scholarly journals «The black room» the Russian foreign Ministry against Napoleon

D. E. Larin

This article deals with the successful activity of the Russian Empire cryptographers against Napoleon and his troops. Also some organizational work aspects of interception of French army cipher messages are considered.

L. Mohylnyi

In the article, the formation of national beliefs of the well-known Ukrainian public and political figure Oleksandr Cherniakhivsky at the end of the XIX-th century has been analyzed. The significance and influence of the Ukrainian Hromada and its most famous representatives, V. Antonovych, O. Konyskyi, on the development of young O. Cherniakhivsky’s outlook and the formation of his attitude towards the ways of solving the Ukrainian issue in the Russian Empire have been considered. Also, the article analyzes the participation of O. Cherniakhivsky in various cultural, educational and scientific projects in which the scientist had an opportunity to realize that the destructive national policy of the Russian Empire hindered the development of the Ukrainian nation as well as other peoples of the state. On the basis of archival materials and unpublished sources it has been revealed that O. Cherniakhivsky perceived his membership in the "Brotherhood of Tarasivtsy", the participation in the Kyiv Old Hromada, and the organizational work at the Ukrainian Scientific Society in Kyiv as a personal contribution to the development of domestic science and, generally, as an opportunity for the Ukrainian people to prove their right to exist as a whole nation in spite of resistance from the Russian power. Furthemore, the social and political convictions of O. Cherniakhivsky and their continuous evolution during the revolutionary period of 1917-1918 and the struggle for independence in 1918-1921 have been investigated. It has been revealed that at that time he gave up the method of revolutionary struggle. Instead, he chose the evolutionary preparation of compatriots to the formation of their own statehood through the establishment of major public institutions such as the Ukrainian People's University, the Medical Faculty, and the Association of Ukrainian Doctors, etc. Moreover, O. Cherniakhivsky considered an established system of scientific knowledge and terminology to be a necessary ingredient of the development of the Ukrainian nation. Therefore, throughout all his life he was engaged in the improvement of scientific dictionaries, terminology and popularization of the Ukrainian scientific language.

Alla Namazova

The author analyses the initial period of the history of diplomatic relations between Russia and the Kingdom of Belgium, from 1853 onwards. The essay is based on the study of diplomatic documents from the Archive of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire. The author focuses on Russia’s important role in the international recognition of the independence of Belgium: after the Belgian Revolution of 1830, the former was one of the great powers which guaranteed, through international legal acts, the existence of a young neutral Belgian state. The close dynastic ties between the House of Romanov and the royal family of Belgium, House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, especially between the Romanovs and the first King of the Belgians, Leopold I. The latter took up a military career in the Imperial Russian Army (1812–1815), gained a certain degree of credibility at the Imperial Court in St. Petersburg; the personal correspondence established between the two ruling Houses helped to strengthen Russian-Belgian relations. Official documents of this period demonstrate that Brussels was strategically important as an information centre where information from the nearest European capitals was accumulated. That is why the Russian Foreign Ministry approached the selection of diplomatic personnel for the Russian representation in Brussels with special care, as evidenced by the guidelines of the Foreign Ministry to envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary cited in the article. The author also gives close attention to the life and work of the Belgian envoy in St. Petersburg, Count Camille de Briey, and the first Russian envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary in Brussels in 1853–1869, namely Count Mikhail Khreptovich and Prince Nikolay Orlov, as well as Alexandr Rikhter, who contributed to the development of friendly relations between the two countries.

Andrey Mitrofanov

The article deals with the history of secret diplomacy of the time of the French Revolution. It aims to show unknown aspects of the French émigré сount d'Antraigue's activities as a councillor to the Russian embassy in Venice and as a personal representative of Louis XVIII in 1795–1797. Unpublished documents from the Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire and the memoirs of contemporaries form the source base of the research. The practice of appointing French royalists “under Russian protection” as employees of Russian diplomatic missions was proposed by the Russian court in 1794. The case of d’Antraigues, therefore, was not unique. D'Antraigues' duties in this post were related to the search for information on revolutionary France, the French army in Italy, the politics of the Italian states. His contacts with Swedish agents, French royalists, and French army officers were the most fruitful. At the same time, he was associated with British diplomats. Bonaparte used the errors of the diplomat to his advantage: сount d'Antraigues’s notes served as a pretext for the coup d'état of 18 Fructidor, Year V. Although he сount lost credibility in the eyes of the royalists yet, thanks to the support of A.K. Razumovsky, he continued his service as correspondent and honorary “pensionnaire” of the Russian court. It was after 1797 that a “black legend” developed around the name of the count, thanks, in particular, to former secret agents of the Directory and Napoleon Bonaparte, depicting him as an opportunist.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 7-25
V. O. Pechatnov ◽  
V. V. Pechatnov

Based on the unearthed documents from the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire, the article examines an interaction of Russian diplomacy and Russian orthodox churches abroad in the process of their reform in the early 1860-s. This reorganization was undertaken in context of the “Great reforms” of Alexander II and aimed at rationalization of the previous system of subordination of those churches to civil and ecclesiastical authorities in St. Petersburg. The architects of the reform initiated by the Tzar himself sought to create a unified system of subordination and financing of those churches with identical criteria for their personnel, their rights and duties vis-à-vis heads of diplomatic missions. Accordingly, the Russian Foreign Ministry became responsible for their operation and financing while in ecclesiastical matters they were to answer to the Holy Synod. Foreign Ministry and personally Alexander Gorchakov, as demonstrated in the article, played a leading role in the reform preparation and implementation conducted on an inter-agency basis with the Holy Synod, Ministry of the Court and Finance Ministry taking part. The heads of diplomatic missions and of the affiliated churches were also consulted in the process. The authors trace all stages of these complex negotiations that resulted in achieving a balance of interests between all the actors involved. The newly created system proved to be quite efficient and lasted till the end of the Russian empire. The reorganization revealed a state of the churches abroad and their clergy that was a crème of Russian Orthodox Church. The reform experience is also instructive as a case study of Russian government apparatus in action.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (8) ◽  
pp. 195-206
R. Fando

The article describes the anthropological works of the pre-revolutionary period, concerning the hereditary characteristics of the various ethnic groups. A lot of organizational work of anthropological expeditions was carried out by the Association of Natural History, Anthropology and Ethnography, organized in 1863. This association made it possible to describe the morphological characteristics of different nationalities, dwelling on the territory of the Russian Empire. By the beginning of the twentieth century a stable trend in the anthropological work was an appeal to the study of ethnic groups in terms of inheritance of morphological and physiological characteristics. The accumulated data on the variability of populations of different nationalities gathered with the help of anthropological science. This data prepared a fertile ground for the emergence of new areas of research at the crossroads of the interests of genetics, anthropology and evolutionary theory.

E.M. Kopot

Abstract Analyses of the materials of the Foreign Policy Archives of the Russian Empire and the Russian State Military-Historical Archive allows a reconstruction of the formation of the Russian Intelligence methodology of data gathering in Syria, as a possible battleground in 18701890. The Russian Caucasus Army Intelligence officers acted under cover of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire. Despite the bureaucratic infighting between the War Ministry and the Foreign Ministry which often emerged into an open confrontation, the new philosophy of Scientism, rapidly spreading across the establishment, have helped to drive more rational political decisions both during war and peace times. The article highlights the switch of the Military Intelligence focus. The accent shifted from exclusively military issues, to the issues of social ethnology and the search for Russias potential allies in the region. In Syria, the adherents of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch were seen as such.Аннотация Анализ материалов Архива внешней политики Российской империи и Российского государственного военно-исторического архива позволяет реконструировать становление российской военной разведки на курдо-сирийском театре военных действий в 1870-1890-х гг. Деятельность разведчиков Кавказского военного округа осуществлялась под прикрытием МИД российской империи. Невидимая аппаратная борьба военного министерства и внешнедипломатического ведомства нередко переходила в открытое противостояние, однако она не могла помешать распространению среди военно-дипломатического истеблишмента новой культуры сайентизма, которая должна была способствовать выработке рациональной политики населения как в военное, так и в мирное время. Статья посвящена малоизвестному сюжету трансформации внимания военной разведки от топографических исследований, наблюдению за комплектованием вооруженных сил Османской империи к изучению населения вероятного театра военных действий и поиску социальной опоры России в регионе в лице православных арабов антиохийского патриархата.Аннотация Анализ материалов Архива внешней политики Российской империи и Российского государственного военно-исторического архива позволяет реконструировать становление российской военной разведки на курдо-сирийском театре военных действий в 1870-1890-х гг. Деятельность разведчиков Кавказского военного округа осуществлялась под прикрытием МИД российской империи. Невидимая аппаратная борьба военного министерства и внешнедипломатического ведомства нередко переходила в открытое противостояние, однако она не могла помешать распространению среди военно-дипломатического истеблишмента новой культуры сайентизма, которая должна была способствовать выработке рациональной политики населения как в военное, так и в мирное время. Статья посвящена малоизвестному сюжету трансформации внимания военной разведки от топографических исследований, наблюдению за комплектованием вооруженных сил Османской империи к изучению населения вероятного театра военных действий и поиску социальной опоры России в регионе в лице православных арабов антиохийского патриархата.

Igor V. Kurukin ◽  

The report is devoted to the plans of Peter I to subdue the Khanate of Khiva, the preparation of the campaign of Captain Alexander Cherkassky to Khiva in 1717, and the clarification of the circumstances of the failure that befell this large-scale enterprise. New documents from the RGADA and the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire of the Russian Foreign Ministry are used.

Elena Kudriavtseva

Apollinary Petrovich Butenev was at the head of the Russian embassy in Constantinople from 1830 till 1843. These were the years of the most stable Turkish-Russian relations in the first half of the 19th century. As the envoy to Constantinople, A. Butenev was one of the most significant Russian representatives abroad, while the position in Constantinople was one of the most important postings in the Russian Foreign Ministry service since the city was a kind of international political centre that had a huge impact on the life of the whole of Europe. A. Butenev’s diplomatic endeavours never generated a lot of interest among Russian historians, even though many scholars thoroughly analyzed the period of the Russian-Turkish relations during his service in Constantinople multiple times. The 1830s and 1840s are marked by several important events in foreign policy in which the Russian envoy was directly involved. First of all, А. Butenev played a decisive role in the drafting of the Treaty of Hünkâr İskelesi that was signed in 1833. The Bosphorus expedition of 1833 was a unique military and political operation of its time, unparalleled in the history of Russian diplomacy. Usually, the success of the expedition is associated with the names of A.F. Orlov and N.N. Muravyov, while the chance to conclude this treaty that was extremely beneficial for Russia belongs to A. Butenev. This is indicated by numerous internal memoranda and reports he sent to St. Petersburg. With his experience in diplomatic affairs, political weight in the international circles, and the ability to make independent decisions, Apollinary Petrovich Butenev adequately and successfully represented the interests of his homeland in the crucial period when the Russian Empire formulated and implemented its concept of the Eastern policy.

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