social efficacy
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2021 ◽  
pp. 026540752110495
Qiwu Sun ◽  
Chiachih D. C. Wang ◽  
Shizhong Du ◽  
Michael D. Biderman ◽  
Guangrong Jiang

Using the correlated trait and correlated method minus one model (CT-C(M-1)), this study separated trait effects and trait method-specific effects of attachment figure-domain units in the IPPA-R. The model fit of the proposed model was examined and compared with those of other alternative models using a sample of 1290 adolescents from China. Results indicated that models specifying attachment domains across relationships as methods fitted data better than models specifying attachment domains across relationships as traits in the CT-C(M-1) model. In addition, the factor representing attachment-with-mother was found to significantly predict anxiety, stress, and social efficacy, whereas the attachment-with-father factor was a significant predictor of social self-efficacy, both of which supported the differential functioning of mother and father. Results suggest that the CT-C(M-1) model is a promising approach to separate the unique contributions of different attachment figures and relationship attachment domain-specific effect measured by IPPA-R.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Robert Alexy

This volume comprises three parts. The issue of Part I is the nature of law. The main thesis is that law has a dual nature. It comprises a real as well as an ideal dimension. The real dimension is defined by authoritative issuance and social efficacy, the ideal dimension by the claim to correctness, which includes a claim to justice. This connection of the real and the ideal dimension implies non-positivism. In Part II the connection between constitutional rights, human rights, and proportionality is taken up. The construction of constitutional rights as principles is to be found at the centre. The principles construction implies the necessity of proportionality analysis and, with this, the necessity of balancing. Balancing is defended against numerous critics as a form of rational legal argumentation. Part III concerns the relation between argumentation, correctness, and law.

Robert Alexy

Law in general, including constitutional rights and legal argumentation, has a dual nature. This is the underlying thesis of this collection of twenty-one chapters devoted to legal philosophy and constitutional law. Law connects a real dimension, defined by authoritative issuance and social efficacy, with an ideal dimension, defined by the claim to correctness, which essentially includes a claim to justice. The chapters of the first part of the book establish on this basis a non-positivistic concept of law. In the second part, the concept of constitutional rights is connected with proportionality analysis, explicated by principles theory and understood as a necessary condition of the rationality of the application of constitutional rights. In the third part, it is shown that rationality is possible in law because rational legal argumentation is possible. Here the basis is discourse theory. The final result is a system that brings the formal idea of legal certainty together with the substantive idea of justice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-205
Umme Kawser ◽  
Tahneena Mehreinn ◽  
Rajon Das Jony ◽  
Muhtasabbib Matin

The researchers aimed to evaluate a school-based self-esteem intervention program. The program's focus was to implement a culturally appropriate selfesteem intervention tool for school-going adolescents through selfhood, affiliation, competence, mission, and security activities. This study randomly recruited 183 nine-grade students aged 13 - 16 years. A pre-post design and two distinct measures were utilized to measure the intervention's social efficacy validity. The target skills' specific measures (Self-esteem, self-concept, selfconfidence) and effect measures (nature of friend connections, the suitability of intervention for youths) were introduced. Comparisons of scores using ANOVA's and t-tests discovered that the intervention had the most substantial effect on girls' self-confidence (p = 0.001) and changes in the self-concept, disruptive behavior, self-confidence, and social competence. The study's results provided satisfactory evidence of intervention effectiveness, and the post-test result showed little change across the study period. Dhaka Univ. J. Biol. Sci. 30(2): 197-205, 2021 (July)

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-99
Mikołaj Grzenkowitz

The above research permits one to draw legal and theological conclusions. The first sub-point, presenting the legal value and social-political context of the papal teaching, permits the creation of a foundation for the following theological considerations. The second subpoint permits for the separation of the theology of the encyclical and its meaning for the whole document. The last sub-point reveals in what way the legal and theological elements intersect in the encyclical’s text and what consequences this has for ecclesiology and the methodology of research at the intersection of theology and law. This article presented many mutual points of reference for theology and law and emphasized their methodological and substantive autonomy. The encyclical Pacem in terris of John XXIII is a creative proposal for the cooperation between theology and law, in which the Pope follows the principle of efficacy, which is the desire that the catalogue created by him is not only theoretical but also actually used. His teaching focuses on the theme of peace, which seems to assume the meaning that has already placed on justice, and the Pope seems to make it the centre of all international relations. That, in turn, allows to distinguish peace as a clearly legal category and so decisive for the just character of law itself. Because of the connection between peace, God’s order and Christ’s mission, there is a perfect intersection between temporal matters regulated by law and supernatural ones, which are the subject of theology. There exist two alternative models of the unity of humankind: the natural and the ecclesial. They have a complementary character as the two paths leading to a common goal and take the form of attaining the commonly desired peace on earth and the unification of humanity in Christ, who is peace himself. The Pope uses legal language, which has characteristics manifesting the openness of theology to law and vice-versa. Among them are cognitive realism, universal concepts, universal themes, social efficacy, legal naturalism, and mutual inspiration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-101
Barkah Sanyoto ◽  
Gazi Saloom

AbstractThis research aims to see whether goal setting, self-efficacy, interest and peer support altogether have impact on self-regulated learning of students of STSN. Research population is 328 students of first to fourth year of STSN, while the sample is 291 students which filtered using convenience sampling method. This is a quantitative research. Research validity is examined using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Data is analysed using multiple regression analysis. The result shows that goal setting, self-efficacy, interest and peer support altogether have impact on self-regulated learning. Variables of intensity, course efficacy, and intrinsic orientation have significant impact on self-regulated learning. While variables of content, roommate efficacy, social efficacy, affected related valence, value related valence, intrinsic orientation, tangible, belonging, appraisal, and self-esteem are statistically not proven to have an impact on self-regulated learning. In particular, this research shows that peer support independently has no effect on self-regulated learning meanwhile previous research has shown the opposite. Further research needs to consider the utilization of operational language which culturally appropriate regarding questionnaire drafting. It is because the questionnaire with the basis of local culture will ignite appropriate response from the respondents.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah penentuan tujuan, efikasi diri, minat dan dukungan teman sebaya berpengaruh bersama-sama terhadap regulasi diri mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi Sandi Negara. Populasi penelitian adalah 328 mahasiswa STSN sedangkan sampel berjumlah 291 mahasiswa dengan menggunakan tehnik sampling convenience. Validitas alat ukur dianalisis dengan menggunakan CFA sedangkan data riset dianaisis dengan tehnik regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penentuan tujuan, efikasi diri, minat dan dukungan teman sebaya secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap regulasi diri mahasiswa. Secara khusus riset ini menunjukkan bahwa dukungan teman sebaya tidak berpengaruh terhadap regulasi diri mahasiswa, artinya, riset ini berbeda  dengan hasil riset terdahulu yang menunjukkan bahwa dukungan teman sebaya berpengaruh terhadap regulasi diri. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu mempertimbangkan penggunaan bahasa operasional yang sesuai dengan budaya terkait penyusunan kuesioner. Pasalnya, kuesioner yang berbasis budaya lokal akan memicu respon yang tepat dari responden.How to Cite: Sanyoto, B., Saloom, G. (2020).   The Effect of Goal Setting, Self Efficacy, Interest and Peer Support on Self Regulated Learning. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 7 (1), 88-101. doi:10.15408/tjems.v7i1.13760. 

Kiranjeet Kaur

The objectives of this study were to determine the relationship between self-beliefs and achievement motivation among engineering students. 305 boys and 254 girls from different engineering colleges of Punjab responded to all psychological measures used in the study. Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (Muris, 2001) and Perceived Competence Scale (Pintrich and DeGroot, 1990) were used to assess the self-beliefs of the students, whereas, Deo and Mohan's Achievement Scale (1985) was used to measure achievement motivation among the students. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation were computed to find out which variables correlate significantly with achievement motivation among these students. The results revealed that in case of male engineering students, two dimensions of Self-efficacy i.e. Academic Self-Efficacy and Social Self- Efficacy were found to be positively correlated with their achievement motivation, whereas,in case of female engineering students,all three dimensions of Self-efficacy i.e. Social-Efficacy, Academic-Efficacy and Emotional-Efficacy were found to be positively related to their achievement motivation. The results also revealed that the perceived competence was a significant correlate of achievement motivation among both male and female engineering students. Overall, the results indicate that self-beliefs play a significant role in influencing the achievement motivation among engineering students.

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