scholarly journals Non-surgical management of periapical lesions with triple antibiotic paste: A case reports

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 120-123
Munish Singla ◽  
Iyana Garg ◽  
Vandana Goyal ◽  
Harleen Kaur ◽  
Litik Mittal

Sterilization of root canal space is foremost for the success of the endodontic treatment which is usually carried out with intracanal irrigants and medicaments. Triple antibiotic paste (metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, and minocycline) is used to achieve sterilization and healing of periradicular area. In the present case report, the triple antibiotic paste was used for non-surgical management of periapical lesion for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, the tooth became asymptomatic that was then obturated. Hence, it is confirmed that conventional root canal treatment, along with intracanal medicaments (triple antibiotic paste), can non-surgically manage the periapical lesions and further promotes healing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 513-516
Mailon Cury Carneiro ◽  
Fernanda Angelio Da Costa ◽  
Paula Gabriela Vieira Chicora ◽  
Marcos Sergio Endo ◽  
Vanessa Cristina Veltrini

O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso clínico de uma extensa lesão periapical em maxila, tratada somente por uma abordagem endodôntica não cirúrgica, com expressivo reparo periapical. Paciente do sexo feminino, 52 anos, compareceu à clínica odontológica, com a queixa principal de “cisto crescendo na boca”. Os dentes 13, 14 e 15 apresentavam-se sem vitalidade pulpar. Os exames radiográficos mostraram duas áreas radiolúcidas, uniloculares, envolvendo os ápices dos dentes 13 e 15, ambos sem sinais de intervenção endodôntica. As áreas eram sugestivas de granuloma periapical e cisto periapical inflamatório, respectivamente. Realizou-se tratamento endodôntico dos dentes 13, 14 e 15. Após 11 meses, notou-se regressão significativa da rarefação óssea periapical, não sendo necessária qualquer intervenção cirúrgica. A paciente continuará em proservação até a remissão completa da lesão. O preparo químico-mecânico, associado ao emprego de medicação intracanal, pode ser suficiente para o reparo de lesões periapicais extensas. Sugere-se que o tratamento conservador seja sempre a primeira opção em casos semelhantes, de forma a se evitar cirurgias parendodônticas invasivas desnecessárias. Descritores: Endodontia; Cisto Radicular; Tratamento Conservador. Referências Hammouti J, Chhoul H, Ramdi H. Non-surgical management of large periapical cyst like lesion: case report and litterature review. J Oral Heal Dent Sci. 2019;3(1):1–7. Mitra A, Adhikari C. Management of large periapical lesions by non surgical endodontic approach - two case reports. 2017;2(5):97–104. Al Khasawnah Q, Hassan F, Malhan D, Engelhardt M, Daghma DES, Obidat D, et al. Nonsurgical clinical management of periapical lesions using calcium hydroxide-iodoform-silicon-oil paste. Biomed Res Int. 2018;2018:1-8. Schulz M, von Arx T, Altermatt HJ, Bosshardt D. 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Prognosis of large cyst-like periapical lesions following nonsurgical root canal treatment: a clinical review. Int Endod J. 2004;37(6):408-16.  Kanmaz F, Altunbaş D, Zan R, Akpınar KE. Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a large periradicular lesion. Turk Endod J. 2017;2(1):21–4. Öztan MD. Endodontic treatment of teeth associated with a large periapical lesion. Int Endod J. 2002;35(1):73–8. Barroso JAY, Uchimura JYT, Endo MS, Pavan NNO, Queiroz AF. Avaliação in vitro da influência da lima patência na manutenção do comprimento de trabalho. Rev Odontol UNESP. 2017;46(2):72-6. Madhusudhana K, Surada R, Kumar CS, Lavanya A. Non-surgical management of a large periapical lesion: a case report. Ann Essences Dent. 2017;9(2):22-5. Soares J, Santos S, Silveira F, Nunes E. Nonsurgical treatment of extensive cyst-like periapical lesion of endodontic origin. Int Endod J. 2006;39(7):566-75. Mohammadi Z, Shalavi S, Yazdizadeh M. Antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide in endodontics: a review. Chonnam Med J. 2013;48(3):133-40. Estrela C, Bammann LL, Pimenta FC, Pécora JD. Control of microorganisms in vitro by calcium hydroxide pastes. Int Endod J. 2001;34(5):341-45. Soares JA, Brito-Júnior M, Silveira FF, Nunes E, Santos SMC. Favorable response of an extensive periapical lesion to root canal treatment. J Oral Sci. 2008;50(1):107-11.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 262
Diatri Nariratih ◽  
Hendra Dian Adhita Dharsono

ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Penatalaksanaan kasus penyakit pulpa yang disertai dengan lesi periapikal dapat dilakukan dengan perawatan saluran akar tanpa intervensi bedah. Preparasi biomekanis pada perawatan endodontik non-bedah dapat mengeliminasi bakteri dari saluran akar dan mencegah terjadinya infeksi berulang setelah dilakukannya obturasi. Kompleksitas anatomi menyebabkan keterbatasan preparasi biomekanis saluran akar, sehingga perawatan dapat mengalami kegagalan. Variasi anatomi saluran akar pada gigi molar pertama rahang atas umumnya terdapat pada bagian palatal akar mesiobukal yang disebut sebagai saluran akar mesiobukal kedua dengan insidensi 94%. Saluran akar mesiobukal kedua berukuran lebih sempit dan dangkal dibandingkan saluran akar mesiobukal pertama, sehingga dibutuhkan beberapa metode untuk menentukan lokasi orifis tersebut. Tujuan laporan kasus ini adalah membahas mengenai penatalaksanaan non-bedah gigi pasca perawatan endodontik parsial yang disertai dengan lesi periapikal. Laporan kasus: Pasien perempuan berusia 28 tahun datang dengan keluhan gigi belakang kiri atas sakit berdenyut sejak 1 bulan, gigi tersebut pernah dirawat saluran akarnya beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Pemeriksaan klinis menunjukkan terdapat tambalan permanen pada gigi 26. Pemeriksaan radiografis menunjukkan adanya gambaran radiopak pada email mesio-oklusal hingga mencapai dasar kamar pulpa, pelebaran ligamen periodontal, terputusnya lamina dura, serta lesi periapikal pada akar mesial dan palatal. Preparasi akses dilakukan pada gigi 26, dilanjutkan dengan penentuan lokasi orifis mesiobukal kedua. Empat saluran akar dipreparasi menggunakan instrumen rotary nickel titanium dengan teknik crown down dan dilakukan obturasi teknik kondensasi lateral. Restorasi definitif berupa mahkota penuh porselen. Simpulan: Lesi periapikal sembuh setelah dilakukan preparasi pada saluran akar mesiobukal kedua sehingga pengetahuan mengenai anatomi dan variasi internal saluran akar gigi sangat penting dalam keberhasilan perawatan endodontik non-bedah.Kata kunci: Perawatan endodontik non-bedah; previously initiated therapy; lesi periapical; mesiobukal kedua  ABSTRACTIntroduction: The management of pulp disease cases accompanied by periapical lesions can be done by root canal treatment without surgical intervention. Biomechanical preparations for non-surgical endodontic treatment can eliminate bacteria from the root canal and prevent re-infection after obturation. However, the complexity of the anatomy limits the biomechanical preparation of the root canal so that treatment can fail. Anatomical variations of the root canal in the maxillary first molars are generally found in the palatal part of the mesiobuccal root, which is the second mesiobuccal root canal with an incidence of 94%. The second mesiobuccal root canal is narrower and shallower than the first mesiobuccal root canal, so several methods are needed to determine the location of the orifice. The purpose of this case report was to discuss the non-surgical management of teeth after partial endodontic treatment accompanied by periapical lesions. Case report: A 28-year-old female patient complained of throbbing pain in the left upper back tooth for one month. The tooth had had its root canal treated several years before. Clinical examination revealed permanent fillings on tooth 26. Radiographic examination showed the radiopaque appearance of mesio-occlusal enamel to the floor of the pulp chamber, widening of the periodontal ligament, rupture of the lamina dura, and periapical lesions of the mesial and palatal roots. Access preparation was performed on tooth 26, followed by the determination of the location of the second mesiobuccal orifice. Four root canals were prepared using a rotary nickel titanium instrument with a crown down technique and obturation with lateral condensation technique. The definitive restoration is a full porcelain crown. Conclusions: Periapical lesions healed after preparation of the second mesiobuccal root canal. This result proves that knowledge of the anatomy and internal variations of the root canal is fundamental in the success of non-surgical endodontic treatment.Keywords: Non-surgical endodontic treatment; previously initiated therapy; periapical lesions; second mesiobuccal canal

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (02) ◽  
pp. 265-272
Shwetank Shrivastava ◽  
Ashish K. Jain ◽  
Rahul D. Rao ◽  
Meenakshi Verma ◽  

The main aim of this case report was to report the clinical efficacy of decompression for treating large periapical lesions. Tooth with large periapical cystic lesions were treated with decompression after root canal treatment. A conventional decompression technique such as aspiration/irrigation technique was used in this case. An 18-G needle with a syringe was used to aspirate the cystic lesion. Two needles were then inserted into the lesion copious saline irrigation was delivered from 1 needle and until clear saline was expressed from the other. Complete enucleation and root-end surgery was not done in the case. Healed lesions or lesions in healing were observed after 14 months. On the basis of the presented case and published case reports regarding large periapical cystic lesions, conservative decompression may be used for certain cases before or in lieu of apical surgery. Decompression enables healing of large, persistent periapical lesions after root canal treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (30) ◽  
pp. 2331-2333
Shelly Sharma ◽  
Anshul Arora ◽  
Mandeep S. Grewal ◽  
Mamta Singla ◽  
Lakshita Singh

In-depth knowledge of the root canal system is a major prerequisite for successful endodontic treatment.1 The major aim of endodontic treatment is the eradication of infection and prevention of reinfection in canal. However endodontic treatment may fail because of incomplete knowledge about the anatomical variation of root canals. Most of the times the canal remains untreated because of the inability of the dentist to recognize its presence. For good prognosis of the root canal treatment, proper exploration, complete debridement, biomechanical preparation, and filling of root canal system must be done. Therefore, a dentist must be familiar with all the various possible canal configurations.2 Many times, failure of endodontic treatment may occur because the morphological variation of the tooth unfavourably affects the treatment. Pulpal inflammation can occur as a result of many factors like dental caries or trauma which causes tissue necrosis. Periapical tissue eradication develops in response to microbial accumulation and infiltration of their by-products in the periradicular tissues and activates host's immune reaction.3 The following case report presents the non-surgical management of mandibular central and lateral incisors, with each having two separate canals which join together to form a single canal just before exiting the apical foramen. Before starting root canal treatment, a careful radiographic examination should be done to detect the morphological variations in root canal anatomy. This paper describes two clinical cases of mandibular incisors with or without periapical lesion having two canals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-119
Sanpreet Singh Sachdev ◽  
Amol Dubey ◽  
Parmeet Singh Banga ◽  
Akshat Shetty

Cystic lesions of jaws are fairly common of which radicular cysts that form as a result of inflammatory changes associated with a non-vital pulp are most frequent. The removal of source of infection by either root canal treatment or extraction of the involved tooth leads to resolution of inflammatory cysts. However, infrequently, certain lesions may persist even after appropriate treatment which are termed as ‘residual cysts’. Although residual cysts are histopathologically indistinguishable from radicular cysts, certain changes may occur owing to removal of the aggravating stimulus which may lead to a varied histopathological picture. The present case report comprises of a residual cyst with a relatively unusual histopathological presentation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 11-12
Kavimalar Kavimalar ◽  
Sonia Khatri ◽  
Sylvia Mathew ◽  
Nithin Shetty

Aim: The aim of these case reports is to emphasize the successful healing of large periapical lesions using non surgical endodontic treatment with advanced techniques Background: Periapical lesions of endodontic origin are common pathological conditions affecting the periradicular tissues. The primary objective of root canal treatment is to cure or prevent periradicular periodontitis and to retain natural teeth in function and aesthetics Case description: Two case reports of large periapical lesions are described here which have shown favourable clinical and radiographic outcome following non surgical endodontic therapy Conclusion: Size of a periapical lesion does not necessarily mandate surgical intervention always and has shown the potential to heal following conservative endodontic therapy. Assessment of healing of a large periapical lesion necessitates a long term follow up and has to be done periodically. Clinical significance: The article highlights that present day endodontic treatment has become predictable and highly successful due to the advancements in diagnostic imaging techniques, rotary instruments, irrigants , intracanal medicaments and obturation systems which has in turn led to the fall in root end surgeries

2011 ◽  
Vol 52 (1/3) ◽  
pp. 45-47
Carolina Dos Santos Guimarães ◽  
Gerhilde Callou Sampaio ◽  
Élvia Barros de Almeida ◽  
Luciano Barreto Silva ◽  
Ana Paula Mourato ◽  

Introduction: The present study sought to assess the effect of apical foramen cleaning in the repair of periapical lesions detected by radiography. Methods: The sample comprised 980 teeth collected from 25 February 1997 to 15 March 2005 which had been subjected to endodontic treatment and exhibited radiographically visible periapical lesions. The sample was then divided into two groups: Group I, 402 root canal treatments in which cleaning of the apical foramen had not been performed, and Group II, composed of the remaining 578 root canal treatments where the procedure had been performed. After one year, the teeth were clinically and radiographically evaluated. Results: In Group I, 360 canals (89.55%) had no evidence of periapical lesions, versus 521 (90.13%) in Group II. Partial presence of these lesions was observed in 23 canals (5.72%) in Group I versus 27 (4.67%) in Group II. No changes in images were observed in 19 (4.72%) canals in Group I and 30 in Group II. Pearson’s chi-square test showed no statistically significant difference between the Groups I and II (p = 0.732). Conclusions: These findings suggest that foramen cleaning is not a determinant of periapical lesion repair.

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Lauren Grandi Dos Santos ◽  
Amanda Nunes Gallas ◽  
Josué Martos ◽  
Luiz Fernando Machado Silveira

The C-shape configuration in molars it’s an anatomical variation that difficult the diagnosis and treatment. The aim of this study was to report a case of C-shape endodontic configuration in mandibular second molar. The radiographic examination of one patient revealed the extent of caries in the mesial aspect of mandibular second molar, without the presence of periapical lesion and was clinically noted the C-shape configuration of the root canal, extending from the mesiobuccal to the distal canal. Endodontic therapy was performed and after the root canal obturation with gutta-percha cones and endodontic cement the tooth was restored. We conclude that the anatomical condition in C-shape, although it brings many difficulties for the endodontic treatment, does not preclude the tooth rehabilitation.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Roopadevi Garlapati ◽  
Bhuvan Shome Venigalla ◽  
Jayaprakash D. Patil ◽  
Thumu Jayaprakash ◽  
C. H. Krishna Chaitanya ◽  

Dental traumatic injuries may affect the teeth and alveolar bone directly or indirectly. Pulpal necrosis and chronic and apical periodontitis with cystic changes are the most common sequelae of the dental traumatic injuries, if the teeth are not treated immediately. This case report focuses on the conventional and surgical management of mandibular central incisors. A twenty-four-year-old male patient presented with pain in the mandibular central incisors. Radiographic examination revealed mandibular central incisors with dumbbell shaped periapical lesion. After root canal treatment, parendodontic surgery was performed for mandibular central incisors. After one-year recall examination, the teeth were asymptomatic and periapical lesion had healed.

Ronaldo Araújo Souza ◽  
Fernando Gavazza ◽  
João Da Costa Pinto Dantas ◽  
Maurício Lago ◽  
Suely Colombo

Complexity of root canal treatment is well recognized, however some specific situations are still more difficult, such as treatment of apical third with accentuated curvature. Nevertheless, recent techniques of instrumentation and obturation brought new persperctives and became a determinant factor for successful treatment. Through the treatment of a maxillary left lateral incisor, with accentuated apical curvature, pulpal necrosis and periapical lesion through manual instrumentation and lateral condensation technique of root canal filling, this article is aimed to discuss whether these recent techniques of instrumentation and obturation of root canal are actually determinant factors for the success in endodontic treatment.

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