De ‘greep naar de macht’ van de oorlogsburgemeesters als voorhoede van de Nieuwe Orde in Vlaanderen

2008 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 300-318
Rik Verwaest

De voorbije jaren groeide in het Vlaamse historische onderzoek naar de bezettingsgeschiedenis van de Tweede Wereldoorlog een sterke tendens om het belang van de figuur van de oorlogsburgemeester te herwaarderen. De klassieke VNV-oorlogsburgemeester was voor de bevolking immers één van de meest zichtbare en actieve elementen van de Nieuwe Orde en het bezettingsbestuur.Lier werd bestuurd door een katholieke meerderheid. De stad kende een bijzonder rijk cultureel leven en een lange Vlaams-nationalistische traditie. Na de Duitse bezetting zou zittend burgemeester Van Cauwenbergh verplicht worden af te treden ten voordele van provinciaal ambtenaar Alfred Van der Hallen, een VNV'er met een lange staat van dienst in zowel de culturele als de politieke activiteiten van de Lierse Vlaams-nationale zuil. Ook twee katholieke schepenen werden tot ontslag gedwongen, één op basis van de Duitse ouderdomsverordening en één na beschuldigingen van vakbondagitatie tegen de Nieuwe Orde. Zij werden vervangen door Nieuwe Ordegezinden.Door het verwerven van de meerderheid in het schepencollege kon ook de politiecommissaris en verschillende sleutelposities in het gemeentelijk ambtenarenapparaat ingevuld worden door Nieuwe Orde-aanhangers.Alfred Van der Hallen zou o.a. de stadsdiensten, de gemeentepolitie en het cultuurbeleid ingrijpend hervormen. De laatste twee van deze hervormingen kenden weinig succes: het Lierse politiekorps raakte intern sterk verdeeld door de aanstelling van enkele Nieuwe Ordegezinden en een deel ervan zou betrokken raken bij het gewapende verzet. De ambitieuze Cultuurdienst, waarbij ttonaangevende kunstenaars als Felix Timmermans bij betrokken werden, bloedde dood door persoonlijke animositeit en te verregaande politisering.Van der Hallen had als oorlogsburgemeester de verdienste een noodzakelijke modernisering en uitbreiding van de gemeentewerking te hebben doorgevoerd, maar op veel andere terreinen was zijn beleid een mislukking. Tegenwerking door de vooroorlogse ambtenarij en de SS-afdeling van Lier met haar radicale voorman Alfons Lanens, was één van de verklaringen. Het was echter vooral de ongebreidelde politisering van het ganse bestuursapparaat en de zeer expliciete politieke profilering van de oorlogsburgemeester als Nieuwe Ordegezinde die zorgde voor een te grote verdeeldheid om tot een performant beleid te komen.________The 'seizure of power' by the wartime burgomasters as the advance guard of the Nieuwe Orde (New Order) in FlandersOver the past years Flemish historical research into the history of the occupation during the Second World War developed a strong tendency to re-evaluate the importance of the person of the wartime burgomaster. The population considered the classical VNV (Flemish National Union) wartime burgomaster to be one of the most visible and active elements of the Nieuwe Orde and of the administration by the occupying forces.Lier was ruled by a Catholic majority. The city had a particularly rich cultural life and a long Flemish-Nationalist tradition. After the German occupation burgomaster in office Van Cauwenbergh was forced to resign to the benefit of the provincial civil servant Alfred Van der Hallen, a VNV member with a long record of service to cultural as well as political activities of the Flemish National Group in Lier. Two Catholic aldermen were also forced to resign, one on the basis of the German old-age regulation and one after allegations of trade union agitation against the Nieuwe Orde. They were replaced by Nieuwe Orde partisans.By acquiring a majority on the Bench of Aldermen the partisans of the Nieuwe Orde could also appoint the Chief of police and fill several key positions on the Bench of Aldermen.Alfred Van der Hallen was to carry out major reforms in the urban services, the municipal police and the cultural policy. The last two proved to be unsuccessful: the police force of Lier became much divided because of the appointment of a few Nieuwe Orde partisans and a part of the force was to become involved in armed resistance. The ambitious Cultural Service, involving leading artists such as Felix Timmermans fizzled out because of personal animosity and far-reaching politicisation. As wartime burgomaster Van der Hallen could take credit for a necessary modernisation and expansion of the operation of the municipality, but in many other areas his policy was a failure. One of the explanations for this fact was the opposition by the pre-war civil service and the SS-department of Lier with its radical leader Alfons Lanens. However, it was in particular the uncontrolled politicisation of the entire administrative machinery and the very explicit political characterisation of the wartime burgomaster as a Nieuwe Orde partisan that caused too much dissension to be able to achieve a successful policy.

2011 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-193
Frank Seberechts

Uit de papieren van jeugdleider John Caremans, die aan de zorgen van het ADVN werden toevertrouwd, krijgen we een duidelijker beeld van de geschiedenis van de Vlaams-nationalistische jeugdbewegingen voor en tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Caremans voert in 1942 in opdracht van zijn oversten ‘verkenningsopdrachten’ uit bij vertegenwoordigers van de nationaal-socialistische jeugdbeweging in Duitsland. Uit het verslag dat Caremans over zijn reizen opstelt en uit de naoorlogse ondervragingen van Caremans en van zijn chef, jeugdleider Edgar Lehembre, blijkt dat deze reizen naar Berlijn slechts een episode vormen in de strijd die gedurende de hele bezetting woedt tussen de verschillende jeugdbewegingen in Vlaanderen en tussen, de verschillende partijen en ideologische strekkingen in de collaboratie. Alle ingrediënten zijn aanwezig: de scepsis van een deel van de Nationaal-Socialistische Jeugd Vlaanderen (NSJV) tegenover de brute nationaal-socialistische machtshonger, het onbegrip en de machtspolitiek van Duitse instanties als het Deutsche Arbeiterfront (DAF) en de Hitlerjugend (HJ) tegenover de buitenlanders – zelfs wanneer die zich in de collaboratie inschakelen, de inmenging van Vlaamsch Nationaal Verbond (VNV) en van de Vlaamsch-Duitsche Arbeidsgemeenschap (DeVlag)/SS. Het wordt duidelijk dat Lehembre en het VNV in deze strijd het onderspit zullen delven.________“Something on behalf of our young people”. John Caremans, Edgar Lehembre, Remi Van Mieghem and the Flemish and German machinations concerning the Flemish nationalist youth movement in 1942.The documents of youth leader John Caremans, which had been entrusted to the care of the ADVN, give a clearer picture of the history of the Flemish Nationalist youth movements before and during the Second World War. In 1942, Caremans was instructed by his superiors to carry out ‘exploratory missions’ among representatives of the National Socialist youth movement in Germany.The report written by Caremans about his travels and post-war interrogations of Caremans and his chief, youth leader, Edgar Lehembre, demonstrate that these trips to Berlin constituted only one episode in the struggle that raged throughout the occupation between the various youth movements in Flanders and between the various parties and ideological trends in the collaboration. All ingredients are present: the scepticism of a part of the National Socialist Youth of Flanders (NSJV) towards the brute National Socialist craving for power, the incomprehension and the power politics of German agencies, like the Deutsche Arbeiterfront (DAF) and the Hitlerjugend (HJ) towards foreigners – even when they engage in collaboration, the interference of the Flemish National Union (VNV) and the Flemish German Labour Community (De Vlag)/SS. It becomes clear that Lehembre and the VNV would come off worst in this combat.

2007 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
pp. 322-352
Romain Vanlandschoot

In Van "de soldaat Johan" tot "Herman den SS-soldaat" peilt Romain Vanlandschoot naar de verhouding én de verstrengeling tussen literatuur, Vlaamse beweging en collaboratie tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De auteur stelt daarbij het vizier scherp in op het politieke en culturele Nieuwe-Ordekader (VNV en De Vlag) waarin het literair-artistieke eenheidstijdschrift Westland ontstond. De  populaire romancier én gezaghebbende Vlaamsgezinde militant Filip De Pillecyn (1891-1962) werd de centrale figuur in de langdurige aanloop-periode van het tijdschrift. De Pillecyn dankte die rol aan zijn belangrijke inbreng in de nieuwe, "völkische" oriëntering van het culturele leven in Vlaanderen én aan zijn nauwe banden met zowel het VNV als het concurrerende De Vlag. Daarenboven genoot hij grote achting en waardering in Duitse intellectuele en artistieke kringen. Het hoofdredacteurschap van De Pillecyn was echter kort als gevolg van een al te opdringerige De Vlag- en SS-invloed. Dat heeft hem wellicht behoed voor een totale wegdeemstering na de Tweede Wereldoorlog: hij beleefde toen integendeel een onbetwistbare rehabilitering als kunstenaar.________From "soldier Johan" to "Herman the SS-soldier"In From " soldier Johan" to "Herman the SS-soldier" Romain Vanlandschoot investigates the relation and the linkage between literature, the Flemish movement and collaboration during the Second World War. The author focuses in this study on the political and cultural New Order framework (VNV [Flemish National Union] and De Vlag [German Flemish Working Community]) within which the literary-artistic unity magazine Westland had its origins. The  popular novelist  and authoritative pro-Flemish militant Filip De Pillecyn (1891-1962) became the central character during  the protracted start-up phase of the magazine. De Pillecyn obtained this role because of his important input in the new "völkische" orientation of the cultural life in Flanders as well as his close links both with the VNV and the competing De Vlag. Moreover he was also much esteemed and valued in German intellectual and artistic circles. However, De Pillecyn held the job of general editor only briefly, because of the too aggressive influence of De Vlag and the SS. This may well have protected him from a total disappearance after the Second World War: on the contrary he then experienced an undeniable rehabilitation as an artist.

The destruction of Japan’s empire in August 1945 under the military onslaught of the Allied Powers produced a powerful rupture in the histories of modern East Asia. Everywhere imperial ruins from Manchuria to Taiwan bore memoires of a great run of upheavals and wars which in turn produced revolutionary uprisings and civil wars from China to Korea. The end of global Second World War did not bring peace and stability to East Asia. Power did not simply change hands swiftly and smoothly. Rather the disintegration of Japan’s imperium inaugurated a era of unprecedented bloodletting, state destruction, state creation, and reinvention of international order. In the ruins of Japan’s New Order, legal anarchy, personal revenge, ethnic displacement, and nationalist resentments were the crucible for decades of violence. As the circuits of empire went into meltdown in 1945, questions over the continuity of state and law, ideologies and the troubled inheritance of the Japanese empire could no longer be suppressed. In the Ruins of the Japanese Empire takes a transnational lens to this period, concluding that we need to write the violence of empire’s end – and empire itself - back into the global history of East Asia’s Cold War.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-154
Danielle Porter Sanchez

Abstract This article focuses on the militarization of social life and leisure in Brazzaville during the Second World War and argues that efforts to instill a sense of control over the city could only suppress life so much, as many Congolese people were unwilling to completely succumb to the will of the administration in a war that seemed to offer very little to their communities or their city as a whole. Furthermore, drinking and dancing served as opportunities to engage with issues of class and race in the wartime capital of Afrique Française Libre. The history of alcohol consumption in Brazzaville is not simply the story of choosing whether or not to drink (or allow others to drink); rather, it is one of many stories of colonial control, exploitation, and racism that plagued Europe’s colonies in Africa during the Second World War.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 21

<p><strong>Resumo: </strong>O trabalho tem como preocupação a implantação da disciplina de Educação Física nas escolas do município de Ituiutaba (Triângulo Mineiro), no período entre 1934 e 1971. A adoção de atividades físicas nos currículos escolares com o objetivo de disciplinar e higienizar a juventude e a infância local refletia o novo ideal pedagógico voltado ao domínio dos “instintos insubordinados”, buscando-se normatizar condutas e contribuindo para a nova organização social, surgida com a sociedade urbana e industrial, especialmente a partir da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tal contexto provocou a necessidade de desenvolvimento de um alto grau de eficiência produtiva, onde a educação escolar seria fundamental para atingir tal propósito, além de contribuir para a difusão da idéia de que era necessário garantir uma “educação higiênica” no combate aos grandes surtos epidêmicos. A partir dessa perspectiva, buscamos apontar as especificidades das práticas de professores e alunos nas aulas de Educação Física nas escolas desse município mineiro.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave:</strong> História da Educação – História da Educação Física – Triângulo Mineiro.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Abstract: </strong>This article is concerned about the implementation of Physical Education in schools in the city Ituiutaba (<em>Triângulo Mineiro</em>) between 1934 and 1971. The adoption of physical activities in school curriculums aimed to <em>discipline</em> and <em>purify</em> the local youth and children reflected the new pedagogical ideal directed to the control of the "insubordinate instincts", seeking to regulate behaviors and contributing to the new social organization which appeared with the urban and industrial society, especially after the Second World War. Such a context brought about the need for development of a high degree of productive efficiency, where schooling would be essential to achieve such purpose, beyond the contribution to the transmission of the idea which was necessary to ensure a "pure education" in the fight against large epidemic outbreaks. From this perspective, we highlight the specific practices of teachers and students in Physical Education classes in the schools of this city.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> History of Education – History of Physical Education ­– Triângulo Mineiro.</p>

1970 ◽  
pp. 74
Suvi Niinisalo

Finland, under Swedish rule at the time, started constructing the Lappeenranta Fortress in the 1720s for defence against an eastern threat. A small town had been founded on the site as early as 1649. In 1741, the Russians invaded the fortress in a fierce battle. Russians, led by Aleksandr Suvorov, started to improve the fortress in the late 18th century. The oldest buildings in the fortress date back to this time. When Finland was annexed into the Russian Empire as an autonomous grand duchy, the fortress was employed as a correctional facility for prisoners. After the Second World War, the fortress was left to deteriorate, but in the 1970s a 30-year conservation project was launched. This article explores the effects of this conservation work on the city of Lappeenranta as well as on its inhabitants.

2011 ◽  
Vol 70 (3) ◽  
pp. 215-229
Frank Seberechts

In deze bijdrage onderzoeken we de ideeën van de VNV-politicus Jan Timmermans betreffende de havenpolitiek voor en tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Voorts bekijken we zijn werk als schepen van de haven en als burgemeester van Antwerpen. Welke houding nam hij aan tegenover de Duitse politiek? Welke rol speelde hij in het behoud van de haven op het einde van de oorlog?Met zijn ideeën over de werking en de toekomst van de haven van Antwerpen, zat Jan Timmermans op één lijn met de ‘derde weg’ die de extreemrechtse bewegingen in binnen- en buitenland op economisch gebied voor en tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog naar voren brachten. Antwerpen zou, samen met de andere havensteden in de Delta van de Lage Landen, later in de door de Duitsers geleide Europese Wirtschaftsraum, een plaats krijgen die beantwoordde aan zijn noden en mogelijkheden.Als schepen van Handel en Scheepvaart en later als burgemeester van de stad Antwerpen nam Timmermans een cruciale plaats in bij de greep naar de macht van het VNV in de lokale besturen. Intussen moest Timmermans er voor zorgen dat het patrimonium van de haven zo ongeschonden mogelijk de oorlog overleefde. Op het einde van de oorlog trachtte Timmermans vanuit zijn functie als burgemeester de haven te beschermen tegen de Duitse vernietigingsplannen.________“The port of Antwerp in stormy weathers”. Jan Timmermans and the port of Antwerp This contribution researches the ideas of the VNV (Flemish National Union) politician Jan Timmermans concerning port policy before and during the Second World War. We also look at his activities as alderman for the port and as mayor of Antwerp. What was his attitude in view of the German politics? What was his role in the conservation of the port at the end of the war? Jan Timmermans’ thoughts about the operation and future of the port of Antwerp were in line with the ‘third way, which propagated the economic policies of the extreme right movements nationally and abroad before and during the Second World War. Antwerp together with other port cities in the Delta of the Low Countries was to receive later in the German-led European Wirtschaftsraum a position commensurate with its needs and potential.  As alderman for Trade and Shipping and later on as mayor of the city of Antwerp, Timmermans fulfilled a crucial role in the attempt of the VNV to take over the power in the local councils. Meanwhile Timmermans had to ensure that the heritage of the port survived the war as undamaged as possible. At the end of the war, Timmermans tried by means of his position as mayor to protect the port against the plans of the Germans to destroy it.

Itinerario ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-127 ◽  
Madelon de Keizer

As a native of the Netherlands, I have been imbued with an awareness of the history of the Second World War in both Europe and the Pacific ever since I was a child, though I must admit that the Japanese occupation of the Dutch colony in the Dutch East Indies from 1942 to 1945 plays a less important part in my imagination than thefiveyears of German occupation of the Netherlands. My parents and brothers can directly recollect the latter dark period, and I see it vividly in my mind's eye, born (in 1948) and bred as I was in Rotterdam, the city whose centre was razed to the ground by the German air raid in May 1940. The effects of the bombs were still clearly visible during the years in which I was growing up there. Given this double Dutch memory – memory of the hostilities in Europe, and memory of South-East Asia – it hardly seems fortuitous that the Dutch scholar Ian Buruma chose the German and Japanese memory of the Second World War and of the War in the Pacific as the theme for his 1994 publication The Wages of Guilt.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 233-242
Krzysztof Stryjkowski

Dokumentacja bankowa jest dzisiaj przedmiotem wielostronnego zainteresowania. Najbardziej istotne było zawsze jej znaczenie praktyczne (dla banku oraz jego klientów). Z biegiem czasu stała się ona także przedmiotem studiów historyków, przede wszystkim gospodarczych. Okazuje się jednak, że materiały wytworzone przez banki i ich administracje posiadać mogą również wartość do innych badań. Badacze zainteresowani końcowym okresem II wojny światowej i walkami o Poznań odnajdą w prezentowanym dokumencie wiele informacji, które rzucą nowe światło na sytuację w mieście oraz pozwolą wczuć się w klimat tamtych dni. Dokument ukazuje ponadto problemy związane z odbudową systemu bankowego oraz wprowadzaniem w stolicy Wielkopolski nowego środka płatniczego – złotego polskiego, który zastąpił obowiązującą dotychczas markę niemiecką. War and post-war history of banks, their vaults and records as exemplified by the Communal Savings Bank of the Poznań county At present, banking documentation is a subject of interest for many parties. The practical value of this documentation has always been of prime importance, both for the bank and for its clients. With time, it also became a subject of interest for historians, particularly those specialized in economy. It turns out, though, that materials created by banks and their administrative bodies can also be of value for other researchers. Researchers interested in the final period of the Second World War and battles for Poznań will find this document informative, as it not only sheds new light on the situation in the city, but will also enable them to feel the atmosphere of those days. The document also shows the problems related to reconstructing the banking system and introducing the new currency, the Polish złoty (which replaced the German mark used until that point), in the capital of Greater Poland.

2009 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-22
Jordan Stanger-Ross

Abstract This article introduces an open access website— —designed to facilitate historical scholarship on ethnicity in post-Second World War Canada. Citystats offers access to two sociological measures of urban residential patterns, D and P*, applying the measures to the ethnic origins variables in the Canadian census for all urban areas since 1961. D, the index of dissimilarity, is the most common gauge of urban residential patterns, describing the extent to which ethnic groups are evenly (or unevenly) distributed across the city. P*, a measurement of the exposure of groups to one another, provides historians with a summary of the everyday surroundings of urban residents. The article explains the measures and highlights some puzzling patterns in the history of urban Canada, especially the segregation of Jewish Canadians and the relative integration of Aboriginal people. Just as scholars might be expected to know (at least approximately) the number of people comprising the group that they intend to study, they should also, I argue, be aware of their distribution across urban space and their exposure to other urbanites.

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