scholarly journals Making Sense of Dei Verbum : Moslem Reflections on The Relation Between Scripture and Tradition

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Modassir Ali

Like all great religions of the world, Christianity is a religion steeped in revelation. It tries to convince its followers that it was through the process of revelation that God made Himself known both in the Old and New Testaments, climaxing in the saving action of Jesus Christ. Although this is the starting point of Christian revelation, it would surprise many to know that it was only in the last five centuries that Christians started debating the issue and nature of revelation. In the present article, we shall critically examine how Catholic Christians started perceiving the notion of revelation from the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) as enshrined in the Constitution Dei Verbum of the Council and the issues that keep Catholics engaged with regard to it with particular focus upon the relation between Scripture and Tradition and the ensuing tensions.Key Words: Revelation, Scripture, Dei Verbum, Tradition, Scripture, Holy Spirit.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
José De Souza Paim ◽  
Pedro Iwashita

Resumo: Este é um estudo teológico sobre o mistério da Encarnação do Verbono pensamento do Papa Francisco como fundamento sobre o qual ele se apoiapara propor, a partir da Evangelli Gaudium, uma renovação eclesial inadiável1,uma Igreja em permanente estado de missão2, a partir do Evangelho, núcleocentral do anúncio, para a manifestação da beleza do amor de Deus, reveladoem Jesus Cristo morto e ressuscitado3. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisaserá feita a análise de alguns números da Constituição Dogmática Dei Verbumcom o fim de melhor explicitar a revelação divina e a encarnação como ápiceda revelação. O resultado desta pesquisa é ajudar na percepção que o Papatem do Concílio Vaticano II sobre a Igreja e sua dimensão pastoral no mundo ecomo ele, nos passos do Concílio, propor uma renovação eclesial.Palavras-chave: Revelação. Papa Francisco. Evangelii gaudium.Abstract: This is a theological study on the mystery of the Incarnation of the Wordin the thought of Pope Francis as the grounds on which he relies to propose,from Evangelii Gaudium, an unchanging ecclesial renewal (EG 27), a Church in permanent state of mission (EG 20), from the Gospel, the central nucleus ofthe announcement, for the manifestation of the beauty of God’s love, as well asrevealed in Jesus Christ died and resurrected (EG 36). For the development ofthis research some numbers of the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum will beanalyzed in order to better explain divine revelation and incarnation as the apexof the revelation. The result of this research is to help understand the Pope’s per-ception of the Second Vatican Council on the Church and its pastoral dimensionin the world and how he proposes an ecclesial renewal in the steps of the Council.Keywords: Revelation. Pope Francis. Evangelii gaudium.

Richard Lennan

Karl Rahner (1904–84) played a significant role in broadening the emphases of Roman Catholic ecclesiology in the decades before the Second Vatican Council (1962–5). He contributed notably to the work of Vatican II itself, and was likewise prominent in promoting a positive reception of the council’s ecclesiology. Rahner viewed the church in relation to God’s self-communication in grace. For Rahner, the church was a sacramental reality, formed by grace to witness to Christ in the world. The church’s sacramental role encompassed all aspects of its life, including its structures and organs of authority, which could not be ends in themselves. Rahner combined a deep commitment to the mission of the church in the world with a clear-eyed view of the church’s need to be self-critical and to remain open to the movement of the Holy Spirit, especially in the promotion of unity.

2014 ◽  
Vol 44 (123) ◽  
pp. 217
Christoph Theobald

Em diálogo com a leitura de John W. O’Malley sobre o Concílio Vaticano II, o presente artigo analisa seu corpus textual e se pergunta sobre seu “estilo pastoral”. Desde sua preparação, o Concílio se caracterizou por um processo de intercompreensão conciliar e ecumênica. Seu estilo afastou-se das fórmulas canônicas, eliminando os anátemas e aproximando-se do estilo evocativo, bíblico (narrativo, parenético, deliberativo, doxológico). Os preâmbulos das Constituições Dei Verbum, Sacrosanctum Concilium, Lumen Gentium e Gaudium et Spes permitem avaliar esse “estilo pastoral” e as consequências para a recepção visível na exortação Evangelii nuntiandi, na encíclica Ut unum sint e no encontro inter-religioso de Assis em 1986. À guisa de conclusão, recorda que o estilo cria o mundo que o texto habita. Daí o valor heurístico desta abordagem na análise da recepção do Vaticano II e a determinação de uma autêntica fidelidade ao espírito e à letra do Concílio, em contraste com outros textos que revelam o conflito entre esse “estilo pastoral” e a tradição dogmática.ABSTRACT: In dialogue with the reading of John W. O’Malley on the Second Vatican Council this article analyzes its textual corpus and questions its “pastoral style.” Since its preparation, the Council was characterized by a process of conciliar and ecumenical mutual understanding. Its style departed from the canonical formulas, eliminating the anathemas and approaching the evocative style, Biblical (narrative, parenetical, deliberative, doxological). The preambles of the Constitutions Dei Verbum, Sacrosanctum Concilium, Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes assess this “pastoral style” and the consequences for the visible reception in the exhortation Evangelii nuntiandi, in the Encyclical Ut unum sint and in the interreligious meeting in Assisi in 1986. By way of conclusion it points out that the style creates the world in which the text dwells. Hence the heuristic value of this approach in the analysis of the reception of Vatican II and the determination of an authentic fidelity to the spirit and to the literal meaning of the Council, in contrast with other texts that reveal the conflict between this “pastoral style” and the dogmatic tradition.

2014 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-102

In the first words of his last encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharistia, blessed John Paul II reminded what have been determining the foundation of Church teaching, from the very beginning: «The Church lives thanks to Eucharist. That truth not only expresses the everyday faith experience but also contains the essence of Church mystery. The Church feels with great joy and in immense variety of ways, that the promise: “And now I am with You, through all these days, until the world ends” (Mt 28, 20) is continually coming true. Thanks to Sacred Eucharist, during which wine and water are being transformed to Holy Blood and Body of Jesus Christ, the Church rejoices in this presence in a unique way.            In this meaning, The Eucharist, that is always in the center of Christian’s life, becomes for whole community of believers, in particular way, the sacrament of unity. The last Council reminded this fact, telling that the sacrament of Eucharist, constituted by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper, which not only reminds but also embodies in a real way the Sacrifice of the Cross is, first of all, the sacrament of God’s mercy, sign of unity, love tie and paschal feast. It is necessary to underline the fact that according to council’s teaching, Eucharist is not only the sign of whole Church community, but also the sacrament, which really builds and strengthens the unity of all Christians.            The teaching of council fathers determines the base of present canonical legislation within whole Catholic Church, both Latin and East. Though canon number 698 reads: «In God’s liturgy, through the service of the Christ impersonated by the priest, celebrated over the Church gifts, by the power of Holy Spirit, continuously there is performed exactly the same what Jesus himself made during the Last Supper, when he gave to his Apostles his body sacrificed on the cross for our redemption and also his blood, shed for our sins, constituting the real and mystic sacrifice in which sacrifice of the cross is being recalled with thanksgiving, presented, and in which the Church takes part through the contribution and communion for expressing and improving the unity of God’s People, to build his own Body, which means the Church». Consequences of this canon, with strong theological sound, occur in next canons concerning the sacrament of Eucharist. There is possible to find inside them norms regarding to active participation of worshippers in celebration of the Eucharist, which causes that the internal unity of God’s People gathered around Christ’s Altar, becomes expressed also in external form as well as the norm regarding to an individual celebration of God’s Liturgy or concelebration made by many priests. The problem of concelebrating is extremely important due to the fact, that just in this form of celebrating the God’s Liturgy, there is visible its uniting function. The base to define which form (individual or concelebrated one) is advisable in particular situation, is pastoral criterion. Priestly favors allow even to concelebrate the Eucharist by bishops and priests belonging to different Churches sui iuris, every time when justified reason exists, and there is no danger of liturgical syncretism; rules of liturgical books that belong to main celebrant are kept and colours of  canonicals are used according to own Church rules.            These and other norms enclosed in Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium, pointing out in a perfect way the Eucharist as a sacrament of unity for everyone who have been baptized, constitute canonical translation of the theological teaching that have been given by Second Vatican Council and regulate presently all of the liturgical life of east Catholics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Andreas HImawan

Abstract: Christian thinkers are trying to seek a new way to relate to other religions, a more contextual way compared to the ways that have been constructed before. One of the new ways is a reconstruction of Christian theology of religions by focusing not on Ecclesiology or Christology, but on Pneumatology. This writing highlights the phenomenon of this pneumatological approach by exploring two views in the pneumatological approach to religions., namely, the views of Second Vatican Council and Amos Yong. This article will show that these pneumatological views to some extend underestimate the particularity of Jesus Christ. Keywords: Amos Yong, salvation, Holy Spirit, theology of religions, Vatican II.   Abstrak: Di dalam berpapasan dengan agama-agama lain, pemikir-pemikir Kristen mencoba mencari pola hubungan yang dianggap lebih kontekstual dibandingkan pola-pola yang telah terbangun sebelumnya. Salah satunya adalah upaya merekonstruksi pemikiran Kristen tentang teologi agama-agama yang bukan lagi berporos pada eklesiologis maupun kristologis, tetapi melakukan pendekatan yang lebih pneumatologis. Tulisan ini menyoroti fenomena pendekatan pneumatologis ini dengan melakukan eksplorasi terhadap dua pandangan dalam pendekatan pneumatologis terhadap agama-agama, yaitu Konsili Vatikan II dan Amos Yong. Tulisan ini akan memperlihatkan bahwa pendekatan pneumatologis seperti yang diajarkan oleh Vatikan II dan Amos Yong cenderung menafikan partikularitas Yesus Kristus. Kata-kata Kunci: Amos Yong, keselamatan, Roh Kudus, teologi agama-agama, Vatikan II.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Robert E. Alvis

Despite is global popularity in recent decades, the Divine Mercy devotion has received scant scrutiny from scholars. This article examines its historical development and evolving appeal, with an eye toward how this nuances our understanding of Catholic devotions in the “age of Vatican II.” The Divine Mercy first gained popularity during World War II and the early Cold War, an anxious era in which many Catholic devotions flourished. The Holy Office prohibited the active promotion of the Divine Mercy devotion in 1958, owing to a number of theological concerns. While often linked with the decline of Catholic devotional life generally, the Second Vatican Council helped set the stage for the eventual rehabilitation of the Divine Mercy devotion. The 1958 prohibition was finally lifted in 1978, and the Divine Mercy devotion has since gained a massive following around the world, benefiting in particular from the enthusiastic endorsement of Pope John Paul II. The testimonies of devotees reveal how the devotion’s appeal has changed over time. Originally understood as a method for escaping the torments of hell or purgatory, the devotion developed into a miraculous means to preserve life and, more recently, a therapeutic tool for various forms of malaise.

2005 ◽  
pp. 219-238
Olga V. Nedavnya

Adequate study of Catholicism in Ukraine is impossible without taking into account its progress in the world, especially in the last century. The experience of comprehending the reality of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and rethinking its entire historical path led to qualitative transformations of this denomination. After the Second Vatican Council, and especially with the pontificate of Pope John Paul II on Catholicism, we can speak of a significant phenomenon of modern spiritual life.

2009 ◽  
Vol 38 (106) ◽  
pp. 349
José Raimundo de Melo

A multiplicidade e variedade dos serviços ministeriais que se fazem presentes na celebração litúrgica do povo de Deus é elemento chave na compreensão da comunidade cristã, pois os ministérios, em definitivo, exprimem e definem a própria realidade da Igreja. A inteira assembléia é ministerial porque a Igreja mesma é toda ministerial. E esta ministerialidade se expressa na liturgia através da diversidade de funções e ofícios que cada um é chamado a desempenhar. Ao contrário do que quase sempre sucede no mundo, porém, a hierarquia de funções na Igreja não denota prestígio e nem pode conduzir à acepção de pessoas. Ancorada na mais pura linha evangélica, deve ela indicar compromisso cristão e serviço fraterno em total doação a Deus e aos irmãos. Para uma reflexão sobre esta importante realidade eclesial, que a partir sobretudo do Concílio Vaticano II a Igreja tem aprofundado e se esforçado em viver, empreenderemos a seguir, ancorados em alguns textos litúrgicos, um estudo a respeito dos ministérios presentes no momento celebrativo da comunidade cristã. Publicamos aqui a primeira parte do artigo.ABSTRACT: The multiplicity and variety of ministerial services which are present in a liturgical celebration of the People of God is a key element in the understanding of the Christian community, since ministries, of themselves, express and define the very reality of the Church. The entire assembly is ministerial because the Church itself is all ministerial. And this ministeriality expresses itself in the liturgy through the diversity of functions and offices which each one is called on to fulfill. Contrary to what almost always happens in the world, however, the hierarchy of functions in the Church does not denote prestige, nor can it lead to the classification of persons. Anchored in the purest evangelical tradition, it should indicate Christian commitment and fraternal service in total self-giving to God and to others. For a reflection on this important ecclesial reality, which, especially from the Second Vatican Council, the Church has struggled to live out, we undertake a study – anchored in some liturgical texts – of the ministries present in the celebrative moment of the Christian community. We publish here the first part of the article. 

Pneuma ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 370-394
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu

Abstract This article responds to a simple question: What are the distinctive contributions of Pentecostalism to the making of world Christianity? We cannot touch on every conceivable point in the discussion, and thus for our purposes I identify seven major interrelated areas that ought to stimulate our thoughts in reflecting on Pentecostalism as a global movement influencing world Christianity today. This article is devoted neither to global pentecostal statistical returns, as important as that may be, nor to the different types of pentecostal/charismatic movements in the world. Rather, I focus on the critical importance of the experience of the Holy Spirit as the religious core of this stream of Christianity and the practical ways in which the Spirit has inspired pentecostal activity in the world.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-32
Dale T. Irvin

In his 1998 article titled “God Inside Out: Toward a Missionary Theology of the Holy Spirit,” Stephen Bevans referred to Johannes Hoekendijk’s 1964 publication The Church Inside Out as his starting point. This article follows Bevans’s lead in exploring Hoekendijk’s legacy and contribution to theology and mission today. At key points I draw the connection of Hoekendijk’s thinking with that of Bevans, highlighting in the end the manner in which they both agree that the church itself is not of ultimate importance to God, but the world into which the Spirit still sends us in mission.

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