root canals
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-68
Sachin Gupta ◽  
Shikha Jaiswal ◽  
Rudhra Koul

Third molars are known for morphological variations and atypical anatomy. Although these teeth pose difficulty in root canal treatment due to limited accessibility however, retaining third molars has gained importance in the present scenario due to their crucial role in serving as an abutment or in auto transplantation cases. This case report presents a case of Radix Paramolaris in mandibular third molar with severe curvatures of root canals in different planes and discusses its management with controlled memory files and tactile-controlled activation technique. Keywords: Radix Paramolaris, Curved canals, Controlled memory files, Tactile-controlled activation technique.

Processes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Leszek A. Dobrzański ◽  
Lech B. Dobrzański ◽  
Anna D. Dobrzańska-Danikiewicz ◽  
Joanna Dobrzańska

A very extensive literature review presents the possibilities and needs of using, in endodontics, the alloys commonly known as nitinol. Nitinol, as the most modern group of engineering materials used to develop root canals, is equilibrium nickel and titanium alloys in terms of the elements’ atomic concentration, or very similar. The main audience of this paper is engineers, tool designers and manufacturers, PhD students, and students of materials and manufacturing engineering but this article can also certainly be used by dentists. The paper aims to present a full material science characterization of the structure and properties of nitinol alloys and to discuss all structural phenomena that determine the performance properties of these alloys, including those applied to manufacture the endodontic tools. The paper presents the selection of these alloys’ chemical composition and processing conditions and their importance in the endodontic treatment of teeth. The results of laboratory studies on the analysis of changes during the sterilization of endodontic instruments made of nitinol alloys are also included. The summary of all the literature analyses is an SWOT analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and is a forecast of the development strategy of this material in a specific application such as endodontics.

Biology ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Ajinkya M. Pawar ◽  
Anda Kfir ◽  
Zvi Metzger ◽  
Anuj Bhardwaj ◽  
Yeyen Yohana ◽  

To appraise the outcome of file systems and activation of the final irrigant on the push-out bond strength of root fillings in oval canals. Single-rooted mandibular premolars (n = 180) with oval canals were divided into three groups (n = 60) for instrumentation: ProTaper Next (PTN), WaveOne (WO), and Self-adjusting File (SAF). The specimens were further divided into subgroups (n = 20) and subjected to final irrigation with activation by EndoActivator or passive ultrasonic irrigation or without activation. Then, the specimens were again subdivided (n = 10) and obturated with gutta-percha and AH Plus (GP-AH) or C-Point with EndoSequence bioceramic sealer (C-EBC). One-millimeter-thick horizontal slices were cut from the apical third of the root, 5 mm from the apex, and subjected to push-out bond strength (BS) testing. Specimens for which SAF was used exhibited higher BS values than those for which PTN or WO was used (p < 0.05). Activation of the final irrigation did not affect the BS of the root fillings. Root fillings made of C-EBC presented a higher BS than those made of GP-AH (p < 0.05). Adhesive failure was more common with specimens instrumented using PTN and WO. Root canals instrumented with SAF, showed the highest bond strength values for both root filling materials. The C-EBC produced significantly higher bond strength values than those of the GP-AH.

2022 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
Vincenzo Biasillo ◽  
Raffaella Castagnola ◽  
Mauro Colangeli ◽  
Claudia Panzetta ◽  
Irene Minciacchi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 515-523
Yazdan Shantiaee ◽  
Babak Zandi ◽  
Shiva Shojaeian ◽  
Niloofar Mortezapour ◽  
Fatemeh Soltaninejad

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 324-333
Danielle Fernandes Oliveira Martins ◽  
Maria Clara Santos De Farias ◽  
Luiz Roberto Mendes Da Silva

Por meio deste estudo é possível analisar que a instrumentação dos canais radiculares após o uso do Glide Path traz inúmeros benefícios, incluindo o melhor deslizamento dos instrumentos, redução do número de fraturas e menor intercorrências intrarradiculares. Além disso, essa preparação inicial do canal radicular com o uso do Glide Path realiza uma desobstrução, criando um “caminho” livre para o melhor deslize dos instrumentos no canal radicular. Os instrumentos possuem características e particularidades que levam ao mesmo objetivo de preparar o conduto para uma segura instrumentação, destaca-se aqui o WaveOne Gold, R-Pilot e o PathFile. É uma técnica que vem sendo difundida e utilizada na endodontia contemporânea com o intuito de realizar um procedimento eficaz.---Abstract: Analyze the use of instruments to prepare the Glide Path and understand how this endodontic instrument brought advantages in instrumentation techniques. This is a literature review with selected articles from the last 10 years, in order to achieve the objectives proposed by the theme. Articles in English and Portuguese were used, with all information pertinent to the topic extracted. Through this study, it is possible to analyze that the instrumentation of root canals after the use of the Glide Path brings numerous benefits, including better sliding of the instruments, reduction in the number of fractures and less intra-radicular complications. In addition, this initial preparation of the root canal using the Glide Path performs clearance, creating a clear “path” for the best glide of the instruments in the root canal. The instruments have characteristics and particularities that lead to the same objective of preparing the conduit for safe instrumentation, the Wave One Gold, R-Pilot and PathFile stand out here. It is a technique that has been disseminated and used in contemporary endodontics with the aim of performing an effective procedure. Through this bibliographical study, it is possible to consider that the use of the Glide Path favors the preparation of the root canal and proves to be effective and safe when used before instrumentation, thus, with the creation of a more favorable environment for instrumentation, the chances of success in endodontic treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 271
Luigi Generali ◽  
Francesco Cavani ◽  
Federico Franceschetti ◽  
Paolo Sassatelli ◽  
Luciano Giardino ◽  

This study compares conventional endodontic needle irrigation, passive ultrasonic irrigation, apical negative pressure irrigation, and mechanical activation to remove calcium hydroxide from single straight root canals. Eighty-four mandibular premolars were prepared in a crown-down manner up to size #40. Two teeth represented a negative control, and another two served as a positive control. Calcium hydroxide paste was placed inside root canals. The remaining eighty samples were analyzed based on the activation techniques, and the cleanliness of the canals was quantified using Fiji’s software on 500× magnified SEM backscattered electron micrographs. Considering the whole canal, all instruments showed better performance than conventional endodontic needle irrigation in removing calcium hydroxide (p < 0.05). Irrisafe and XP-endo Finisher could remove a significantly higher amount of calcium hydroxide than Endovac (p < 0.05). Irrisafe and XP-endo Finisher have been able to remove more calcium hydroxide than EndoVac.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 262
Diatri Nariratih ◽  
Hendra Dian Adhita Dharsono

ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Penatalaksanaan kasus penyakit pulpa yang disertai dengan lesi periapikal dapat dilakukan dengan perawatan saluran akar tanpa intervensi bedah. Preparasi biomekanis pada perawatan endodontik non-bedah dapat mengeliminasi bakteri dari saluran akar dan mencegah terjadinya infeksi berulang setelah dilakukannya obturasi. Kompleksitas anatomi menyebabkan keterbatasan preparasi biomekanis saluran akar, sehingga perawatan dapat mengalami kegagalan. Variasi anatomi saluran akar pada gigi molar pertama rahang atas umumnya terdapat pada bagian palatal akar mesiobukal yang disebut sebagai saluran akar mesiobukal kedua dengan insidensi 94%. Saluran akar mesiobukal kedua berukuran lebih sempit dan dangkal dibandingkan saluran akar mesiobukal pertama, sehingga dibutuhkan beberapa metode untuk menentukan lokasi orifis tersebut. Tujuan laporan kasus ini adalah membahas mengenai penatalaksanaan non-bedah gigi pasca perawatan endodontik parsial yang disertai dengan lesi periapikal. Laporan kasus: Pasien perempuan berusia 28 tahun datang dengan keluhan gigi belakang kiri atas sakit berdenyut sejak 1 bulan, gigi tersebut pernah dirawat saluran akarnya beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Pemeriksaan klinis menunjukkan terdapat tambalan permanen pada gigi 26. Pemeriksaan radiografis menunjukkan adanya gambaran radiopak pada email mesio-oklusal hingga mencapai dasar kamar pulpa, pelebaran ligamen periodontal, terputusnya lamina dura, serta lesi periapikal pada akar mesial dan palatal. Preparasi akses dilakukan pada gigi 26, dilanjutkan dengan penentuan lokasi orifis mesiobukal kedua. Empat saluran akar dipreparasi menggunakan instrumen rotary nickel titanium dengan teknik crown down dan dilakukan obturasi teknik kondensasi lateral. Restorasi definitif berupa mahkota penuh porselen. Simpulan: Lesi periapikal sembuh setelah dilakukan preparasi pada saluran akar mesiobukal kedua sehingga pengetahuan mengenai anatomi dan variasi internal saluran akar gigi sangat penting dalam keberhasilan perawatan endodontik non-bedah.Kata kunci: Perawatan endodontik non-bedah; previously initiated therapy; lesi periapical; mesiobukal kedua  ABSTRACTIntroduction: The management of pulp disease cases accompanied by periapical lesions can be done by root canal treatment without surgical intervention. Biomechanical preparations for non-surgical endodontic treatment can eliminate bacteria from the root canal and prevent re-infection after obturation. However, the complexity of the anatomy limits the biomechanical preparation of the root canal so that treatment can fail. Anatomical variations of the root canal in the maxillary first molars are generally found in the palatal part of the mesiobuccal root, which is the second mesiobuccal root canal with an incidence of 94%. The second mesiobuccal root canal is narrower and shallower than the first mesiobuccal root canal, so several methods are needed to determine the location of the orifice. The purpose of this case report was to discuss the non-surgical management of teeth after partial endodontic treatment accompanied by periapical lesions. Case report: A 28-year-old female patient complained of throbbing pain in the left upper back tooth for one month. The tooth had had its root canal treated several years before. Clinical examination revealed permanent fillings on tooth 26. Radiographic examination showed the radiopaque appearance of mesio-occlusal enamel to the floor of the pulp chamber, widening of the periodontal ligament, rupture of the lamina dura, and periapical lesions of the mesial and palatal roots. Access preparation was performed on tooth 26, followed by the determination of the location of the second mesiobuccal orifice. Four root canals were prepared using a rotary nickel titanium instrument with a crown down technique and obturation with lateral condensation technique. The definitive restoration is a full porcelain crown. Conclusions: Periapical lesions healed after preparation of the second mesiobuccal root canal. This result proves that knowledge of the anatomy and internal variations of the root canal is fundamental in the success of non-surgical endodontic treatment.Keywords: Non-surgical endodontic treatment; previously initiated therapy; periapical lesions; second mesiobuccal canal

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