. Empowerment of women farmers not only to protect the rice trade, but also to uplift the lives of women farmers through programs that improve local agricultural businesses

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-224
Muhammad Ichsan ◽  
Sofyan Sofyan ◽  
Zakiah Zakiah

 Abstrak; Kemiskinan dan ketahanan pangan merupakan dua fenomena yang saling berkaitan, bahkan dapat disebut sebagai hubungan sebab akibat. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa keadaan ketahanan pangan yang rentan dapat menjadi sumber kemiskinan, sebaliknya kemiskinan dapat menyebabkan seseorang tidak memiliki ketahanan pangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi ketahanan pangan rumah tangga wanita tani, mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi ketahanan pangan pada tingkat rumah tangga wanita tani dan mengetahui peran wanita tani terkait pendapatan dan pendidikan dalam ketahanan pangan rumah tangga di Kecamatan Simpang Tiga Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rumah tangga responden dengan kategori kurang pangan sebesar 45% dan rumah tangga kategori rawan pangan sebesar 55%. Nilai PPH rumah tangga respoden adalah 58,6 menunjukkan tidak seimbangnya mutu gizi rumah tangga responden. Peran wanita tani dalam ketahanan pangan rumah tangga kurang terlihat dikarenakan rendahnya pendapatan dan rendahnya tingkat pendidikan wanita tani. Variable yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat ketahanan pangan adalah pendapatan kepala keluarga. Sementara faktor lainnya seperti pendidikan wanita tani, pendapatan wanita tani dan jumlah anggota keluarga tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan.Abstract; The Role of Female Farmers on Food Security Poor Households at Simpang Tiga District in Aceh Besar Regency                     Poverty and food security are the two phenomena that are linked each other, it is also called a causal relationship. It can be said that vulnerable food security condition are the source of poverty, in the other hand, poverty could  cause a person does not have a food security.This study aims to determine the condition of household food security of women farmers, to know the factors which influence food security at the women farmers household level and to know the role of women farmers related to income and education in household food security in Simpang Tiga District Aceh Besar Regency. The results show that the household respondents with less food category by 45% and household food insecurity category by 55%. PPH value of household respondents was 58.6, this  indicates an imbalance in the nutritional quality of the respondent's household. The Role of women farmers in household food security is less visible due to low income and low educational levels of women farmers. The head of  households income is significant variable that influence the level of food security is. While the educational factors, income of women farmers, and number of household members is not significant.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Aisyah Fitria Susanti

 Background: Household food security in coastal areas can be seen from indicators of availability, access, food utilization and stability. One of the pillars of house hold food security can be influenced by household income.Objective: This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the level of household income and the status of household food security in isolated coastal areas in Kalikajang Hamlet, Gebang Sub-District, District of Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo Regency.Method: This type of research was observational study with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all households in the area of Kalikajang Hamlet, Sub-District of Gebang. Sample was determined using simple random sampling technique and using formula from Lemeshow, resulted in 52 respondents included in this study. Primary data was collected through interviews with questionnaires. Data analysis using Chi Square statistical test to test the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables, and logistic regression tests to test whether there is a relationship between all independent variables with the dependent variable.Results: The results of the study showed that from the eight of independent variables tested, there was one variable that was positively related to the level of household food security, namely household income (p-value<0.001).Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between the level of income and the status of household food security in coastal areas in the District of Sidoarjo.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Ketahanan pangan rumah tangga di wilayah pesisir dapat dilihat dari indikator ketersediaan, akses, pemanfaatan pangan dan stabilitas.  Salah satu pilar yang mempengaruhi adalah pendapatan rumah tangga.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara tingkat pendapatan rumah tangga dengan status ketahanan pangan rumah tangga di wilayah pesisir tambak terisolir di Dusun Kalikajang, Kelurahan Gebang, Kecamatan Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo.Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu seluruh rumah tangga yang berada di wilayah Dusun Kalikajang Kelurahan Gebang. Teknik penentuan sample menggunakan simple random sampling dengan rumus dari Lemeshow dan didapatkan 52 responden. Data Primer dikumpulkan dengan wawancara dengan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Chi Square untuk menguji hubungan antar variabel bebas dan variabel dependen, dan uji regresi logistik untuk menguji adakah hubungan seluruh variabel bebas dengan variabel terikat.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari delapan variabel independen yang diujikan, terdapat satu variabel yang berhubungan positif dengan tingkat ketahanan pangan rumah tangga, yaitu pendapatan rumah tangga (p-value<0.001).Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat pendapatan dengan status ketahanan pangan rumah tangga  di wilayah pesisir di Kecamatan Sidoarjo.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Devi Eka Jayarni ◽  
Sri Sumarmi

Background: Households experiencing food insecurity in Indonesia is 30%, while vulnerable to food is 11%. Food insecurity is related to nutrional status. Based on Riskesdas Indonesia data in 2007 the prevalence of underfive children less than 19.6%, decreased to 18.4% in 2010, but increased to 19.6% in 2013.Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze relationship between food security, family characteristics with nutritional status of children aged 2-5 years old at area Puskesmas Wonokusumo Kota Surabaya.Methods: This study was an observasional analytic using cross sectional design. Sample size of 97 from 4101 of underfive children used Lemeshow with simple random sampling method. Collecting data used US-HFSSM questionnary for examine household food security, weight- age index for measuring nutritional status of children. Statistical analysis test used Spearman correlate test and chi square test.Results:Most of mother graduated from primary school by 38.1%, mostly mothers doesn’t work by 85.6%, most of parents income are below average amount IDR 2,363,092 by 53.6%, as well as spending on food consumption expenditure amount IDR 1,724,943 by 7.3%, while mostly household have food insecurity by 54.9%. However, there is relationship between parents incomes (p=0.006) and household food security (p=0.045) with nutritional status of children under five years old.Conclusion: The higher household income the higher food expenditure. Household’s food insecurity is mostly below average expenditure.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Rumah tangga yang mengalami rawan pangan di Indonesia sebesar 30%, sedangkan sangat rawan sebesar 11%.Ketahanan pangan erat kaitannya dengan masalah gizi. Berdasarkan data Riskesdas tahun 2007 prevalensi balita mengalami gizi kurang di Indonesia sebesar 19,6%, menurun menjadi 18,4% tahun 2010, namun meningkat menjadi 19,6% tahun 2013.Tujuan : Tujuan pada penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan ketahanan pangan dan karakteristik keluarga dengan status gizi balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Wonokusumo Kota Surabaya.Metode : Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan observasional analitik dengan studi desain cross sectional. Besar sampel 97 dari 4101 balita menggunakan rumus Lemeshow dengan metode simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner US – HFSSM untuk mengukur status ketahanan pangan rumah tangga, indeks BB/U digunakan untuk menilai status gizi balita. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji korelasi spearman dan uji chi-square.Hasil : sebagian besar ibu balita pendidikan terakhir tamat SD/ sederajat sebesar 38,1%, sebagian besar ibu balita tidak bekerja sebesar 85,6%, pendapatan keluarga sebagian besar kurang dari rata –rata Rp 2.363.092 sebesar 53,6%, sebagian besar pengeluaran rumah tangga kurang dari rata – rata Rp 1.724.943 sebesar 75,3%, sebagian besar rumah tangga rawan pangan derajat kelaparan sedang sebesar 54,9%, Terdapat hubungan antara pendapatan keluarga (p=0,006) dan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga (p=0,045) dengan status gizi balita.Kesimpulan : tingginya pendapatan rumah tangga maka mempengaruhi pengeluaran untuk pangan. Rumah tangga rawan pangan sebagian besar penegeluaran untuk pangan dibawah rata – rata. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 52 ◽  
Chovinda Ayu Safitri ◽  
Triska Susila Nindya

 Background: Stunting is an acute malnutrition that is one of the leading causes of death in under-five children in the world and can impact on low quality of life in the future. Household food security and infectious diseases especially diarrhea in under-five children are indicated to be factors that cause the stunting state. Toddlers 13-48 months old are likely have a high risk for disease and its effects. Stunting in under-five children is closely related to food insecurity of the family and diarrheal diseases by the children.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the association of food security of the family and diarrheal diseases to stunting. Methods: This research was an observational analytic with cross sectional design. The sample was 68 children under-five age 13-48 months in Manyar Sabrangan, Mulyorejo Sub-district, Surabaya. Selection of sample was using simple random sampling with lottery technique. The data were collected by interview method with questionnaire. Food security was accessed by US-HFSSM questionnaire. Spearman correlation test was used in the statistical analysis (α=0.05). Results: The data showed that the percentage of stunting, diarrhea, and household insecurity respectively 30.9%, 19.1%, and 61.8%. There was an association between food insecurity with stunting (p<0.05). There was not an association between diarrhea with stunting (p>0.05). Conclusions: It is necessary for family to have a coping strategy to avoid long-term food insecurity. There is another factor such as a history of food intake that may be able to affect stunting in addition to diarrhea.ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Stunting merupakan keadaan kekurangan gizi akut yang menjadi salah satu penyebab kematian pada balita di dunia dan dapat berdampak pada kualitas kehidupan yang rendah di masa depan. Ketahanan pangan keluarga dan kejadian penyakit infeksi yang dialami balita terutama diare diindikasikan menjadi faktor yang dapat menyebabkan keadaan stunting. Balita usia 13-48 bulan merupakan kelompok yang rentan terhadap penyakit dan dampaknya. Keadaan stunting erat kaitannya dengan kerawanan pangan keluarga dan penyakit infeksi seperti diare yang dialami balita.Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis hubungan ketahanan pangan keluarga dan penyakit diare dengan keadaan stunting balita.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancang cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 68 balita usia 13-48 bulan di Kelurahan Manyar Sabrangan Kecamatan Mulyorejo Kota Surabaya. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling dengan teknik lotre. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara dengan kuesioner. Ketahanan pangan diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner United Stated-Household Food Security Survey Module (US-HFSSM). Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji korelasi spearman (α=0,05).Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 30,9% balita mengalami stunting, 19,1% mengalami diare, dan 61,8% berada pada keadaan rawan pangan. Ketahanan pangan keluarga dan keadaan stunting menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan (p<0,05). Penyakit diare balita dan keadaan stunting tidak menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan (p>0,05).Kesimpulan: Dibutuhkan coping strategi dalam keluarga untuk mengatasi masalah kerawanan pangan yang terus-menerus. Terdapat faktor lain seperti riwayat asupan makanan yang dapat mempengaruhi stunting selain penyakit diare.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 52
Chovinda Ayu Safitri ◽  
Triska Susila Nindya

 Background: Stunting is an acute malnutrition that is one of the leading causes of death in under-five children in the world and can impact on low quality of life in the future. Household food security and infectious diseases especially diarrhea in under-five children are indicated to be factors that cause the stunting state. Toddlers 13-48 months old are likely have a high risk for disease and its effects. Stunting in under-five children is closely related to food insecurity of the family and diarrheal diseases by the children.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the association of food security of the family and diarrheal diseases to stunting. Methods: This research was an observational analytic with cross sectional design. The sample was 68 children under-five age 13-48 months in Manyar Sabrangan, Mulyorejo Sub-district, Surabaya. Selection of sample was using simple random sampling with lottery technique. The data were collected by interview method with questionnaire. Food security was accessed by US-HFSSM questionnaire. Spearman correlation test was used in the statistical analysis (α=0.05). Results: The data showed that the percentage of stunting, diarrhea, and household insecurity respectively 30.9%, 19.1%, and 61.8%. There was an association between food insecurity with stunting (p<0.05). There was not an association between diarrhea with stunting (p>0.05). Conclusions: It is necessary for family to have a coping strategy to avoid long-term food insecurity. There is another factor such as a history of food intake that may be able to affect stunting in addition to diarrhea.ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Stunting merupakan keadaan kekurangan gizi akut yang menjadi salah satu penyebab kematian pada balita di dunia dan dapat berdampak pada kualitas kehidupan yang rendah di masa depan. Ketahanan pangan keluarga dan kejadian penyakit infeksi yang dialami balita terutama diare diindikasikan menjadi faktor yang dapat menyebabkan keadaan stunting. Balita usia 13-48 bulan merupakan kelompok yang rentan terhadap penyakit dan dampaknya. Keadaan stunting erat kaitannya dengan kerawanan pangan keluarga dan penyakit infeksi seperti diare yang dialami balita.Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis hubungan ketahanan pangan keluarga dan penyakit diare dengan keadaan stunting balita.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancang cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 68 balita usia 13-48 bulan di Kelurahan Manyar Sabrangan Kecamatan Mulyorejo Kota Surabaya. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling dengan teknik lotre. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara dengan kuesioner. Ketahanan pangan diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner United Stated-Household Food Security Survey Module (US-HFSSM). Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji korelasi spearman (α=0,05).Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 30,9% balita mengalami stunting, 19,1% mengalami diare, dan 61,8% berada pada keadaan rawan pangan. Ketahanan pangan keluarga dan keadaan stunting menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan (p<0,05). Penyakit diare balita dan keadaan stunting tidak menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan (p>0,05).Kesimpulan: Dibutuhkan coping strategi dalam keluarga untuk mengatasi masalah kerawanan pangan yang terus-menerus. Terdapat faktor lain seperti riwayat asupan makanan yang dapat mempengaruhi stunting selain penyakit diare.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Ardian Nurdianto Firman ◽  
Trias Mahmudiono

The prevalence of underweight in 2010 to 2013 has increased percentage by 17.9% to 19.6%. Household food security and food intake were factors that can affect nutritional status of children.The aim of the study was to analize the relationship between status of household food security, energy and fat intake with nutrititional status of children. This was a cross sectional study with 40 samples selected using simple random sampling technique. Subject in this study was the fisherman family whose toddlers age 25-60 months. The data were collected by interview using questionaires, and were analyzed using linier regression and spearmen test. The result showed that 55% of households were facing food insecurity and 45% households were food insecure with severe hunger. Nutritional status of children (72,5%) were normal and (27,50%) wereunderweight. Energy intake has a significant relationship with nutritional status of children (p = 0,007) and fat (p=0,03).

Girma Gezimu Gebre ◽  
Hiroshi Isoda ◽  
Yuichiro Amekawa ◽  
Dil Bahadur Rahut ◽  
Hisako Nomura ◽  

AbstractUsing primary data collected from 560 farm households in Dawuro zone, southern Ethiopia, this study analyzes the gender gaps in food security among male, female, and joint decision-making farm households. It examines the factors inducing gender gaps among the households of those three categories. The results show that female decision-making households have a lower probability of ensuring food-security and a higher probability of being transitionally and chronically food-insecure. Joint decision-making households showed a higher probability of falling into the chronically food-insecure category. The decomposition results show significant gender gaps between male and female decision-making households in terms of food-secure, transitory food-insecure, and chronically food-insecure categories. Overall, both the endowment and return effects account for the gaps; however, the magnitude of the effect from the return is higher than from the endowment on significant gaps in the food-secure, transitory, and chronically food-insecure categories. Hence, there is a need for policies that not only ensure equal levels of productive resources but also help households build their capacity in order to improve both transitory and chronically food insecure situations.

O. N. Oladele ◽  
U. U. Emeghara ◽  
J. T. Ayodele ◽  
B. F. Ishola ◽  
T. A. Awobona ◽  

Aims: This study examined the contribution of home gardening to household food security in IgabI Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Study Design: The study was designed to collect data from 120 home gardeners using well structured questionnaire and personal interview of the gardeners by the researchers. Place and Duration of Study: The study was carried out in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria between June to July, 2019. Methodology: Multi-stage, purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to select 120 respondents. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as means, frequency distribution, table, percentage and Likert – scale. Results: The results showed male (65.83%) in their active age (87.50% are within the age range of 21-50 years) and highly educated (92.50%) with good number of years of experience in home gardening, (80% had over 5years of experience) dominated the practice of home gardening in the study area. The study also revealed that they produced many types of crops, about 32. The most popular crops cultivated were; tomato 91.67%),cowpea(87.50%),groundnut(82.50%),okra(75.00%), pumpkin (70.83%), spinach (70.83%) maize(56.67%),millet(56.67%),sorghum(51.67%), pepper (50.00%) and sweet potato (50.00%).The Likert--scale  result showed that all the home gardeners household were food secure and the study established that home gardening does not only  contribute to their house hold food supply but also their income. However the home gardening in the study area is faced with problems such as pests attack and diseases infestation (80.00%) and lack of farm inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and farm tools(75.00 %). Conclusion: The study revealed that home gardening contributed significantly to the household food security. It is therefore important to integrate home gardening into our farming system been a good tool for achieving food security among households and people  should also be sensitize to utilize empty plots  of land around their homestead for home gardens. 

2021 ◽  
Lelisa Worku Belcha

Abstract Background: Globally 38 million people were living with HIV in 2019. In Africa, 25 million people are living with HIV/AIDS undernutrition and food insecurity is endemic. Hence the study aimed to assess the magnitude of undernutrition and associated factors among HIV-infected adults receiving ART. Methods: Institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted among HIV/AIDS patients who following the ART service was selected by a simple random sampling method. The data were collected by direct interview, using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and a Logistic regression model were employed. Result: The study revealed that the magnitude of under-nutrition was 18.8%. The history of opportunistic infection (AOR=4.518:95% CI: 2.304-8.857), Patients taking ART for less than one year (AOR=3.675:95% CI: 1.831-7.377) household food insecure (AOR= 3.113:95% CI: 1.628-5.950) and dietary diversity score (AOR=2.340:95% CI: 1.221-4.485) were found to have a statistically significant association with undernutrition. Conclusion: The magnitude of undernutrition among people living with HIV/AIDS was found to be high. Having an opportunistic infection, duration of taking ART treatment, household food security status, and dietary diversity status were found to statistically significant association with undernutrition.

2015 ◽  
Vol 145 (8) ◽  
pp. 1924-1933 ◽  
Debbie L Humphries ◽  
Kirk A Dearden ◽  
Benjamin T Crookston ◽  
Lia C Fernald ◽  

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