determinant factors
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Siti Zaidar Lubis

Background: Stunting is condition a child's nutritional status that is not ideal which can Stunting is state of nutritional status children who are not ideal that can inhibit growth and development. Stunting events are influenced by various factors, namely birth length, exclusive breastfeeding history, family income, maternal education, maternal height nutrition knowledge, parity and parenting.Objective: Purpose this study is find the determinant stunting events in Alue Bilie Health Center of Nagan Raya Regency of Aceh Province.Method: The research design used is an observational comparative study with a case control approach. The population of this research is all mothers who have toddlers in Kuta Trieng Village. The number of samples is that all mothers have stunting toddlers as many as 42 people and toddlers who do not suffer from stunting as many as 42 people. Data was collected by interview using a questionnaire and anthropometric measurements of TB and age. Height using microtoise. Stunting was processed based on PMK no 2 of 2020. The data were analyzed using the Chi-Square test and Multiple Logistics Regression at a significance level of 95%.Results: Based on the results of the study found that there a relationship of exclusive breast milk history with stunting (ρ= 0.000), there a relationship of maternal nutritional knowledge with stunting (ρ= 0.000), there a income relationship with stunting (ρ= 0.024), there a relationship of maternal education with stunting (ρ= 0.034), exist parity relationship with stunting (ρ= 0.000), there a relationship of maternal height with stunting (ρ= 0.000) and there a parenting relationship with stunting (ρ= 0.003). Determinant factors that most affected stunting incidence were maternal height with an OR score of 24.8Conclusion: Factors that have a relationship with the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the work area of the Alue Bilie Health Center, Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province, namely the mother's education level, parity, exclusive breastfeeding, mother's level of knowledge, family income, mother's height and parenting patterns. The main determinant factors are parity, knowledge and maternal height.

Amir Sadighpour ◽  
Neda Dolatkhah ◽  
Shokoufeh Khanzadeh ◽  
Maryam Baradaran Binazir ◽  
Fariba Heidari

Asteray Ayenew

Background: Ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening obstetric emergency, and is a major health problem for women of fertile age. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to estimate the prevalence, determinant factors, and outcomes of ectopic pregnancy among fertile age women in Ethiopia. Method: International databases (MEDLINE/Pub Med, Hinari, Scopus, Google scholar, African journals, and literatures were searched and nine eligible cross sectional and two case control studies were included in this systematic review and meta-analysis. Eggers test and funnel plot were computed to check publication bias across the studies. Publication bias was computed using a funnel plot and eggers test. Heterogeneity of the studies was checked using Cochrane Q-test and I2 statistic. Results: The pooled prevalence of ectopic pregnancy in Ethiopia was 3.61% (95%CI: 2.24–4.98, I2 = 89.2.0%, p < 0.001). Having cesarean section scar (AOR = 7.44, 95%CI: 5.48–10.09), single marital status (AOR = 5.71, 95%CI: 4.76–6.85), history of sexually transmitted infection (AOR = 4.68, 95%CI: 3.04–7.19), history of abortion (AOR = 3.89, 95%CI: 3.35–4.52), history of ectopic pregnancy (AOR = 5.74, 95%CI: 3.81–8.65), and emergency contraceptive use (AOR = 8.72, 95%CI: 2.90–26.20) were the determinant factors for the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy. Conclusion: This systematic review and meta-analysis showed that the prevalence of ectopic pregnancy was high in Ethiopia. Thus, educating women to limit the number of sexual partners, smoking cessation, using a condom during sex helps prevent sexually transmitted infections and the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease is crucial.

Environmentalist are sceptical towards the burgeoning interests of consumers in GM crops and the products are under careful observation of the scientific researchers and policymakers present all around the globe. The objective of the paper is to examine the Developing Nation consumers intention towards GM Food as a purchase choice. To elucidate the role played by determinant factors such as Environmentalism and Emotional Involvement followed by factors from TPB was used to determine the consumer intentions. The study has exploited the hypermarket trends of Indian city, Chandigarh, which is capital to states of Haryana and Punjab, by using a cross-sectional survey comprising of 744 number of consumers. Result shows that among the five determinant factors, Attitude, Environmentalism and Perceived Behavioral Control are the key determinants that play a substantial role in influencing consumers to purchase GM Food. The findings of the study will prove beneficial in augmenting the adoption of GM Food by increasing social desirability and meeting the food security demand of India.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Mustary Emilia ◽  
Farwan Farwan ◽  
Sukmawati Sukmawati ◽  
Era Fasira

                                                 ABSTRACTThis study aims to examine and describe the marriage intention in college students during the COVID-19 pandemic based on the theory of planned behavior from Ajzen (2005) with three determinant factors, namely attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. This study used a qualitative approach with data collection in the form of interviews with primary data sources. The subjects in this study amounted to 3 female students with the criteria for will getting married and had got engaged. The data analysis technique was carried out using an interactive analysis model by Miles and Huberman, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation/display, then conclusions or verification. The results showed that the Covid-19 pandemic did not affect the students' marriage intention. Determinants of marriage intentions are formed from attitudes towards the behavior in the form of a positive attitude towards marriage which is obtained from the belief in the positive benefits that are imagined and the description of the risks that will be faced. The next marriage intention is formed by subjective norms in the form of parental influence and the desire to imitate the positive experiences of other students who are married while studying. Furthermore, the intention to marry is formed on the determinants of perceived behavioral control factors in the form of the subject's belief in the ability to control behavior to prevent conflict and find solutions to household problems that will be faced stemming from his status as a student. Another finding in this study is that belief in religion and adherence to religious teachings are sources of information that strengthen the determinant factors so as to form a strong intention to marry.Keywords: intention, marriage, college students, covid-19ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan mendeskripsikan intensi menikah pada mahasiswa di masa pandemi covid-19 berdasarkan teori perencanaan perilaku dari Ajzen (2005) dengan tiga faktor determinan yaitu attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, dan perceived behavioral control. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengambilan data berupa wawancara pada sumber data primer. Subjek pada penelitian ini berjumlah 3 orang mahasiswi dengan kriteria akan melangsungkan pernikahan dan telah menjalani proses lamaran. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan model analisis interaktif oleh Miles dan Huberman yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, presentasi/display data, lalu kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pandemi covoid-19 tidak mempengaruhi intensi menikah pada mahasiswa. Determinan intensi menikah dibentuk dari sikap terhadap perilaku (attitude towards the behavior) berupa sikap positif terhadap pernikahan yang didapatkan dari keyakinan akan manfaat positif yang dibayangkan serta gambaran resiko yang akan dihadapi. Intensi menikah berikutnya dibentuk oleh norma subjektif (subjective norm) berupa pengaruh orangtua serta keinginan untuk meniru pengalaman positif mahasiswa lain yang menikah sambil kuliah. Selanjutnya, intensi menikah dibentuk atas determinan faktor persepsi kontrol perilaku (perceived behavioral control) berupa keyakinan subjek akan kemampuan mengontrol perilaku untuk mencegah konflik maupun menemukan solusi dalam permasalahan rumah tangga yang akan dihadapi yang bersumber dari statusnya sebagai mahasiswa. Temuan lain dalam penelitian ini adalah keyakinan terhadap agama serta kepatuhan terhadap ajaran agama menjadi sumber informasi yang memperkuat faktor determinan sehingga membentuk intensi yang kuat untuk menikah.   Kata Kunci: Intensi, mahasiswa, menikah, covid-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
Hamizah Abdul Fattah ◽  
Nurwati Badarulzaman ◽  
Kausar Ali

Residential mobility behaviour is about people’s choices and preferences whether to remain at the present house and neighbourhood, or to move out. Moving to another house or neighbourhood entails a deliberate decision that require various considerations by the residents involved especially in dealing with housing adjustments, life neccesities and financial matters. Residents’ perceptions of their housing and neighbourhood can be indicative of their intention to stay in or move out. The act of moving is often asssociated with lower levels of satisfactions with residents’ current housing and neighbourhood environment, thus activating selfpreference and residential mobility. This study aims to identify the determinant factors of neighbourhood quality that influence residential mobility behaviour in neighbourhoods in Penang Island. The nine attributes of neighbourhood quality dimensions included in this study are dwelling features, dwelling utility, neighbourhood facilities, greenery, accessibility, public transportation, environment, economic livelihood, and neighbourhood interaction and attachments. A total of 717 heads of households residing in Penang Island were involved in the questionnaire survey. Using logistic regression method, the study findings reveal that four factors of dwelling features, facilities, neighbourhood environment, and neighbourhood interaction and attachments are significant in influencing residents’ intention to move. Moreover, both internal and external factors of housing and the neighbourhood can influence the residents’ decision to stay in or to move out, thus implying important policy measures for local housing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Maya AL-ABDALA ◽  
Afraa SALLOWM ◽  

<p class="042abstractstekst">The objective of this research was to classify the determinant factors of irrigated vegetable problems and the amount of variance that is explained by each factor in Swaida Governorate/ Syria by using the Exploratory Factor Analysis. The research is based on the data which were collected through questionnaires that were obtained according to the opinions of farmers. It included questions about some of the social and economic characteristics of farmers, and the concerning problems related to irrigated agriculture by using multiple-choice questions (on a 3-point scale) during the 2019-2020 Based on a sample size of 92 farmers, representing 54.9 % of the studied statistical community, and distributed randomly within the areas of spread of irrigated vegetable cultivation.. The results showed the success of using the exploratory factor analysis technique, using the Principal components methodology and Varimax in classifying six factors with an initial eigenvalues greater than one for each, and these factors are: agricultural technological progress, agricultural employment, sale outlets, natural conditions, prices, production requirements. These factors explained (13.21 %, 12.65 %, 12.55 %, 11.12 %, 10.94 %, and 9.85 %) of the total variance respectively, and together explained 70.33 %.</p>

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