scholarly journals Long-term dynamics and epidemic intensity of Siberian tick typhus in federal districts and regions of Russian Federation during 2002-2018

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 68-76
S. V. Shtrek ◽  
N. V. Rudakov ◽  
N. A. Penjevskaya ◽  
D. A. Saveliev ◽  
A. I. Blokh

Aim. To analyze epidemic intensity and long-term dynamics of Siberian tick typhus (STT) in Siberian and Far Eastern regions of Russian Federation.Materials and Methods. We analyzed STT incidence in different regions of Siberia and Far East during 2002-2018 utilising standardised data. Regions were further ranked according to incidence levels.Results. Cases of STT were regularly documented in 17 regions of Siberia and Far East. In six regions (Republic of Khakassia, Altai, Amur, Tyumen, Irkutsk, and Krasnoyarsk Region), a declining trend was revealed while in four regions there was a trend towards an increase in STT incidence (Republic of Tyva, Khabarovsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, and Omsk Region).Conclusion. The monitoring of STT foci and reservoirs natural foci in endemic areas in Central Asia is needed to predict the trends in STT incidence in Siberia and Far East. 

S. A. Rudakova ◽  
N. A. Pen’evskaya ◽  
A. I. Blokh ◽  
N. V. Rudakov ◽  
D. V. Trankvilevsky ◽  

Objective was to analyze the epidemiological situation on Ixodidae tick-borne borreliosis (ITBB) in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the dynamics over the period of 2010–2020, taking into account the features of the year 2020, associated with the spread of COVID-19, and to forecast the development of the epidemic process for 2021. In 2020, 4180 cases of ITBB were registered in the Russian Federation, which is 1.93 times less than in 2019 and 1.73 times less than the long-term average annual figure for the previous 10 years. A significant decrease was noted in all federal districts (FD), with the exception of the Central FD, where more than half of all cases occurred. Compared to 2019, 75 out of 78 subjects experienced a decrease in the incidence rate in 2020, while in 56 entities that decrease was statistically significant. The multiplicity of the decrease in the incidence of ITBB in 2020 for all FD was significantly greater than the multiplicity of the decrease in the frequency of contacts of the population with ticks. Infection of Ixodidae ticks of various species with borrelia in natural foci in 2020 was statistically significantly higher than in 2019. Probably, the decrease in the registered incidence of ITBB against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic is due not only to a decrease in the intensity of contacts of the population with natural foci, but also to a sharp redistribution of the volume of inpatient and outpatient medical care in favor of COVID-19 patients. Given the high degree of significance of the identified trends in the dynamics of the epidemic ITBB process during 2010–2020, there is reason to expect an increase in the incidence in the Bryansk, Voronezh, Ryazan, Tula and Saratov regions in 2021, which requires special attention in terms of strengthening preventive measures and monitoring of the activity and structure of natural foci. In the rest of the entities of the Russian Federation, provided that the volumes of preventive measures are maintained on the same level and in the absence of abnormal natural and climatic phenomena, preservation or a slight reduction in the incidence of ITBB is likely to occur in the short term. At the same time, despite the tense situation regarding the new coronavirus infection, there is an obvious need to draw close attention to the problems of diagnosis and prevention of natural focal infections.

A. S. Maramovich ◽  
S. A. Kosilko ◽  
T. I. Innokentieva ◽  
G. A. Voronova ◽  
A. Ya. Nikitin ◽  

Plague epidemiological situation in India in XX and at the beginning of XXI century is evaluated. The epidemic process is shown to have wavy interrupted course and is divided into periods of annual intensive epidemics, reduction of epidemic activity and sudden development of acute outbreaks on the background of sporadic morbidity absence. Brief characterization of a pulmonary plague epidemic in India in 1994 and undertaken international sanitary and protective measures by the example of Russian Federation and USA is presented. Local outbreaks of pulmonary and bubonic plague in 2002-2004 give evidence of periodically complicated epidemic situation in India. Trend and volume of measures on sanitary protection of territories are substantiated by development of commercial, economical, tourist communications between India and Russia including Regions of Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts differing by the degree of plague importation risk.

V. P. Toporkov ◽  
L. N. Velichko ◽  
A. E. Shiyanova ◽  
E. V. Kouklev ◽  
N. V. Popov ◽  

The retrospective epidemiologic analysis of HFRS morbidity carried out from 2001 to 2007 showed that the highest sickness rate was registered in Privolzhsky federal district with 20.4±2.3 average index that exceeded the similar one countrywide 4-fold and the incidence specific weight was 88.0 % of the total number of cases. The indexes of HFRS incidence in the rest 6 dis­tricts were lower than the Russia wide one 3-4-fold and more. During the analyzed period the tendency to increase the HFRS incidence level was observed in Privolzhsky, Ural and Far East districts and in the country.

T. Yu. Kudryavtseva ◽  
V. P. Popov ◽  
A. N. Mokrievich ◽  
N. D. Pakskina ◽  
A. V. Kholin ◽  

Objective of the study – assessment of epizootic and epidemic situation on tularemia in 2018 and forecasting the risk of infection in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2019. Analysis of epidemiological situation was carried out on the basis of the data from monitoring activities performed by the Rospotrebnadzor institutions and the data contained in the reports of the Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute of Siberia and Far East, Plague Control Center, Federal Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology, as well as federal statistical survey forms No 5 “Information on preventive vaccination” and No 2 “Information on infectious and parasitic  diseases” over the period of January-December 2018 in eight Federal Districts including 85 constituent entities. Given are the retrospective data on tularemia epidemic situation in the territory of the Russian Federation over the past decade. 1944 human tularemia cases were registered in Russia between 2009 and 2018, 1005 out of which occurred during epidemic outbreak in 2013 in Khanty-Manssiysk Autonomous Region. High sporadic and small cluster incidence was mainly observed in the territories of the North-estern and Siberian Federal Districts over the recent years. In 2018, 71 cases of human infection with tularemia agent were reported. Epizootic manifestations of varying degree of intensity were detected in 52 entities of Russia. Against that background, sporadic cases of human infection were registered in 19 regions of the country. For three years epidemic complications expressed to the maximum were observed in the Omsk Region – 18 cases of tularemia infection, and Karelia – 14 cases, respectively. 15 Francisella tularensis cultures were isolated from ambient  environment objects in Pskov, Leningrad Regions, Altai Territory, Republics of Altai and Tuva. Conclusions have been drawn in relation to the regions where epidemic complications associated with tularemia are most likely to emerge in 2019. 

N. V. Rudakov ◽  
S. N. Shpynov ◽  
N. A. Pen’evskaya ◽  
A. I. Blokh ◽  
T. A. Reshetnikova ◽  

Objective is to analyze the incidence of Siberian tick typhus (STT) in the Russian Federation over the period of 2010–2020, Astrakhan spotted fever (ASF) and Mediterranean fever (MF) since the official registration, and to forecast the development of the epidemic process for endemic rickettsioses for 2021. The analysis of the incidence of STT, ASF and MF in Russia for the period of 2010–2020, 2013–2020 and 2014–2020, respectively, has been carried out. The forecast of endemic rickettsioses morbidity in the European and Asian parts of Russia for 2021 has been made. The average long-term incidence of STT for 2010–2020 in the Russian Federation as a whole was 1.04 (CI95 1.02÷1.05) 0/0000, with no tendency to change. The maximum relative incidence of STT is typical for the Siberian Federal District (SFD), where the average long-term incidence rate for 2010–2020 was 6.20 (CI95 6.08÷6.31) per 100 thousand of the population. The Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD) – 4.70 (CI95 4.53÷4.87) 0/0000 came in second place, the third place was taken by the Ural Federal District (UFD) – 0.08 (CI95 0.07÷0.10) 0/0000. When assessing the 11-year dynamics of the relative incidence of STT by the Federal Districts, we have detected a tendency to its stabilization in the SFD and the FEFD. In the UFD, a significant downward trend was revealed. The upward trend in the incidence of STT remained in the Altai Republic. Major decline in STT incidence was observed in the Kurgan Region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, and the Republic of Khakassia. There was a declining trend in the incidence of Astrakhan spotted fever in the Astrakhan Region and the Republic of Kalmykia. In the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol there is no trend to increase the incidence of Mediterranean fever.

N. V. Rudakov ◽  
S. N. Shpynov ◽  
D. V. Trankvilevsky ◽  
N. D. Pakskina ◽  
D. A. Savel’ev ◽  

The review presents an analysis of the epidemic situation on infections of rickettsial etiology, the causative agents of which are transmitted by Ixodidae ticks in the territory of the Russian Federation. The data obtained through molecular-biological verification allow to unite under the name of “tick-borne ricketsioses” a group of infections caused by R. sibirica subsp. sibirica, R. conorii, R. heilongjiangensis and other species of rickettsiae circulating in natural foci of various regions of Russia. Cases of tick-borne rickettsioses in Siberia and the Far East, caused by various species of rickettsiae, are registered under the name of “Siberian tick-borne typhus” due to the lack of available methods of differential laboratory diagnostics. The paper presents the assessment of the incidence of Siberian tick-borne typhus, indicating not only the varying degrees of epidemic hazard of endemic regions, but also changes in the distribution of risk areas, including the identification of new, epidemically significant foci. In accordance with the risk-oriented approach to prophylaxis, forecasting of epidemic situation on tick-borne rickettsioses was given and differentiation of the endemic territories of the Russian Federation as regards Siberian tick-borne typhus was carried out with distinguishing of epidemiological zones of low, medium, above average, high and very high risk of population infection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-251
Nikita Sasaev

ntroduction. The socio-economic development of the Russian Far East is one of the most important strategic directions of Russia, corresponding to the national interests and development vector. For this vector to be transmitted to the regional and sectoral level, it needs strategic opportunities, relevant in the context of multiple trends and limited resource base. Energy security includes reliable energy consumption and efficiency. It ensures the socio-economic progress of developing economies and emerging-market countries. The Russian Far East has accumulated enough scientific, technical, industrial, and production potential to use gas industry as a long-term driver of socio-economic development. The research objective was to analyze and systematize the main interest groups focused on the development of gas industry in the Russian Far East. Study objects and methods. The study was based on the theory of strategy and the methodology of strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint, as well as on authentic methods of industrial strategizing. Results and discussion. The article introduces a concept scheme that illustrates the relationship between regional and sectoral gas strategies of the Russian Far East, as well as their place in the general system of strategies. The author systematized the main national, social, regional, industrial, corporate, and international interests. The analysis confirmed the long-term interest of the gas industry in the Far Eastern Federal District at each of these levels. Conclusion. In the Russian Far East, gas industry will establish strong vertical and horizontal relationships in the system of strategies, thus producing a multiplicative effect on the socio-economic development of the whole Far Eastern Federal District and its regions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (01) ◽  
pp. 186-192
Yang Lifen ◽  
Yuriy Yu. Fedorov

This study reviews and compares the market potential of two macro-areas in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the AZRF (Arctic zone of the Russian Federation) and the FEFD (Far Eastern Federal District. Moreover, this work shows that a significant part of supply and demand in municipalities' domestic markets is concentrated in the FEFD. Until recently, the AZRF and the FEFD were not considered by the State as a single government body. Transferred powers to the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the development of the Far East and the Arctic has allowed the territory of the Arctic uluses of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to be included in the social and economic development of the FEFD.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 223-236
Tadeusz Dmochowski

AbstractDemographically, Siberia has been a remote and sparsely populated base of European Russia. The population of the Ural Federal District between 1989 and 2010 (within the borders of 2002) decreased by 0.45 million, Siberian Federal District by 4.90 million people and the Far Eastern Federal District by 1.65 million people. That is, the population of three federal districts decreased by 6.99 million people in just 21 years.In the years 2010-2019, the number of inhabitants of the Ural Federal District increased slightly from 12.08 million to 12.35 million people, i.e. by 0.27 million people. The population of the Siberian Federal District (within the borders of 2019) in the years 2010-2019 decreased by 0.004 million people. The number of inhabitants of the Far Eastern Federal District (within the borders of 2019) in the period 2010-2019 decreased by 0.18 million people.In total, in the years 2010-2019, the population of the three federal districts recorded a slight increase of 0.082 million people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 489 (4) ◽  
pp. 419-423
Yu. I. Shokin ◽  
V. K. Gusiakov ◽  
V. A. Kikhtenko ◽  
L. B. Chubarov

The overview maps of tsunami hazard for the Far East coast of Russian Federation are created. The methodological basis of the PTHA (Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment) approach are discussed, as well as the problems of constructing seismotectonic models of the main tsunamigenic zones, mathematical models and algorithms for calculating probability estimates of tsunami hazard, and some problems of applying the RTHA methodology both related to the lack of observation data and with the complexity of performing a large amount of scenario calculations. Examples of overview tsunami hazard maps for various recurrence intervals, constructed using the PTHA methodology and presented using the WTMap application, are given.

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