scholarly journals Implementasi Algoritma A* Dalam Aplikasi Berbasis Web Untuk Menemukan Rute Terpendek Sebagai Navigasi Peta Digital Indoor

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Afrizal Adam Maulana ◽  
Wijanarto Wijanarto

Kemajuan teknologi dan fasilitas infrastruktur saat ini seringkali mengakibatkan seseorang sulit untuk mengingat semua jalan menuju ke tempat tertentu. Lebih dari 75% sebagian orang menghabiskan waktu dalam ruangan. Ketika mereka pergi ke tempat didalam bangunan dengan dimensi dan ukuran yang berbeda-beda, seperti, bangunan bertingkat, pusat perdagangan, pusat perbelanjaan, bandara, rumah sakit dan universitas, seringkali mereka bingung untuk menuju tempat yang diinginkan dalam waktu cepat dan tepat berdasarkan informasi yang terbatas. Pertanyaan yang akan dijawab dalam paper ini, bagiamana menganalisa prinsip dasar navigasi dan mendefinisikan instruksi dalam suatu domain model. Kemudian menentukan algoritma untuk menghasilkan rute terpendek. Terakhir mengimplementasikan algoritma dalam suatu aplikasi berbasis web dengan javascript. Solusinya adalah membuat model navigasi dengan unified modeling language peta digital, algoritma A-start dipilih sebagai solusi dalam menentukan rute untuk navigasi dalam peta serta membangun dan mengevaluasi aplikasi dengan javascript dan jasmine unit test. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa model yang dipilih tepat untuk dapat diimplementasikan menjadi aplikasi berbasis web dan lolos evaluasi dengan 75 test case sebesar 100%, semua fungsionalitas aplikasi berjalan sesuai disain dan menghasilkan aplikasi tanpa anomaly.Kata Kunci — Navigasi, Indoor, Rute Terpendek, A-Star.Advances in technology and infrastructure facilities today often make it difficult for people to remember all the way to a particular place. More than 75% of people spend time indoors. When they go to places in buildings of different dimensions and sizes, such as, multilevel buildings, commercial centers, shopping centers, airports, hospitals and universities, they are often confused to get to the desired place in quick and precise time based on information limited. Questions to be answered in this paper, how to analyze the basic principles of navigation and define instruction in a domain model. Then determine the algorithm to generate the shortest route. Last implemented algorithm in a web based application with javascript. The solution is to create a navigation model with a unified modeling language digital map, A-start algorithm selected as a solution in determining the route for navigation in the map as well as build and evaluate applications with javascript and jasmine unit tests. The results of the research show that the chosen model is appropriate to be implemented into web-based applications and pass the evaluation with 75 test cases of 100%, all application functionality runs according to design and produces application without anomaly.Keywords— Navigation, Indoor, Shortest Route, A-Star.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-134
Jody Barata Dwi Pradipta ◽  
Augie David Manuputty

CV Ribka Furniture merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan dan pembuatan furniture. Dalam kegiatan operasional gudang merupakan bagian yang penting. Namun proses data transaksi masih dilakukan secara manual. Sehingga beberapa kendala masih dialami, seperti kesalahan penginputan saat transaksi pada alat / bahan, yang mengakibatkan perbedaan dalam penginputan data. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat sistem informasi persediaan yaitu pengumpulan data alat dan transaksi material yang akan keluar masuk. Sistem informasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan diagram UML (Unified Modeling Language) yaitu: use case diagram dan class diagram. Kemudian membuat desain antarmuka untuk proses implementasi dan pengujian sistem. Dengan pembuatan sistem informasi inventaris,  

Tianning Zhang ◽  
Xingqi Wang ◽  
Dan Wei ◽  
Jinglong Fang

Test case prioritization is one of the most useful activities in testing. Most existing test case prioritization techniques are based on code coverage, which requires access to source code. However, code-based testing comes late in the software development life cycle, when errors are detected, the cost of testing is very high. Therefore, in this paper, we provide a test case prioritization technique based on Unified Modeling Language (UML) model, built before coding, to detect errors as earlier as possible and reduce the cost of modification. The technique consists of the following main parts: (1) using C&K metrics to estimate the error probability of class; (2) using dependences, obtained from the model slicing, to estimate error severity; (3) generating test case priority from error probability and severity, then prioritizing the test case. With our technique, test engineers need the UML model only and the test cases can be prioritized automatically. To evaluate our technique, we applied our technique to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) flight control system and performed test case prioritization. The results show that the error can be detected effectively and stability can be increased significantly as compared to the current code-based techniques.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Fifit Alfiah ◽  
Anisa Yondari

The need for fast and accurate data processing is needed by every government agency. The Education Office is an administrative administrator in the field of education that requires a fast system for processing data. The attendance system at the Tangerang Regency education office is already using a fingerprint. However, there are still many obstacles that arise due to lack of tools, and damage to the tool so that it often uses manual attendance. The research method used is the method of data collection, and the analytical method used is a form of Unified Modeling Language. The results and objectives of this study are the creation of a system that can facilitate employee and attendance managers to be more effective and efficient.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Yuliani Indrianingsih ◽  
Astika Ayuningtyas ◽  
Uyuunul Mauidzoh

Patuk District is a gateway to enter Gunungkidul Regency. In Patuk District there are several tourist attractions such as Kampoeng Emas, Purba Volcano and Embung Nglanggeran. In addition, there is also the potential for processed food products from natural and agricultural products in Patuk District. Leading potentials in Patuk District need to be promoted to the wider community so that they are known and can be an attraction for tourists. The purpose of this research is to design and create a system of promotion of superior products and Web-based tourism objects that can facilitate Patuk District in introducing superior products owned by each village and facilitate the general public to obtain superior product information in Patuk District. The method used in the analysis and system design uses Unified Modeling Language (UML). In this study, a system consisting of three users was produced, namely admin in the Inter-Village Coordination Board (BKAD), admin of business owners and general users. This system can be accessed at the address

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Eri Bayu Pratama ◽  
Ade Hendini

<p>Tendance is a supporting aspect to provide satisfaction for the society. The issue of tendance is less than optimal and it makes the agency image unfavorable. It is sometimes not from the problems of agencies, but the problem is increasing of population. Regarding this matter, the government should be able to take advantage of current technology facilities to provide a service to be more optimal. For example the use of computer media to store the population data in computerized, without having to use media archives offline. Not only the use of computer media, but also can apply an information technology system as known as e-government. Regarding this the authors try to create and develop web-based applications to improve service to the society to optimize the performance of government agencies. The flow of the system process uses UML (Unified Modeling Language) for the modeling process and the creation of applications that are described in the form of diagrams. In general the results made from this application are for making letters such as making domicile letters, business licenses, marriage delivery letters, death certificates, and crowd permits.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Country Office Tendance, E-Goverment, UML</p><p>Pelayanan merupakan suatu aspek pendukung untuk memberikan kepuasan bagi masyarakat. Isu yang terkadang mengenai pelayanan yang kurang optimal menjadikan citra instansi menjadi kurang baik. Hal tersebut terkadang bukan dari permasalahan instansi, akan tetapi timbul akibat semakin ramainya penduduk disuatu tempat sehingga data kependudukan menjadi banyak. Mengenai hal tersebut, pemerintah semestinya dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas teknologi saat ini untuk memberikan suatu pelayanan agar  lebih optimal. Contohnya penggunaan media komputer untuk menyimpan data penduduk secara terkomputerisasi, tanpa harus menggunakan media arsip secara offline. Tidak hanya sekedar memanfaatkan media komputer, tetapi juga dapat menerapkan suatu system teknologi informasi yang dikenal dengan istilah <em>e-government</em>. Mengenai hal tersebut penulis mencoba membuat dan mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis web untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat sehingga mengoptimalkan kinerja dari instansi pemerintah. Alur proses sistem menggunakan UML <em>(Unified Modeling Language)</em> untuk proses pemodelan perancangan dan pembuatan aplikasi yang digambarkan dalam bentuk diagram. Secara umum hasil yang dibuat dari aplikasi ini adalah untuk pembuatan surat seperti pembuatan surat domisili, surat izin usaha, surat pengantar nikah, surat kematian, dan surat izin keramaian.</p><p><strong><em>K</em></strong><strong><em>ata kunci</em></strong><em>: Pelayanan Kantor Desa, E-Gover</em><em>m</em><em>ent, UML</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
I Gede Totok Suryawan ◽  
Gede Dana Pramitha

<p>ABSTRACT<br />This paper discusses the design and development of the coahcing log tenant system of INBIS STIKI Indonesia. Coaching log is an accompaniment record recorded in a hard copy file that contains data on tenants, coaches, mentoring records, assignments from coaches to tenants, and results of previous assignments given by coaches to tenants. This hard copy coaching log file cannot be used effectively especially in seeing the development of tenants from time to time or the progress reports of tenants. To solve this problem in this study a web-based log coaching system has been developed which has tenant data management features, data coaches, making mentoring schedules, providing timetables for mentors, coaching logs by coaches, coaching logs by tenants. The system design model used in this study uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) model, system development using the laravel framework, and testing using the blackbox testing method. Based on the results of testing all the features that are owned by this log coaching system can function properly. And the system developed can help INBIS STIKI Indonesia in managing the process of assisting tenants.<br />Keywords: Information System, Coaching Log, Business Incubator. Tenant, Coach<br />ABSTRAK<br />Paper ini membahas tentang perancangan dan pengembangan sistem coahcing log tenan INBIS STIKI Indonesia. Coaching log merupakan catatan pendampingan yang direkam dalam sebuah file hard copy yang berisi tentang data tenan, coach, catatan pendampingan, tugas dari coach kepada tenan, serta hasil tugas sebelumnya yang diberikan oleh coach kepada tenan. File hard copy coaching log ini belum bisa digunakan secara efektif khususnya dalam melihat perkembangan tenan dari waktu ke waktu atau laporan kemajuan tenan. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut pada penelitian ini telah dikembangan sistem coaching log berbasis web yang memiliki fitur pengelolaan data tenan, data coach, pembuatan jadwal pendampingan, pemberian jadwal pendampingan kepada tenan, coaching log oleh coach, coaching log oleh tenan. Model perancangan sistem yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model Unified Modeling Language (UML), pengembangan sistem menggunakan framework laravel, dan pengujian menggunakan metode blackbox testing. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian semua fitur yang dimiliki oleh sistem coaching log ini secara fungsional bisa berjalan dengan baik. Dan sistem yang dikembangkan bisa membantu INBIS STIKI Indonesia dalam mengelola proses pendampingan tenan.<br />Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi, Coaching Log, Inkubator Bisnis, Tenan, Pendamping</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-59
Satya Sobhan Panigrahi ◽  
Ajay Kumar Jena

This paper introduces the technique to select the test cases from the unified modeling language (UML) behavioral diagram. The UML behavioral diagram describes the boundary, structure, and behavior of the system that is fed as input for generating the graph. The graph is constructed by assigning the weights, nodes, and edges. Then, test case sequences are created from the graph with minimal fitness value. Then, the optimal sequences are selected from the proposed fractional-spider monkey optimization (fractional-SMO). The developed fractional-SMO is designed by integrating fractional calculus and SMO. Thus, the efficient test cases are selected based on the optimization algorithm that uses fitness parameters, like coverage and fault. Simulations are performed via five synthetic UML diagrams taken from the dataset. The performance of the proposed technique is computed using coverage and the number of test cases. The maximal coverage of 49 and the minimal number of test cases as 2,562 indicate the superiority of the proposed technique.

Indra Budi Trisno ◽  
Wiria Chandra

  Pawon Kue is a small home industry which sells various cake and rice box products. Pawon Kue was using books for recording orders and product selling. The method was used since the company established. However, the company experienced difficulities when using this method. The process to find how much the profit they got in a day was not easy, it also needed long time to find certain information, and there were big probability they could lose the recording books. Because of them, the author and the team developed a web based application for helping them in recording sales and stock listing. The team used waterfall model in software enginering model and used Unified Modeling Language in design and system analyst stage. After the testing stage, the research team found the application could help the owners for listing stock and product easier than before.

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