Development of the Problematic Social Networking Services Use Scale with college students

2017 ◽  
Vol 45 (11) ◽  
pp. 1889-1903
Ji Lou ◽  
Huiyan Liu ◽  
Xiangping Liu

We developed a scale to assess college students' problematic use of social networking services (SNSs). We conducted qualitative research to identify the constructs of the scale, which comprised five dimensions: (a) attention state, (b) impaired social function, (c) withdrawal, (d) tolerance, and (e) deviant behavior. Based on exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of a pretest with 300 students, 25 items were retained in the final version of the scale. In the main study with 1,030 students, we confirmed that the Problematic Social Networking Services Use Scale (PSUS) had good reliability and validity. Specifically, the 1-month test–retest reliability coefficient was .681. There was a moderate correlation between the PSUS and Young's Diagnostic Questionnaire of Internet Addiction and the value of the average variance extracted check was .54 (> .50). The PSUS may, therefore, be valuable as an instrument for screening problematic student users of SNSs, and formulating intervention plans.

2017 ◽  
Vol 85 (4) ◽  
pp. 472-489
Renfeng Wang ◽  
Liesbeth De Donder ◽  
Free De Backer ◽  
Tao He ◽  
Sofie Van Regenmortel ◽  

This study describes the development and validation of the Elder Learning Barriers (ELB) scale, which seeks to identify the obstacles that affect the level of educational participation of older adults. The process of item pool design and scale development is presented, as well as the testing and scale refinement procedure. The data were collected from a sample of 579 older Chinese adults (aged over 55) in the Xi’an region of China. After randomly splitting the sample for cross-validation purposes, the construct validity of the ELB scale was confirmed containing five dimensions: dispositional, informational, physical, situational, and institutional barriers. Furthermore, developmental differences in factor structure have been examined among older age groups. The results indicated that the scale demonstrated good reliability and validity. We conclude in general that the ELB scale appears to be a valuable instrument for examining the learning barriers that older Chinese citizens experience for participating in organized educational activities.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (7) ◽  
pp. 587-599 ◽  
Martin Schmidt ◽  
Verena Reh ◽  
Oliver Hirsch ◽  
Winfried Rief ◽  
Hanna Christiansen

Objective: The objective was to evaluate whether Conners 3 ( Conners 3rd edition) ratings of ADHD symptoms are robust to distortion by cultural variation when applied to children with migration background living in Germany. Method: From 2010 to 2011, Conners 3 data (self-rating, parent rating, and teacher rating) of 243 children with Turkish migration background, aged 6 to 16 years, were collected in various German schools. Allocation of items to latent factors was tested with confirmatory analyses. Reliability and validity of resulting factors was calculated and influence of acculturation, gender, and age on rating-modalities was examined. Results: Confirmatory factor analyses showed high model fits for all rating-modalities. Resulting scales had good reliability and validity. There was a small influence of acculturation on parent ratings of oppositional defiant disorder but not on ADHD core symptoms. Conclusion: Conners 3 ratings seem to be robust against influences of cultural variation. Their German translation can be utilized for children with Turkish migration background without limitation.

2002 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 202-213 ◽  
Huong H. Nguyen ◽  
Alexander Von Eye

The purpose of this study was to develop an acculturation scale that: (1) empirically demonstrated the bidimensional model; and (2) that pertained to the concerns of Vietnamese adolescents. Altogether, 191 Vietnamese students (ages 10–23) were recruited from eight middle schools and high schools in Lansing, Michigan (USA). Based on responses from their questionnaires, results indicated that The Acculturation Scale for Vietnamese Adolescents (ASVA) demonstrated good reliability and validity overall. Confirmatory factor analyses also demonstrated support for the ASVA's two dimensions (Involvement in the Vietnamese Culture and Involvement in the US Culture) and four life-domains within each dimension (i.e., Group Interactions, Everyday Lifestyles, Family Orientation, and Global Involvements). The CFAs indicated that the ASVA's two-factor and four-factor structures achieved an excellent fit to the data and furthermore, that a bidimensional, two-factor model was superior to a unidimensional, bipolar one predominantly used in acculturation scales today. As such, this study demonstrated the utility of viewing acculturation from a two-dimensional framework; it also provided researchers a practical, 2D scale to use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Ying Wei ◽  
Qingsong Chen

Sexual swear words are frequently used and considered vulgar and controversial in Chinese. The study of attitude is not only an important part of the study of swear words, but is also an important way for predicting their use. To date, few independent studies have been conducted on Chinese sexual swear words; those that have been conducted mostly focus on language ontology rather than language use. The studies have mainly used qualitative research methods, with a lack of empirical analysis and use of measurement tools. It is feasible and necessary to study college students as the object of sexual swear words because of the prevalence of “Zu'an culture” and the abuse of sexual swear words. Based on the current research status of Chinese swear words and the context of using swear words on campus, this paper combines the research of linguistic differences in swearing, psychological theories, and social science measurement theories and uses SPSS and Mplus statistical software to develop Chinese college students' attitudes toward Sexual Swear Words Scale. The participants consist of students from Zhejiang Normal University and other universities. A total of 262 college students participated in the preliminary test. Through item analysis and exploratory factor analysis, the formal scale was formed. A total of 608 college students were formally tested, and confirmatory factor analysis, reliability, and validity tests were carried out to produce the final scale. The scale contains three subscales: Cognition (17 items), Affection (17 items), and Behavior Tendency (15 items). The results show that each subscale model fits well, has good reliability and validity, and can be used as an important tool to measure attitudes of Chinese college students toward sexual swear words.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Xingzhe Wu ◽  
Zhi Wang ◽  
Hongpo Zhang ◽  
Peiming Yuan ◽  
Quanlei Yu ◽  

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Internet language (INL) has influenced daily life extensively. However, the process by which INL influences people’s psychology and behavior is unclear. This study explored the effects of INL on mental health (anxiety and depression). A pilot study was conducted to develop a qualified scale for INL related to COVID-19 (CINL) in college students using an online questionnaire. The CINL scale was found to have two dimensions: frequency and comprehension, as well as good reliability and validity. A formal study explored the mediating effect of cognitive flexibility on the relationship between CINL and mental health. The results showed that CINL positively predicted mental health when it was mediated by cognitive flexibility. These results not only provide a new perspective on understanding the effects of cyber behavior on human mental health from a positive perspective, but also provide practitioners with new insights for interventions on college students’ mental health.

2017 ◽  
Ji Lou ◽  
Huiyan Liu ◽  
Xiangping Liu

2010 ◽  
Vol 106 (2) ◽  
pp. 539-547 ◽  
S. Samani ◽  
M. Sadeghzadeh

The aim of the study was to assess the reliability and validity of Self-report Family Content Scale for measurement of a contextual and psycho…educational model for family studies. The sample included 450 college students at Shiraz University (241 women, 209 men; M age = 27.5 yr., SD = 3.8). Principal-components factor analysis indicated a 7-factor solution. The mean correlations among factors and between factors and the total score of the scale were .18 and .42, respectively. Coefficients alpha indicated good reliability and internal consistency for the scale.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. 16-24
A.A. Zolotareva

The present study aimed at Russian-language adaptation and validation of the Handelman’s Adolescent Apathy Inventory (AAI).The study group consists of 346 students, who are enrolled into Omsk State Technical University (OmSTU).Results from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the measure’s one-dimensional structure.Moreover, correlation analyses provided evidence for the inventory’s convergent and divergent validity: adolescent apathy showed positive correlations with alienation from study (OSA-S) and amotivation (AMS-C) and negative correlations with intrinsic motivation for knowledge, intrinsic motivation toward accomplishments, intrinsic motivation for stimulation, intrinsic motivation for self-respect, identified regulation, introjected regulation, extrinsic regulation (AMS-C), vigor and dedication (UWES-S).In addition, inventory showed good reliability (α-Cronbach = 0,76) and temporal stability over one-month period (mean test-retest correlation = 0,71).The present findings provide adequate support for the reliability and validity of the Russian version Adolescent Apathy Inventory.

2021 ◽  
Wenzhi Wu ◽  
Xiao Ma ◽  
Yilin Liu ◽  
Qiqi Qi ◽  
Zhichao Guo ◽  

Abstract Objective The problem of learning burnout of medical students is becoming prominent, and empathy can play a good predictive role in learning burnout. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between empathy and learning burnout, as well as the mediation effect of resilience in this relation. Methods A random sample of 588 college students from a key medical university in Yunnan Province was investigated using the Basic Empathy Scale, Learning Burnout Scale, and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale. All the measures showed good reliability and validity in the present study. Data were analyzed using SPSS 23.0 and Amos 22.0. Results Using structural equation modeling, we tested a conceptual model indicated that: (1) medical students' empathy negatively and significantly predicted learning burnout; (2) medical students' empathy positively predicts mental resilience; (3) resilience of medical students negatively predicts learning burnout; (4) resilience partially mediated the relationship between empathy and learning burnout of medical students, while also controlling for family socioeconomic status.Conclusion These findings highlight the mediating role of resilience in the effect of empathy on learning burnout of medical college students. It may contribute to a better understanding of the effect of empathy. Moreover, it can also provide constructive suggestions for protecting and improve empathy and resilience of medical college students.

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