scholarly journals Impact of Sulphur Content on Coal Quality at Delta Plain Depositional Environment: Case study in Geramat District, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra

Siska Linda Sari ◽  
Mutia Armilia Rahmawati ◽  
Alan Triyoga ◽  
Idar Wati

The research was conducted in Geramat District of Lahat Regency, South Sumatra. An evaluation of the geological condition of the research area shown that the coal deposits were found in Muara Enim Formation as a coal-bearing formation. The method used was literature study, field observation and the laboratory work includes proximate and petrography analysis. The aim of this research is to determine the environmental condition of coal based on the change of total sulphur content and to know the relation between ash content to calorific value.  As the result of proximate analysis conducted on five samples of coal, the research area obtained total sulphur (0,21-1,54% adb), ash content (3,16 - 71,11% adb) and gross calorific value (953 - 5676 cal/g. adb). Based on the result of maceral analysis showed the maceral percentage of coal in research area composed by vitrinite (77,8-87,4 %), liptinite (0,6 %), inertinite (8,0 – 17,6 %) and mineral matter concentration in the form of pyrite (1,6-4,6 %). The average reflectance value of vitrinite (Rv) of coal in the research area (0.54%). the results analysis shows that the coal in Muara Enim Formation on the research area is in the transitional lower delta plain depositional environment phase. Any changes in the sedimentary environment affected by sea water will be followed by changes in total sulphur and the higher ash content, on the contrary, the lower calorific value of the coal.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Ferry Ariadi Wardhany ◽  
Agus Triantoro ◽  
Romla Noor Hakim

Coal Washing plant bertujuan untuk memisahkan dari material pengotornya dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas batubara. Dalam proses pabrik pencucian batubara terjadi perubahan nilai parameter kualitas batubara di washingplant sehingga perlu diketahui parameter kualitas batubara apa saja yang mengalami perubahan dan bagaimana pengaruh antara satu parameter dengan parameter lainnya.Dense Medium Separation (DMS) merupakan metode pemisah mineral dan batubara berdasarkan spesifik gravity yang dikenal juga dengan proses sink and float (tenggelam dan terapung). Spesifik gravity media yang digunakan untuk pemisahan DMS merupakan spesifik gravity medium yaitu terletak diantara spesifik gravity mineral tenggelam dan terapung. Media ini bercampur dengan air dan membentuk media ini digunakan magnetit. DMS digunakan untuk pemisahan batubara dengan syarat tidak boleh ada material halus karena jika material ini bersatu dengan air akan membentuk suspensi yang tinggi dan lebih kental. Proses ini menghasilkan dua produk yaitu Sink Produk yaitu batubara yang berat (tidak diinginkan) dan Float Produk yaitu batubara yang ringan (yang diinginkan).Adapun perbedaan yang terjadi pada parameter kualitas batubara dalam pencucian yaitu total moisture, ash content, total sulphur dan calorific value. setelah dilakukan analisa antara batubara plantfeed dengan batubara washing menunjukkan bahwa  yang mempengaruhi proses pencucian batubara ialah bertambahnya nilai  rata-rata total  moisture sebesar 3,87%, berkurangnya nilai persentase rata-rata ash content sebesar 12,06%,  naiknya nilai  rata-rata calorific value ar sebesar 1062 cal/gr dan calorific value adb sebesar 1276 cal/gr serta penggunaan spesific gravity yang tepat digunakan agar bertujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai kualitas batubara tersebut. Kata-kata Kunci : Plantfeed,  Coal Wasingplant,  Parameter  Kualitas Batubara

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
Andri Toding ◽  
Agus Triantoro ◽  
Riswan Riswan

Batubara yang ditumpuk di stockpile berasal dari beberapa front atau lokasi penambangan yang berbeda-beda kualitas. Permasalahan yang timbul dari kualitas batubara ini adanya komplain dari pihak konsumen terhadap kualitas batubara yang menyimpang dari kesepakatan standar kualitas batubara yang telah ditentukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menghitung besarnya perbedaan parameter kualitas batubara, melakukan penanganan dan mencari penyebab perbedaan kualitas batubara.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan analisis parameter kualitas batubara pada stockpile dan membandingkan dengan hasil analisis parameter kualitas batubara di lokasi penambangan berdasarkan hasil analisis kualitas dari titik bor, serta menganalisis faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap perbedaan kualitas batubara pada kedua lokasi tersebut. Dilakukan secara lansung dilapangan untuk melihat aktivitas penambangan untuk mengetahui cara penanganan batubara dilokasi penambangan agar tidak terkontaminasi material lain dan cara pengolahan batubara di stock ROM dan penanganan batubara di stockpile untuk mengetahui secara langsung penyebab perbedaan kualitas batubara selama bulan Agustus Tahun 2016.Adapun perbedaan yang terjadi pada  kualitas batubara di lokasi penambangan dan di stockpile yaitu total moisture, ash content, total sulphur dan calorific value. Terjadinya  perbedaan kualitas batubara ini disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor sebagai berikut : kondisi sampling yang tidak baik, aktivitas penambangan, fine coal akibat proses penanganan, ukuran batubara yang tidak seragam dan penanganan batubara di stockpile. Perbedaan kualitas batubara pada lokasi penambangan dan stockpile  seperti TM ar (0,99% – 3,85%), Ash  adb (0,04% – 4,29%), Ash ar  (0,02% – 3,69%),  TS adb (0,01% – 1,25%),  TS ar (0,01% – 0,94%),  CV cal/gr adb (10 – 562), CV cal/gr ar (10 – 355). Kata Kunci :  Lokasi Penambangan, Stockpile, Kualitas Batubara

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Rahmat Hafizi ◽  
Uyu Saismana ◽  
Annisa Annisa

Dalam pemanfaatannya, batubara harus diketahui terlebih dahulu kualitasnya dengan cara melakukan pengamilan sample dan analisis laboratorium.dari kegiatan terseut di peroleh parameter kualitas batuara seperti parameter moisture berupa total moisture (TM) dan inherent moisture (IM),  total sulphur (TS), ash content, volatile matter (VM), dan  fixed carbon (FC) serta calorific value (CV)  dan. Permasalahan yang timbul dari penelitian yang dilakuakn berupa adanya perbedaan kualitas batubara pada stockpile dengan kualitas batubara yang di barge, karena itu perlu dilakukan analisa perubahan parameter yang terjadi akibat aktivitas tersebut sehingga dimungkinkan untuk memprediksi perubahan yanga terjadi.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan analisa parameter kualitas batubara pada stockpile dan membandingkan dengan hasil analisa parameter kualitas batubara di stockpiledengan kualitas batubara di barge berdasarkan hasil analisa kualitas di laboraturium, serta menganalisa pengaruh perubahan antara parameter kualitas batubara yang satu dengan yang lainnya pada kedua lokasi tersebut. Dilakukan secara lansung dilapangan untuk melihat metode pengambilan sampel dan preparasi sampel sebelum dianalisa parameternya selama bulan Mei Tahun 2017.Adapun perbedaan parameter kualitas batubara di stockpile dan barge memiliki rata-rata perbedaan TM 0.88%, IM 17.64%, ASH 0.10%, TS 0.01%, CV adb 1183.3 cal/gr dan CV ar 42.13 cal/gr. Dengan standart rejection nilai TM (ar) 39%, ASH (adb) 4%, TS (adb) 0,11% dan CV (ar) 3900 Kcal/Kg. Dimana perubahan parameter akibat aktivitas barging pada TM mengalami kenaikan 2.40%, IM sendiri terjadi penurunan 19.79%, ASH kecendrungan turunnya 0.39%, sedangkan TS mengalami kenaikan 0.02% dan CV cendrung alami penurunan 176 Kcal/Kg. Pengaruh perubahan parameter kualitas batubara yang satu dengan yang lainnya dapat disimpulkan parameter TM, ASH dan TS tidak merupakan fator yang pengaruhi nilai CV sedangkan parameter IM lebih berpengaruh dimana turunnya nilai IM sebanding dengan kenaikan nilai CV. Untuk prediksi nilai kualitas batubara setelah kegiatan barging dapat diketahui dengan persamaan linear TM (y=-0.0011x+36.75), IM (y=0.0502x+11.493), ASH (y=-0.046x+3.9983), TS (y=-0.0003x+0.1087) dan CV (y=-1.81ln(x)+3954). Kata-kata Kunci : Tanah Grogot, Inherent Moisture, Proximate, Stockpile, Barge

Frillia Putri Nasution ◽  
Stevanus Nalendra

Muara Enim Formation is well known as coal-bearing formation in South Sumatra Basin. As coal-bearing formation, this formation was subjects of many integrated study. Muara Enim Formation can be divided into four coal-seam group, M1, M2, M3, and M4. The M2 group comprising of Petai (C), Suban (B), Lower Mangus (A2), and Upper Mangus (A1). Depositional environments of Group M2 is transitional lower delta plain with sub-depositional are crevasse splay and distributary channel. The differentiation of both sub-depositional environments can be caused the quality of coal deposit. One of quality aspects is ash content. This research conducted hopefully can give better understanding of relationship between depositional environments to ash content. Group M2 on research area were found only Seam C, Seam B, and Seam A2, that has distribution from north to central so long as 1400 m. Coal-seam thickness C ranged between 3.25-9.25 m, Seam B range 7.54-13.43 m, and Seam C range 1.53-8.37 m, where all of coal-seams thickening on the central part and thinning-splitting to northern part and southern part. The ash content is formed from burning coal residue material. Ash contents on coal seam caused by organic and inorganic compound which resulted from mixing modified material on surrounded when transportation, sedimentation, and coalification process. There are 27 sample, consists of 9 sample from Seam C, 8 sample from Seam B, and 10 sample from Seam A2. Space grid of sampling is 100-150 m. Ash content influenced by many factors, but in research area, main factor is existence of inorganic parting. Average ash content of Seam C is 6,04%, Seam B is 5,05%, and Seam A2 is 3,8%. Low ash content influenced by settle environment with minor detrital material. High ash content caused by oxidation and erosional process when coalification process. Ash content on coal in research area originated from detritus material carried by channel system into brackish area or originated from higher plant in brackish area. The high ash content also can be caused by after the coal deposited. It had originated from overburden horizon which infill in cleat of coal seam.

Yonathan Mangatur Rajagukguk ◽  
Stevanus Nalendra Jati

The Muaraenim Formation is a coal bearing formation in South Sumatra Basin of the Late Miocene – Pliocene. Shell (1978) divides this formation based on coal seam content are: M1, M2, M3, and M4. Coal seam in this area include in seam M2 member, with the general characteristics of the presence of silicified coal on the roof and floor of coal seams as a marker. The administration of the research area is located in east Kendi Hill, South Sumatra. The Kendi Hill is composed of adesite igneous rocks that intruded Muaraenim Formation in unconformity at the time of Pleistocene. This study aims to determine the environment of coal depositional based on maceral analysis and determine the factors influence the physical characteristics of coal seams in Kendi Hill. Data that has been obtained from the field, then conducted a selection process. The number of samples analyzed were  nine sample based on near and far to the Kendi Hill spread from the southern, central, and northern of the location. The  result of the analysis will display the maceral diagram. Megascopically, coal seam in the Kendi Hill are black, dull with bright, uneven – subchoncoidal, blackish brown in streak, have a pyrite and resin. The thickness of the coal seams ranges from 0,45 to 14 meters. Based on the maceral analysis, the coal seam in the Muaraenim Formation is composed dominated by vitrinite, then liptinite, inertinite and mineral matter pyrite (1,6-6,6%). Vitrinite reflectance of coal in the research area ranges from (0,37-0,48%) that included to the Sub bituminous – High Volatile Bituminous C. From the results of Tissue Preservation Index and Gelification Index value indicated that the environment of coal depositional in the research area was a limnic to wet forest swamp. Whereas the deposition of the Muaraenim Formation in deltaic environment (Transitional lower delta  plain).

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 95-108 ◽  
Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj

Abstract The aim of this article is to discuss the changes that have been observed on the market of qualified coal fuels (the so-called eco-pea coal) over the last few years. These changes are related to the markets of both the producers and the products they offer. Qualified coal fuels are produced from selected lots of high-calorific coal. They are characterized by strictly defined repeatable physico-chemical parameters (low sulphur content, ash content, and agglomerating capacity) and they are dedicated for use in modern, low-emission retort boilers. On the basis of multiannual observations, five groups of producers of qualified coal fuels have been identified, broken down by the origin of utilized coal. Initially, the production of eco-pea coal in Poland was limited to domestic coal mining companies only. However, in response to the growing demand for these fuels, smaller businesses (mostly dedicated to trading coal from major coal mining companies) have also engaged in production of these fuels. A part of them started producing eco-pea coal under licenses from large coal mining companies, and some of them created their own blends as well. In the years 2007-2015, the whole hard coal mining industry’s eco-coal production was in the range of 0.4-1.1 million t/year. In terms of calorific value, almost all of the producer groups mainly offer eco-pea coal with values in the range of 24-26 MJ/kg. The ash content of the offered eco-pea coal is usually 5-10% Ai r, and sulphur content-in the range of 0.4-1.0%. The prices of eco-pea coal at fuel depots vary by region and are close to the price offers of coarse grain sizes. Compared to sales prices (ex-mine) of coarse grain sizes intended for the market of other domestic customers, they are usually higher by a dozen or so PLN/GJ. The growing number of eco-pea coal producers contributes to the increase in these fuels’ price range. The difference between maximum and minimum price offer is a dozen or so PLN/GJ. In the years 2009-2016, the prices of eco-pea coal produced on the basis of domestic coal were changing within a range of 12-33 PLN/GJ, and for the product based on imported raw material-between 12 and 31 PLN/GJ.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-109
E. S. Dremicheva

This paper presents a method of sorption using peat for elimination of emergency spills of crude oil and petroleum products and the possibility of energy use of oil-saturated peat. The results of assessment of the sorbent capacity of peat are presented, with waste motor oil and diesel fuel chosen as petroleum products. Natural peat has been found to possess sorption properties in relation to petroleum products. The sorbent capacity of peat can be observed from the first minutes of contact with motor oil and diesel fuel, and significantly depends on their viscosity. For the evaluation of thermal properties of peat saturated with petroleum products, experimental studies have been conducted on determination of moisture and ash content of as-fired fuel. It is shown that adsorbed oil increases the moisture and ash content of peat in comparison with the initial sample. Therefore, when intended for energy use, peat saturated with petroleum products is to be subjected to additional drying. Simulation of net calorific value has been performed based on the calorific values of peat and petroleum products with different ratios of petroleum product content in peat and for a saturated peat sample. The obtained results are compared with those of experiments conducted in a calorimetric bomb and recalculated for net calorific value. A satisfactory discrepancy is obtained, which amounts to about 12%. Options have been considered providing for combustion of saturated peat as fuel (burnt per se and combined with a solid fuel) and processing it to produce liquid, gaseous and solid fuels. Peat can be used to solve environmental problems of elimination of emergency spills of crude oil and petroleum products and as an additional resource in solving the problem of finding affordable energy.

Limnology ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-142 ◽  
Hossain M. Anawar ◽  
Takahito Yoshioka ◽  
Eiichi Konohira ◽  
Junji Akai ◽  
M. C. Freitas ◽  

2010 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 1254-1257 ◽  
K. H. Shivaprasad ◽  
M. M. Nagabhushana ◽  
C. Venkataiah

Ash, an inorganic matter present in coal is amenable for dissolution using suitable reagents. Thus the dissolution of ash and its subsequent removal reduces the release of many toxic elements into the environment by coal based industries. Removal of ash also enhances the calorific value. In the present investigation an attempt has been made to reduce the ash content of raw coal obtained from nearest thermal power by using hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide. A series of leaching experiments were conducted on coal of different size fractions by varying the parameters like concentration, temperature and time of leaching. The results indicate that it is possible to remove nearly 75% of ash from coal sample by leaching.

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