kaliningrad region
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Yu.A. Spirin ◽  
S.I. Zotov ◽  
V.S. Taran ◽  
Yu.V. Koroleva

The aim of the work is to research the chemical composition of surface watercourses in the Slavsky district of the Kaliningrad region in the winter hydrological season, and to compare the results with the data previously obtained by the authors for the autumn hydrological season and partly for the summer hydrological season. Watercourses and monitoring points for research have been identified: r. Zlaya, r. Shluzovaya, r. Nemoninka and r. Osa. In the winter season, water samples were taken, hydrometric characteristics were measured, and primary hydrochemical indicators were determined. On the basis of the obtained hydrochemical data, integral indicators were calculated to assess the quality of water, using combined lists of maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants. When monitoring hydrochemical indicators, it was revealed that the studied watercourses are, to one degree or another, subject to pollution. The water quality class in them varies from "moderately polluted" to "extremely dirty". When comparing the seasons, a tendency was revealed to improve the quality of water, which is associated with the water content of rivers, as well as with the cycles of natural and anthropogenic activity. The work has theoretical and practical significance. The data can participate in the planning of rational use of natural resources and the selection of measures to improve the geoecological state of the river network of the Slavsky region. The research can serve as a supplement to the formation of the general geoecological picture of the Kaliningrad region.

В.П. Бессчетнов ◽  
Н.Н. Бессчетнова ◽  
А.Ю. Щербаков

Изучали содержание и соотношение пластидных пигментов в хвое представителей разных популяций ели европейской, введенных в состав географических культур на территории Нижегородской области. Применяли спектрофотометрический метод выявления количественных оценок пигментного состава листового аппарата с обеспечением принципа единственного логического различия и основных требований к организации опыта. Проведены натурные обследования насаждений и лабораторные анализы биологических проб. Выявлены различия между представителями удаленных друг от друга популяций ели европейской при их совместном выращивании в составе географических культур по комплексу показателей пигментного состава однолетней хвои. Наибольшее содержание хлорофилла-а (3,25±0,06 мг/г) отмечено у семенного потомства популяций из Псковской области, что в 1,26 раза превосходит соответствующий минимум (2,57±0,04 мг/г), зафиксированный у представителей популяций из Калининградской области. Зафиксированы сходные масштабы соотношения оценок содержания хлорофилла-b, притом что максимальные значения (1,37±0,05 мг/г и 1,37±0,06 мг/г) наблюдались у происхождений из Костромской и Карельской областей, а минимальные (1,07±0,03 мг/г и 1,09±0,03 мг/г) – у представителей популяций из Архангельской и Калининградской областей. Подтверждена существенность различий между популяциями ели европейской по всем рассматриваемым показателям пигментного состава. Обнаружено сходство в сложении трех группировок популяций, возникших при выполнении факторного и кластерного анализа. Коэффициенты плотности кластера (средняя евклидова дистанция его сложения) каждой их них составили: 6,258 единиц евклидовой дистанции (у первой); 4,374 ед. (у второй); 7,818 ед. (у третьей) и 6,150 ед. (общая средняя дистанция). Среднее межкластерное расстояние при этом достигло 20,414 ед., что принципиально больше величин внутрикластерных дистанций и позволяет признать корректным выделение кластеров. Обоснован устойчивый характер соотношения популяций ели европейской, имеющих различное географическое происхождение, по пигментному составу хвои. The content and ratio of plastid pigments in the conifers of representatives of different populations of Norway spruce introduced into the geographic test-cultures in the Nizhny Novgorod region were studied. A spectrophotometric method was used to identify quantitative estimates of the pigment composition of the leaf apparatus, ensuring the principle of a single logical difference and the basic requirements for the organization of the experiment. Field surveys of plantings and laboratory analyses of biological samples were carried out. The differences between representatives of Norway spruce populations that are remote from each other were revealed when they were grown together as part of geographical crops according to the complex of indicators of the pigment composition of annual needles. The highest content of chlorophyll-a (3.25±0.06 mg/g) was observed in the seed offspring of populations from the Pskov region, which is 1.26 times higher than the corresponding minimum (2.57±0.04 mg/g) recorded in representatives of populations from the Kaliningrad region. Similar scales of the ratio of estimates of the content of chlorophyll-b were recorded, despite the fact that the maximum values (1.37±0.05 mg/g and 1.37±0.06 mg/g) were observed in the origin from the Kostroma and Karelian regions, and the minimum values (1.07±0.03 mg/g and 1.09±0.03 mg/g) were observed in representatives of populations from the Arkhangelsk and Kaliningrad regions. The significance of differences between the populations of Norway spruce in all the considered indicators of pigment composition was confirmed. A similarity was found in the addition of three groups of populations that arose during factor and cluster analysis. The cluster density coefficients (the average Euclidean distance of its addition) of each of them were: 6,258 units of the Euclidean distance (for the first one); 4,374 units. (in the second); 7,818 units. (at the third) and 6,150 units. (total average distance). The average inter-cluster distance at the same time reached 20,414 units, which is fundamentally greater than the values of intra-cluster distances and allows us to recognize the correct allocation of clusters. The stable nature of the ratio of populations of Norway spruce with different geographical origin, according to the pigment composition of needles, is justified.

2021 ◽  
Nikolay Buyankin

In the 90s of the last century, the existing seed production system was headed by the Kaliningrad Agricultural Experimental Station (now the Kaliningrad Research Institute of Agriculture) and about 50 specialized seed farms. In the course of the agrarian reform being carried out at that time and as the state and collective farms were reorganized into LLPs, JSCs, etc. the destruction of the existing seed production system took place. The author conducts a systematic analysis of the current situation and proposes import substitution of fodder seeds using the example of the Kaliningrad region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 570-583
Aleksandr V. Shchekoturov

The study determines the level of trust in public and political institutions among the loyal and oppositional youth of the Kaliningrad region, as well as their attitudes towards materialistic and post-materialistic values. The study is based on R. Ingleharts theory of value and the understanding of trust as described in the works of P. Sztompka and A. Giddens. The author relies on an online survey conducted among young people aged between 18 and 35 (n = 987). As a result of the study, the author defines three groups of institutions, depending on the degree of trust in them. The study confirms the hypothesis that young people loyal to the government demonstrate greater trust in traditional and state institutions. It also reveals that, in general, young people put post-materialistic values in the first place, while materialistic values are more characteristic of the youth loyal to the government. The author concludes that the level of the political trust towards a certain institution among loyal and oppositional youth differs depending on the possibility of influencing the institution. The trust of loyal youth is based on the importance of social status, and the trust of oppositional youth is based on the freedom of expression.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 584-599
Mikhail I. Krishtal

The article analyzes the ideological preferences of the residents of the Kaliningrad region through the prism of their socio-economic situation and political behavior. The study is based on the data of a formalized interview (N = 977) according to the age and sex sample, representing the population of four geodemographic districts of the Kaliningrad region. Based on the Nolan Chart, the study determines ideological types according to the respondents attitude to political and economic freedom. The statistical analysis of the data revealed a high degree of pluralism among the residents of the region on the issues under consideration. At the same time, it showcased the prevailing ideas of state regulation of the economy and values of personal freedom. Analyzing the socio-economic situation of the respondents and their inherent ideological attitudes, the author found that the values of economic freedom are more often shared by young people, middle-aged people, residents living in Kaliningrad, with higher income. Ideas of state regulation of the economy prevail among people of retirement and pre-retirement age, residents of the semi-periphery of the Kaliningrad region, with lower income. The study also revealed the relationship between the ideological attitudes of people in the region and their political behavior. In particular, it found that people who share the values of political and economic freedom are ready to take the most active part in protests. At the same time, the study did not identify any significant links between the ideological type of the respondents and their electoral behavior.

I. Gabsatarova ◽  
B. Assinovskaya ◽  
S. Baranov ◽  
V. Karpinsky ◽  
Ya. Konechnaya ◽  

It is reported that 41 stationary seismic stations, 2 arrays, and 7 temporary seismic stations, located in the area of Novovoronezh and Kursk nuclear stations, monitored seismicity of the Russian territory of the East European Platform (EEP) in 2015. The registration capabilities of the seismic network at the EEP as a whole were estimated based on the average station noise level and the equation for the energy decay of seismic phases. Zones with the best capabilities have been allocated. A feature of seismicity in 2015 is the manifestation of earthquakes of moderate magnitudes (ML=2.7–3.9) in the peripheral regions (in the southwest, west, and northwest) and in zones associated with paleorift structures: in the southwest – with the Dnieper Donetsk and in the northeast – with the Kirov-Kazhim and Soligalich (Central Russian) aulacogenes. The results of the macroseismic survey are given for the earthquake in Poltava on February 2, 2015, with M=3.7; focal mechanisms of two earthquakes (03.02.2015 and 12.06.2015) are constructed. According to the data of the Latvian Center, an earthquake was recorded in the region of Lithuania bordering the Kaliningrad region. Weaker natural seismicity with ML≤2.5 was recorded in Karelia and the regions bordering with Finland, near the Kandalaksha Bay, near the Khibiny, and Lovozersky massifs on the Kola Peninsula, and on the territory of the Voronezh crystalline massif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 514-523
Mikhail Krishtal

The COVID-19 pandemic has become a key problem for Russian society and government officials in 2020. In this regard, there is an urgency to study the assessments and peculiarities of the perception by the population of anti-covid measures of the authorities, which were initially associated with risks of a social, economic, and political nature. The purpose of this study is to identify age-related features of the perception of anti-epidemic measures of the authorities, using the example of residents of the Kaliningrad region. From August to November 2020, six focus group interviews were conducted with representatives of three age groups. The data obtained were processed in the ATLAS.ti qualitative analysis program. As a result, it was revealed that the main age differences are manifested when assessing the introduction of remote forms of social interaction in the conditions of coronavirus. The older generation's negative attitude to innovation is due to concern for their grandchildren and children receiving the necessary educational and communication skills and competencies in this format, as well as due to fears of being deceived by fraudsters. At the same time, young people and middle-aged people note the positive possibilities of distance learning due to the simplification of the implementation of a number of social actions. Age differences were also revealed regarding the perception of information about the pandemic situation provided by government representatives. The youth believes that the distortion of this information may be based on the political motives of the authorities. Representatives of the older age group believe that the reason for the correction of information by the authorities is the desire to obtain financial benefits at the expense of the population. People in the age group of 31-49 years see this distortion mainly as a good motive for preventing panic among the population. Estimates of the introduction of self-isolation and the attitude to mass vaccination against COVID-19 were similar among representatives of different generations. Often supporting the regime of self-isolation, respondents noted the obligation of the authorities to ensure the financial security of people. Regarding the use of the vaccine, skepticism was found among all age groups due to fears about its unreliability

К. Н. Скворцов ◽  
О. С. Румянцева ◽  
Д. А. Ханин

В статье рассмотрен химический состав и техника нанесения красной эмали гривны, производной от типа Хавор, происходящей из могильника Калиново самбийско-натангийской культуры (Калининградская обл.). Гривна датирована второй половиной I - второй третью II в. н. э. Установлено, что эмаль была изготовлена по «кельтскому» рецепту с высоким содержанием меди и свинца. Однако если состав в данном случае является скорее хронологическим, чем культурноопределяющим признаком, то его сочетание с техникой нанесения эмали (в прорезные углубления-насечки) заставляет искать прототипы данного украшения среди образцов кельтского эмальерного ремесла. Данные о хронологии и технологической традиции, в которой изготовлена гривна, полученные на основании стилистического анализа и состава эмали, хорошо согласуются с результатами комплекса исследований, посвященных данной находке. The article considers the chemical composition and technique of applying the red enamel on the torque derived from the Havor type, originating from the cemetery of Kalinovo of Sambian-Natangian culture (Kaliningrad region). The torque dates back to the second half of I - second third of II c. AD. The enamel was produced using «Celtic» recipe with high copper and lead content. The composition of the enamel in this case is rather chronological than a culturally determining indication. However, its combination with the technique of enamelling (in the slotted recessing notches) gives grounds to search for the prototypes of this decoration among the samples of the Celtic enamel craft. The data on the chronology and technological tradition in which the torque was made, obtained on the basis of stylistic analysis and data on the enamel composition, well agree with the results of a comprehensive studies of this find.

2021 ◽  
pp. 124-134
А.Я. Яфасов ◽  
Ф.Г. Майтаков ◽  
Л.В. Костенко

Целью работы является концептуальное представление развития рыбохозяйственного комплекса (РХК) России в цифровой экономике в соответствии с Национальными целями и Национальной технологической инициативой-2035. Предложен новый подход в виде «Стратегии смежного сегмента» к формированию цифровой экосистемы РХК России. В качестве смежных сегментов предлагается включить в экосистему РХК предприятия и организации сельского хозяйства и пищевой промышленности с использованием единой цифровой платформы. В качестве подсистем РХК выделены две группы: структурные подразделения и региональные системы. Сформулированы ключевые факторы, определяющие трансформацию экономики РХК в биоэкономику полного цикла и основные направления развития инноваций. На примере Калининградской области предложена блок-схема цифровой системы РХК региона с включением в неё бизнес-структур, занимающихся переработкой биоресурсов. Показана необходимость организации опережающего развития науки и образования, синхронизации процессов модернизации и цифровизации для обеспечения трансформации экономики РХК в биоэкономику полного цикла. Предложенная концепция экосистемы РХК способствует устойчивому развитию регионов, решению стратегических задач сохранения местной природной среды. The aim of the work is a conceptual representation of the development of the fishery complex (FC) of Russia in the digital economy in accordance with the National Goals and the National Technological Initiative-2035. A new approach is proposed in the form of a "Strategy of an adjacent segment" to the formation of a digital eco-system of the Russian agricultural complex. As related segments, it is proposed to include enterprises and organizations of agriculture and food industry in the FC ecosystem using a single digital platform. Two groups are distinguished as subsystems of the FC: structural divisions and regional systems. The key factors that determine the transformation of the economy of the FC into a full cycle bioeconomy and the main directions of the development of innovations are formulated. On the example of the Kaliningrad region, a block diagram of the digital system of the regional agricultural complex with the inclusion of business structures engaged in the processing of bio-resources is proposed. The necessity of organizing the advanced development of science and education, synchronizing the processes of modernization and digitalization to ensure the transformation of the economy of the FC into a full cycle bioeconomy is shown. The proposed concept of the FC ecosystem contributes to the sustainable development of regions, the solution of strategic tasks of preserving the local natural environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 71-78
S.V. Butoka ◽  
L.N. Skrypnik ◽  

The data on the sanitary and forest health of monitoring of the forested area in the Kaliningrad region are presented. The influence of the main factors on the sanitary and forest health of plantations for the period from 2017 to 2019 is considered, considering forest fires, unfavorable weather and soil-climatic conditions, the foci of pests and diseases, as well as anthropogenic and non-pathogenic factors. Their threat to forest plantations is analyzed. The main reasons for the forest plantations death in the Kaliningrad region are highlighted, they are negative weather and soil-climatic conditions (65 % of the total damaged area) as well as diseases. The study results of the forested areas with the established weakening and dying, the distribution of foci of pests and diseases are presented. The main insect pest, i.e. typographer bark beetle (Ips typographus), has been determined. The absence of insects as forest pests, listed in the Red Data Books of the Russian Federation and the Kaliningrad Region, and classified as quarantine pests, was recorded. The impact of negative factors causing the weakening (drying out) of forest plantations in the Kaliningrad region has been analyzed, it is recommended to conduct forest health monitoring, sanitary and recreational activities, perform reclamation work, strengthen control over the timing and quality of forest protection measures, and sanitary cuttings in particular, by the authority executive power of the subject and its subordinate institutions.

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