scholarly journals Students' Creative Thinking Skill in Solving Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Problems

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-120
M Zaiyar ◽  
Irfan Rusmar

Creative thinking skills one of the important aspects that must be possessed by students' mathematical thinking skills to connect mathematical concepts as well as the development of thinking processes in solving mathematical problems. The purposes of this research are to determine the level of students' creative thinking skills in solving Higher-Order Thinking questions and to investigate the students' creative thinking skills in solving Higher Order Thinking Questions. This research employed the descriptive qualitative method with 28 students who have passed the Calculus subjects the samples of the research determined through nonprobability sampling. The data were collected through tests and interviews. The research discovered that the average score obtained was 38.43%, specifically35.71%of the students were at the very creative level, 50% of the students were at the creative level, and 14, 29% of the students were at the fairly creative level. Students' creative thinking skills were lacking in creativeness and detail indicators. They were not able to solve problems properly and correctly. The fluency and flexibility indicators were in a good category. So, it can be concluded that the level of students’ creative-thinking skills in solving the Higher-Order Thinking Skills problems was at the creative level. 

MaPan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 320
Sri Satriani ◽  
Wahyuddin Wahyuddin ◽  
Andi Aliem Syahri

This study aims to develop a valid, effective, and practical HOTS-based worksheet for calculus courses in the Mathematics Education Department. The development of the worksheet is expected to improve critical and creative thinking skills, which is implemented through the Online Learning System (SPADA). This research is development research with the research subject being 27 students of Mathematics Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The instruments used in this study were instrument validation sheets, test, and student response questionnaires. This worksheet development process is adapted from the model of development of the 4-D models, which consists of define, design, develop, and disseminate. The results of the validation assessment were an average score of 3.61 in the valid categories. The result of the lecturers' practicality at 3.6 with the practical category. Furthermore, the results of the effectiveness assessment through the HOTS test showed that the percentage of classical completeness was 86.7%. The students' responses showed a positive response to this worksheet. The assessment results showed that the average pretest was 46.85, while the postest was 74.81. There is an increase in the average value of higher-order thinking skills from pretest to postest in field trials. So it produces worksheets based on HOTS through SPADA that have met the valid, practical, and effective aspects and can facilitate students in practicing their higher-order thinking skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Lia Agustina ◽  
Tonih Feronika ◽  
Luki Yunita

Chemistry textbooks used as learning media should contain questions that improve students' thinking processes, especially higher order thinking skills (HOTS). However, there are no criteria for assessing the questions in the textbook, especially for higher order thinking questions. This study aims to determine the HOTS aspect using the Brookhart category on questions contained in the XII grade chemistry textbook. The research method used is descriptive method of document analysis. The results showed that the average percentage of HOTS questions in the three class XII chemistry textbooks was 25.95%, covering aspects of analyzing 8.85%, creating 3.51%, reasoning and logic 8.35%, problem solving 3.71%, and creative thinking 1.53%. Meanwhile, the aspects of evaluating and making decisions are not present in each analyzed chemistry textbook. Based on the research results, it can be seen that the chemistry textbook for class XII is still dominated by questions of low-level thinking skills.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Tri Dyah Prastiti ◽  
Sri Tresnaningsih ◽  
Dina Thaib

Mathematical thinking is divided into lower-order thinking skills (LOTS) and higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). The LOTS is consisted of recall thinking and basic thinking, while HOTS required a more complex thinking abilities such as critical thinking and creative thinking. This research is aimed to develop a valid, effective, and practical HOTS-based worksheet for S-1 PGSD students who took Mathematics course in Universitas Terbuka. The application of HOTS-based worksheet is expected to be able to improve students’ learning motivation, as well as their ability in thinking critically and creatively in solving mathematical problems. The research is a developmental research, and the obtained data were analyzed descriptively. The subjects of this research were 72 students of S-1 PGSD program Universitas Terbuka Surabaya who took Mathematics (PDGK4108) course. The results showed that the developed HOTS-based worksheet fulfils the validity, practical, and effective criteria to improve students’ learning motivation, which can be seen that 77% of students (56 students) felt encouraged and motivated to think critically and creatively, 72% of students (52 students) showed the ability to solve problem based questions. Furthermore, 78% of the students (41 students) achieved 75 out of 100 score or more. It can be concluded that the application of the developed HOTS-based worksheet is suitable in teaching Mathematics. Kemampuan berpikir dalam matematika dibagi atas kemampuan berpikir tingkat rendah (low order thinking skills disingkat LOTS) dan berpikir tingkat tinggi (high order thinking skills disingkat HOTS). Berpikir yang tergolong LOTS meliputi berpikir memanggil (recall thinking), dan berpikir dasar (basic thinking),sedangkan yang tergolong HOTS meliputi berpikir kritis (critical thinking) dan berpikir kreatif (creative thinking). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan LKM (lembar kerja mahasiswa) berbasis HOTS pada matakuliah Matematika di program S-1 PGSD UT yang valid, efektif dan praktis. Pendekatan tutorial dengan menggunakan LKM HOTS ini, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa dan meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis serta meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengerjakan soal-soal matematika sehingga dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian pengembangan (developmental research) dan deskriptif. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 72 mahasiswa program S1 PGSD UPBJJ UT Surabaya yang mengambil mata kuliah Matematika (PDGK4108). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LKM berbasis HOTS yang dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis danefektif,  untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa, ditunjukkan oleh 77% (56 mahasiswa) yang merasa tertantang dan termotivasi untuk berpikir tingkat tinggi (kritis, dan kreatif), 72% (52 mahasiswa) mampu menyelesaikan soal-soal yang bersifat pemecahan masalah, dan dari mahasiswa yang mampu tersebut ada sebanyak 78 % (41 mahasiswa) mendapat nilai lebih dari atau sama 75 dari skor maksimal 100. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa LKM bebasis HOTS yang dikembangkan cocok untuk diaplikasikan dalam pengajaran matematika.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-47
Muiz Ghifari

Higher order thinking skills in learning are the application of thinking processes for complex situations and of course have many variables. Every student can think, but most students need encouragement and guidance for higher order thinking processes. The research used a qualitative approach, namely literature review. This study aims to explain the outline of activities planned for designing learning on number pattern class VIII material, the development of learning objectives, expected results, and practice questions that require the use of high order skills. Several efforts must be made to improve students' higher order thinking skills in mathematics, namely: (1) involving students in non-routine problem solving activities; (2) facilitating students to develop their ability to analyze and evaluate (critical thinking) and creative ability (creative thinking); and (3) encourage students to construct their own knowledge, so that learning becomes meaningful for students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Karim Karim ◽  
Taufiq Hidayanto ◽  
Kamaliyah Kamaliyah ◽  
Maulana Fatiehurrizqie Arrasyid

Pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) dapat dirancang guru untuk kegiatan proses pembelajaran atau dalam penyusunan soal evaluasi. Soal yang berorientasi pada HOTS diperlukan agar siswa terbiasa dan terlatih untuk menyelesaikan soal yang tidak hanya bersifat hafalan dan pemahaman, maupun penerapan konsep. Banyak penyuluhan atau pelatihan yang telah diperoleh guru dalam membuat soal matematika. Meskipun demikian, pelatihan yang secara spesifik untuk membuat soal matematika yang berorientasi HOTS sangat kurang bahkan belum pernah mereka ikuti. Oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan pelatihan untuk membuat soal matematika yang berorientasi HOTS. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) adalah membimbing guru matematika SMP dalam menyusun soal matematika yang berorientasi HOTS. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan bekerjasama dengan MGMP Matematika Kabupaten Banjar. Jumlah peserta yang hadir pada saat kegiatan ada 46 orang. Secara ringkas, tahapan kegiatan meliputi menyiapkan materi sebagai bahan pembimbingan pembuatan soal berorientasi HOTS dan melaksanakan pembimbingan. Kegiatan PKM ini telah menghasilkan 50 buah soal matematika yang berorientasi HOTS. Kategori soal berdasarkan level HOTS, 39 buah (78%) termasuk soal analisis dan 11 buah (22%) termasuk soal evaluasi.The Learning that orienting to the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) can be designed by the teacher for the learning process activities or in the preparation of evaluation questions. HOTS-oriented problems are needed so that students are accustomed and trained to solve problems that are not only memorizing, understanding, and applying concepts. Teachers have obtained much training in making mathematical problems. However, the training specifically in making HOTS-oriented mathematics problems is lacking. Therefore, the training needs to be held to cause HOTS-oriented mathematics problems. The purpose of community service activities is to guide junior high school mathematics teachers in preparing HOTS-oriented mathematics problems. The activity has been carried out in collaboration with the Mathematics MGMP of the Banjar District. The number of participants who attended the activity was 46 people. In summary, the stages of activities include preparing material as guidance material for making HOTS-oriented problems and implementing mentoring. This community service activity has produced 50 HOTS-oriented mathematics problems. The problem categories are based on the HOTS level; 39 items (78%) included analysis problems, and 11 items (22%) included evaluation problems. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-100
Umi Salma Fauziyah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui relevansi dari materi bahasa Indonesia pada buku tematik kelas 3 revisi 2018 dengan beberapa aspek yaitu ruang lingkup materi berdasarkan Permendikbud No 21 tahun 2016; HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills); 4Cs (creative thinking, critical thinking, communication, collaboration); literasi membaca-menulis; literasi digital. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan jenis analisis wacana pada materi bahasa Indonesia di buku tematik kelas 3 revisi 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya relevansi antara materi bahasa Indonesia pada buku tematik kelas 3 revisi 2018 dengan aspek yang sudah disebutkan dengan hasil 46% materi sudah disajikan, keterampilan HOTS tidak imbang karena mayoritas critical thinking yaitu 66,7% dan decision making tidak ada, keterampilan 4Cs sudah merata meski critical thinking lebih banyak yaitu 40,5%, literasi membaca persentasenya 78,9% dan literasi menulis 21,1%, literasi digital dibahas pada satu bagian tersendiri yaitu pada tema 7 subtema 3 meskipun materinya masih tahap pengenalan. Secara keseluruhan materi bahasa Indonesia pada buku tematik kelas 3 sudah cukup relevan dengan aspek-aspek yang berkaitan meski ada yang masih kurang merata pada beberapa aspek.

Curationis ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
MM Chabeli

Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) brought about a significant paradigm shift in the education and training of learners in South Africa. OBE requires a shift from focusing on the teacher input (instruction offerings or syllabuses expressed in terms of content), to focusing on learner outcomes. OBE is moving away from ‘transmission’ models to constructivistic, learner-centered models that put emphasis on learning as an active process (Nieburh, 1996:30). Teachers act as facilitators and mediators of learning (Norms and Standards, Government Gazette vol 415, no 20844 of 2000). Facilitators are responsible to create the environment that is conducive for learners to construct their own knowledge, skills and values through interaction (Peters, 2000). The first critical cross-field outcome accepted by the South African Qualification Framework (SAQA) is that learners should be able to identify and solve problems by using critical and creative thinking skills. This paper seeks to explore some higher order thinking skills competencies required by OBE from learners such as critical thinking, reflective thinking, creative thinking, dialogic / dialectic thinking, decision making, problem solving and emotional intelligence and their implications in facilitating teaching and learning from the theoretical perspective. The philosophical underpinning of these higher order thinking skills is described to give direction to the study. It is recommended that a study focusing on the assessment of these intellectual concepts be made. The study may be qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods in nature (Creswell 2005).

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Ahmad Muradi ◽  
Faisal Mubarak ◽  
Ridha Darmawaty ◽  
Arif Rahman Hakim

Learning Arabic is more dominant as a skill than a Science. The learners’ goals are able to use Arabic both spoken and written well and correctly. While HOTS is more dominant in requiring learners to think integrally. Therefore, it is important to consider the extent to which the Ministerial Regulation accommodates HOTS through a study of the basic competence of Arabic contained in it. This study is a literature review of the basic competence of Arabic in the Decree of the Minister of Religion (KMA) number 183 in 2019 in HOTS perspective. The object of this study is the basic competence of Arabic in KMA 183 in 2019. The result shows the basic competence of Arabic in KMA 183 in 2019 to accommodate the ability in higher order thinking such as problem solving, critical thinking, and reasoning. While the Basic Competence in KMA didn’t achieve creative thinking and decision making.

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