Дарья Рябчук ◽  
Daria Ryabchuk ◽  
Alexander Sergeev ◽  
Alexander Sergeev ◽  
Vadim Sivkov ◽  

Synthesis of long-term geological research on the Russian region of the southeastern Baltic and its coastal zone has allowed for the establishment of boundaries and determination of the time of formation and the structure of the Sambian morpho-lythodynamic marine and coastal system. The systems studied include the coastal zone (at a the water depth of 30 m according to longshore storm wave current impacts) and adjacent silty-clay sedimentation basins. The development of the Curonian Spit area in the Late Pleistocene – Holocene was reconstructed based on marine geological and geophysical study and modelling. Comparative analyses of the geological settings of the Curonian and Vistula Spits and lagoons has shown that the mechanisms for their development are significantly different. By the late Holocene, the southeastern Baltic Sea consisted of several lithodynamic coastal systems. By 5 ka BP, both lagoon systems had formed. Evolution of the spits and lagoons during the last 5000 years caused the development of similar morphological features. The Vistula and Curonian lagoons transformed into sediment traps for alluvial deposits of the Neman and Pregola Rivers. Smoothing of the shoreline as a result of longshore sediment drift is a dominant coastal process.

Дарья Рябчук ◽  
Daria Ryabchuk ◽  
Alexander Sergeev ◽  
Alexander Sergeev ◽  
Vadim Sivkov ◽  

Synthesis of long-term geological research on the Russian region of the southeastern Baltic and its coastal zone has allowed for the establishment of boundaries and determination of the time of formation and the structure of the Sambian morpho-lythodynamic marine and coastal system. The systems studied include the coastal zone (at a the water depth of 30 m according to longshore storm wave current impacts) and adjacent silty-clay sedimentation basins. The development of the Curonian Spit area in the Late Pleistocene – Holocene was reconstructed based on marine geological and geophysical study and modelling. Comparative analyses of the geological settings of the Curonian and Vistula Spits and lagoons has shown that the mechanisms for their development are significantly different. By the late Holocene, the southeastern Baltic Sea consisted of several lithodynamic coastal systems. By 5 ka BP, both lagoon systems had formed. Evolution of the spits and lagoons during the last 5000 years caused the development of similar morphological features. The Vistula and Curonian lagoons transformed into sediment traps for alluvial deposits of the Neman and Pregola Rivers. Smoothing of the shoreline as a result of longshore sediment drift is a dominant coastal process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 958 ◽  
Ε. Βερυκίου-Παπασπυριδάκου ◽  
Γ. Μπαθρέλλος ◽  
Χ. Σκυλοδήμου

Rhodes is the biggest island of the Dodecanese complex; its geology is very interesting for the researchers because it h located onto the eastern end of the Aegean arcade. This paper involves the physico-geographical features of the coastal zone of the NE part of Rhodes. Specifically, the major geological formations of the region were studied and classified, according to their morphology and lithology. In addition, the human interventions that have affected the region were also recorded. The geological formations met in the study region are the following: Mesozoic limestones, Oligocene flysch, Pliocene - Pleistocene marls, calcarenites, and Holocene deposits. Steep slopes and cliffs basically characterize the limestone coasts. Some mirror faults, indicate the intense tectonic movements whereas, some coastlines witness the former sea level. The flysch coasts have mainly steep slope. The coasts, which are developed on marls and calcarenites have got various morphological slopes. This has resulted to the formation of steep costs with cliffs and middle slope costs that are characterized by smooth relief. The coasts developed onto alluvial deposits have mainly gentle slope bearing the bulk of the beaches. They are featured by several geoforms such as coastal dunes, while the human intervention is significant.

1973 ◽  
Vol 80 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-281 ◽  
C. Berryman ◽  
T. Batey ◽  
T. H. Caldwell ◽  
D. A. Boyd

SummaryThe fen silts bordering the Wash are among the most important soils for crop production in eastern England. Derived from marine alluvial deposits occurring naturally or as a result of reclamation, they form deep almost stoneless soils containing little coarse sand but much fine sand and silt.Seven textural classes, ranging from loamy fine sand to silty clay, can be distinguished, but these can be grouped into (1) light silts, typically deep very fine sandy loams with a large available water-holding capacity but weakly developed structure; (2) medium silts, silty loams; and (3) heavy silts, silt loams or silty clay loams, less porous and more retentive of moisture than the light silts.Formerly under grass, the silts were at first capable of growing good crops of potatoes with P fertilizer alone, but as their organic-matter content decreased, potatoes became increasingly responsive to N.In 18 potato manurial experiments on silt soils in Holland, Lincolnshire, done between 1953 and 1963, the mean response to N was much larger than on most English soils, but response differed greatly from site to site and year to year; in most trials N was particularly effective in increasing tuber size and yield of ware. With long-continued use of P fertilizer, residues have accumulated and, particularly on light and medium silts, responses were quite small and differed little between sites; P tended to increase tuber numbers, and so to decrease ware percentage. Most silt soils are rich in K, and only small responses to K fertilizer can be expected, but on a few sites on the light silts, identified by soil analysis as being comparatively poor in K, potatoes responded well. Using these experimental results, recommendations are given for the manuring of potatoes on silt soils.Cooking tests showed little consistent effect of manurial treatment on the amount or degree of tuber blackening.

Davydov O.V. ◽  
Chaus V.B. ◽  
Murkalov O.B. ◽  
Roskos O.M. ◽  
Simchenko S.V.

In the coastal zone of the oceans, there are various coastal systems, among which the most specific are “winged forelands”. Within the Black Sea coast there are four “winged forelands”: Tendra–Dzharylgach, Kinburnska–Pokrovska–Dovgiy, Burnaska–Budatska and Lebedyna–Ustrychna, which named by same structural ones. The purpose of the publication is to systematize the primary information about the morphological features of the coastal zone of the barrier system type ‘winged foreland” Kinburnska–Pokrovska–Dovgy which was obtained during field research.During the natural research in 2019, within the most typical areas of the coastal zone, reference benchmarks and morphological profiles were laid and recorded by a GPS. The total length of the coastal system is about 35 km, within its boundaries there are 7 benchmarks, which contains for 1 benchmark per 5 km, and a systematic geomorphological survey of 20 profiles (1 profile per 1.75 km) is carried out. Relevant indicators suggest that the results of the research are reliable.Morphologically, the studied system is a “winged foreland”, within which there are four structural and morphological elements: Kinburnska Spit, Frontal Coast or “headland”, Pokrovska Spit with the islands of Kruglyi and Dovhyi. Kinburnska Spit is a free accumulative coastal form located in the northwestern part of the Kinburn Peninsula. Morphogenetically, it is an arrow that develops in the conditions of bilateral feeding by beach sediments. The Frontal Coast or “headland” is the central component, within which the sand massifs of the Kinburn Peninsula go directly to the coastal zone. Pokrovska spit with the islands of Krugliy and Dovhiy is a relict generation, which is genetically an ancient accumulative form divided into three components. All these components are located on the surface of the base of the ancient coastal form, and their development occurs in conditions of limited supply of beach sediments. The front of the Pokrovsky Peninsula with the Sukha Spit and the Island Bar “Zagreba” is a modern accumulative generation that is actively increasing in size and advancing towards the waters of Tendra Bay.Key words: coastal systems, “winged foreland”, coastal zone, underwater slope, shore, coastal systems, foredunes У береговій зоні Світового океану існують різноманітні берегові системи, серед яких найбільш специфічні «крилаті миси». У межах узбережжя Чорного моря виділяються чотири «крилаті миси»: Тендра–Джарилгач, Кінбурнська–Покровська–Довгий, Бурнаська–Будацька та Лебедина–Устрична. Мета публікації полягає у систематизації та оприлюдненні первинної інформації про морфологічні особливості берегової зони бар’єрної системи типу «крилатий мис» Кінбурнська–Покровська–Довгий, отриманої під час польових досліджень 2018–2021 рр. Загальна довжина дослідженої берегової системи близько 35 км, в її межах закладено 7 репер-них стаціонарних ділянок та проводиться систематична геоморфологічна зйомка на 20 профілях, положення яких зафіксовано за допомогою GPS-приймача. Розроблена система стаціонарних ділянок і геоморфологічних профілів дозволяє надійно проводити довготермінові спостереження в масштабі 1:10000. Відповідні показники дозволяють вважати, що результати проведених досліджень є достовірними.У морфологічному відношенні досліджувана система є «крилатим мисом», в її межах виділяються чотири структурно-морфологічні елементи: Кінбурнська коса, Фронтальний берег, Покровська коса з островами Круглий та Довгий, Фронт Покровського півострова із Сухою косою та острівним баром «Загреба».Кінбурнська коса – це вільна акумулятивна берегова форма, розташована у північно-західній частині Кінбурнського півострова. В морфогенетичному відношенні це стрілка, яка розвивається в умовах двостороннього живлення прибережно-морськими наносами. Фронтальний берег, або «лобище», є центральним складовим елементом, у межах якого безпосередньо до берегової зони виходять піщані масиви Кінбурнського півострова. Покровська коса з островами Круглий та Довгий є реліктовою генерацією, яка в генетичному відношенні є давньою акумулятивною формою, поділеною на три складники. Всі перелічені складники розташовані на поверхні цоколю давньої берегової форми, а їх розвиток відбувається в умовах обмеженого живлення прибережно-морськими наносами. Фронт Покровського півострова із Сухою косою та острівним баром «Загреба» являє собою нову акумулятивну генерацію, яка активно збільшується у розмірах та висувається в бік акваторії заток.Ключові слова: берегові системи, «крилатий мис», підводний схил, берег, підводний вал, авандюна.

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 47
Σ. Πούλος ◽  
Σ. Πετράκης ◽  
Δ. Καλύβα ◽  
Μ. Πουχαρίδου

In the present study, the effect of the anticipated sea-level rise is investigated along the coastal zone extending in between Chalkoutsi and Nea Palatia that is located in southern coast of the semi-enclosed Southern Evoikos Gulf. The terrestrial part of the coastal zone consists of low-lying alluvial deposits, including the sensitive coastal environments of the delta of Asopos river and the Oropos lagoon located ~3 km to the east of the R. Asopos mouth. The area under investigation is already under erosion (locally, coastline retreat accounts for several metes) despite the fact that it is exposed to moderate wave conditions (average wave heights <1 m, with maximum values <2.7 m). The calcu-lated loss of coastal land, due to the anticipated sea-level rise of 0.38 m and 1 m, accounts 4-4.5 km2 and 21-23.5 km2, respectively.

2008 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
Nguyen Manh Hung ◽  
Nguyen Khac Nghia ◽  
Duong Cong Dien

Sea dyke system is the effective mean for protecting the coastal low-lying areas from storm attack (the most dangerous storm induced phenomena are storm wave and surges). The coastal zone of Vietnam is blessed with wide variety of natural resources but at the same time, it is also a highly storm hazard-prone region. The storm number 7 (DAMREY) arrived in the East Sea from 26th to 28th of September 2005 and hit the south part of Red river delta coastal zone and caused sea dykes breaches at some stretches along the sea dyke system of the Nam Dinh province and big property damages of the local communes. In order to cope with the storm activity which is reinforced in the future by climate change, a Science Technology program on the sea dyke upgrading from Quang Ninh to Quang Nam provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has been implemented from April 2007. One of the program’s project is “Determining the wave heights for sea dyke designed along the coastal line from Quang Ninh to Quang Nam” with the object to propose a method for the calculation of the wave parameters with appropriate accuracy, simple for used and suitable for the natural condition of the different sectors of coastal line of Viet Nam from Quang Ninh to Quang Nam provinces and to upgrade and fulfill the wave calculation guideline for sea dyke design and upgrading. In the paper, the authors present the results of the project concerning the input data, wave models and the calculated wave parameters with different returning periods for 5 sectors along the coastal line from Quang Ninh to Quang Nam. The obtained results afford the promising of using in the sea dyke design and upgrading.

PeerJ ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. e4770
Alexander Krek ◽  
Viktor Krechik ◽  
Aleksandr Danchenkov ◽  
Elena Krek

The detailed environmental survey of the coastal zone of the Kaliningrad Region northern coast was carried out. The pollutants distribution in the silty clay fraction and calculation of ecological indexes allowed the evaluation of distribution of potentially harmful elements (PHEs). The sources of pollution in the most intensively used areas were identified, and transit and accumulation zones were allocated. A large area of anomalous content of PHEs was revealed on the underwater coastal slope of the Curonian Spit National Park, which is situated far from the sources of pollution. The alongshore bed load transport provides the contamination of the underwater slope whereas the beaches are less exposed to pollution.

2011 ◽  
Vol 182 (3) ◽  
pp. 221-230 ◽  
Jean-Pierre André ◽  
Yves Barthet ◽  
Michelle Ferrandini ◽  
Jean Ferrandini ◽  
Jean-Yves Reynaud ◽  

Abstract The wide outcrops along the cliffs of Bonifacio at the southern tip of Corsica expose two stratigraphic series of shallow marine deposits, the reefal Cala di Labra Formation (Upper Burdigalian), and the Bonifacio Formation (Lower Langhian at the youngest). Both series are transgressive on the faulted Hercynian basement. The Bonifacio Formation is divided into two members, the Pertusato Member at the base, and the Bonifacio Member at the top. The Pertusato Member, with an average thickness of about thirty meters, is composed mainly of siliciclastic marine deposits, and is weakly fossiliferous. The Pertusato deposits exhibit locally hummocky cross stratification at their distal lower part, and are commonly associated with synsedimentary deformations and water escape structures. In their upper part, and laterally, the coarse-grained Pertusato Member deposits are organized into a prograding coastal prism which bear structures of a barrier beach jagged by some local erosional discontinuities. The whole siliciclastic sequence of the Pertusato Member is wave and storm controlled. Due to the absence of precise biostratigraphic markers, the age of the Pertusato Member is not well constrained. However, it exhibits a thin silty clay layer, that suggests a possible link with the volcanic events recognized on the southwest corsican margin [Rossi et al., 1998], which delivered an absolute age of 16.1 ± 0.4 Ma (Burdigalian-Langhian boundary). The Bonifacio Member (Lower Langhian) is composed of a succession of sandstones and calcarenites over 50 m in thickness, organized into aggrading strata of large 2D and 3D dunes, with several bioturbated levels. The series is interpreted as an offshore tidal system, deposited in a slightly deeper environment (from 25 to 40 m water depth) than the Pertusato Member. The transition from a wave-dominated to a tide-dominated setting might occur as the response of the connection between the basin of Bonifacio and the recently formed Tyrrhenian Sea. The carbonate content of the sediments steadily increases to up to 80% towards the top of the series. At the same time, the skeletal grain associations increase from a Bryomol facies to Rhodalgal, interpreted as the result of an increase in water temperature in favour of carbonate factory. The transition from wave to tidal control in such a system illustrates the extreme sensitivity of morphologically complex coastal basins to hydrodynamic forcing caused by a transgression.

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) collaboration with the Center of Applied Geomatics for Disaster Prevention (CAGeD) had developed an observation station as a catalyst for oceanographic and environmental research work and landmark of development in Tanjung Laboh. In conjunction with the construction of the station, monitoring of coastal process was carried out to identify the characteristics of sediment as input to the transportation of sediment around the construction area of the station in Tanjung Laboh. 20 points of surface sediment sampling were carried out along 200 meters of Tanjung Laboh bay during high tide. At the same time, the current speed test was carried out at the same point to identify the relationship of current speed to the transportation of sediment. All collected sediment samples have performed a test using wet sieve analysis (hydrometer), dry sieve analysis and specific gravity. The result found that the specific gravity of sediment at the study area is 2.53 and categorized as marine clay. The particle size distribution of sediment at the study area is silty clay due to the dominant of silt fraction. The percentage of sediment characteristics can be influenced by current velocity and sediment transportation.

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