scholarly journals Natural-climatic and environmental aspects in architectural and urban design and research of the residential environment

Y. S. Yankovskaya ◽  
E. N. Lebedeva ◽  
Yu. N. Lobanov ◽  

The article is devoted to the problems of studying the natural and climatic aspect of the living environment formation in architectural and urban planning. The history of the issue is considered, scientific and qualification research from the 1960-s and 1970-s is analyzed. At present, there are observed tendencies of direct borrowing and transferring from the West of some new «techniques and principles», as well as putting forward rather superficial ideas regarding the transformation of the living environment, while fundamental domestic developments of the Soviet and post-Soviet times are often forgotten and ignored. Special attention is paid to the subject, problems and results of dissertation research in the field of architecture and urban planning, as well as related technical sciences. In addition, material from works on such branches as sociology and geography, biology and agriculture is considered.

2006 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 90-94
Adli Qudsi

The Old City of Aleppo, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, a living town of 110,000 inhabitants residing in thousands of historical courtyard houses and an important commercial centre is now the subject of an internationally recognized rehabilitation scheme. This paper describes the history of this project and identifies a series of lessons to be learnt about the complex process of rehabilitation in a living historic environment.

Stephen Aron

‘Introduction: American Wests’ shows that the confusion of legend and fact, of myth and history, makes it hard to disentangle the stories we have told about the development of the American West from our understanding of what really happened. This VSI explains how the gap between projections and reality has shaped the development of the West and confounded our interpretations of its history. This history of the American West expands the chronology, enlarges the geography, complicates the casting, and pluralizes the subject to show that across the centuries, the movements of peoples and the minglings of cultures have shaped the history of sharp confrontations and murky convergences.

1969 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 259-274 ◽  
Eric J. Sharpe

To the student of the recent history of theological ideas in the West, it sometimes seems as though, of all the ‘new’ subjects that have been intro duced into theological discussion during the last hundred or so years, only two have proved to be of permanent significance. One is, of course, biblical criticism, and the other, the subject which in my University is still called ‘comparative religion’—the (as far as possible) dispassionate study of the religions of the world as phenomena in their own right.

Itinerario ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-128
A. G. Hopkins

Globalisation is now a fashionable topic of historical research. Books and articles routinely use the term, though often in a loose manner that has yet to realise the full potential of the subject. The question arises as to whether globalisation, as currently applied by historians, is sufficiently robust to resist inevitable changes in historiographical fashion. The fact that globalisation is a process and not a single theory opens the way, not only to over-general applications of the term, but also to rich research possibilities derived in particular from other social sciences. One such prospect, which ought to be at the centre of all historians’ interests, is how to categorise the evolution of the process. This question, which has yet to stimulate the lively debate it needs, is explored here by identifying three successive phases or sequences between the eighteenth century and the present, and joining them to the history of the empires that were their principal agents. These phases, termed proto-globalisation, modern globalisation, and postcolonial globalisation provide the context for reviewing the history of the West, including the United States, and in principle of the wider world too.

2012 ◽  
Vol 56 (4) ◽  
pp. 896-914 ◽  
Baorong Wang

Directionality is one of the most interesting recent developments in translation studies in the West. The scene, however, is rather different in China with a long history of inverse translation. This article aims to outline translation practices in China and Chinese thinking on directionality while providing a few pointers for further research. Part one surveys major translation projects that were carried out or are being carried out and how Chinese translation scholars thought/think about directionality. The survey covers nineteen centuries from the 2nd century A.D. through the present time, albeit most of the data are devoted to the periods from the turn of the 20th century. It is found that although inverse translation is an age-old practice in China, the issue of directionality began to be seriously considered and debated only in the early 1980s, and that there has been increased attention to the topic in recent years. Part two briefly reviews the current status of research and concludes that directionality is an under-researched area in Chinese translation studies. The article ends with some suggestions for further research on the subject in the Chinese context, drawing on the latest research conducted in the West.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-54
Agnė Ivanauskaitė

Lithuanian urban design and urban planning face the problem of undeveloped terminology. This problem could be solved with the help of the definition of urban form, which could help to form terminology into a hierarchical system. Although the concept of urban form is not widely used in Lithuania, it is the subject of urban design in foreign countries. In order to solve urban problems on the architectural level, we must use the concept of urban form and its elements in cities every time we implement tasks of urban design and urban planning. This will help us to develop terminology following the hierarchical system. This article aims to reveal the definition of urban form, its elements and potential application. Lietuvos urbanistikos moksle ir praktikoje susiduriama su terminijos problema. Vienas iš jos pavyzdžių – miesto urbanistinės formos sąvoka, kuri galbūt galėtų būti šios problemos sprendimo išeitis, padėti konstruoti urbanistikos mokslo terminiją hierarchine sistema. Miesto urbanistinės formos sąvoka Lietuvoje nėra plačiai vartojama, tačiau užsienyje ji reiškia urbanistinio projektavimo objektą. Norint spręsti miesto problemas architektūrinėje urbanistinėje plotmėje, miesto urbanistinės formos, jos elementų samprata turi būti taikoma urbanistinio planavimo, projektavimo uždaviniuose. Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti miesto urbanistinės formos sąvoką, jos elementus bei taikymo galimybes.

2008 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 295-309

With the exception of a minor mention, which Sharaf Khān (b.1543) made in theSharafnāma, the first information about the most southern group of Kurdish tribes in Iranian Kurdistan, the Lek, first became available to modern readers inBustān al-Sīyāḥa, a geographical and historical Persian text by Shīrwānī (1773–1832). These hitherto unknown Lek communities, were probably settled in north-western and northern Luristan, known as Lekistan, by order of Shāh ‘Abbās, who wished in this way to create some support for Ḥusayn Khān, thewālīof Luristan. Many of the centres of Lekî intellectual life in the late Afshārīd and early Zand period, which is also of much importance in that the Zand dynasty arose from it, are located in this geographical area. One has only to call to mind the names of such places as Alishtar (Silsila), Kūhdasht, Khāwa, Nūr Ābād, Uthmānwand and Jalālwand in the most southern districts of Kirmānshāh, and also the Lek tribes of eastern Īlām. The very mention of these cities and villages already sets in motion in one's imagination the parade of Twelver Shiites, Ahl-i Haqq heretics, and non-religious oral literary councils which constitutes the history of Lekî new era. But unfortunately little of this is known in the West and Lekî literature remains one of the neglected subjects of literary and linguistic Kurdish studies. This important oral literature and also some written manuscripts are unpublished and untranslated into western languages. The subject of this article is the translation ofZîn-ə Hördemîr, as an example of a genre of Lekî written literature which also provides linguistic data for the Lekî dialect of southern Kurdish.

Leonardo ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
pp. 464-469 ◽  
Clemena Antonova

The author considers the history of the theory of “reverse perspective” in the 20th century. She identifies six distinct views on reverse perspective, some of which are mutually exclusive. The first four definitions have circulated in both Western and Russian scholarship, while two further views proposed by Russian authors are little known in the West. The most useful contribution of Russian theory to the subject is the suggestion of a pictorial space fundamentally different from the three-dimensional space frequently taken for granted by Western viewers.

Antiquity ◽  
1927 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 311-325 ◽  
R. G. Collingwood

Since Plato announced that the course of history returned upon itself in 72,000 years, since Polybius discerned a “circular movement” by which the history of states came back, over and over again, to the same point, the theory of historical cycles has been a commonplace of European thought. Familiar to the thinkers of the Renaissance, it was modified by Vico in the early eighteenth century and again by Hegel in the early nineteenth; and a complete history of the idea would show many curious transformations and cover a long period of time. Here no attempt will be made to summarize this story; the subject of the present paper is the latest and, to ourselves, most striking exposition of the general theory, contained in Dr Oswald Spengler’s Decline of the West.

Reci, Beograd ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (13) ◽  
pp. 87-98
Želimir Vukašinović

In the age of terrorism and virulence, an absence of a true community remains an essential experience of an undeniable subject who, finally justified by its (self) isolation, tends to rediscover the concreteness of existence and vitality of the world of life. This experience will lead us to a possible reading of the narrative structure of identity as a horizon for an understanding of the history of metamorphoses of the subject. This interpretation of the function of narration illuminates a relation between the subject and its story which redefines our contemporary, pragmatically reduced, perception of practice.

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