2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Elfridauli Elfridauli

Work attitude of teachers greatly influences the success of an education, which is influenced by several factors such as organizational culture, job satisfaction, job involvement, compensation, work comfort and interpersonal communication. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of organizational culture and interpersonal communication on the work attitude of private junior high school teachers in Tanjung Priok District. This research was conducted using survey method with quantitative approach and path analysis technique. The populations in this study were 307 teachers with 75 research samples of teachers selected using simple random sampling technique. Data were obtained through questionnaire and analyzed using path analysis technique. Based on the results of data analysis in this study, it can be concluded: (1) organizational culture has a direct positive influence on teacher work attitude; (2) interpersonal communication also has a positive direct effect on teacher work attitude; (3) organizational culture has a positive direct effect on interpersonal communication. Therefore, work attitude can be developed through the improvement of organizational culture and interpersonal communication.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Elfridauli Elfridauli

Work attitude of teachers greatly influences the success of an education, which is influenced by several factors such as organizational culture, job satisfaction, job involvement, compensation, work comfort and interpersonal communication. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of organizational culture and interpersonal communication on the work attitude of private junior high school teachers in Tanjung Priok District. This research was conducted using survey method with quantitative approach and path analysis technique. The populations in this study were 307 teachers with 75 research samples of teachers selected using simple random sampling technique. Data were obtained through questionnaire and analyzed using path analysis technique. Based on the results of data analysis in this study, it can be concluded: (1) organizational culture has a direct positive influence on teacher work attitude; (2) interpersonal communication also has a positive direct effect on teacher work attitude; (3) organizational culture has a positive direct effect on interpersonal communication. Therefore, work attitude can be developed through the improvement of organizational culture and interpersonal communication.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-106

The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of organizational culture and interpersonal communication on the work attitude of private junior high school teachers in Tanjung Priok district. This research was conducted using survey method with quantitative approach and path analysis technique. The populations in this study were 307 teachers with 75 research samples of teachers selected using simple random sampling technique. Data were obtained through questionnaire and analyzed using path analysis technique. Based on the results of data analysis in this study, it can be concluded: (1) organizational culture has a direct positive influence on teacher work attitude; (2) interpersonal communication also has a positive direct effect on teacher work attitude; (3) organizational culture has a positive direct effect on interpersonal communication. Therefore, work attitude can be developed through the improvement of organizational culture and interpersonal communication.

Yedi Sispurwanto ◽  
Muchlis R. Luddin ◽  
Rugaiyah Fitri

The purpose of this study is to study the influence of leadership, happiness, interpersonal communication to normative commitment of public Junior High School teachers in Kampar Regency of Riau Province. This research uses a quantitative approach with the survey method. The sample of this research is 148 lecturers of civil servant status (PNS) at public Junior High Schools (SMP Negeri) located in Kampar Regency, which is collected from 4 schools, selected based on schools that get the highest National Examination (UN) and National Examination Integrity Index (IIUN) value at 4 sub-districts. The results of this study indicate that (1) leadership has a direct effect on the teacher's normative commitment, (2) happiness directly affects teacher's normative commitment, (3) interpersonal communication has a direct effect on teachers' normative commitment; (4) direct influence toward teacher interpersonal communication (5) happiness directly affects teacher's interpersonal communication, (6) leadership has a direct effect on teacher's happiness, so teacher's normative commitment can be improved if there is a good leadership behavior, happiness in workplace and intimacy in interpersonal communication. Especially for Kampar Regency of Riau Province, the region which is nicknamed “Riau Province' Veranda of Mecca”, to increase teachers' normative commitment is to facilitate the needs related to facilities and infrastructure, programs, activities that can improve science and practice values ​​to muslim teachers because based on the questionnaire results, the majority of teachers responded to the point that: "I pursue the teaching profession as worship to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala", with a total score of 707. The statements of the teachers are in line with the Vision of RPJPD (Regional Long Term Development Plan) of Kampar Regency Year 2005-2025, namely: "Kampar Regency a County of Culture, Empowerment, within the Religious Society in the year of 2025", and explained to the explanation of the meaning contained in the vision, in point three, : "All components of Kampar regency are determined to make the religious society, where all aspects of life that are run are always based on religious values, in accordance with Kampar community motto to create Kampar district as “Riau Province' Veranda of Mecca”. Keywords: leadership, happiness, interpersonal communication, normative commitment

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-108
Irfan Mujahidin

This research aims to investigate the effect of organizational culture and job motivation as independent variables toward the teacher’s work productivity of state junior high school teachers as dependent variable, both individually and collectively.           Among 60 senior high school  teachers were surveyed and 52 respondent were selected as samples for the research. Normality, homogenity,linearity, multiple regression,and multiple correlation are several data analysis method that were used in this research using the SPPS 21.0 program for Windows.The result of this research imply that: Firstl,  a positive and significant effect was found Teacher’s Work Productivity by Organizational Culture and Job Motivation collectivelly and expressed in coefficient correlation  ry1.2 = 0,672 (a = 0,05) and regression equation as Y = 43,0378 + 0,603 X1  +  0,273 X2 and  determination coefficient is  r2y1.2 = 0,451.Secondly, a positive and significant corelation was found Organizational Culture toward Teacher’s Work Productivity  can be found and  expressed in hypothesis testing that the value of Sig = 0.000 and t = 5.767, while t table = 2.021. Because the value of Sig <0.05 and tcount > ttable, H0 is rejected, it means that there is a significant effect of the independent variable X1 (organizational culture) on the dependent variable Y (Teacher’s Work Productivity). Thirdly, this research also found that there is a positive and significant corelation was found Job Motivation toward Teacher’s Work Productivity can be found and  expressed in  the hypothesis testing, it was obtained that the value of Sig = 0.000 and tcount = 3.881, while ttable = 2.021. The value of Sig <0.05 and tcount > ttable, so H0 is rejected, it means that there is a significant effect of the independent variable X2 (job motivation) toward the dependent variable Y (Teacher’s Work Productivity).           According to result of this research that improvement of Teacher’s Work Productivity  can be in creased by Organizationalal Culture and Job Motivation interest.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-46
Eka Suhardi ◽  
Atep Yulia Nugraha ◽  
Soewarto Hardhienata

Teacher work productivity can affect the progress of the quality of learning in schools. From the initial survey, it is seen that the work productivity of teachers, especially private junior high school teachers, has not been as expected, meaning "das sein" has not been like "das sollen". Therefore, the teacher's work productivity is interesting to be studied. The research aims to find an effort to increase teacher work productivity by examining the relationship between other variables with teacher work productivity. The other variables are commitment to the profession and supervision of the principal. This research was conducted using the correlational statistical method to find out whether commitment to the profession and supervision of the principal has a positive relationship with teacher work productivity. Based on these results, an analysis was then performed using the Sitorem Method to establish recommendations and find a priority order for improvement of the indicators of the research variables needed. The study was conducted on private junior high school teachers in Klapanunggal District, Bogor Regency with a population of 134 teachers, with a proportional random sample of 100 teachers. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between commitment to the profession with teacher work productivity with a correlation coefficient of 0.512, there was a positive relationship between the supervision of principals with teacher work productivity with a correlation coefficient of 0.464, and there was a positive relationship between commitment to the profession and supervision of principals as together with teacher work productivity with a correlation coefficient of 0.676. This shows that teacher work productivity can be increased through strengthening commitment to the profession and supervision of the principal. The results of Sitorem's analysis show that strengthening commitment to the profession and supervision of school principals can be done by improving indicators that are still weak and maintaining good indicators. Indicators that are still weak and require improvement in the order of priority handling are as follows: 1. Professional development efforts, 2. Services to students, 3. Guidelines for student success, 4. Responsibility, 5. Love of the profession, 6. Provision of feedback from results supervision, 7. follow up supervision, 8. Continuity of supervision, 9. Provision of assistance and guidance, 10. Interaction in supervision, 11. Speed of completing work, 12. Personal development, 13. Positive contribution to the environment, 14. Targets to be achieved , and 15. Relationships with fellow teachers. Whereas the 3 indicators that are in good condition and remain to be maintained are: 1. Obedience to the rules, 2. Quality of work, and 3. Compliance with work

Lusiana Lusiana ◽  
Kasman Rukun ◽  
Yahya Yahya

The objectives of this study are (1) Contribution of certification to teacher work motivation, (2) Contribution of the school climate to teacher work motivation, (3) Contribution of certification allowances and school climate together to work motivation. This type of research is quantitative correlational in nature, the population in this study were all junior high school teachers in Kinali sub-district with the status of civil servants with a population of 107 people, a sample of 30 people taken using the startified proportional random sampling technique. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, data analysis techniques (1) description of data, (2) testing requirements analysis and (3) testing hypotheses. The results of the study prove that (1) There is a contribution of certification to work motivation because certification contributes 25.6% to the teacher's work motivation (2) the school climate contributes 28.3% to the teacher's work motivation (3) certification and the school climate together contribute 37.5% to the motivation of the teacher's work. Suggestions that can be put forward based on the findings to improve the work motivation of the teacher are expected that the principal can provide certification allowances to teachers who meet the requirements. To increase the work motivation of teachers, it is necessary to fix the low school climate, the Supervisors to provide a school climate of cooperation with teachers in accordance with technological developments. The education office's policy in terms of managing learning in schools should aim at increasing certification allowances.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 8
Sulastri Eli Arlita ◽  
Nur Ahyani ◽  
Missriani Missriani

This study determined whether there was an effect of academic competence on teacher’s performance, whether there was an effect of teacher’s motivation on teacher’s performance and whether there was an effect of academic competence and teacher’s motivation on the performance of junior high school teachers in Prabumulih Utara District. The sample of this research is civil servant teachers, consist of 59 teachers. The data were collected using questionnaire and documentation. The data analysis technique used the SPSS Version 21 software program application. The results of this study explain that there was an effect of academic competence on teacher’s performance, there is an effect of teacher’s motivation on teacher’s performance and there is an effect of academic competence and teacher’s motivation simultaneously on the performance of junior high school teachers in Prabumulih Utara District. Keywords: Teacher’s Motivation, Academic Competence, Teacher Performance

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 254-270
Rabiatul Adawiyah ◽  
Neti Karnati ◽  
Siti Rochanah

This study aims to determine the effect of academic supervision and teamwork on the effectiveness of the work of State Junior High School teachers in Bekasi City. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach and data collection techniques using questionnaires involving 243 public junior high school teachers in Bekasi City as a research sample. The sample in this study was determined randomly using Slovin formula. Analysis and interpretation of data indicate; First, the influence of academic supervision is directly positive and significant for teacher work effectiveness with a path coefficient of 0.249. Second, the influence of teamwork is directly positive on teacher work effectiveness with path coefficients of 0.557. Third, the influence of academic supervision is directly positive on teamwork with a path coefficient of 0.383. Based on the results of this study, teacher work effectiveness can be improved with appropriate academic supervision. Teamwork through coordination, interpersonal activities, responsibility, support between individuals and collaboration can improve teacher work effectiveness.    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh supervisi akademik dan kerjasama tim terhadap efektivitas kerja guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri di Kota Bekasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan angketdengan melibatkan 243 guruSMP Negeri di Kota Bekasi sebagai sampel penelitian. Sampel dalam penelitian ini ditentukan secara acak dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin. Analisis dan interpretasi data menunjukkan indikasi; Pertama, adanya pengaruh supervisi akademik langsung positif dan signifikan terhadap efektivitas kerjaguru dengan koefisien jalur0,249. Kedua, adanya pengaruh kerja sama tim secara langsung positif terhadap efektivitas kerja guru dengan koefisien jalur0,557. Ketiga, adanya pengaruh supervisi akademik secara langsung positif terhadap kerja sama tim dengan koefisien jalur 0,383. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, efektivitas kerja guru dapat ditingkatkan dengan supervisi akademik yang dilakukan secara tepat. Kerjasama tim melalui koordinasi, aktivitas interpersonal, tanggung jawab, dukungan antara individu dan kerjasama dapat meningkatkan efektivitas kerja guru. Kata kunci: Supervisi Akademik, Kerjasama Tim, Efektifitas Kerja

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