2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 135
. MASTUR ◽  

<p>Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Glapansari, Kecamatan Parakan, Kabupaten Temanggung pada bulan Maret sampai Desember tahun 2001 untuk mcngcvaluasi pengaruh penerapan teknik konservasi lahan dalam pengendalian erosi dan penyakit lincat terhadap erosi, sifat fisik tanah, populasi patogen, kematian tanaman, serta hasil tembakau. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah teknik pengendalian erosi yang meliputi penanaman rumput Setaria pada bibir teras dan tanaman Elemingia congesta pada bidang tampingan, seta pembuatan rorak di dasar saluran teras dan pengolahan tanah minimum. Perlakuan tersebut dikombinasikan dengan teknologi pengendalian penyakit lincat, yaitu penanaman galur tembakau tahan (BC3-C51) dan pembcian/penyemprotan mikrobia antagonis Aspergillus fumigatus dan Bacillus cereus. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok dengan dua perlakuan (konservasi dan kontrol) dan enam ulangan. Setiap satuan percobaan tersusun atas petak berukuran 22 m x 4 m dan masing-masing dipasang satu unit bak penampung erosi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan teknik konservasi dapat menekan besanya erosi dari 30.2 ton/ha menjadi 16.7 ton/ha atau turun 44.8 %. Kombinasi teknik pengendalian penyakit lincat dapat menekan perkembangan patogen lincat dan mengurangi kematian tanaman tembakau sebesar 53.6%. Hasil daun tembakau basah dan rajangan kering pada perlakuan konservasi masing-masing 41.7% dan 42.1% dibanding kontrol.</p><p>Kata kunci: Tembakau, Nicotiana tabacum, tembakau temanggung. konservasi tanah, erosi, patogen tanah</p><p> </p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Effectiveness of land conservation technique in reducing soil erosion and lincat plant diseases</p><p>Field trial was conducted in Glapansari Village, Parakan, Temang¬ gung District from March to December 2001 to evaluate the effect of land conservation by controlling soil erosion and plant disease on soil erosion, soil physical characteristics, soil pathogens population, dead tobacco plant, and tobacco yield. The treatments were soil conservation technique by planting of Setaria grass on Ihe terrace edge and planting Elemingia congesta on the riser, and digging of sediment trap on the base of terrace ditch. The treatments were planting tobacco line (BC3-C51) tolerant to lincat disease combined with the application of antagonistic microbes (Aspergillus fumigatus and Bacillus cereus). The research used complete randomized block design with two treatments and six replications. Each expeimental units composed of plot sized 22 m x 4 m and soil erosion collector. Results showed that the land conservation technique reduced soil erosion rom 30.2 to 16.7 tones/ha or 44.8%. This technique reduced soil pathogen population and dead tobacco plant 53.6%. The land conservation technique increased signiicantly tobacco fresh leaves yield 41.7% and dried sliced tobacco yield 42.1 % compared to that of control.</p><p>Key words: Tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, temanggung tobacco, soil conservation, erosion, soil pathogen <br /><br /></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 101

ABSTRAK<br />Masalah utama pada budidaya tembakau temanggung adalah erosi yang<br />mencapai 42,75 ton/ha dan serangan penyakit lincat yang dapat mematikan<br />tanaman sampai 80%. Untuk menekan erosi dan penyakit lincat tersebut telah<br />dilakukan penelitian yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2002 di Desa Glapansari,<br />Kecamatan Parakan, Kabupaten Temanggung. Tujuannya adalah untuk<br />mengetahui pengaruh penerapan teknik konservasi lahan yang dikombinasikan<br />dengan pengendalian penyakit lincat terhadap erosi, kadar unsur hara tanah<br />tererosi, sifat fisik tanah, populasi patogen, persentase kematian tanaman, serta<br />hasil tembakau. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah teknologi konservasi lahan yang<br />meliputi penanaman rumput setaria pada bibir saluran pemotong lahan selebar<br />4 m, dan tanaman flemingia pada bidang vertikal saluran pemotong setinggi 0,5<br />m, serta pembuatan rorak di dasar saluran pemotong lahan yang mempunyai<br />kemiringan 43%. Perlakuan tersebut dikombinasikan dengan teknologi<br />pengendalian penyakit “lincat”, yaitu penanaman galur tahan (BC3-C51),<br />pemberian mikrobia antagonis A. fumigatus, penyemprotan dan pemberian<br />pestisida kimiawi. Mikrobia antagonis dan pestisida kimia disemprotkan pada<br />lubang tanam sehari sebelum tembakau ditanam. Penanaman bibit rumput<br />setaria dan flemingia serta pembuatan rorak dilakukan pada tahun 2000, yaitu<br />dua bulan sebelum penanaman tembakau musim tanam tahun 2000. Rancangan<br />yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok yang diulang 6 kali. Di<br />setiap petak perlakuan yang berukuran 22 m x 4 m dipasang sebanyak dua unit<br />bak penampung erosi, yaitu 1 unit bak penampung erosi untuk perlakuan<br />kontrol dan 1 unit untuk perlakuan teknik konservasi yang diletakkan di tengah<br />petak bagian bawah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan teknik<br />konservasi pada lahan tembakau temanggung dapat menekan besarnya erosi<br />dari 30,22 menjadi 16,67 ton/ha/thn atau sebesar 44,84%. Penyemprotan<br />mikrobia antagonis pada lahan dengan teknik konservasi dapat menekan<br />perkembangan populasi patogen lincat dan mengurangi persentase kematian<br />tanaman tembakau. Hasil tembakau yang ditanam pada lahan dengan teknik<br />konservasi dan aplikasi pengendalian penyakit “lincat” ternyata lebih tinggi<br />42% dibanding hasil tembakau yang ditanam pada lahan kontrol.<br />Kata kunci : Konservasi lahan, erosi, tembakau temanggung, penyakit lincat<br />ABSTRACT<br />Soil conservation technique to reduce erosion and soil<br />pathogens of temanggung tobacco land<br />Mostly area cropping of temanggung tobacco is located in hilly land, so<br />that erosion and accumulation of disease are the main problems. To minimize<br />erosion and disease attacks, research had been done in Glapansari Village,<br />Parakan District, Temanggung in 2002 at site with slope of 43%. The aim was<br />to know the effect of soil conservation which was combined with soil disease<br />control techniques on soil erosion, eroded soil element, soil physics, soil<br />pathogens population, percentage of dead tobacco plant, and tobacco yield.<br />The treatments are soil conservation technique, planting of setaria grass and<br />flemingia in ridge terrace and digging of ditch pitch on the base of ridge<br />terrace. All of the treatments was established in 2000. The soil conservation<br />treatments were combined with application of antagonistic microbes (A.<br />fumigatus) and cropping of resistant tobacco line (BC3-C51). Randomized<br />Block Design with 6 replicates was used in this research. In each treatment of<br />22 m x 4 m plots, two units soil erosion collector were set, one unit was for<br />control treatment (without soil conservation and soil disease control techniques<br />or local farmer technology treatment) and the other for soil conservation<br />techniques. Results showed that soil conservation technique reduced soil<br />erosion from 30.22 to 16.67 tones/ha/year or 44.84%. Tobacco land that was<br />treated with soil conservation and soil pathogen control techniques had less soil<br />pathogen population and death tobacco plant than tobacco land without<br />treatments (control). Tobacco yield planted in land with soil conservation was<br />higher 42% than that planted in control land.<br />Key words : Soil conservation, erosion, temanggung tobacco, soil pathogen

2016 ◽  
pp. 110-110
P.Q. Xiao ◽  
W.Y. Yao ◽  
Z.Z. Shen ◽  
C.X. Yang

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1117
Julio Caetano Tomazoni ◽  
Ana Paula Vansan

Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a erosão hídrica laminar do solo, por meio da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solos Revisada (RUSLE) na bacia hidrográfica do rio São José, localizada no município de Francisco Beltrão (PR).  A perda de solo média anual (A) foi determinada através da RUSLE para os anos 2000, 2005, 2009, 2015 e 2017 utilizando-se técnicas de geoprocessamento com o auxílio do software ArcGis 10.0. O fator erosividade da chuva (R) foi determinado utilizando-se dados pluviométricos correspondentes ao período de 1974 a 2016. O fator erodibilidade do solo (K) foi obtido através da análise de amostras de solo coletadas in loco. O fator topográfico (LS) foi estimado por meio dos dados altimétricos e hidrográficos da bacia. Os fatores de uso e manejo do solo (C) e de práticas conservacionistas do solo (P) foram determinados por meio da caracterização multitemporal do uso e ocupação do solo, através de imagens de satélite. O potencial natural de erosão (PNE) foi determinado pela multiplicação dos fatores R, K e LS.A estimativa de perda de solo (A) foi determinada pela multiplicação do PNE pelos fatores C e P.  Use of Geoprocessing Techniques to Study Laminar Water Erosion in Watershed of Southwest Paraná A B S T R A C TThe objective of this work is evaluate the soil erosion by the Universal Equation of Soil Losses Revised (RUSLE) in the São José river basin, located in the municipality of Francisco Beltrão (PR). The average annual soil loss (A) was determined through RUSLE for the years 2000, 2005, 2009, 2015 and 2017 using geoprocessing techniques with ArcGis 10.0 software. Rainfallerosivity (R) was determined using rainfall data from 1974 to 2016, being determined at 11521.26 11521,26 The soil erodibility factor (K) was obtained through the analysis of soil samples collected on the spot (0,03018 t.ha.h/, 0,02771 t.ha.h/ e 0,02342 t.ha.h/ The topographic factor (LS) was estimated by the altimetric and hydrographic data of the basin. Soil use and management (C) and soil conservation (P) were determined through multitemporal characterization of land use and occupation, using satellite images. The natural erosion potential (NEP) was determined by multiplying the R, K and LS factors, with more than half of the total area of the watershed with very strong PNE. The soil loss estimate (A) was determined by multiplying the NEP by factors C and P with predominance of the class called low (0 to 10 t/ha/year) denoting the reduction of erosion rates through factors C and P, helping to protect the soil from the erosion process.Key words: Soil Erosion; Watershed, Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, Geoprocessing, Software.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 129

<p>Percobaan lapang telah dilakukan pada tanah vetisol di Kebun Percobaan Pekuwon, Bojonegoro, dimulai Mei sampai September 1996, untuk mempelajari pengaruh populasi tanaman tembakau terhadap sifat agronomis dan kadar Cl daun tanaman tembakau Virginia yang diolah dengan cara dirajang. Tinggi tempat dari lahan percobaan 13 m dpi, dan dengan tipe iklim D. Tanah bertekstur liat dengan 80% liat, 15% debu dan 5% pasir, 0.62% C-organik, 0.10% N, dan pH 8.20. Percobaan disusun dalam ancangan acak kelompok dengan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari enam laraf populasi tanaman tembakau (12 000; 18 000; 24 000; 36 000; 48 000, dan 60 000 tanaman per ha atau setara dengan 144, 216, 288, 432, 576, dan 720 tanaman per petak). Ukuran petak 12 m x 10 m. Dalam percobaan ini akan dipelajari pula pengaruh bentuk hasil (rajangan dan krosok) terhadap kadar Cl daun. Sepuluh tanaman per petak diolah secara lue-cuing di dalam oven mini, untuk dianalisis kadar Cl daunnya. Varietas tembakau adalah DB 101. Hasil dan indeks tanaman masih terus meningkat sampai populasi tetinggi, sedangkan mutu dan rendemen tidak terpengaruh oleh peningkatan populasi. Peningkatan populasi sebaliknya menurunkan ukuran daun, bobot tiap daun, tinggi tanaman, lingkar batang, dan jumlah daun yang dapat dipanen. Berdasar hasil, mutu dan mudahnya pengelolaan di lapang populasi yang optimal adalah 24 000 tanaman per ha, untuk tembakau Virginia rajangan di Bojonegoro. Peningkatan populasi hanya berpengaruh pada kadar Cl daun atas saja. Sedangkan bentuk hasil tembakau ajangan dan krosok tidak berpengaruh pada kadar Cl daun.</p><p>Kata kunci: Nicotiana tabacum, tembakau. tembakau Virginia rajangan, populasi tanaman, vertisols, sifat agronomis, kadar Cl, bentuk olahan</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong></p><p><strong>Effect of plant population on agronomic characteristics and leaf Cl content of sliced Virginia tobacco grown in vertisols of Bojonegoro</strong></p><p>The expeiment was conducted in vetisol soil of Bojonegoro in 1996 to study the effect of plant population on agronomic characteistics and Cl content of sliced tobacco leaves. The experiment was site located 13 m above sea level, with D climatic type. The soil characteristics were clay texture with 80% clay, 15% silt and 5% sand, 0.62% C-organic, 0.10 % N, and pH 8.2. The treatment consisted of six plant populations (12.000 up to 60.000 plants per ha equal with 144, 216, 288, 432, 576, and 720 plants per plot) was arranged in a randomized block design, with four replications. Plot size was 12 m x 10 m. Plant population per plo( based on the six treatment levels. For Cl content analysis, 10 plants plot was also taken to be processed with lue-curing method in mini oven. Tobacco variety was DB 101. Yield and crop index increased steadily as plant population increased up to the highest plant population. However the increase in plant population decreased the size, weight, number of leaves, and plant height. While grade index, percentage of dry to fresh leaf yield and Cl content of lower and middle leaves were not affected by the increase in plant population. Base on yield, quality, and easier management, the recommended plant population was 24 000 plant per ha. The increase in plant population only affected the Cl content of upper leaves. The form of sliced and lue-cured tobacco leaves did not affect the Cl content of (he leaves.</p><p>Key words : Nicotiana tabacum, tobacco, sliced Virginia tobacco, plant population vetisols, agronomic characteristic, Cl contcnl, product form</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 1365 ◽  
Panos Panagos ◽  
Cristiano Ballabio ◽  
Jean Poesen ◽  
Emanuele Lugato ◽  
Simone Scarpa ◽  

Soil erosion is one of the eight threats in the Soil Thematic Strategy, the main policy instrument dedicated to soil protection in the European Union (EU). During the last decade, soil erosion indicators have been included in monitoring the performance of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study comes five years after the assessment of soil loss by water erosion in the EU [Environmental science & policy 54, 438–447 (2015)], where a soil erosion modelling baseline for 2010 was developed. Here, we present an update of the EU assessment of soil loss by water erosion for the year 2016. The estimated long-term average erosion rate decreased by 0.4% between 2010 and 2016. This small decrease of soil loss was due to a limited increase of applied soil conservation practices and land cover change observed at the EU level. The modelling results suggest that, currently, ca. 25% of the EU land has erosion rates higher than the recommended sustainable threshold (2 t ha−1 yr−1) and more than 6% of agricultural lands suffer from severe erosion (11 t ha−1 yr−1). The results suggest that a more incisive set of measures of soil conservation is needed to mitigate soil erosion across the EU. However, targeted measures are recommendable at regional and national level as soil erosion trends are diverse between countries which show heterogeneous application of conservation practices.

2013 ◽  
Vol 838-841 ◽  
pp. 675-679 ◽  
Miao Zhang ◽  
Fang Qing Chen ◽  
Jin Xia Zhang

Cynodon dactylon has become a dominant riparian species in the reservoir region after the Three Gorges project was finished. In order to determine the effect of the species in soil conservation and slope reinforcement and the variation over time, the soil erosion resistance and shear strength of plants soil-root systems were tested during different seasons in a year through control experiment. Results showed that C. dactylon roots enhanced significantly soil conservation and slope reinforcement. The tensile strength of C. dactylon roots reached from 65.34 to 91.22Kpa/mm2 after three to twelve month growth, so did the soil erosion resistance coefficient from 0.34 to 0.86, shear strength from 20.82 to 25.98Kpa increasing by 39.62%, 154.90% and 24.74% respectively. We conclude that the temporal dynamics of C. dactylon roots influenced the performance of soil-root system in soil conservation and slope reinforcement.

2012 ◽  
Vol 500 ◽  
pp. 162-167
Shi Xian Gu ◽  
Xia Xu ◽  
Xiao Dan Wang

The vegetation factor C presented the human disturbance to the soil erosion and was important to the soil erosion estimation and soil conservation. However it was hard to be measured without a long term field observation and much harder in the frigid plateau region where the environment is fragile and tough, research needed and not easy to be conducted. This study used remote sensing to check detail land use/cover, estimated the factor C by vegetation rational model, and a factor C value table was built and C value map was drawn in the typical watershed of eastern Tibet to help to estimate the soil erosion in the material lack area.

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