scholarly journals Description of dental caries on mixed dentition stage of elementary school students in Cibeber Community Health Center

2017 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
Andi Supriatna ◽  
Rina Putri Noer Fadillah ◽  
Azkya Patria Nawawi

Introduction: Dental and oral health can affect the quality of life as it relates to the general health condition. Dental and oral health problem that mostly found is dental caries. Dental caries mostly occurs in children in the mixed dentition stage. The mixed dentition stage occurs in elementary school-aged children, mark with malocclusions and tooth decays, that allows food retention as main cause of dental caries. The purpose of this study was to see the description of dental caries on mixed dentition stage of elementary school students in Cibeber Community Health Center. Methods: This research was a descriptive research with cross-sectional approach. The population in this study was elementary school students in Cibeber Community Health Center. The sampling method used was purposive sampling method. The caries profile was measured by deft index for deciduous teeth and DMFT index for permanent teeth were presented in tabular and diagrams. Results: The results of the study towards 272 elementary school students showed that the average value of deft index was 3.99 and DMFT index value was 1.26. This result can be caused since the location of the population was located in urban areas, with easy access to dental and oral health services and good tendencies towards the awareness of dental and oral health care. Conclusion: Dental caries of elementary school students in Cibeber Community Health Center based on (World Health Organization) guidelines by deft index was category as moderate and by DMFT index was classified low category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (Volume 1 No 2) ◽  
pp. 131-141
Rina Putri Noer Fadilah ◽  
Joana Rante Arung ◽  
Novia Septiani ◽  
Intan Wijayanthi ◽  
Tania Syifomade ◽  

Dental caries is the most common dental disease suffered by the Indonesian population, especially elementary school children—an oral dental condition caused by various factors, including children's lack of parental knowledge. The existence of a government program through the UKGS requires screening for every child in elementary school. The Covid-19 pandemic has hampered the screening process in elementary schools because students study online at home. This study aims to conduct a telesurvey of dental caries in children and determine parents' knowledge in maintaining the health of children's oral teeth. The cross-sectional method and the questionnaire were used in this study as a measuring tool. Furthermore, dental examinations are carried out using a gadget/mobile phone uploaded to the google form. The analysis used in this study is the univariate method. The results showed that 340 elementary school students at Padasuka Health Center had the primary teeth' caries index in the medium category. The caries index of the permanent teeth was in the deficient class. The prevalence of caries in elementary school students at Padasuka Health Center is 80%. At the same time, parental awareness regarding the maintenance of children's oral health is considered in the high category. The telesurvey conducted on elementary school students at Padasuka Health Center was used as an illustration to determine the status of oral health, particularly dental caries. Hopefully, the telesurvey will make it easier for respondents and health workers to assess oral health.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Liena Sofiana ◽  
Erni Gustina ◽  
Yuniar Wardani ◽  
Suci Musvita Ayu ◽  
Aniq Diya Nata Maula

Background: Worm disease is an infectious disease that still becomes a public health problem in Indonesia. Worm can cause a decrease in health, nutrition, intelligence and productivity of the sufferers. Worms as parasitic animals do not only take nutrients in the intestines of children, but they also damage the intestinal wall so that they interfere the absorption of these nutrients, consequently, it will impact on the decreasing of one's nutritional status and cause other complex nutritional problems. Moyudan Health Center is a Community Health Center in Moyudan Sub-District Region which has the highest cases of helminthiasis (worm infection). Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between helminthiasis infection and nutritional status.Methods: This was an observational analytic study using a cross-sectional approach. The sample of this study were elementary school students in the work area of Moyudan Health Center with samples of 311 respondents. The sampling technique used by multistage random sampling is the selection of samples consisting of the smallest areas of an area. Faecal examination was carried out by using the direct method and nutritional status assessment was carried out by anthropometric method based on the anthropometric index Body Age Index per Age (BMI / U). Data were analyzed by Fisher's test.Results: The results showed that there were 8 respondents (2.57%) who were positively infected by worms, 28 respondents had underweight nutritional status (9.01%), and 54 respondents had a nutritional status of fat (17.36%). The results of the study showed no correlation between helminthiasis infection and nutritional status (p-value = 0.534).Conclusions: There is no relationship between helminthiasis and nutritional status in elementary school students in the Moyudan Community Health Center Working Area in Sleman Regency with a p-value of 0.534 so that it is concluded that helminthiasis infection does not provide any significant contribution to nutritional status even though cases of helminthiasis still occur in elementary school students. Therefore, it needs more attention from parents, schools and health facilities in dealing with worm problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Tantin Ermawati ◽  
Ristya Widi Endah Yani ◽  
Mei Syafriadi

Measures to prevent dental and oral diseases in children can be done by providing information about parts of the teeth, dental caries and the process of dental caries, as well as plaque control as an effort to prevent the occurrence of dental and oral diseases. This activity was carried out aimed at increasing understanding and knowledge of the importance of maintaining oral health in children, especially elementary school students. The knowledge that has been given is expected to be able to change the behavior of students of SDN Kranjingan III Jember, East Java-Indonesia to be able to maintain the health of their teeth and mouth properly. This can be seen through the debris index. In addition to counseling activities, other methods provided were demonstrations of how to brush teeth, demonstration of pictures and posters carried out by the service team from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jember. The service activities carried out can increase knowledge and improve the degree of dental and oral health of SDN Kranjingan III Jember students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 330-335
Rika Mayasari Alamsyah

Kehamilan merupakan suatu proses fisiologis yang menimbulkan perubahan pada tubuh wanita baik fisik maupun psikis. Selama kehamilan terjadi perubahan pada rongga mulut terkait dengan perubahan hormonal, perubahan pola makan, perubahan perilaku dan berbagai keluhan seperti ngidam, mual dan muntah. Ibu hamil menjadi sangat rentan terhadap penyakit gingival danpenyakit periodontal akibat dari kebiasaan mengabaikan kebersihan gigi dan mulut. Tingginya tingkat terjadinya penyakit mulut juga dapat berdampak pada kualitas hidup yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan rongga mulut pada ibu hamil. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persentase perdarahan gingiva dan kualitas hidup ibu hamil di beberapa Puskesmas di Medan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil yang datang ke Puskesmas, dengan sampel sebanyak 100 orang. Pengambilan data perdarahan gingiva dan kualitas hidup menggunakan instrument Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) dilakukan dengan wawancara dan dicatat dalam kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 74% sampel mengalami perdarahan gingiva. Pada pengukuran kualitas hidup diperoleh 12% pada dimensi keterbatasan fungsi mengalami kesulitan pengecapan, 16% pada dimensi rasa sakit fisik mengalami tidak nyaman mengunyah makanan, 2% pada dimensi ketidaknyamanan psikis mengalami rasa cemas, 16% pada dimensi ketidakmampuan fisik mengalami terhenti saat makan, 20% pada dimensi ketidakmampuan psikis mengalami rasa malu, 6% pada dimensi ketidakmampuan social mengalami mudah tersinggung dan hanya 1% pada dimensi hambatan mengalami tidak mampu beraktivitas. Dapat disimpulkan kondisi rongga mulut dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup ibu hamil selama masa kehamilan, terutama pada dimensi ketidakmampuan psikis, rasa sakit fisik dan ketidakmampuan fisik. Pregnancy is a biological process which causes the changes in a woman’s body physically and psychologically. During pregnancy, oral cavity change due to hormonal change, diet change, behavior change, and other demands such as craving, feeling sick, and vomiting. Pregnant women become more susceptible to gingival and periodontal diseases caused by a habit to ignore dental and oral hygiene. The high probability of oral diseases may happen and affect the life quality related to pregnant women oral cavity. This research aimed to find gingival hemorrhage percentage and the life quality of pregnant women at Community Health Center in Medan. This was a survey descriptive research. The population was 100 pregnant women who came to Community Health Center. The gingival hemorrhage data collection was conducted using Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) instrument through interviews and questionnaires. The result indicated that 74% of samples experienced gingival hemorrhage. The life quality measurement resulted with 12% had trouble in tasting, 16% felt discomfort due the pain when chewing, 2% experienced anxiety, 16% had sudden stops while eating, 20% felt ashamed, 6% were easily offended, and only 1% experienced the inability to do any activity.

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