scholarly journals La rehabilitación de un ícono de la modernidad la Iglesia Mater Misericordiae = The rehabilitation of an icon of modernity the Church Mater Misericordiae

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 20
María Belén Gómez

La iglesia Mater Misericordiae es un edificio sacro levantado en Baranzate (Milán) a finales de la década de los años 50.Supone la culminación de una serie de experiencias que pretendían la renovación de la liturgia y, con ello, la renovación de laarquitectura. Su construcción, enmarcada dentro de un plan más amplio acometido por el Arzobispado de Milán, supuso un gran avance en varios campos relacionados, principalmente, con la modernidad de la arquitectura sacra, la construcción y las nuevas tecnologías. Incorpora el uso no solamente del hormigón, material poco utilizado hasta ese momento en construcciones sacras, sino que, además, introduce un sistema de prefabricación y postesado “In situ” para la ejecución de la estructura que muestra el interés de los técnicos de la época por hallar nuevos medios de sistematización de la construcción. El sistema constructivo de cerramiento utilizado permite delimitar el espacio litúrgico mediante una piel translúcida que rodea el espacio, permitiendo la entrada de luz natural durante el día y la iluminación del entorno durante la noche. La presente investigación trata sobre las diferentes soluciones que se han empleado en la resolución de las fachadas de cerramiento, haciendo especial hincapié en la solución utilizada en la última rehabilitación a la que ha sido sometida. En este caso se han tratado de incorporar las tecnologías modernas más avanzadas para la resolución de los problemas que esta presentaba pero respetando al máximo la idea del proyecto original.AbstractThe church Mater Misericordiae is a sacred building raised in Baranzate (Milan) at the end of the decade of the 50s. It supposes the culmination of a series of experiences that were claiming the renovation of the liturgy and, with it, the renovation of the architecture. His construction, framed within a broader plan undertaken by the Archbishopric of Milan, supposed a great advance in several fields related, principally, with the modernity of the sacred architecture, the construction and the new technologies. It incorporates the use not only of concrete, material little used until that moment in sacred constructions, but also, it introduces a prefabrication and post-tensioned system "In situ" for the execution of the structure that shows the interest of the technical personnel of the epoch to find new means of systematizing of the construction. The constructive system of used closing allows to delimit the liturgical space by means of a translucent skin that surrounds the space, allowing the entry of natural light during the day and the lighting of the environment during the night. The present investigation treats on the different solutions that have used in the resolution of the fronts, doing special support in the solution used in the last rehabilitation to which it has been submitted. In this case they have tried to incorporate each other the modern technologies most advanced for the resolution of the problems that this one was presenting but respecting to the maximum the idea of the original project.

Itxaso Gallastegui Ormaechea

LABURPENA: Espainiako sistema politiko-administratiboak azkenaldian bizi duen krisialdiaren irtenbidea, hein handi batean, gardentasun publikoa herrialde baten izaera demokratikoaren zutabe sendo eta ordezkaezina dela aitortzeak eratzen du. Bide horretan, abiapuntu gisa, informazio publikora sarbidea izateko oinarrizko eskubide baten errekonozimendua identifika daiteke. Informazioaren eta komunikazioaren teknologia berriek —Open Data eta Open Government Atariek, besteak beste— zabaldutako harreman digitaleko kanalak ere paper garrantzitsu bat jokatzera datozela esan beharra dago, euren inplikazioen gardentasuna bermatzeko eta sustatzeko kontrol-mekanismo egokien ezarpena galdatuagatik ere. Baina espainiar Administrazio Publikoen antolaketa eta jarduna gardenak direla segurtatu dadin, ezinbestekoa da beste zenbait medio eta instrumentutara jotzea, etika publikoaren berrezarpenera, batez ere. RESUMEN: La solución a la crisis que últimamente vive el sistema político-administrativo español pasa, en gran medida, por que se acepte que la transparencia pública es un firme e irremplazable pilar del carácter democrático de un país. El reconocimiento de un derecho fundamental de acceso a la información pública puede identificarse como punto de partida de dicha trayectoria. Cabe indicar que los canales de relación digital que han abierto las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación —los Portales de Open Data y Open Government, por ejemplo—, a pesar de exigir la instauración de mecanismos de control que aseguren y promuevan la transparencia de sus implicaciones, también vienen a desempeñar un papel importante. No obstante, para garantizar que la organización y la acción de las Administraciones Públicas españolas sea transparente, es preciso recurrir, también, a otra serie de vías e instrumentos, a la restauración de la ética pública, principalmente. ABSTRACT: The solution to the crisis that the Spanish political and administrative system is lately living rests to a great extent on accepting that public transparence is a firm and irreplaceable pillar to the democratic character of a country. The acknowledgment of a fundamental right to the access to public information can be identified as a starting point in that path. It should be pointed out that the channels of digital relationship opened by new technologies of information and communication —for example Open Data and Open Government websites— despite requiring the establishment of control mechanisms for securing and promoting the transparency of their implications, can also play an important role. However, in order to guarantee that the organization and the action by public administrations is transparent, it is necessary to resort to another sort of paths and instruments, mainly to public ethics.

Comunicar ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 10 (20) ◽  
pp. 184-187
Juan Santaella-López

The new technologies should have a greater presence in the educational system. If their use is aimed at learning some meaningful and formative curricula, there will be no doubth of their positive impact in the development of a humanistic learning; on the Las nuevas tecnologías pueden y deben tener una mayor presencia en el sistema educativo. Si su uso va destinado al aprendizaje de unos currículos significativos y formativos, sin duda que incidirán positivamente en el desarrollo de una enseñanza humanística; si, por el contrario, el aprendizaje y la utilización de tales medios se desconecta de un saber reflexivo y crítico, su aportación a un sistema educativo más humanizado y ético será inexistente.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 293
Elton Emanuel Brito Cavalcante

No sistema educacional brasileiro, a figura do professor é controvertida. Em alguns casos, acusam-no de autoritário, despreparado para lidar com as novas tecnologias ou incapaz de compreender as transformações pelas quais a contemporaneidade passa. Em outros, ao contrário, dizem que está sufocado pelas pressões da sala de aula e que, por distintas causas, minam a sua autoridade. Há ideologias que combatem a figura do professor tradicional relacionando-o com a Ditadura Militar de 64. Contudo, mesmo com um currículo democrático e com constante preocupação didático-metodológica, os índices de aprendizado da educação básica, desde a Redemocratização, não são satisfatórios. Vez ou outra aparecem escolas isoladas, privadas ou estatais, que apresentam bons resultados e, quando analisasadas detalhadamente, nota-se que há rechaço, explícito ou tácito, a muitas das ideias preconizadas pela educação progressista. Por tudo isso, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar o papel do professor tradicional e da escola estatal no contexto da sociedade democrática atual.Palavras-chave: Professor tradicional. Escola pública. Educação progressista. Democracia.Traditional teacher: between the right and left ideologiesABSTRACTIn the Brazilian educational system, the figure of the teacher is controversial. In some cases, they accuse him of being authoritarian, unprepared to deal with new technologies, or unable to understand the transformations that contemporary times go through. In others, on the contrary, they say that he is suffocated by classroom pressures and that, for different causes, undermine his authority. There are ideologies that counteract the figure of the traditional teacher by relating him to the Military Dictatorship of 64. However, even with a democratic curriculum and constant didactic-methodological concern, the learning indices of basic education since Redemocratization are not satisfactory. Occasionally, isolated private or state schools appear, which have good results, and when you look at them in detail you find that there is an explicit or tacit rejection of many of the ideas advocated by progressive education. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze the role of the teacher and the traditional school in the context of the current democratic society.Keywords: Traditional teacher. Public school. Progressive education. Democracy.Profesor tradicional: entre las ideologías de derecha y de izquierdaRESUMENEn el sistema educativo brasileño, la figura del profesor está controvertida. En algunos casos, nos acusan de autoritario, sin preparo para lidiar con las nuevas tecnologías o incapaz de comprender las transformaciones por las cuales la contemporaneidad pasa. En otros, al contrario, dicen que está sofocado por las presiones del aula y que, por diferentes causas, disminuyen su autoridad. Hay ideologías que combaten la figura del profesor tradicional relacionándolo con la Dictadura Militar del 64. Pero, mismo con un currículo democrático y constante preocupación didáctico-metodológica, los índices de aprendizaje de la educación básica, desde la Redemocratización, no son satisfactorios. De vez en cuando, aparecen escuelas aisladas, privadas o estatales, que presentan buenos resultados, y cuando se las analiza detalladamente, se nota que hay rechazo, explícito o tácito, de muchas ideas preconizadas por la educación progresista. Por esta razón, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar el papel del profesor tradicional y de la escuela estatal en el contexto de la sociedad democrática actual.Palabras clave: Profesor tradicional. Escuela pública. Educación progresista. Democracia.

Miguel Ángel Valero Tévar ◽  
Nuria Huete Alcocer

The Roman villa of Noheda has become one of the crucial site to understand the messages that the high Roman aristocracy intended to convey by the building infrastructure in these large rural complex of Late Antiquity. Therefore, for the application of a correct archaeological methodology we should add the use of the most modern techniques of research and analysis that were within our grasp, in order to document in the best possible detail, the archaeological remains. Understanding that only through a close reading we can get to properly decrypt the data housed in the cluster of structures and artifacts hosted in the stratigraphic sequence. Therefore, the aim of this article is to present concisely, how technological advances have been used such as ground penetrating radar, 3D scanning, laser scanner, photogrammetry, etc. and the best results which have been obtained. In the same way, we will explain that these results are just a first step, because today the project of musealisation of the site has begun in order to be ready for its opening to the public and, within the innovations that bring the new technologies will be taken into account and they will be used in situ with mobile telephony, such as 3D modeling of parts and its Georeferencing, the increased virtual reality, etc. Nonetheless we must not forget other advances which help understand, spread and bring archeology closer to society.

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 754-760
Javier Lamoneda Prieto ◽  
Sixto González-Víllora ◽  
Javier Fernández-Río

La práctica de actividad física en el medio natural no garantiza la formación de los estudiantes, ya que puede reducirse a aprendizajes técnicos o a la facilitación de sensaciones placenteras. El presente artículo aporta una propuesta de innovación educativa, cuyo objetivo es adaptar la normativa de la carrera de orientación al ámbito escolar; se promueve el desarrollo de habilidades sociales e inter-personales, así como el conocimiento, la preservación y la valoración de la riqueza del medio natural. Para ello, se ha hibridado la Educación de Aventura, por tratarse de un aprendizaje experiencial, con el Aprendizaje Cooperativo, al promover las conexiones interpersonales y la Gamificación, al aportar de forma lúdica una distribución de roles de trabajo y el empleo de nuevas tecnologías en la autoevaluación. Se muestran orientaciones prácticas para la intervención educativa tanto en la normativa (objetivos, participantes y el protocolo de inicio de prueba), en el uso de materiales y espacios (incorporando materiales autoconstruidos: educación al consumo; apps móviles: educación adecuada de las nuevas tecnologías), como en el sistema de evaluación formativo y compartido.Abstract. Physical activity practice in the outdoors does not guarantee students’ learning, since it can be reduced to technical skills or pleasant sensations. This article presents an educative innovation proposal, which aims to adapt the rules of orienteering races to the school environment; it promotes the development of social and interpersonal skills, as well as the understanding, preservation, and appreciation of the richness of the outdoors. To achieve it, Adventure Education, experiential learning, has been hybridized with Cooperative Learning, promoting interpersonal connections, and Gamification, providing a playful distribution of roles and the use of new technologies for self-assessment. Practical guidelines are presented to guide an educational intervention both in the regulations (objectives, participants, and beginning protocol), in the use of materials and spaces (incorporating self-constructed materials: consumer education; mobile apps: appropriate instruction in new technologies), and in formative and shared assessment.

Cristiane Corrêa Batista ◽  
Fabiano Guilherme Mendes Santos

O dia 13 de março marca o iní­cio do afastamento social no Brasil por conta da pandemia causada pela Covid-19. Quatro dias depois, a Câmara dos Deputados institui o Sistema de Deliberação Remota (SDR), realizando sua primeira sessão virtual no dia 25 do mesmo mês. O artigo tem por objetivo entender o micro processo que viabilizou a retomada das atividades de plenário da Câmara tão rapidamente. Através de pesquisa qualitativa e questionários semi-estruturados aplicados a atores chaves no processo, mostramos que o investimento prévio em tecnologia e em informação dotou o parlamento de autonomia visando manter suas atividades.Palavras-chave: Pandemia; Funcionamento Congressual; Câmara dos Deputados; Novas Tecnologias; Sistema de Deliberação Remota. March 13 marks the beginning of social withdrawal in Brazil due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19. Four days later, the House of Representatives institutes the Remote Deliberation System (SDR), holding its first virtual session on the 25th of the same month. The article aims to understand the micro process that enabled the resumption of plenary activities of the House so quickly. Through qualitative research and semi-structured questionnaires applied to key actors in the process, we showed that the previous investment in technology and information on the institution provided the parliament with autonomy in order to maintain its activities.Keywords: Pandemic Times; Congressional Functioning; House of Representatives; New Technologies; Remote Deliberation System. El 13 de marzo marca el inicio del retiro social en Brasil debido a la pandemia causada por Covid-19. Cuatro dias después, La Cámara de los Diputados instituyó el Sistema de Deliberación Remota (SDR), realizando su primera sesión virtual el dia 25 del miesmo mes. El artí­culo tiene como objetivo compender el microproceso que permitió retomar tan rápidamente lãs actividades plenárias de la Cámara. A través de investigaciones cualitativas y cuestionarios semiestructurados aplicados a actores claves del processo, mostramos que La inversión previa em tecnologia e infromación há dotado AL parlamento de autonomia para mentener SUS actividades.Palabras clave: Pandemia; Funcionamiento del Congreso; Cámara de lós Disputados; Nuevas tecnologias; Sistema de Deliberación Remota.

Dra. Elizabeth Ormart ◽  
Profa. Flavia Andrea Navés

En la actualidad, el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación en el sistema de educación formal puso a disposición cierta cantidad de software de distribución libre destinado a la creación de comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje en línea, los llamados LMS (Learning Management System). Esto dio origen a nuevas discusiones que abren perspectivas inéditas en el campo del conocimiento. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo realizar un análisis sobre las ventajas que su uso le ofrece a la educación superior. Ésta debe garantizarle al futuro profesional una formación integral que incluya la dimensión ética, con la finalidad de fomentar actitudes favorables en el desempeño profesional. Es por ello que se considera de vital importancia la necesidad de sumar a las instancias presenciales, las virtuales, ya que estas últimas permiten el desarrollo de otras capacidades y habilidades en el alumnado y en los docentes. AbstractNowadays, the use of the new technologies of communication in the formal education system make available a certain amount of free software for the creation of online virtual communities of learning, called LMS (Learning Management System) available to teachers and students. This leads to further discussions that open completely new perspectives in the field of knowledge. The aim of this work is to make an analysis of the advantages that its use offers to higher education, an education which must guarantee the future professional a comprehensive training, including the ethical dimension, in order to promote favorable attitudes in their professional performances. That is why it the need to add the virtual classes to the face ones is considered vital, since the former allow the development of other abilities and skills in students and teachers. Recibido: 04 de octubre de 2012Aceptado: 13 de marzo de 2013

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Guillermo Reyes ◽  
Juan Iñiguez Izquierdo ◽  
William Pupiales ◽  
Cristian Soria ◽  
José Yépez

En la actualidad la industria automotriz busca nuevas tecnologías para mejorar los vehículos con respecto a sus emisiones contaminantes, aquello con el propósito de mejorar la calidad del aire y evitar la producción de gases perjudiciales para el medio ambiente a nivel mundial. Las prestaciones de un generador de hidrógeno automotriz fueron analizadas de forma comparativa, mediante el sistema estándar de inyección de combustible tipo gasolina y el mismo sistema estándar de inyección con 139ml de H₂ por minuto a través del múltiple de admisión, con 1 atm de presión. Se realizaron pruebas de emisiones contaminantes bajo la norma Técnica Ecuatoriana INEN 2-203 y 2-204. Los valores que arrojaron las pruebas realizadas de las emisiones de gases contaminantes, el monóxido de carbono presenta una disminución del 23% de su contaminación normal a 2500 rpm a 2800m.s.n.m. ABSTRACT The automotive industry is currently looking for new technologies to improve vehicles with respect to their pollutant emissions, with the aim of improving air quality and avoiding the production of harmful gases for the environment worldwide. The performance of an automotive hydrogen generator was analyzed in a comparative way using the standard gasoline fuel injection system and the same standard injection system with 139 ml H₂ per minute through the intake manifold at 1 atm pressure. In this research the dynamometer was tested by means of DIN 70020 for torque - power and the pollutant emissions were tested under the local Technical Norm INEN 2-203 and 2-204. The values of the tests performed on the dynamometer with the presence of hydrogen indicated a power increase of 9.38% over the values of its nominal power. For emissions of pollutant gases, carbon monoxide shows a 23% decrease of its normal pollution at 2500 rpm.

2013 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 283-290 ◽  
Y. Nishizaki ◽  
H. Miyamae ◽  
S. Ichikawa ◽  
K. Izumiya ◽  
T. Takano ◽  

Our effort for decontamination of radioactive cesium scattered widely by nuclear accident in March 2011 in Fukushima, Japan has been described. Radioactive cesium scattered widely in Japan has been accumulating in arc or plasma molten-solidified ash in waste incinerating facilities up to 90,000 Bq/kg of the radioactive waste. Water rinsing of the ash resulted in dissolution of cesium ions together with high concentrations of potassium and sodium ions. Although potassium inhibits the adsorption of cesium on zeolite, we succeeded to precipitate cesium by in-situ formation of ferric ferrocyanide and iron rust in the radioactive filtrate after rinsing of the radioactive ash with water. Because the regulation of no preservation of any kind of cyanide substances, cesium was separated from the precipitate consisting of cesium-captured ferric ferrocyanide and ferric hydroxide in diluted NaOH solution and subsequent filtration gave rise to the potassium-free radioactive filtrate. Cesium was captured by zeolite from the potassium-free radioactive filtrate. The amount of this final radioactive waste of zeolite was significantly lower than that of the arc-molten-solidified ash.

2012 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 583-592 ◽  
Yinke Dou ◽  
Xiaomin Chang

Abstract Ice thickness is one of the most critical physical indicators in the ice science and engineering. It is therefore very necessary to develop in-situ automatic observation technologies of ice thickness. This paper proposes the principle of three new technologies of in-situ automatic observations of sea ice thickness and provides the findings of laboratory applications. The results show that the in-situ observation accuracy of the monitor apparatus based on the Magnetostrictive Delay Line (MDL) principle can reach ±2 mm, which has solved the “bottleneck” problem of restricting the fine development of a sea ice thermodynamic model, and the resistance accuracy of monitor apparatus with temperature gradient can reach the centimeter level and research the ice and snow substance balance by automatically measuring the glacier surface ice and snow change. The measurement accuracy of the capacitive sensor for ice thickness can also reach ±4 mm and the capacitive sensor is of the potential for automatic monitoring the water level under the ice and the ice formation and development process in water. Such three new technologies can meet different needs of fixed-point ice thickness observation and realize the simultaneous measurement in order to accurately judge the ice thickness.

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