Urine indican and hydrogen respiratory test as methods of screaning diagnostics of excessive bacterial growth syndrome in a small intestine

2017 ◽  
pp. 117-121
V.L. Martynov ◽  
A.G. Semenov ◽  
A.A. Tulupov ◽  
A.A. Chesnokov ◽  
V.A. Kurilov ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Vladimir Leonidovich Martynov ◽  
Natalia Vladimirovna Kazarina ◽  

Objective: To determine the syndrome of excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine (SIBO) in patients with insufficiency of the bauhinia valve (NBZ) and after its surgical correction. Methods of examination: Patients of the studied groups were examined using direct and indirect methods of diagnosis of SIBO. Bacteriological examination of ileal aspirate and other surgical material was performed. All patients underwent a hydrogen respiratory test with a load of lactulose and performed a qualitative reaction of urine to indican. Characteristics of the material: 50 patients were examined, of which 30 were included in the main group, who underwent surgical correction of NBZ - Bauginoplasty; 20 patients are included in the control group in which the ileocecal valve is consistent. Patients of the main group were examined before surgery and on the 7th and 45th day after Bauhinoplasty. Main results: All patients of the main group had SIBS of varying severity, in 80% of patients SIBS was localized in the distal small intestine. Patients with normal function of ileocecal valve syndrome of excessive bacterial growth did not suffer. Intraoperatively, 76% of patients showed signs of mesenteric mesentery of the small intestine, and the fact of bacterial translocation in SIBO was also confirmed. After 7 days after surgical correction of the Bauhinia valve, the normalization of peak and background excretion of hydrogen was observed in 37% of patients. For 45 days in all patients the hydrogen curve corresponded to the norm. Conclusions: the deficiency of the bauhinia valve is obligately accompanied by the syndrome of excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine, surgical correction is an effective method for correcting the syndrome of excessive bacterial growth in patients with NBD.

Ya. M. Vakhrushev ◽  
M. S. Busygina ◽  
A. P. Lukashevich

Objective: to study the motor-evacuation function of the gastrointestinal tract in chronic duodenal stasis and the conjugation of their disorders with excessive bacterial growth.Materials and methods. Thirty patients with chronic duodenostasis (DS) aged 37.1 ± 13.8 years were examined. Anamnestic and physical data, results of X-ray and endoscopic examinations, intracavitarymanometry were used in the verification of DS. The determination of excess bacterial growth (IDB) in the small intestine was carried out by analyzing the results of the hydrogen respiratory test (VDT). The assessment of the motor function of the stomach and duodenum was carried out using the gastroenteromanometer GEM-01 “Gastroskan-GEM”. For conducting short-term pH-measurement, the Gastroskan-5M device was used.Results. All patients with DS presented dyspeptic complaints, revealed asthenic syndrome. In the postprandial period, impaired propulsive motility in all sections of the digestive tube was also expressed, which proves a 1.5-fold decrease in fasting urea, jejunum and ileum by 1.5 times in both phases of the study (p& <0.001). In patients with DS, IDB was detected in 22 (78.6%) cases. Among all examined patients in 19 (67.9%) patients, IDB was associated with increased bacterial activity in the small intestine. Colon dysbiosis was detected in 3 (10.7%) patients (χ2 = 7.093, p = 0.008). A correlation analysis between the hydrogen content in exhaled air and the rhythmic coefficient of the large intestine showed a reliable strong feedback (r& = 0.65, p = 0.015).Conclusion. A comprehensive study of the motor-evacuation function of the digestive system and the state of enteric microbiocenosis expands the possibilities of pathogenetically substantiated therapy for diseases of the organs of the gastroduodenobiliary pancreatic zone.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-50 ◽  
E. A. Kornienko ◽  
A. V. Saburova

The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of the probiotic containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and Kefir grains (Acipol®) in the complex therapy of chronic gastroduodenal diseases with a syndrome of excessive bacterial growth in children aged 6 to 17 years.We observed 43 children with chronic gastroduodenal diseases associated with Helicobacter pylori infection, accompanied by a syndrome of excessive bacterial growth. Patients were divided into 2 groups: 1 group comprised 28 children who received Acipol 2 weeks on a background of standard therapy, and 2 group (15 people) received standard therapy without Acipol. All children  of both groups were assessed pain index, dyspeptic index, hydrogen respiratory test with lactulose, quantitative PCR in feces before treatment, after 2 weeks, after 6 weeks.After 2 weeks, there was a significant decrease in pain index and dyspeptic index in group 1, by 6 weeks this decline continued. The hydrogen breathing  test with lactulose, conducted after 2 weeks, became negative in group 1 in 13 children (46%), and was preserved in 15 (54%). The same result was noted after 6 weeks. That is, elimination of the syndrome of excessive bacterial growth was achieved in 43% of children against the background of Acipol.

2018 ◽  
pp. 70-74
O. A. Yarmolenko ◽  
E. G. Malayeva ◽  
I. A. Khudyakov ◽  
M. N. Menshakova ◽  
L. A. Kobruseva

Diabetic enteropathy is a rarely diagnosed complication of diabetes mellitus. According to literature sources, most researchers note an association of this complication with the manifestation of diabetic autonomic neuropathy. The main clinical manifestations of diabetic enteropathy are: disrupted peristaltic activity of the small intestine, excessive bacterial growth, diarrhea, and steatorrhea. The article describes a clinical case of diabetic enteropathy in a young patient, which developed 8 years after diabetes mellitus type 1 had been diagnosed.

Roman G. Plavnik ◽  
Vassiliy I. Nevmerzhitsky ◽  
Ludmila I. Butorova ◽  
Natalia V. Bakulina

The article presents the data and review of the North American Consensus (2017) recommendations on the use of hydrogenmethane breathing test in diagnosing gastrointestinal disorders accompanied by excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine. On May 16, 2015, 17 leading scientists specializing in breathing tests took part in a consensus meeting in Washington (DC, USA). By a voting method, 28 consensus statements were identified and recommendations were given on the following issues regarding the use of the hydrogen-methane the procedure itself test in gastroenterological practice: 1) preparation for a breathing test; 2) indications for a breathing test; 3) the procedure itself; 4) interpretation of results; 5) gaps in the knowledge and unresolved issues.

2019 ◽  
Vol 91 (11) ◽  
pp. 32-37
M V Lyapina ◽  
Ya M Vakhrushev

Aim. To evaluate the qualitative and quantitative composition of the parietal microbiota of the small intestine (SI) and its significance in the disturbance of the digestive and absorption functions of the small intestine in metabolic syndrome (MS). Materials and methods. 67 patients with metabolic syndrome were examined. In addition to clinical data, a comprehensive study of the digestive and absorption function of SI was carried out using exercise tests with carbohydrates. The compositional characteristics of mucosal SI microbiota in MS patients were determined by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The relationship of enteric disorders with changes in small intestinal microbiocenosis was assessed by correlation analysis. Results. The majority (82.9%) of patients with metabolic syndrome showed clinical local and general signs of small intestinal lesions. Violations of all stages of the hydrolysis - resorption process were revealed against the background of changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of the parietal microbiota of the small intestine. In patients with MS, excessive bacterial growth is observed in the small intestine mainly due to conditionally pathogenic microbiota strains, and, in comparison with the control group, there is a significant increase in the growth of aerobes, microscopic fungi and viruses. The relationship between the severity of excess bacterial growth and impaired digestion and absorption in the small intestine in MS. Conclusion. The results of our research suggest that the identified changes in the functional state of SI in combination with a violation of mucosal enteral microbiocenosis are an important link in the complex pathogenesis of the MS.

M. V. Lyapina ◽  
A. P. Lukashevich ◽  
Ya. M. Vakhrushev

The aim. Assessment of the relationship between the occurrence of endotoxemia and impaired resorption function of the small intestine, arrhythmia of the motility of the stomach and intestines, and excessive bacterial growth in the metabolic syndrome (MS).Materials and methods. 62 patients with MS were examined. The average age was 48.62+3.75 years. The motor function of the gastrointestinal tract was studied using peripheral electrogastroenterocolography. To assess the absorption processes in the small intestine, stress tests with glucose and d-xylose were used. Blood endotoxin level, quantitative and& qualitative composition of parietal microbiota of small intestine were determined using an Agilent gas chromatograph with mass-selective and flame-ionization detectors (Agilent Technologies, USA).Results. 82.9% of the examined patients with MS showed clinical signs of intestinal damage. The electrical activity of& the& small intestine departments in the postprandial period was low in 70% of patients. The electrical activity of& the& colon on an empty stomach was not changed, and after a food load was reduced. Discoordination of motility is observed between small intestine and the colon, aggravated after food stimulation. A significant decrease in the rhythm of contractions is observed at the frequencies of the jejunum, ileum, and colon both on an empty stomach and in the postprandial period, which indicates a weakening of propulsive bowel contractions in patients with MS. In patients with MS, an increase in& the& absorption of glucose and d-xylose was revealed in comparison with the group of healthy individuals. In patients with MS, excessive bacterial growth in small intestine is observed mainly due to conditionally pathogenic microbiota strains. According to the results of the study of blood endotoxin level in patients with MS, a significant increase was revealed in comparison with the control group. Correlation analysis showed a moderate negative relationship between the level of endotoxin and electrical activity of small intestine, between the level of endotoxin and the ratio of the ratio of& the& colon to the ileum. A moderate positive relationship was established between the degree of endotoxemia increase and glucose absorption in small intestine.Conclusion. A study of the level of endotoxin and indicators of excessive bacterial growth, motor evacuation and resorption functions of small intestine revealed important pathogenetic patterns regarding the contributing role of the latter in& the development of endotoxemia in patients with MS.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-19
V. L. Martvnov ◽  
A. K. Khairdinov

Оbjective: diagnosis of the a small intestine of bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO) in patients with the failure of the bauginias valve (FBV) and after its surgical correction.Material and methods. Patients of the studied groups were examined by means of direct and indirect methods of diagnostics of SIBO. Bacteriological research of an aspirate of aillium gut and other operational material was conducted. To all patients the hydrogen respiratory test was carried out and highquality reaction of urine to an indican was carried out. 50 patients are examined, from them 30 are inclu ded in the main group by which surgical correction of FBV – a bauginoplastik is made; 20 patients are included in group of control at which the illeocecal valve is well-founded. Patients of the main group were examined before operation and for the 7th and 45th days after a bauginoplastik.Results. At all patients of the main group SIBO of varying severity is defined, at 80% of patients of SIBO was localized in distal part of the small intestine. Patients with normal function of the ileocecal valve a SIBO did not suffer. At 76% of patients revealed signs of a mezadenitisof a small intestine, the fact of a bacterial translocation at SIBO is confirmed. In 7 days after surgical correction of the bauginiasvalve normalization of a peak and background excretion of hydrogen was noted at 37% of patients. For the 45th days at all patients the hydrogen digram met standard.Conclusions. The failure of the bauginiasvalveis obligatory followed by a small intestine of bacterial overgrowth syndrome, surgical correction is an effective method of correction of a SIBO at patients with FBV.

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