Severity of the acute phase response in experimental ulcerative colitis under conditions of the use of vitamin D3 in a novel rectal suppository

М.В. Осиков ◽  
М.С. Бойко ◽  
Е.В. Симонян

Цель - изучение влияния витамина D3 в составе оригинальных ректальных суппозиториев на выраженность острофазового ответа при экспериментальном язвенном колите Методика. Эксперимент выполнен на 49 половозрелых крысах-самцах Wistar. Язвенный колит (ЯК) моделировали двухэтапным (накожным, а затем ректальным) применением 3% спиртового раствора оксазолона. Оригинальные суппозитории на основе смеси полиэтиленгликолей массой 300 мг, содержащие 1500 ME витамина D3, вводили per rectum каждые 12 ч в течение 6 сут. Исследования проводили на 2-е, 4-е и 6-е сут заболевания. Клиническую картину оценивали по адаптированной для крыс шкале Disease activity index (DAI) с учетом массы тела, консистенции и наличия крови в каловых массах. Количество лейкоцитов и нейтрофилов определяли на гематологическом анализаторе и в мазках крови. Функциональную активность нейтрофилов исследовали по поглощению частиц монодисперсного латекса в спонтанном и индуцированном НСТ-тесте. Концентрацию в сыворотке крови C-реактивного белка (С-РБ), IL-6 и IL-8 определяли с помощью иммуноферментного анализа, экспрессию TNF-α в стенке толстой кишки - иммуногистохимическим методом. Результаты. При экспериментальном ЯК на 2-е, 4-е и 6-е сут наряду с прогрессивным повышением DAI зафиксированы изменения показателей острофазового ответа (ООФ): увеличивается экспрессия в толстой кишке TNF-α с максимальным уровнем на 4-е и 6-е сут, повышается концентрация в сыворотке крови IL-6 с максимальным уровнем на 4-е, IL-8 - на 6-е сут; в сыворотке возрастает концентрация С-РБ максимально на 6-е сут, в крови увеличивается общее количество лейкоцитов, число палочкоядерных и сегментоядерных нейтрофилов с максимальным уровнем на 2-е и 4-е сут. Возрастает поглотительная и НСТ-редуцирующая способность нейтрофилов крови с максимальными значениями на 4-е и 6-е сут эксперимента. Применение при экспериментальном ЯК ректальных суппозиториев с витамином D3 приводит на 4-е и 6-е сут наблюдения к снижению DAI, экспрессии TNF-α в толстой кишке и количества нейтрофилов, на 2-е, 4-е и 6-е сут - к уменьшению концентрации IL-6 и С-РБ в сыворотке, поглотительной и НСТ-редуцирующей способности нейтрофилов крови, на 6-е сут - к снижению концентрации IL-8 в сыворотке и общего количества лейкоцитов в крови. Заключение. Применение при экспериментальном ЯК оригинальных ректальных суппозиториев с витамином D3 приводит к снижению индекса активности болезни. Выраженность клинических проявлений ослабевает по мере снижения экспрессии в кишке TNF-α, снижения концентрации в сыворотке IL-6, количества в крови лейкоцитов и нейтрофилов, уменьшения НСТ-редуцирующей способности нейтрофилов. Aim. To study the effect of vitamin D3 in rectal suppositories on severity of the acute phase response (APR) in experimental ulcerative colitis (UC). Methods. Experiments were performed on 49 mature male Wistar rats. UC was induced by cutaneous followed by rectal applications of a 3% oxazolone alcohol solution. Novel polyethylene glycol suppositories (300 mg) containing 1500 IU of vitamin D3 were injected per rectum every 12 hrs for 6 days. Data were collected on days 2, 4, and 6 of UC. The clinical picture was assessed according to the Disease Activity Index (DAI) scale adapted for rats, taking into account body weight, consistency of, and the presence of blood in the feces. The number of blood leukocytes and neutrophils was determined on a hematological analyzer and in blood smears. The functional activity of neutrophils isolated from the blood was evaluated by the absorption of monodisperse latex particles and with the spontaneous and induced NBT test. Serum concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP), IL-6 and IL-8 were measured by enzyme immunoassay. TNF-α expression in the colon wall was measured by an immunohistochemical method. Results. The following changes in APR variables along with a progressive increase in DAI were recorded on days 2, 4, and 6. Expression of colon TNF-α increased, with maximal values on days 4 and 6. Serum IL-6 increased and reached a maximal value on day 4; and serum IL-8 increased, with a maximum on day 6. Serum CRP increased, with a maximum on day 6. The total number of blood leukocytes and the number of stab and segmented neutrophils increased, with maximal values on days 2 and 4. The absorption and NBT-reducing ability of blood neutrophils increased, with maximal values on days 4 and 6. The use of rectal suppositories with vitamin D3 in experimental UC resulted in decreases in DAI, colon TNF-α expression, and the number of blood neutrophils on days 4 and 6; decreases in serum concentrations of IL-6 and CRP, and the absorption and NBT-reducing ability of blood neutrophils on days 2, 4, and 6; and decreases in the serum concentration of IL-8 and in the total number of blood leukocytes on day 6. Severity of clinical manifestations was alleviated with decreases in the expression of colon TNF-α, the serum concentration of IL-6, the number of blood leukocytes and neutrophils, and the NBT-reducing ability of neutrophils decreases. Conclusion. Application of the original rectal suppositories with vitamin D3 every 12 hours in experimental UC leads to a decrease in the disease activity index. The severity of clinical manifestations weakens as TNF-α expression, serum IL-6 concentration, number of leukocytes and neutrophils in blood, and decrease of neutrophil NST-reducing capacity decrease.

2018 ◽  
Vol 45 (6) ◽  
pp. 2317-2328 ◽  
Ruru Guo ◽  
Yang Tu ◽  
Shaowei Xie ◽  
Xue song Liu ◽  
Yang Song ◽  

Background/Aims: Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are known to play an important role in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) by triggering innate and adaptive immune responses. The molecular mechanisms responsible for their formation in SLE are still unclear. In this study, we aim to characterize the role of the receptor-interacting protein kinase-1 (RIPK1), a homologous serine/threonine kinase previously implicated in the regulation of necroptosis and tissue injury, in decreasing neutrophil death and formation of NETs, and to investigate the clinical implications of RIPK1 in SLE. Methods: Patients with SLE (n = 50) and healthy donors (n = 35) were enrolled in in vitro studies. Management of SLE patients was evaluated using the SLE disease activity index 2000 (SLEDAI-2K) score and laboratory variables. The mRNA level of RIPKs was measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Intracellular RIPK1 and RIPK3 production by peripheral blood leukocytes was detected by four-color flow cytometry and confirmed by automatic western blotting. TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-8, IL-18, and RIPK1 were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Cell death was assayed by Sytox green dye from peripheral neutrophils stimulated by RIPK-1-stabilizer necrostatin-1 (nec-1) and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). Immunofluorescence staining and confocal microscopy were used to detect NET formation ex vivo. Quantification of NETs was determined by fluorescence spectrometry. Results: IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-8, and IL-18 levels in serum were increased in SLE patients compared to controls. However, the expression of TNF-α, IL-2, and RIPK1 were decreased. In addition, we observed significant differences in the expression of RIPK1 in peripheral blood leukocytes. Of all the leukocytes, RIPK1 expression was significantly lower in neutrophils. Furthermore, we studied NETs formation in neutrophils of SLE with decreased RIPK1 expression, and these show increased susceptibility to NETosis, when stimulated with PMA and/or nec-1. Importantly, RIPK1 expression in neutrophils negatively correlated with ESR, CRP, 24-hour urine total protein, and the disease activity index in SLE. Conclusion: These data represent the first report of decreased RIPK1 expression in neutrophils of SLE patients and imply that RIPK1 may be involved in neutrophil death and NET formation. We suggest that RIPK1 is a potential biomarker to predict disease activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Mansoor Karimifar ◽  
Khosro Akbari ◽  
Reza ArefNezhad ◽  
Farshid Fathi ◽  
Mohammad Moosaeepour ◽  

Abstract Objective Systemic lupus erythematous (SLE) disease is a chronic autoimmune disease with unknown etiology that can involve different organs. Polymorphisms in Fcγ receptors have been identified as genetic factors in susceptibility to SLE. This study was aimed to investigate effects of two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within FcγRIIB and FcγRIIIA genes on systemic lupus erythematous disease activity index (SLEDAI) in an Iranian population. Results Our findings indicated TT and GG genotypes were the common genotypes of FcγRIIB and FcγRIIIA SNPs in SLE patients, respectively. There were no significant differences in genotype and allele frequencies of FcγRIIB and FcγRIIIA SNPs in SLE and healthy subjects. However, the frequencies of genotypes and alleles of FcγRIIB and FcγRIIIA SNPs were significantly associated with some clinical manifestations used to determine SLEDAI (P < 0.001–0.5).

М.В. Осиков ◽  
Е.В. Симонян ◽  
А.Е. Бакеева ◽  
Л.В. Астахова

Введение. Востребованным для лечения болезни Крона (БК) является разработка новых, обоснованных с патогенетических позиций и безопасных лекарственных средств преимущественно локального действия эндогенного или растительного происхождения. В этом отношении привлекает внимание экстракт корневищ Куркумы длинной (Curcuma longa), содержащий куркуминоидный комплекс, обладающий плейотропными эффектами. Ранее нами показано, что экстракт куркумы в составе суппозиториев при экспериментальной БК обладaет иммуномодулирующим и местным антиоксидантным действием, что предполагает влияние экстракта куркумы на морфологию очага повреждения в кишечнике при БК. Цель работы - изучение влияния экстракта куркумы в составе оригинальных ректальных суппозиториев на динамику морфологических изменений, экспрессию миелопероксидазы (МПО) и TNF-a в очаге повреждения толстого кишечника при экспериментальной БК. Методика. Эксперимент выполнен на 49 половозрелых крысах-самцах Wistar. БК моделировали введением per rectum спиртового раствора тринитробензосульфоновой кислоты (ТНБС). Оригинальные ректальные суппозитории массой 300 мг на основе полиэтиленгликолей различной молекулярной массы, содержащие 0,075 мг куркумина из экстракта корневищ Curcuma longa L., вводили per rectum каждые 12 ч в течение 7 сут. Клинический статус оценивали по модифицированной шкале Disease activity index (DAI). Морфометрически в стенке кишечника оценивали размер язвенного дефект, выраженность клеточной инфильтрации, рассчитывали индекс тканевого повреждения (tissue damage index, TDI), оценивали экспрессию МПО и TNF-α. Результаты. При экспериментальной БК на 3-и, 5-е и 7-е сут наблюдения в толстом кишечнике обнаруживались язвенные дефекты, выраженный отек тканей, плотная нейтрофильно-лимфоцитарная инифильтрации с примесью эозинофилов, плазмоцитов, гистиоцитов, фибробластов, наблюдалось формирование грануляционной ткани. Индекс тканевого повреждения возрастал, повышалась экспрессия МПО и TNF-α. Размер язвенных дефектов, выраженность инфильтрации, индекс тканевого повреждения соответствовали клинической картине и индексу DAI. Применение оригинальных ректальных суппозиториев с экстрактом куркумы (0,075 мг) приводит к снижению выраженности клинических и морфологических признаков заболевания, максимальный эффект отмечен на 5-е и 7-е сут наблюдения. Заключение. Установленные протекторные свойства куркумина в составе оригинальных ректальных суппозиториев при БК на доклиническом этапе расширяют современные представления о плейотропных эффектах экстракта куркумы и являются предпосылкой для проведения дальнейших исследований и внедрения новой лекарственной формы в клиническую практику. The development of safe, new, pathogenetically justified medicines, mainly with local effects and of endogenous or plant origin, is of great interest for treatment of Crohn’s disease (CD). In this regard, an extract of rhizomes of Curcuma longa, containing a curcuminoid complex with pleiotropic effects, has attracted attention. We showed previously that having turmeric extract in suppositories for treatment of experimental CD would produce immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects. This suggests that turmeric extract affects the morphology of the CD intestinal lesion. The aim of this work was to study the effect of turmeric extract in the composition of novel rectal suppositories on the morphology and expression of myeloperoxidase (MPO) and TNF- α in colon lesions of experimental CD. Methods. Experiments were performed on 49 sexually mature male Wistar rats. CD was modeled by administration per rectum of an alcohol solution of trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid. The newly formulated rectal suppositories weighing 300 mg and based on polyethylene glycols of various molecular weights and containing 0.075 mg of curcumin obtained from Curcuma longa L. rhizome extract were administered per rectum every 12 hours for 7 days. The clinical status was assessed with the modified disease activity index (DAI) scale. The ulcer defect diameter, cell infiltration, tissue damage index (TDI), MPO expression, and TNF-α expression were evaluated. Results. In experimental CD on the 3rd, 5th, and 7th days of observation, a morphometric assessment of the lesion in the large intestine revealed the presence of ulcerative defects, edema, thick neutrophilic lymphocytic infiltration with an admixture of eosinophils, plasmocytes, histiocytes, fibroblasts, the formation of granulation tissue, increased TDI, and increased expression of MPO and TNF-α. The size of ulcerative defects, the degree of wall infiltration by neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasmocytes, histiocytes, and fibroblasts were recorded. The TDI, the expression of MPO, and TNF-α were associated with the DAI. The use of the novel rectal suppositories produced a maximal effect on the 5th and 7th days of observation. The severity of clinical and morphological signs of the disease were reduced. These signs included ulcer size, TDI, intestinal wall infiltration with neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, plasmocytes, histiocytes, and fibroblasts, and expression of MPO and TNF-α. Conclusion. The results supplement available data on the pathogenesis, the role of the expression of MPO and TNF-α, and the morphology of the lesion in the clinical status in TNBS-induced CD in rats. The demonstrated, protective properties of curcumin in the composition of the novel rectal suppositories at the preclinical stage of CD expand modern understanding of the pleiotropic effects of turmeric extract and are a prerequisite for further research and the introduction of a new dosage form in clinical practice.

2016 ◽  
Vol 43 (12) ◽  
pp. 2142-2148 ◽  
Denis Poddubnyy ◽  
Aleksandra Fedorova ◽  
Joachim Listing ◽  
Hildrun Haibel ◽  
Xenofon Baraliakos ◽  

Objective.The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of radiographic spinal progression and disease activity on function and spinal mobility in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) treated with tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) inhibitors for up to 10 years.Methods.Patients with AS who participated in 2 longterm open-label extensions of clinical trials with TNF-α inhibitors (43 receiving infliximab and 17 receiving etanercept) were included in this analysis based on the availability of spinal radiographs performed at baseline and at a later timepoint (yr 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10) during followup. Spinal radiographs were scored according to the modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spine Score (mSASSS). Function was assessed by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI), spinal mobility by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index (BASMI), and disease activity by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI).Results.After the initial improvement, BASFI and BASMI remained remarkably stable at low levels over up to 10 years despite radiographic spinal progression. In the generalized mixed effects model analysis, no association between the mSASSS and the BASFI change (β = 0.0, 95% CI −0.03 to 0.03) was found, while there was some effect of mSASSS changes on BASMI changes over time (β = 0.05, 95% CI 0.01–0.09). BASDAI showed a strong association with function (β = 0.64, 95% CI 0.54–0.73) and to a lesser extent, with spinal mobility (β = 0.14, 95% CI 0.01–0.26).Conclusion.Functional status and spinal mobility of patients with established AS remained stable during longterm anti-TNF-α therapy despite radiographic progression. This indicates that reduction and continuous control of inflammation might be able to outweigh the functional effect of structural damage progression in AS.

М.В. Осиков ◽  
Е.В. Симонян ◽  
А.Е. Бакеева ◽  
О.И. Огнева

Цель исследования - проведение сравнительного анализа влияния экстракта куркумы длинной и 5-аминосалициловой кислоты (5-АСК) в составе ректальных суппозиториев на клиническую картину и содержание продуктов перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) в слизистой оболочке толстого кишечника при экспериментальной болезни Крона (БК). Методика. Эксперимент выполнен на 70 белых крысах-самцах Wistar. БК моделировали ректальным введением тринитробензосульфоновой кислоты. Ректальные суппозитории (массой 0,3 г каждая) начинали применять через 12 ч. Содержание 5-АСК в суппозиториях составляло 50 мг, 10% экстракта куркумы длинной оригинального состава 0,000075 г. На 3-и, 5-е и 7-е сут после моделирования БК оценивали клинический статус по модифицированной шкале Disease activity index и содержание продуктов ПОЛ в слизистой оболочке толстого кишечника. Результаты. В динамике БК в толстом кишечнике увеличивается содержание первичных, вторичных и конечных продуктов ПОЛ в гептановой и изопропанольной фазах; тяжесть клинических признаков (снижение массы тела, диарея, кровь в каловых массах) нарастает по мере увеличения содержания продуктов ПОЛ. Применение при БК ректальных суппозиториев с экстрактом куркумы снижает выраженность клинических симптомов, уменьшает содержание продуктов ПОЛ преимущественно в изопропанольной фазе липидного экстракта толстого кишечника; установлена корреляция индекса клинической активности БК с содержанием продуктов ПОЛ в толстом кишечнике. Заключение. Эффективность локального применения экстракта куркумы в составе ректальных суппозиториев сопоставима по эффективности с применением ректальных суппозиториев с 5-АСК по показателям индекса клинической активности и по содержанию продуктов ПОЛ в слизистой толстого кишечника. Aim. To compare effects of turmeric extract and 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) formulated into rectal suppositories on clinical symptoms and content of lipid peroxidation products (LPP) in the mucous membrane of the large intestine in experimental Crohn’s disease (CD). Methods: Experiments were performed on 70 Wistar male rats. CD was modeled by rectal administration of trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid; rectal suppositories (0.3 g each) were used every 12 h. The suppositories contained 5-ASA (50 mg) or 10% turmeric extract with an original composition (0.000075 g). On days 3, 5, and 7 of CD, the clinical status was evaluated with a modified Disease Activity Index scale, and LPP concentrations were measured in the large intestine mucosa. Results. In the course of CD in the colon, concentrations of primary, secondary, and final LPP in the heptane and isopropanol phases increased; severity of clinical signs (weight loss, diarrhea, blood in fecal masses) increased with increasing LPP concentrations. The use of rectal suppositories with turmeric extract alleviated severity of clinical symptoms and reduced LPP content primarily in the isopropanol phase of colon lipid extract. The index of CD clinical activity of CD was correlated with the large intestinal LPP content. Conclusion. Effectiveness of the local application of turmeric extract formulated into rectal suppositories was comparable with that of rectal suppositories with 5-ASA as determined by the Disease Activity Index and the LPP content in the large intestine.

M. V. Osikov ◽  
E. V. Simonyan ◽  
M. S. Boyko ◽  
A. M. Bogomolova

Purpose of the study—to develop a new dosage form—rectal suppositories with vitamin D3 and at the preclinical stage to analyze its clinical and immunological efficacy compared to 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) in the dynamics of experimental ulcerative colitis (UC) in rats.Materials and methods. UC was simulated by cutaneous and then rectal application of a 3% solution of oxazolone. Original rectal suppositories with 1500ME of vitamin D3 were administered per rectum every 12 hours, in the comparison group with the same interval, rectal suppositories with 50 mg of 5-ASA. To assess the clinical status, the Disease activity index (DAI) scale was used, the serum concentration of IgG, IgM, IL-6, IL-8 was determined by the enzyme immunoassay using rat-specific test systems on days 2 and 6 of the experiment.The results of the study. In experimental UC, DAI rises, and the concentration of IgG, IgM, IL-8 and IL-6 in serum increases on the 2nd and 6th day of the experiment. DAI increases as serum concentrations of IgG, IgM, IL-8 and IL-6 increase. The use of vitamin D3 in UC leads to a decrease in DAI and serum concentrations of IgG, IgM, IL-8, IL-6 mainly on the 6th day of observation. The use of rectal suppositories with 5-ASA in UC leads to a decrease in DAI and the concentration of IgM, IgG, IL-6, IL-8 on the 2nd and 6th day of observation.Conclusion. The efficacy of rectal suppositories containing 1500 IU of vitamin D3 in experimental UC was found to be comparable with the use of rectal suppositories with 5-ASA based on the assessment of the clinical status and serum concentration of IgM, IgG, IL-6, IL-8.

2021 ◽  
Mansoor Karimifar ◽  
Khosro Akbari ◽  
Farshid Fathi ◽  
Reza ArefNejad ◽  
Mohammad Moosaeepour ◽  

Abstract Objective: Systemic lupus erythematous (SLE) disease is a chronic autoimmune disease with unknown etiology that can involve different organs. Polymorphisms in Fcγ receptors have been identified as genetic factors in susceptibility to SLE. This study was aimed to investigate effects of two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within FcγRIIB and FcγRIIIA genes on systemic lupus erythematous disease activity index (SLEDAI) in an Iranian population. Results: Our findings indicated TT and GG genotypes were the common genotypes of FcγRIIB and FcγRIIIA SNPs in SLE patients, respectively. There were no significant differences in genotype and allele frequencies of FcγRIIB and FcγRIIIA SNPs in SLE and healthy subjects. However, the frequencies of genotypes and alleles of FcγRIIB and FcγRIIIA SNPs were significantly associated with some clinical manifestations used to determine SLEDAI (P<0.001-0.5).

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Roxana Coras ◽  
Arthur Kavanaugh ◽  
Angela Kluzniak ◽  
Dustina Holt ◽  
Amy Weilgosz ◽  

Abstract Background Oxylipins are biological lipids that have been implicated in inflammation. We previously found that certain oxylipins correlated with clinical manifestations in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients. Here, we compare oxylipin profiles in PsA patients and those with psoriasis (PsO) without inflammatory arthritis to identify oxylipins that associate with specific disease manifestations to better understand disease pathogenesis and identify new biomarkers. Methods Consecutive patients with PsA (who met the CASPAR classification criteria for PsA) and PsO were recruited from the Rheumatology Outpatient Clinic. A thorough clinical examination was performed, including entheseal (Leeds enthesitis index (LEI)) and joint involvement (SJC/TJC 66/68). Patients were evaluated for pain and global disease activity on a visual analog scale (VAS) ranging from 0 to 100. This was followed by disease activity scores calculation: cDAPSA (Disease Activity Index for Psoriatic Arthritis) and Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI). Serum oxylipins were determined by mass spectrometry and their association with clinical characteristics (PASI/LEI and cDAPSA) was analyzed using Metaboanalyst 4.0 and R version 3.6.1. Results Twenty PsO (average age 52 [10.8], 55% males) and 19 PsA patients (average age 60.5 [11.4], 63.1% males) were included. PsO patients had an average body mass index (BMI) of 33.7 (6.84) and an average PASI of 3.8 (4.2). PsA patients had an average BMI of 31.9 (5.6), TJC of 9.3 (10.41), SJC of 3.7 (4.23), with an average cDAPSA of 23.3 (11.4). 63.1% of PsA patients had enthesitis (average LEI 2.2 [3]) and the same percentage had psoriasis (average PASI 3(5]). Sera were analyzed for oxylipin levels. PsO and PsA patients with higher PASI score (> 2.5) had significantly lower serum concentrations of pro-inflammatory oxylipins, most of them arachidonic acid derived (AA). Oxylipin profiling did not associate with cDAPSA. Interestingly, several AA-derived oxylipins (5,15 di-HETE (5S,15S-dihydroxy-6E,8Z,10Z,13E-eicosatetraenoic acid), 5-oxoETE (5-Oxo-eicosatetraenoic acid), PGE2 (prostaglandin E2), 11bPGE2 (11 beta prostaglandin D2), and LTB4 (leukotriene B4)) were significantly increased in PsA patients with enthesitis compared to those without. Conclusions The AA-derived proinflammatory oxylipins were lower in both PsO and PsA patients with higher skin scores. Joint disease activity was not associated with the concentrations of oxylipins. Yet, enthesitis was associated with an increase of AA-derived pro-inflammatory oxylipins in PsA patients. Further studies are needed to determine whether oxylipin profiling can be a good biomarker of enthesitis in PsA patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 718.1-718
A. Martins ◽  
D. Santos Oliveira ◽  
F. R. Martins ◽  
M. Rato ◽  
F. Oliveira Pinheiro ◽  

Background:Induction of autoantibodies is frequently observed in patients treated with a TNF-α blocker. According to other authors, the incidence of induction of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and anti-double stranded DNA antibodies (anti-dsDNA) varies between 23-57% and 9-33%, respectively. However, it is unknown whether the induction of these autoantibodies affects the pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of biotherapy and, consequently, reduces the efficacy and safety of the drug.Objectives:To analyze if there is an association between autoantibodies induction and therapeutic efficacy in a monocentric cohort of patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) treated with anti-TNF-α agents.Methods:The authors performed a retrospective analysis of patients with axSpA and PsA treated in our University Hospital with a TNF-α blocker as first biologic agent, and analysed the autoantibodies induction rate after 12 (T12) and 24 (T24) months of therapy. Then, they investigated the influence of autoantibodies in therapeutic efficacy at T12 and T24. Clinical evaluation, laboratory findings including erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) and disease activity and functional scores (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index – BASDAI, AS Disease Activity Score with CPR - ASDAS-CRP, Bath AS Functional Index - BASFI) were collected from and medical records. For PsA patients, Disease Activity Score-28-CRP (DAS28-CRP), Simple Disease Activity Index (SDAI), Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) and Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) scores were also collected. Patients with positive ANA (titer > 1/100) prior to anti-TNF-α therapy were excluded. Continuous variables were analyzed using a t-test and categorical variables using a Chi-square test. P-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results:In the axSpA group, 235 patients were included, 44.5% were females, mean age at diagnosis of 42.3 ± 12.4 years and median disease duration of 11.5 (IQR 6.0-21.0) years. Positive ANA were observed in 16.9% at T12 and 26.3% at T24 and positive anti-dsDNA in 3.4% at T12 and 3.8% at T24, with similar conversion rates between different anti-TNF drugs and no significant gender difference. A significant difference in ASDAS-CPR was found in axSpA patients with and without ANA at T12 (p=0.047). ASDAS-CPR was 1.16 times higher in patients with ANA comparing to patients without them. However, no difference was found in the others disease activity and functional scores at T12. Furthermore, no significant difference, including ASDAS-CPR, was found at T24. Also, there was no significant difference found when comparing patients with and without anti-dsDNA.In the PsA group, 94 patients were included, 46.8% were females, mean age at diagnosis of 46.7 ± 11.7 years and median disease duration of 11.5 (IQR 6.5-16.5) years. Positive ANA were found in 14.9% at T12 and 21.3% at T24 and positive anti-dsDNA in 2.1% at T12 and 3.2% at T24. When comparing the groups with and without ANA and with and without anti-dsDNA at T12 and T24, no significant difference in disease activity and functional scores was found.Conclusion:This study revealed high rates of serology conversion, similar to the rates described before. The authors found that ASDAS-CPR was higher in axSpA patients with ANA after 12 months of therapy. However, this difference was no longer evident after 24 months. No other significant difference was found between patients with and without ANA or with and without anti-dsDNA. The authors consider that the induction of autoantibodies may interfere with the response to anti-TNF-α therapy in a short and initial period of time. Long-term follow-up data are lacking to say whether that influence will disappear consistently over the long run, as they observed after 12 months of therapy. However, they can state that, a priori, seroconversion should not lead to treatment suspension because of concerns about loss of efficacy.Disclosure of Interests:None declared

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