2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Yohanes Calvinus ◽  
Endah Setyaningsih

Robotics technology has now become a technological requirement for all students, both at the elementary school, junior high school and high school level. In fact in some private and public schools the need for education in robotics technology is only a discourse and cannot be realized properly. Many of these schools are trying to work with several agencies providing private education services for robotics. The lack of human resources and knowledge about robotics among high school students has caused these students to not know or lack in participating in the event that should have been the driving force behind the industrial revolution 4.0 about automation and robotics. Even in Jakarta there are not many competitions in the form of robotics competitions that can be participated by high school students. The community engagement team at Tarumanagara University conducted workshops and robot competitions in the form of robo soccer, which also functioned as a media for robotics technology education for high school students. High school students are introduced to robot components in the form of electrical and mechanical components, also about programming. Students are also asked to assemble these components and the results are in the form of robo soccer. These high school students are very happy and enthusiastic about this activity, because curiosity about robots can be achieved. Students from various schools are also active in participating in the Edurobocup Contest organized by the Electrical Engineering study program at Tarumanagara University. It is hoped that this activity can be routinely carried out every year, so that robotics technology can be known while students are still in high school.ABSTRAK:Teknologi Robotika saat ini telah menjadi suatu kebutuhan teknologi bagi seluruh pelajar, baik tingkat Sekolah Dasar, Sekolah Menengah Pertama, maupun Sekolah Menengah Atas. Kenyataannya di beberapa sekolah swasta dan negeri kebutuhan pendidikan akan teknologi robotika ini hanya menjadi wacana dan belum dapat terealisasi dengan baik. Banyak sekolah-sekolah tersebut berusaha bekerjasama dengan beberapa instansi penyedia jasa pendidikan swasta untuk robotika. Minimnya sumber daya manusia dan pengetahuan tentang robotika di kalangan siswa SMA menyebabkan siswa tersebut tidak tahu ataupun kurang dalam mengikuti ajang yang seharusnya menjadi pendorong kemajuan revolusi industri 4.0 tentang otomasi dan robotika. Bahkan di Jakarta belum banyak kompetisi berupa perlombaan robotika yang dapat diikuti oleh siswa SMA. Tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat Universitas Tarumanagara melakukan workshop dan lomba robot berupa robo soccer, yang sekaligus difungsikan sebagai media edukasi teknologi robotika bagi siswa SMA. Siswa SMA dikenalkan tentang komponen robot yang berupa komponen elektrik dan mekanik, juga tentang pemrograman. Siswa juga diminta merakit komponen-komponen tersebut dan hasilnya berupa robo soccer. Siswa SMA ini sangat senang dan antusias mengikuti kegiatan ini, karena keingintahuan tentang robot dapat tercapai. Siswa dari berbagai sekolah juga aktif dalam mengikuti Lomba Edurobocup yang diselenggarakan oleh program studi teknik elektro Universitas Tarumanagara. Diharapkan kegiatan ini dapat rutin dilakukan tiap tahun, sehingga teknologi robotika dapat dikenal saat siswa masih di SMA

Dzikrina Dian Cahyani ◽  
Retma Sari

<p>Cigarettes in Indonesia becomes a problem that makes anxious in society, included an Indonesian author named Taufiq Ismail. Through some of his poetry such as <em>Tuhan Sembilan Senti, Indonesia Keranjang Sampah Nikotin, dan Perokok adalah Serdadu Berani Mati</em>, Taufiq Ismail revealed various cigarette problems in Indonesia. This research was conducted as an effort to overcome the problem of smoking which must continue to be pursued. The aim of this research is to know the social facts about smoking in Taufiq Ismail's poetry so that it can be used as teaching materials about the dangers of smoking. This research is an effort to control the level of cigarette consumption in Indonesia and it deal with the government's plan to include the dangers of smoking at the junior high school level. This study uses the theory of literary sociology to discuss social problems about cigarettes depicted in that poetry. This study also uses qualitative research methods which the collecting data is taken by reading and recording. The collected data is analyzed with the approach of literary sociology theory. The results of research indicate those poetry by Taufiq Ismail reveal the problem of cigarettes that can be used as teaching material for the dangers of smoking for junior high school students.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Alfian Mauricefle

Penelitian ini akan mengarahkan pada sasaran pendidikan karakter di sekolah. Sasaran pendidikan karakter adalah seluruh sekolah di Indonesia terutama pada tingkat SMP negeri maupun swasta, karena di masa SMP peserta didik belum terlalu melawan kepada guru, seperti anak SMA, dan anak SMP tidak terlalu kecil untuk mendapatkan materi pendidikan karakter, seperti anak SD. Semua warga sekolah, meliputi para peserta didik, guru, karyawan administrasi, dan pimpinan sekolah menjadi sasaran program ini. Sekolah-sekolah yang selama ini telah berhasil melaksanakan pendidikan karakter dengan baik dijadikan sebagai best practices, yang menjadi contoh untuk disebarluaskan ke sekolah-sekolah lainnya.This research will lead to the target of character education in schools. The target of character education is all schools in Indonesia, especially at the public and private junior high school level, because in junior high school students are not too resistant to teachers, such as high school students, and junior high school children are not too young to get character education materials, such as elementary school children. All school residents, including students, teachers, administrative staff, and school leaders are the targets of this program. Schools that have been successful in carrying out character education well are used as best practices, which serve as examples to be disseminated to other schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-79
Meta Febiani ◽  
Aisyah Nur Sayidatun Nisa

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive impact and transformation on people's lives and has affected various fields, one of which is education. all levels of education in Indonesia must provide learning from home, one of them is in social studies learning in junior high school. This article aims to discuss and provide an overview of online-based social studies learning activities for junior high school students in the Tahunan District, Jepara Regency. The research method used is qualitative methods. The results showed  that (1) Online-based social studies learning activities by junior high school level students in the Annual District of Jepara Regency were carried out by utilizing digital technology through online learning applications (2) There were many obstacles experienced by junior high school level students in the Annual District of Jepara Regency. One of the online-based social studies learning processes is about the difficulty of understanding social studies material. Pandemi COVID-19 membawa dampak dan transformasi secara masif terhadap tatanan kehidupan masyarakat serta mempengaruhi berbagai bidang salah satunya bidang pendidikan. Seluruh jenjang pendidikan di Indonesia harus menyelenggarakan  pembelajaran  dari rumah, salah satunya dalam proses pembelajaran IPS di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas dan memberikan gambaran mengenai aktivitas pembelajaran IPS berbasis daring bagi peserta didik SMP di Kecamatan Tahunan, Kabupaten Jepara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Aktivitas pembelajaran IPS berbasis daring oleh peserta didik jenjang SMP di Kecamatan Tahunan Kabupaten Jepara dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital melalui aplikasi pembelajaran online (2) Terdapat banyak kendala yang dialami oleh peserta didik jenjang SMP di Kecamatan Tahunan Kabupaten Jepara dalam proses pembelajaran IPS berbasis daring salah satunya mengenai sulitnya memahami materi IPS

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Nuzulul Isna ◽  
Inong Permata Sari

Novels can be authentic sources for learning ESL/EFL, especially in non-English speaking countries. They may present reliable learning references in the absence of native speakers. This article aims to identify the types of request expressions originated in novel “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” as well as their appropriateness for teaching ESL/EFL in aligment to current applied curriculum (2006 curriculum) in junior high school level in Indonesia. This research employed a qualitative research which was based on content analysis methodology. The data analysis revealed the types of request expressions (Tsui, 1989) generated out of 110 items uttered by the characters in the novel. 65.5% of the finding matched the nine request expressions learning materials embedded in the 2006 curriculum. Indeed, this finding may significantly contribute to the addition of authentic English learning source, especially in teaching speaking skill.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-42
Dalmeri Dalmeri

Assistance to da'wah activities on an ongoing basis will provide a complete understanding of the year process and da'wah conveying religious teachings carried out by religious leaders as well as Ustadz and Ustadzah to instill moral values for today's Millennial young generation. The da'wah process is usually carried out with a well-organized plan to be carried out so that the pattern of teaching religious guidance can be understood by the Ummah and the community as well as Junior High School (SMP) students in the special Central Jakarta area and DKI Jakarta in general. Assistance by making systematic planning to change the perspective and insight of da'wah activists when providing an understanding of well-defined religious teachings. The mentoring process by making plans for da'wah activists consisting of Ustadz and Ustadzah, as well as Islamic Religious Education Teachers at the junior high school level by providing virtual training and providing direct training materials even with the implementation of strict Health Protocols so that they can be applied easily by them when doing da'wah activities to realize the values of religious teachings to the Ummah and Society, as well as junior high school students. The results of the mentoring and training turned out to have made da'wah activists have good insights and could be applied among the people and society, as well as junior high school students virtually due to the pandemic situation. Every mentoring process by making good plans is still carried out so that the da'wah orientation can provide a good understanding for the people and the community as well as junior high school students.

1965 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 151-155 ◽  
Peter F. Merenda ◽  
Walter V. Clarke ◽  
Gwendolyn Jacobsen

The MOS Battery of 8 tests was administered to a sample of junior high school students along with the DAT Battery also consisting of 8 tests. The test-taking time for the MOS Battery is 42 min.; for the DAT Battery, it is 186 min. Multiple regression equations and multiple correlation coefficients were calculated for both batteries in predicting the final marks in Grades 8 and 9 of 88 male and 65 female students. The results, which were similar to those obtained in an earlier study conducted at the senior high school level, revealed that both batteries are essentially equally valid predictors of success in the basic academic courses of English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. A difference in the results for the junior high school samples and senior high school samples of the previous investigation was noted in that memory for facts as measured by the MOS Memory Test and knowledge of good English Usage as measured by the DAT Sentence Test appear to influence the final grades of junior high school students more than they do those of the senior high school students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-37
Yulia Yulia ◽  
Very Karnadi

Mathematics is a science that is widely used in everyday life such as used in trade transactions, carpentry, and so on. But until now many people think that mathematics is a subject that is considered difficult and difficult to understand, especially for junior high school students. Though mathematics itself has been taught starting from the level of childhood and elementary school. Because learning methods still use conventional methods such as the ability to write and count, this is what makes students feel bored because moreover some students do not like these math subjects. Not only in terms of subjects and learning media is still conventional in nature that is only based on the book. For this reason, a learning media is created which is packaged in an android-based application by including elements of mathematics learning in it. The application that was designed was a junior high school level mathematics education quiz application, with the aim of training students 'ability to count, train their memory and increase students' interest in learning in mathematics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-114
Yasmin Tamara ◽  
Asri Wibawa Sakti ◽  
Verra Wulandary ◽  

Japanese is one of the most popular languages after English. Its culture that captivates people's hearts, makes interest in the language increase, both from children and adults. Until now, learning Japanese has become the program of choice at the high school level to universities. This study aims to analyze the interest of junior high school students in Japanese. Descriptive qualitative research method. The data collection technique used qualitative descriptive and provided some introductory vocabulary, numbers, and some common Japanese vocabulary. The results showed that students' knowledge of basic Japanese when given the pretest was 66.67%. After students were given material in the form of power points about basic Japanese, students' knowledge increased by 70.37%. The conclusion obtained is that students already have sufficient knowledge of basic Japanese such as introductions, numbers, and basic vocabulary. It can be seen from the increase in the pre-test and post-test that has been given only an increase of 11%. In addition, it can be seen from the enthusiasm of students in interactive question and answer sessions during the learning process. It is hoped that this research can become a consideration regarding the choice of Japanese language programs up to junior high school level

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-38
Philip Head

English speech contests are popular in Japan for junior high school students. However, despite the popularity of these contests, there is little published research regarding student and teacher attitudes towards them, particularly at the junior high school level. In order to bring these views to light, a survey of student participants in local and prefectural speech contests in Japan, and their teachers, was conducted. In particular, the perceived benefits of speech contest participation, as well as student motivation and anxiety in relation to these contests were investigated.

1977 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 295-304 ◽  
Mary Sutherland

The purpose of this study was to investigate the drug interests of junior high school students utilizing a questionnaire. The results of the study suggested that these particular students were most interested in the topic of illicit drugs and indicated less interest in the topics of commercial, over the counter, herbal, and prescription drugs. In addition, the students raised many questions about the effects of all drugs, the use of drugs, governmental control of drugs, and the buying and selling of drugs. From the information gathered, a relevant drug unit could be planned for the area of health education at the junior high school level.

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