scholarly journals Extreme Estimation Uncertainty and Audit Assurance

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. P36-P42 ◽  
Brant E. Christensen ◽  
Steven M. Glover ◽  
David A. Wood

SUMMARY The overall uncertainty inherent in financial statements has increased in recent decades, but the related reports and required level of audit assurance have changed very little. In our study, “Extreme Estimation Uncertainty in Fair Value Estimates: Implications for Audit Assurance” (Christensen et al. 2012a), we examine estimates reported by public companies and find that estimates based on management's subjective models and inputs contain estimation uncertainty that is many times greater than typical audit materiality. We do not question the value that audits provide to the marketplace or the ability of auditors to deploy up-to-date auditing techniques. Rather, we suggest that the convergence of relatively recent events is placing an increasingly difficult and perhaps, in some cases, unrealistic burden on auditors. We discuss potential changes to financial reporting and auditing standards that may improve the information provided to users, and also address the concerns raised in our study.

2012 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-146 ◽  
Brant E. Christensen ◽  
Steven M. Glover ◽  
David A. Wood

SUMMARY The overall complexity and estimation uncertainty inherent in financial statements have increased in recent decades; however, the related reports and services have changed very little, including the format of the balance sheet and income statement, the content in the auditor's report, and the level and nature of assurance provided on estimates. We examine estimates reported by public companies and find that fair value and other estimates based on management's subjective models and inputs contain estimation uncertainty or imprecision that is many times greater than materiality. Importantly, changes in the estimates often impact net income; consequently, the extreme estimation uncertainty also resides in measures such as earnings per share. We do not question the value audits provide to the marketplace, the importance of fair value reporting, or the ability of auditors to deploy up-to-date valuation and auditing techniques. Rather, we suggest that the convergence of relatively recent events is placing an increasingly difficult, and perhaps in some cases unrealistic, burden on auditors. We consider whether the convergence of events in regulation and standard setting may have outstripped auditors' ability to provide the level and nature of assurance currently required on estimates with extreme estimation uncertainty by auditing standards and regulators. We discuss potential changes to financial reporting and auditing standards that may improve the information provided to users and also address the concerns we raise. Finally, we suggest avenues for future research that may be fruitful in addressing how changes to standards would influence the behavior of preparers, auditors, and users. JEL Classifications: M4; M40; M41; M42. Data Availability: All data are publicly available.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 383-400
Elsje Raubenheimer

Accounting estimates form part of the preparation of financial statements and should not affect faithful representation. The use of accounting estimates does not yield exact amounts, but, rather, amounts based on assumptions. The frequency of use of accounting estimates in financial statements depends on the measurement criteria prescribed by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). For example, in the absence of prices in an active market, and if measurement is at fair value, the fair value is based on assumptions. Disclosure of the assumptions on which accounting estimates are based enables the users of financial statements to judge if amounts are faithfully represented. The objective of the research on which this article is based was to establish what IFRSs require in terms of the disclosure of assumptions and estimation uncertainty and also if listed companies in the construction and materials sector comply with these disclosure requirements.

2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-81 ◽  
Neal M. Snow ◽  
Jacqueline L. Reck

ABSTRACT The municipal bond market is a $3.7 trillion market with approximately 75 percent of the market held by private investors (SEC 2012). Municipal bondholders and potential buyers do not have the same level of information as those investors choosing to invest in public companies. This inequity is, in part, the result of poor data accessibility. Frequently the data provided are in a format that does not allow easy comparison across governments or over time. To increase comparability and consistency in government reporting we build a government financial reporting taxonomy using the empirical approach. The completed taxonomy has 194 terms that cover financial statements filed by municipalities. Expert analysts and preparers in government reporting reviewed the completed taxonomy. This study has implications for the municipal reporting market and those entities that regulate them by providing a validated municipal government financial reporting taxonomy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 63
Ката Шкарић Јовановић

Резиме: Финансијско извештавање већ више векова с правом се означава као конзервативно. Начело опрезности чија премена генерише конзервативизам, а које се одликује временском асиметријом у признавању губитака и добитака, не само да је једно од најстаријих, већ и једно од најутицајнијих правила у финансијском извештавању. Означавање инвеститора, поверилаца и осталих зајмодаваца као примарних корисника финансијских извештаја довело је до тога да се у Концептуалном оквиру финансијског извешавања неутралној презентацији финансијских извештаја даје апсолутни примат у односу на опрезност, која је означена као непожељна. Бројна емпиријска истраживања, у великој мери изазвана и оваквом радикалном променом, показала су да су користи од примене конзервативизма у финансијском извештању и у данашњим околностима такве да се увелико надилазе његове слабости. С дуге стране, неутралност се може постићи у презентацији појединих позиција финансијских извшетаја али не при постојећим околностима и финансијских извештаја у целини. Заменом опрезности са неутралношћу нарушена је конзистентност која је нужна између Концептуалног оквира за финансијско извештавање и МРС/МСФИ. У многим од МРС/МСФИ садржани су захтеви за признавање и вредновање који су засновани на опрезности. Испуњавање ових захтева неминовно води конзервативизму у презентацији финансијских извештаја. Како су МРС/МСФИ изграђени на мешовитој основи коју чине: концепт историјског трошка, с којим је чврсто повезана опрезност, и концепт фер вредности, за који се везује неутралност. Стога се сасвим основано у презентацији финансијских извештаја могу очекивати и неутрално и конзервативно презентиране информације. Враћањем опрезности у Концептуални оквир финансијског извештавања осим што би била отклоњена неконзистност која постоји између њега као основе на којој се ревидирају постојећи и доносе нови стандарди, био би потврђен допринос конзервативизма заштити интереса поверилаца и инвеститора.Summary: For many centuries financial reporting has been rightfully labeled as conservative. The principle of prudence whose application generates conservatism, which is characterized by time asymmetry in the recognition of gains and losses, is not only one of the oldest but also one of the most influential rules in financial reporting. Determining the investors, creditors and other lenders as primary users of financial statements has led to the fact that in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting the neutral presentation of financial statements has the absolute precedence over prudence, which is marked as undesirable. Numerous empirical studies largely caused by such a radical change have shown that the benefits of application of conservatism in financial reporting and in the present circumstances are such that they greatly surpass its weaknesses. On the other hand, neutrality can be achieved in the presentation of certain positions in financial statements but not under the existing circumstances and financial statements in general. Substituting prudence with neutrality violates consistency, which is necessary between the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and IAS/IFRS. Many of IAS/IFRS contain requests for recognition and validation that are based on the prudence. Meeting these requests will inevitably lead to conservatism in the presentation of financial statements. Since IAS/IFRS are built on a mixed basis consisting of the historical cost concept, which is tightly linked with prudence, and fair value concept, which is linked with neutrality, then it is quite reasonable to expect both neutrally and conservatively presented information in the presentation of financial statements. By restoring prudence in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, besides eliminating inconsistence that exists between it as a basis for revising existing and adopting new standards, contribution of conservatism to protecting the interests of creditors and investors would be confirmed.

Олена Сергіївна Юрченко

Formulation of the problem. Based on the study, the prerequisites, features and components of the formation of accounting policies in the context of business continuity are revealed. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological and organizational provisions of accounting policy formation in the context of the implementation of the concept of continuity. The object of research is the process of formation of accounting policy and its impact on the quality of corporate financial reporting information. Methods used in the study: scientific knowledge, method of generalization, comparison, logical - meaningful, methods of induction and deduction. The main hypothesis is that the formation of accounting policies aimed at determining the regulations of accounting and reporting from the standpoint of reflecting complete and reliable information about the real value of assets and liabilities will help reconcile the interests of all stakeholders. Presenting main material. The article identifies the prerequisites, directions and elements of the formation of accounting policies on the principle of continuity of enterprises. Provisions on the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of accounting policies of enterprises on the basis of risk-oriented approach are revealed. The necessity of valuation of assets and liabilities according to the criteria: fair, discounted and market value of enterprises is substantiated and the methodological support of valuation of financial instruments in accounting is revealed. Originality and practical significance are proposals for the formation of methodological and organizational support and recommendations for the measurement of assets and liabilities at fair value in order to improve the quality of financial statements. Research findings. The formation of accounting policy in the context of the principle of continuity is based on the requirements of International Accounting Standards and National Accounting Standards and depends on the needs of management, methods and techniques of accounting. In the process of developing an accounting policy, it is necessary to take into account the information needs of various stakeholders to disclose information in corporate financial statements. The introduction of theoretical and methodological provisions for the formation of elements of accounting policy on the principle of continuity will meet the information needs of different users, improve the quality of financial reporting and assess the impact of accounting policies on the real value of enterprises in the future.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 41
Eduardo Sosa Mora

<p>Desde hace muchos años, en el ámbito académico y en el profesional de la contabilidad, se debate acerca de la importancia de que los estados financieros presenten los activos y pasivos de acuerdo con sus valores de mercado, con el fin de lograr una mejor aproximación a los valores económicos de las empresas. Esto ha propiciado que, en las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF), haya adquirido relevancia el modelo del valor razonable, según el cual los activos y pasivos se miden por sus valores <br />de mercado. La adopción de este modelo significa la instrumentación de la teoría del valor de la empresa y una mayor aproximación de la contabilidad a la teoría de las finanzas, cuyos beneficios deben sopesarse con los riesgos asociados a la obtención de cifras contables a partir de precios de mercado y de supuestos acerca de eventos esperados en el futuro. Este artículo expone los alcances de la adopción de ese modelo en el esfuerzo por lograr que los estados financieros representen fielmente las realidades económicas de las empresas.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract </strong></p><p> </p><p>Since many years ago in the Accounting academic and professional circles there is a debate about the importance that the financial statements represent the assets and liabilities according with their market values, in order to get a better approximation to the economic values of the enterprises. Because of this the fair value model has gained relevance in the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). According with this model, the assets and liabilities are measured by their market values. The adoption of <br />this model means the implementation of the theory of the firm and a greater approximation the Accounting to the Financial Theory, whose benefits must be weighted with the risks of getting accounting figures by using market prices and assumptions about future events. This paper expounds the scopes of adopting this model in the effort to assure that the financial statements represent faithfully the economic realities of the enterprises.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-25
O. G. Zhitlukhina ◽  
O. L. Mikhalyova

The article focuses on the importance of methodological approaches to determining the effectiveness of organizations; considers such approaches to the calculation of performance indicators as the “costly” approach, the “net return” approach and the approach “characterizing the effectiveness of capital allocation”. It identifies the factors which influence the availability of reliable information for assessing the organization effectiveness by external users of accounting (financial) statements and complicate this assessment for internal users. The authors carry out a comparative analysis of the calculation of performance indicators dynamics, made by the traditional method and the refined method, in terms of adjusting the differentiation of complex articles of accounting (financial) reporting and excluding tax accounting items. It is concluded that to increase the reliability of the information base for evaluating the effectiveness of organizations, it is important to take into account the estimated characteristics of the reported indicators at fair value or amortized cost. The article substantiates the expediency of making adjustments to accounting (financial) items not related to cash flows.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 833-853 ◽  
Ingrid Baigrie ◽  
Danie Coetsee

This article assesses the extent to which South African public companies that are engaged in agricultural activities are complying with the compulsory recognition and measurement and compulsory and voluntary disclosure requirements of IAS 41 Agriculture. Sixteen large South African public companies with material holdings of biological assets in their statements of financial position were selected for analysis. The results of the analysis show that the majority of South African agricultural companies are using fair value to measure their biological assets at initial recognition as well as at the end of each reporting period. Most of these companies are complying with the compulsory disclosure requirements of IAS 41, and are also providing certain of the recommended voluntary disclosures listed in IAS 41. The study concludes that the measurement methods used by companies to value their biological assets and the nature and extent of both compulsory and voluntary disclosures of these assets are sector-specific. This is consistent with previous research findings. This study contributes to the existing literature by providing a baseline on the financial reporting of agricultural entities in South Africa prior to the implementation of IFRS 13.

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 347-372
Robert Edelstein ◽  
Steve Fortin ◽  
Desmond Tsang ◽  

The adoption of the new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), by allowing the option of fair value accounting for real estate investment properties, has dramatically altered the landscape of financial reporting for real estate firms worldwide. In this exploratory study, by examining the financial statements and disclosures of 45 international real estate firms, we demonstrate that the implementation of IFRS has affected financial reporting practices in the real estate industry. We find that under the IFRS, companies place emphasis on market asset valuations, vis-a-vis alternative metrics for current performance. We also find that most real estate firms in our sample choose to report fair values for investment properties in their financial statements rather than the notes to the financial statements. Finally, there is a wide variation in firm disclosures with regards to the determinants of fair market values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (9) ◽  
pp. 1703-1730
Ol'ga V. EFIMOVA ◽  

Subject. We address the determination and use of discounted value in the preparation of financial statements under IFRS and problems associated with this estimate, including in circumstances of pandemics. Objectives. We focus on a comprehensive study of the purpose, reasons, methods of calculating and applying the discounted value in the process of preparing the financial statements, and consider factors that affect the estimate and its changes, as well as its impact on the indicators of financial statements. Methods. The study employs methods of logical, statistical, comparative, and linguistic analysis. We also review foreign and Russian scientific and practical literature, the rules contained in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, consolidated financial statements of Russian public companies for 2019 and 2020. Results. We unveil problems associated with the use of discounted value and the area of its influence, make proposals to improve its measurement and disclosure in the preparation of financial statements. The scope of application of the results obtained includes: building up regular reporting by economic entities, primarily in terms of determining the discounted value, including in the direction of coordinating financial and non-financial reporting information and improving the reliability of disclosures and their analytic function. Conclusions. To improve the reliability of financial statements, it is crucial to expand disclosures about approaches and assumptions used in measuring the discounted value and coordinate information about the elements of discounted value with non-financial reporting data.

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