scholarly journals Pengembangan Deteksi Citra Mobil untuk Mengetahui Jumlah Tempat Parkir Menggunakan CUDA dan Modified YOLO

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 413 ◽  
Sisco Jupiyandi ◽  
Fadhil Rizqullah Saniputra ◽  
Yoga Pratama ◽  
Muhammad Robby Dharmawan ◽  
Imam Cholissodin

<p class="Abstrak">Besarnya lahan pada parkir dan jumlah kendaraan roda empat dalam hal ini adalah mobil, dapat menjadi kendala bagi pengendara lain dalam mengetahui posisi parkir mana yang masih dapat digunakan. Sistem pengembangan perparkiran yang ada masih kurang maksimal dalam memanfaatkan lahan dan efisiensi waktunya. Berdasarkan banyaknya kendaraan mobil yang semakin bertambah, maka kebutuhan akan lahan parkir juga semakin dibutuhkan. Banyak sekali sistem yang belum dapat menangani berbagai permasalahan yang ada. Sistem ini dapat mengetahui jumlah slot pada lahan parkir dengan akurat sehingga memudahkan pengelola. Selain itu sistem ini juga dikembangkan agar waktu pencarian lahan parkir oleh pengguna parkir bisa sangat cepat. Sistem ini menggunakan penerapan pemrograman GPU yang dikombinasi dengan <em>Modified</em> Yolo (M-Yolo). GPU pada M-Yolo dibutuhkan untuk mengolah citra sekaligus mengolah data untuk mendeteksi citra mobil dan jumlah mobil secara paralel. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan GPU dibandingkan dengan CPU dapat mempercepat waktu komputasi rata-rata sebesar 0,179 detik dengan rata-rata akurasi sebesar 100%.</p><p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>The width of parking lot and the number of cars in the parking lot can be an obstacle for motorists to know the parking area in which part is still empty. Parking systems that exist at this time are still not maximal in the utilization of parking lots and time efficiency. Based on the number of vehicles that are growing, then the need for parking space is also more needed. Many of the existing parking systems have not been able to handle the various problems. This system can know the number of slots on the parking lot, making it easier for operators to know the empty parking lot. In addition, this system will also be designed so that parking time search by parking users doesn’t take a long time. This system uses implementation of GPU programming mixed with Modified Yolo (M-Yolo). GPU on M-Yolo is needed to process images while processing data to detect car and the number of cars using parallel computing. The test results show that using the GPU compared to the CPU can speed up the average computing time by 0.179 seconds and it obtained an average accuracy of 100%.</em></p><p><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>


ABSTRAKApartemen merupakan salah satu tempat tinggal yang ideal di kota metropolitan yang menyediakan banyak fasilitas bagi penghuninya. Salah satu fasilitas tersebut adalah tersedianya area parkir yang memadai dan nyaman bagi penghuni yang memiliki kendaraan, pada kenyataannya saat ini sistem perparkiran yang digunakan masih bermasalah. Masalah yang ditimbulkan dalam sistem perparkiran adalah kurangnya informasi mengenai lahan parkir yang kosong serta penempatan kendaraan yang tidak sesuai sehingga sering kali pemilik kendaraan membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk sekedar menemukan tempat parkir yang kosong. Berdasarkan hal itu diperlukan sebuah sistem monitoring parkir yang memudahkan pengendara kendaraan yang hendak parkir. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang dan merealisasikan model sistem monitoring perparkiran dengan fasilitas pemilihan area parkir menggunakan Teknologi RFId. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan pada sistem ini dirancang dengan menggunakan bahasa C#. Pada sistem ini proses pengambilan data secara kontinyu menggunakan mikrokontroler Atmega16 sebagai komponen kendali utamanya. Pengujian dilakukan secara simulasi pada miniatur perparkiran. Hasil pengujian model sistem perparkiran dapat menampilkan kondisi dari masing-masing area parkir yang ditampilkan pada display. Sistem pengambilan data secara kontinyu menggunakan kartu RFId sistem ini dapat menggantikan operator. Sensor cahaya (LED dan LDR) akan berlogika 1 jika ada mobil yang lewat. Kata kunci: Parkir, RFId, LED, LDR, Mikrokontroler, Atmega16, Microsoft Acess, C#. ABSTRACT Apartment is an ideal place of living in a big city ,it provides a lot of facilities .One of apartment facilities is a parking lot that are adequate and comfortable for its occupants who have vehicles . Problems caused in the parking system is the lack of information regarding the parking lot is empty and the placement of the vehicle that is not in accordance with the wishes so that often the owner of the vehicle takes a long time to just find an empty parking space. Based on that required a monitoring system parking facilitate motorists want to park. The purpose of this study was to design and to make a realization of parking monitoring system where could be choosen the parking lot with RFId Technology.The software used in the system is designed using the C # language. In this system, the process to taking the data with microcontroller Atmega 16 as a main controller. The trial for this system done with simulation in a miniatur parking area. The result of the trial is the system can display about status of parking area. Continuous data retrieval system using RFID cards, and the system can replace the operator. The light sensor (LED AND LDR) to logic 1 if no passing cars.Keywords: Parking, RFId, LED, LDR, Microcontroler, Atmega16, Microsoft Acess, C#

Novi Yulianto ◽  
Fahraini Bacharuddin

Now the need for access to information is very important because the information obtained can specify or provide comfort and ease in performing daily activities. One example is to use gadgets such as smartphones, notebooks, tablets and others, we can easily find out information directly without having to come to the venue. This system aims to design information systems in the parking lot. This technology can provide an idea of ??the amount of available parking spots has been filled or empty. By accessing the IP address given earlier, then we will know the availability of parking space directly. From the test results, it can be said that this system has the advantages of easy to use, the application is simple and can help improve the comfort / convenience for users of the car park. But this system also has the disadvantage of a webserver which is used has a very small memory that can not be accessed by many concurrent users in one time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1016 ◽  
pp. 1312-1317
Oskari Seppälä ◽  
Joonas Ilmola ◽  
Jari Larkiola

Roughing has been simulated with the Finite element software AbaqusTM to replicate an industrial-scale process. The model has been made to be as close as possible to its real counterpart. For this purpose, an automated controlling logic has been created to simulate the multiple passes as well as inter-pass times for roughing. Simulating multiple passes with FEM is computationally very demanding, so new methods to reduce computing times are worth considering. During a roll pass an explicit solver is necessary due to high deformation amounts and rates. An explicit solver is tied to a very small time increment, so it takes a long time. On the other hand, inter-pass periods do not include any deformation or roller contact, so an implicit solver is quite capable of computing this portion of the simulation. An implicit solver can speed up the time increment considerably when compared to the explicit solver, so using it potentially saves a significant amount of computing time. Unfortunately, Abaqus does not include any methods to change the solver during a single simulation. Instead it is possible to communicate between the two solver types by manually importing data from a completed simulation to a new simulation model. A new method to change solvers automatically using a self-made Python code is proposed in this paper.

Qing Wu ◽  
Colin Cole ◽  
Maksym Spiryagin

Due to the high computing demand of whole-trip train dynamics simulations and the iterative nature of optimizations, whole-trip train dynamics optimizations using sequential computing schemes are practically impossible. This paper reports advancements in whole-trip train dynamics optimizations enabled by using the parallel computing technique. A parallel computing scheme for whole-trip train dynamics optimizations is presented and discussed. Two case studies using parallel multiobjective particle swarm optimization (pMOPSO) and parallel multiobjective genetic algorithm (pMOGA), respectively, were performed to optimize a friction draft gear design. Linear speed-up was achieved by using parallel computing to cut down the computing time from 18 months to just 11 days. Optimized results using pMOPSO and pMOGA were in agreement with each other; Pareto fronts were identified to provide technical evidence for railway manufacturers and operators.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 14-17
Yossra Hussain ◽  
Ahmed A. Shkara

A standard video can have small video motions that are difficult to see by naked eye because of it limited sensitivity. These hidden signals variation may have highly useful information that can be used in variety of applications fields such as healthcare, biology, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, military and security. Eulerian Video Motion Magnification is a system used to detect and amplified tiny motions in video. This system have a problem with processing time, it consumes too long time to complete the spatial _ temporal analyzing. This paper, proposes a modified approach to Speed up the processing time of Eulerian motion magnification, it minimizes the analyzing area of frames and applying the analyzing process only on a tiny motion area and ignores all unchanged background. The test results show that the proposed approach has speed up the processing time of Eulerian Motion Magnification may be to , more than 70% percentage

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-55
Evan Tanuwijaya ◽  
Chastine Fatichah

The difficulty of finding a parking space in public places, especially during peak hours is a problem experienced by drivers. To assist the driver in finding parking space availability, a system is needed to monitor parking availability. One study to detect the availability of parking lots utilizing CCTV. However, research on the availability of parking spaces on CCTV data has several problems, detecting parking slots that are done manually to be inefficient when applied to different parking lots. Also, research to detect the availability of parking lots using the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) method with existing architecture has many parameters. Therefore, this study proposes a system to detect the availability of car parking lots using You Only Look Once (YOLO) V3 for marking the parking space and proposed a new architecture CNN called Lite AlexNet which has few parameters than other methods to speed up the process of detecting parking space availability. The best accuracy of the marking stage using YOLO V3 is 92.31% where the weather was cloudy. For the proposed Lite AlexNet get the best time training average which is 7 second compare to other existing methods and the average accuracy in every condition is 92.33% better than other methods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-113
Rachmad Ikhsan ◽  
Effendi Effendi

Roasting coffee manually is widely applied by coffee producers. This process takes a very long time and is less efficient in terms of productivity for industry standards. This machine  is equipped with a thermocouple sensor as a temperature sensor that will measure the temperature in the roasting cylinder, then equipped with a timer as a reminder of roasting time that ranges from 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius, this machine  is also equipped with android as a timer controller on the coffee roaster machine. This machine is also equipped with a microcontroller and Bluetooth as a media transmitter and data receiver. From the test results obtained data that Bluetooth can be used for data communication between the microcontroller and Android with a distance of 30 meters in the room, and 12 meters outside the room. If it exceeds that distance, then Bluetooth will not respond back

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Sumedh Yadav ◽  
Mathis Bode

Abstract A scalable graphical method is presented for selecting and partitioning datasets for the training phase of a classification task. For the heuristic, a clustering algorithm is required to get its computation cost in a reasonable proportion to the task itself. This step is succeeded by construction of an information graph of the underlying classification patterns using approximate nearest neighbor methods. The presented method consists of two approaches, one for reducing a given training set, and another for partitioning the selected/reduced set. The heuristic targets large datasets, since the primary goal is a significant reduction in training computation run-time without compromising prediction accuracy. Test results show that both approaches significantly speed-up the training task when compared against that of state-of-the-art shrinking heuristics available in LIBSVM. Furthermore, the approaches closely follow or even outperform in prediction accuracy. A network design is also presented for a partitioning based distributed training formulation. Added speed-up in training run-time is observed when compared to that of serial implementation of the approaches.

2003 ◽  
Vol 15 (03) ◽  
pp. 109-114

In this study, a parallel computing technology is applied on the simulation of aortic blood flow problems. A third-order upwind flux extrapolation with a dual-time integration method based on artificial compressibility solver is used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. The original FORTRAN code is converted to the MPI code and tested on a 64-CPU IBM SP2 parallel computer and a 32-node PC Cluster. The test results show that a significant reduction of computing time in running the model and a super-linear speed up rate is achieved up to 32 CPUs at PC cluster. The speed up rate is as high as 49 for using IBM SP2 64 processors. The test shows very promising potential of parallel processing to provide prompt simulation of the current aortic flow problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (15) ◽  
pp. 8628
Emília Duľová Spišáková ◽  
Barbora Gontkovičová ◽  
Emil Spišák

Research and development have been of interest to the European Union for a long time. This topic is also underlined in economic reform agendas and plans that have the form of strategies with clearly set targets. The article deals with the issue of financing R&D activities from the perspective of the share of expenditure to GDP, the total amount of funds spent on R&D, the share of expenditure per capita, and the structure of expenditure. The aim is to analyze and compare development in the field of R&D financing in selected countries of the European Union with emphasis on achieving the Europe 2020 target and to point out the expected development of the indicator for the first years of the validity of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. During the processing of the article, mathematical and statistical methods (regression and correlation analysis) were used in addition to standard logic methods intended for processing data and drawing conclusions (synthesis, induction). The final evaluates the achievement of the target in the field of R&D financing in accordance with the target of the Europe 2020 strategy and, using regression, predicts the development of the given indicator for coming years.

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