Е. Е. Антонов

Статья представляет собой часть серии, посвященной планировкам позднескифских поселений Северо-Западного Крыма. Ее цель - выделение главных характеристик позднескифской застройки в регионе, проверка рабочей гипотезы о преемственности планировок на протяжении всего «позднескифского» периода, сравнение облика поселений Северо-Западного Крыма с синхронными памятниками соседних регионов. Тема настоящей статьи - планировки второй половины I в. до н. э. - первой четверти I в. н. э. Это время можно признать периодом расцвета поселений. Они достигают максимальных размеров, вокруг укреплений формируются «посады». Планировки поселений выглядят упорядоченными. Единицами застройки выступают многокомнатные дома, которые блокируются в кварталы. Характерная черта - использование греческих сооружений. В начале периода поселения укреплены различными оборонительными сооружениями, к концу они полностью или частично теряют свое значение. The paper is one in a series exploring the layout of late Scythian settlements in northwestern Crimea. It is aimed to identify key characteristics of late Scythian buildings in the region, test the working hypothesis on continuity of layouts throughout the entire ‘late Scythian’ period, and compare the look of settlements in northwestern Crimea with that of contemporaneous sites in the neighboring regions. This paper focuses on settlement layout in the second half of the 1 century BC - first quarter of the 1 century AD. Settlements of that period reached peak in their development. Settlements reached maximum size, with trading quarters (suburbs) appearing around fortified settlements. The layout of a settlement appears to follow a regular pattern. Housing units are buildings with many rooms constructed in residential quarters. Settlement development is characterized by use of Greek constructions. Early in the period settlements were fortified with various defensive structures which lost their importance partly or completely.

2011 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-74 ◽  
Amber Thiessen ◽  
Christy Horn ◽  
David Beukelman ◽  
Sarah E. Wallace

Abstract The augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) personnel framework identifies the various types of people involved in successful AAC interventions. The purposes of this article are to summarize information in the AAC intervention literature that documents the role and impact of various AAC personnel, describe key characteristics of adult learners, and review research that focuses on learning motivations and preferences of adults within the AAC framework.

1969 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 485-486

2012 ◽  
Vol 57 (49) ◽  
Richard W. Bloom

1991 ◽  
Vol 65 (04) ◽  
pp. 425-431 ◽  
F Stockmans ◽  
H Deckmyn ◽  
J Gruwez ◽  
J Vermylen ◽  
R Acland

SummaryA new in vivo method to study the size and dynamics of a growing mural thrombus was set up in the rat femoral vein. The method uses a standardized crush injury to induce a thrombus, and a newly developed transilluminator combined with digital analysis of video recordings. Thrombi in this model formed rapidly, reaching a maximum size 391 ± 35 sec following injury, after which they degraded with a half-life of 197 ± 31 sec. Histological examination indicated that the thrombi consisted mainly of platelets. The quantitative nature of the transillumination technique was demonstrated by simultaneous measurement of the incorporation of 111In labeled platelets into the thrombus. Thrombus formation, studied at 30 min interval in both femoral veins, showed satisfactory reproducibility overall and within a given animalWith this method we were able to induce a thrombus using a clinically relevant injury and to monitor continuously and reproducibly the kinetics of thrombus formation in a vessel of clinically and surgically relevant size

1979 ◽  
I. Fabian ◽  
M. Aronson

Heparin rebound is occasionally encountered following protamin sulfate administration for the neutralization of excess of heparin. in these situations the anticoagulatory properties of heparin are initially abolished, but within several hours the blood display again an increased clotting time. The purpose of this work was to try to reproduce the phenomenon under in vitro conditions, and to provide a working hypothesis for its explanation. Under the condition used the following parameters were obtained (according to the APTT method): clotting time of untreated plasma 50-55 seconds; with the addition of 4 units heparin/ml plasma>3 minutes; and with the addition of 50-100 μg of protamin to the heparinized plasma the clotting time reverts to 50-55 seconds. It was, however, found that incubation of heparin-protamin complex with the plasma at 37° for several hours, reduced the effectivity of the protamin, in other words, a longer coagulation time was observed. Subsequently, we found by electrophoretical methods that (heparin bound) protamin is proteolitically degraded upon incubation in plasma, the anticoagulatory properties of the heparin remaining intact. in summary, our results are compatible with the hypothesis that heparin rebound can be explained by the degradation of protamin by plasma enzymes and the release of this newly available heparin Into the circulation. The importance of this phenomenon in conjunction with other observations previously described by us are discussed.

2013 ◽  
pp. 4-28 ◽  
L. Grigoryev ◽  
A. Kurdin

The coordination of economic activity at the global level is carried out through different mechanisms, which regulate activities of companies, states, international organizations. In spite of wide diversity of entrenched mechanisms of governance in different areas, they can be classified on the basis of key characteristics, including distribution of property rights, mechanisms of governance (in the narrow sense according to O. Williamson), mechanisms of expansion. This approach can contribute not only to classifying existing institutions but also to designing new ones. The modern aggravation of global problems may require rethinking mechanisms of global governance. The authors offer the universal framework for considering this problem and its possible solutions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Happy Ikmal

Teaching and learning activities is a conscious activity and aims. Therefore, for these activities can be run well and achieve the expected goals, it must be done with the strategy or the right learning approach .. The purpose of this study were: 1) to describe the influence of Self-Concept on the results of studying chemistry at Class XI MA Pacet Mojokerto. 2) Describe the effect of self-efficacy on Learning outcomes chemistry in Class XI MA Pacet Mojokerto 3) Describe the effect of motivation on Learning outcomes chemistry in Class XI MA Pacet Mojokerto 4) Describe the relationship Self-concept, self-efficacy and motivation to Results studied chemistry at Class XI MA Pacet Mojokerto. From the results of the analysis can be summarized as follows: 1) There is a significant relationship between self-concept of the Learning outcomes chemistry inquiry model. T test against self-concept variables (X1) obtained regression coefficient (B) 0.440 (44.0%), coefficient (Beta) 0.091, tcount of 0.378 with significance 0.006 t. Because of the significance of t less than 5% (0.007 <0.05), the Nil Hypothesis (H0) is rejected and working hypothesis (Hi) is received. 2) There is a significant relationship between self-efficacy toward chemistry Learning outcomes inquiry model. T test for Self-efficacy variable (X2) obtained regression coefficient (B) 0.329 (32.9%), coefficient (Beta) 0.124, tcount of 0.436 with a significance of 0.009 t. Because of the significance of t less than 5% (0.008 <0.05), the Nil Hypothesis (H0) is rejected and working hypothesis (Hi) is received. 3) There is a significant relationship between motivation to learn chemistry results inquiry model. T test for motivation variable (X3) obtained regression coefficient (B) 0.130 (13.0%), coefficient (Beta) 0.065, tcount of 0.230 with a significance of 0.001 t. Because of the significance of t less than 5% (0.001 <0.05), the Nil Hypothesis (H0) is rejected and working hypothesis (Hi) received 4) From the calculation results obtained Fhitung value 2,249 (significance F = 0.001). So Fhitung> F table (2,249> 2:03) or Sig F <5% (0.001 <0.05). It means that together independent variables consisting of variable self-concept (X1), Self-efficacy (X2), motivation (X3) simultaneously to variable results of studying chemistry (Y).

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Sudar Kajin

Growth and development of the child have the nature of a thorough and intertwined relationships between components (health, nutrition, and environment). In general, child development can be grouped into three areas, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor, whereas biological growth which includes a change in the body structure. Body structure regarding the changes in bone structure, especially the long bones that have an impact on changes in body size, whereas changes in bodily functions is a result of hormonal changes that affect the physiological function .. The purpose of this development are: 1) Describe the product feasibility study التربية الجسمية for grade XI IPA at MAN I Mojokerto 2) Describe the development of learning tools using process skills can improve learning outcomes subjects التربية الجسمية class XI IPA at MAN I Mojokerto From the results of this development can be concluded: 1) results of expert validation and testing, the model approach process skills is fit for use for subjects of Physical Education, Sport and Health, because the products developed are not revised by experts but from the results of questionnaire of students stated that require revision are: (a) Improve the look model or change the learning strategy, and (b) improve the use of resources in implementing the model. 2) Product development learning tools using process skills can improve learning outcomes subjects التربية الجسمية class XI IPA at MAN I Mojokerto. From the class of the test increased learning completeness of Pre and Post Tests Tests are respectively 77.78% increase to 91.67%.

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