service activities
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Dwi Apriyani ◽  
Nurfadilah Siregar ◽  
Khomsatun Ni'mah ◽  
Iis Aisyah

Masyarakat di Desa Setiawargi sebagian besar belum memanfaatkan lahan-lahan kosong untuk tempat budidaya sayuran yang menyebabkan kontinyuitas bahan baku olahan pangan terhambat. Selain itu, kualitas produk olahan dan akses terhadap pasar untuk menjual produk olahan juga masih terbatas. Hal ini membuat pendapatan petani semakin kecil di tengah pandemi covid-19. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan melalui beberapa rangkaian kegiatan yaitu penyuluhan, pendampingan dan monitoring evaluasi. Kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, sementara itu kegiatan pendampingan dilakukan dengan metode pembinaan yang tidak terikat oleh batas waktu dan tempat. Kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi. Keluaran yang telah dicapai antara lain pemahaman petani mengenai budidaya sayuran organik meningkat, petani lebih kreatif dan inovatif dalam memanfaatkan lahan non produktif, dan petani mampu mengabdopsi iptek pengemasan. Adapun dampak ekonomi dan sosial yang dirasakan mitra sasaran antara lain: (1) termotivasi untuk mencoba dan memulai menanam sayuran organik, (2) lahan-lahan non produktif mulai termanfaatkan, (3) mampu mengadopsi teknologi pengemasan modern, dan (4) semakin meningkatnya kekompakan anggota poktan maupun KWT. Keberhasilan kegiatan pengabdian membutuhkan peran serta masyarakat yang aktif dan kreatif untuk mendukung keberlanjutan program.  Abstract. Most of the people in Setiawargi Village have not used vacant lands for vegetable cultivation which has hampered the continuity of food processing raw materials. In addition, the quality of processed products and access to markets to sell processed products are also still limited. This makes farmers' incomes smaller during the covid-19 pandemic. Service activities are carried out through several series of activities, namely counseling, mentoring, and evaluation monitoring. Extension activities are carried out using the lecture method, while mentoring activities are carried out using a coaching method that is not bound by time and place limits. Monitoring and evaluation activities are carried out through interviews and observations. The outputs that have been achieved include increased understanding of farmers regarding organic vegetable cultivation, farmers are more creative and innovative in utilizing non-productive land, and farmers can adopt packaging science and technology. The economic and social impacts felt by the target partners include: (1) being motivated to try and start growing organic vegetables, (2) starting to use non-productive land, (3) being able to adopt modern packaging technology, and (4) increasing the cohesiveness of farmer group and KWT members. The success of service activities requires active and creative community participation to support program sustainability.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1011-1015
Wisudani Rahmaningtyas ◽  
Ratieh Widhiastuti ◽  
Hanna Netti Purasani ◽  
Ajie Pangestu ◽  
Rusdiana Rusdiana

The purpose of this service activity is to provide knowledge about the importance of digital marketing in the era of industry 4.0, as well as provide direct training on making videos as a medium for promotion. The object of the service activity is the entire Management of Omah Smart Farmers Tourism Object (OPP) Kandri Tourism Village and Tourism Awareness Group Managers (Pokdarwis) Semarang City. Service activities are carried out in three stages, namely the preparation stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation monitoring stage. The results of the service activities consist of the preparation stage in the form of coordination with the Head of the Kandri Tourism Village to find out the problems that exist in the Kandri Tourism Village. The service activity was considered successful, as evidenced by the implementation stage of all participants who were targeted to attend and were very enthusiastic in asking questions during the training. Many participants asked for advice in determining the right material to promote, and various tricks to get interesting promotional media. At the monitoring stage, the service team communicates through social media to find out the development of service activities. And the evaluation stage is carried out by asking for feedback from service participants as the basis for improving further service activities. the service team communicates through social media to find out the development of service activities. And the evaluation stage is carried out by asking for feedback from service participants as the basis for improving further service activities. the service team communicates through social media to find out the development of service activities. And the evaluation stage is carried out by asking for feedback from service participants as the basis for improving further service activities.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 782-787
Aida Ratna Wijayanti ◽  
Inna Sholicha Fitriani ◽  
Sholihatul Maghfiroh

Physical and psychological changes that occur in adolescent girls, especially at the beginning of puberty can affect anxiety which leads to the risk of decreased body immunity. The purpose of this service is that young women can prepare for or undergo puberty and puberty safely, comfortably and can reduce the risk of anemia and decreased endurance, especially during the pandemic Covid-19. The location of the service is at the LKSA Orphanage of Nurus Syamsi Muhammadiyah, Bungkal District, Ponorogo Regency, East Java. Service activities in the form of educational classes with conventional methods, discussions. In the education class, 3 (three) different materials were given, namely 1) Puberty and Akil Baligh, 2) Myths About Menstruation, 3) Thaharoh and Practices During Menstruation. In this educational class, young women are also given blood-boosting multivitamins to prevent anemia during menstruation. After this service activity is carried out, it is hoped that there will be awareness in maintaining cleanliness and health during puberty, especially to reduce the risk of anemia in young women in orphanages during the pandemic Covid-19.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1059-1063
Boby Agustan ◽  
Didi Muhtarom ◽  
Oman Hadiana ◽  
Dani Nurdiansyah ◽  
Elang Fauzan

Basic movements and dominant physical conditions are often still a problem for soccer players in supporting the strategies and tactics of a coach in building attacks or in defense, especially at Football Club Gemilang Raya Kuningan. Some players still have shortcomings in carrying out correct and accurate basic movements and do not yet know the physical procedural requirements that a professional soccer player must possess. Based on the problems faced, the STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan Service Team carried out activities to overcome the problems faced by partners. Community service activities aim to improve the abilities and skills of Football Club Gemilang Raya Kuningan athletes in performing basic movements and knowing the dominant physical condition. The activity was carried out at the Gemilang Raya Kuningan Football Club and was attended by 20 players. The method used is a coaching clinic which consists of 2 sessions. The material provided consists of understanding basic movements and dominant physical conditions, practice on basic movements and dominant physical conditions. The results of the activity to the community showed an increase in the abilities and skills of Football Club Gemilang Raya Kuningan players regarding basic movements and dominant physical conditions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 697-702
Ruwayda Ruwayda ◽  
Dewi Nopiska Lilis ◽  
M Dody Izhar

At the posyandu for youth, the IEC includes providing information about adolescent reproductive organs, puberty, the process of pregnancy, menstruation, family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, gender and maturity of marriage age. HIV / AIDS includes providing information about transmission, prevention and symptoms. Based on data from the Health Office of Muaro Jambi Regency, in the area of ??Puskesmas Penyengat Olak, the target number of adolescents aged 10-18 years is 1,959 males and 1,903 females. This large number is an opportunity to form a youth posyandu. Community service activities will be carried out in Penyengat Olak Village, Muaro Jambi Regency. This community service aims to increase the capacity of youth as cadres of the village post at Penyengat Olak district. Muaro Jambi. Target adolescents aged 10-18 years who are in the area of ??olak stinger health centers. There are activities in the form of advocacy to puskesmas and the community in establishing youth Posyandu, recruiting cadres and holding youth Posyandu cadres training, implementing youth Posyandu formation in stinging olak villages. The output of community service activities is the formation of cadres to care for reproductive health in pilot youth Posyandu for the work area of ??the Pengegat Olak Community Health Center in Muaro Jambi Regency. olak stinger. Through this training activity it is very important to increase the coverage of adolescent reproductive health services and it is hoped that the support of the puskesmas and village officials is expected.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-232
Suci Nurpratiwi ◽  
Amaliyah Amaliyah ◽  
Ahmad Hakam ◽  
Nada Arina Romli

This community service aims to develop teacher professionalism in online learning through assistance in preparing digital teaching materials. The methods used in the service activities are interactive lectures, discussions, practices, and assignments. The participants involved were 11 elementary school teachers. Community service activities are carried out through making guidelines, implementing assistance, monitoring, and assigning tasks. The service results show that the mentoring activities have succeeded in developing the abilities and professionalism of teachers in the use of technology in learning. Participants have compiled digital teaching materials independently and have implemented them for students in their online learning. Meanwhile, 81.82% of participants stated that service activities provided new insights, and 63.64% were satisfied with the activities carried out.Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan profesionalisme guru dalam pembelajaran daring melalui pendampingan penyusunan bahan ajar digital. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian berupa ceramah interaktif, diskusi, praktik, dan penugasan. Peserta yang terlibat adalah guru Sekolah Dasar sebanyak 11 orang. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan melalui tahapan proses pembuatan panduan, pelaksanaan pendampingan, pemantauan, dan pemberian tugas. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pendampingan berhasil mengembangkan kemampuan dan profesionalitas guru dalam penggunaan teknologi dalam pembelajaran. Peserta telah dapat menyusun bahan ajar digital secara mandiri dan telah mengimplementasikannya kepada peserta didik dalam pembelajaran daringnya. Adapun sebesar 81,82% peserta menyatakan kegiatan pengabdian memberikan wawasan baru, dan 63,64% peserta merasa puas dengan kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 748-752
Salmon Charles Siahaan ◽  
Florence Pribadi ◽  
Natalia Yuwono ◽  
Imam Santosa ◽  
Bella Meylani Lifindra ◽  

The Grand Convalescene event was divided into handbook socialization and webinars with "Kesiapan Pendidikan Era New Normal" as the theme. The purpose of this event is to provide education, especially in the medical field, about preventing the spread of the COVID-19 and to prepare teachers and their staff to face the New Normal era. The method used in the community service activities was an online webinars, in the form of socialization and evaluation using questionnaire. The results of the analysis carried out using the questionnaire showed that by holding this event, participants became more aware of all forms of information that could help them understand COVID-19 prevention and preparation for the New Normal era. The conclusions of this activity were socialization activities provide benefits for the community and teachers in understanding the conditions in the New Normal era, then this activity helps the community and teachers to prepare themselves for facing the New Normal era, and finally helps the community and teachers in understand the prevention of COVID-19.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 310-315
St.Nova Meirizha ◽  
Dian Oktaviani

 PT.XYZ Pekanbaru sector was formed through the decision of the board of directors number 001.k/023/DIR/1996 dated February 7, 1996. It can be seen that one of PT.PLN's service activities is receiving reports of disturbances from service units. In reporting the disturbances received by the Operations and Maintenance Department (OPHAR), there were still several problems with disturbances from each service unit (UL), namely (ULPTG) Teluk Lembu, (PLTA) Koto Panjang, and (PLTG/MG) Duri, in reporting disturbance, the information provided is not detailed so that the information received is not in accordance with the needs of the operation and selection department, there is no schedule for sending disturbance reports, disturbance reports are past schedule when there is a disturbance and long delivery times, and there is no evaluation report and recommendation report from the unit. services as well as the absence of a chronology of disturbance validation reports. By conducting a gap analysis, we will compare the current conditions with the ideal conditions expected by the OPHAR department regarding the current SOP for reporting disturbances. From the results of the gap analysis, it can be concluded that there are 2 (two) SOP procedures that have gaps because they are not in accordance with the company's EAM standards.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Lela Aini ◽  
Lenny Astuti ◽  
Dessy Suswitha ◽  
Dea Mega Arini ◽  
Shinta Maharani ◽  

ABSTRAKKonstipasi merupakan kondisi di mana feses mengeras sehingga susah dikeluarkan melalui anus,dan menimbulkan rasa terganggu atau tidaknya pada rektum. Konstipasi dapat terjadi akibat kurangnya makan berserat, kurang minum putih dan pengaruh obat yang dikonsumsi. Salah satu hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan tentang Pencegahan konstipasi pada anak melalui penyuluhan impementasi evidence based practice tentang makanan berserat dan air putih. Tujuan Pengabdian adalah untuk Meningkatkan pemahaman anak mengenai pencegahan konstipasi melalui penyuluhan implementasi evidence based practice tentang makanan berserat dan air putih di Panti Asuhan Darussalam Palembang. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah berbentuk pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode ceramah dan demontrasi. Kesimpulan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan anak (100%) di Panti Asuhan Darussalam Palembang tentang makanan berserat dan konsumsi air putih untuk mencegah kejadian konstipasi. Kata Kunci: Konstipasi, Makanan berserat, dan Air Putih ABSTRACT Constipation is a condition in which the stool hardens so that it is difficult to expel it through the anus, and causes discomfort or discomfort in the rectum. Constipation can occur due to lack of fiber eating, drinking less mineral water, and the influence of drugs consumed. One of the things that can be done to increase public awareness is to provide counseling on the prevention of constipation in children through counseling on the implementation of evidence-based practice about fibrous food and water. The purpose of this service was to increase children's understanding of preventing constipation through counseling on the implementation of evidence-based practice about fibrous food and mineral water at the Darussalam Orphanage in Palembang. The method used in community service activities through health education with lecture and demonstration methods. The conclusion is that there was an increase of knowledge of children (100%)at the Darussalam Orphanage in Palembang about fibrous food and water consumption to prevent constipation. Keywords: Constipation, Fibrous Food, And Mineral Water.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 08-13
Dewi Rury Arindari ◽  
Dessy Suswitha ◽  
Shinta Maharani ◽  
Lela Aini

ABSTRAKCovid-19 merupakan penyakit yang penyebabnya adalah virus corona yang menyerang sistem pernapasan. Pemerintah sudah menghimbau masyarakatnya dengan memberikan protokol kesehatan untuk menghindari penularan wabah COVID-19, untuk dapat menerapkannya dibutuhkan kesadaran masyarakat. Salah satu hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan tentang Pencegahan COVID-19 berbasis Keluarga dengan Menerapkan 5M. Tujuan Pengabdian adalah untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Masyarakat RT 22 Kelurahan Pahlawan Palembang tentang Pencegahan COVID-19 berbasis Keluarga dengan Menerapkan 5M dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah berbentuk pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode ceramah dan demontrasi. Kesimpulan adanya peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat berbasis keluarga di RT 22 kelurahan Pahlawan Palembang dalam menerapkan protokol Kesehatan 5M. Disarankan bagi peneliti selanjutnya agar dapat mengimplementasikan dan memberikan informasi terbaru tentang pencegahan virus Covid 19 selain penerapan 5M pada masyarakat yang lebih luas. Kata Kunci: Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat, Menerapkan 5M, Pencegahan        Covid 19 ABSTRACTCovid-19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus that attacks the respiratory system. The government has appealed to the public by providing health protocols to avoid the transmission of the COVID-19 outbreak, to be able to implement it, public awareness is needed. One of the things that can be done to increase public awareness is to provide counseling about Family-based COVID-19 Prevention by Implementing 5M. The purpose of this service is to increase public awareness of RT 22 Pahlawan Palembang Village regarding Family-based COVID-19 Prevention by Implementing 5M can be carried out properly. The method used in community service activities is in the form of health education with lecture and demonstration methods. The conclusion is that there is an increase in family-based community awareness in RT 22, Pahlawan Palembang village in implementing the 5M Health protocol. It is recommended for further researchers to be able to implement and provide the latest information about the prevention of the Covid 19 virus in addition to the application of 5M to the wider community. Keywords: Increasing Public Awareness, Implementing 5M, Prevention of Covid             19

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