scholarly journals Frederick Tschopp, Landscape Architect, OE in New Zealand 1929-32

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 59-65
Adrian Humphris ◽  
Geoff Mew

Frederick Tschopp was a naturalised American of Swiss birth who had trained as a horticulturalist specialising in landscape architecture. He and his wife arrived in Auckland in September 1929 and he soon found work with some of the local bodies there. Works and Development in Wellington later employed him in designing gardens for several important government properties. This was not a permanent position however and about July 1931 he moved to Rotorua with a major contract to beautify the city, including extensive street plantings and an upgrade of the lake shore. Most of this work was well-received but there were some dissenting voices. The contract was terminated in November 1932, but with several goodwill gestures. While in Rotorua, Frederick had visited both Hamilton and Tauranga, commenting on landscape design aspects. The family (now with the addition of a son) left New Zealand for home in Los Angeles in late November 1932. Frederick had a subsequent career with the Department of Water in California and died at Laguna Hills, Orange, California in February 1980.The reasons for Tschopp's visit to New Zealand can be interpreted in two ways. Clearly the newspapers regarded him as an overseas expert with a talent for landscape design, still a fairly new concept in the country in the late 1920s. He undoubtedly stood out as an American with drive and initiative. But he was only 24 when he first arrived, and his motives may well have been to gain overseas experience (OE) to help his chances of obtaining a lucrative job on his return to America. One paper described him as being in the course of a world tour but there is no conclusive evidence for him having spent long in other countries at this time.

2018 ◽  
Vol 193 ◽  
pp. 04002
Anh Viet Vu ◽  
Thi Ai Thuy Pham ◽  
Tu Pham

The pop-up architecture (or landscape architecture) becomes popular nowadays. Some highlights include annual architecture program such as the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion at Hyde Park, London; MPavilion in Melbourne; MoMA PS1 and Heart Sculpture in New York. Many of these pop-up architectural works have been designed by world renowned architects, such as Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, Hezorg and de Meuron, Jean Nouvel, Toyo Ito, SANAA, Shigeru Ban, BIG, etc. And many of these designs reflect innovative thinking that changes the professional world of architectural design. But above all, these pop-up architectures were created in responsive manner to the urban community and the community controversially has good response to this type of architecture. In the other words, pop-up architecture is the way the architects touch the heartbeat of the cities, make them livable for all. Ho Chi Minh City has its own types of pop-up landscape architecture, whereas this paper intends to explore in two case studies: Nguyen Hue Floral Boulevard and Nguyen Van Binh Book Street. Nguyen Hue Floral Street is celebrating now its twelfth birthday in the city. Nguyen Van Binh Book Street has just passed its first anniversary in 2017. Both cases live its own story behind the scene about how livable a city could be through place-making by architecture and landscape design. Throughout these cases, we would like to find out how this type of pop-up landscape architecture being realized and become popular in Ho Chi Minh City, and how it is devoted to a livable city for all.

Lucie Hronová Šafářová

The article deals with the specific urban and suburban spaces where landscape design and garden art were confronted with existing or later disappearing fortification system. It analyses structures related to the landscape architecture from the baroque and classical times to the era of the pseudohistorical style, from the end of the 17th century to the end of the 19th century, with special interest devoted to the less known historical forms of the 18th century and their development. Using detailed historical maps and plans, the research reveals elements of landscape architecture in smaller or larger scale of several types – gardens close to the city walls, tree plantings and gardens on the fortification bastions, gardens and promenade alleys under them on the glacis or private gardens on the surrounding grounds, that were still influenced by the existence of the fortification system.Two historically important Moravian cities were used here as an example – Brno and Olomouc, where main types of green spaces (near the walls on their both sides) and several possible ways of their development were followed and analysed, and specific types of compositional and spatial development were defined. These could be understood as basic ‘evolution types’ specific for central European cities in general, and can be found in variations in other cities and towns in this region.

Alistair Fox

This chapter analyses the earliest of the New Zealand coming-of-age feature films, an adaptation of Ian Cross’s novel The God Boy, to demonstrate how it addresses the destructive impact on a child of the puritanical value-system that had dominated Pākehā (white) society through much of the twentieth century, being particularly strong during the interwar years, and the decade immediately following World War II. The discussion explores how dysfunction within the family and repressive religious beliefs eventuate in pressures that cause Jimmy, the protagonist, to act out transgressively, and then to turn inwards to seek refuge in the form of self-containment that makes him a prototype of the Man Alone figure that is ubiquitous in New Zealand fiction.

Moreana ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 42 (Number 164) (4) ◽  
pp. 157-186
James M. McCutcheon

America’s appeal to Utopian visionaries is best illustrated by the Oneida Community, and by Etienne Cabet’s experiment (Moreana 31/215 f and 43/71 f). A Messianic spirit was a determinant in the Puritans’ crossing the Atlantic. The Edenic appeal of the vast lands in a New World to migrants in a crowded Europe is obvious. This article documents the ambition of urbanists to preserve that rural quality after the mushrooming of towns: the largest proved exemplary in bringing the country into the city. New York’s Central Park was emulated by the open spaces on the grounds of the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893. The garden-cities surrounding London also provided inspiration, as did the avenues by which Georges Haussmann made Paris into a tourist mecca, and Pierre L’Enfant’s designs for the nation’s capital. The author concentrates on two growing cities of the twentieth century, Los Angeles and Honolulu. His detailed analysis shows politicians often slow to implement the bold and costly plans of designers whose ambition was to use the new technology in order to vie with the splendor of the natural sites and create the “City Beautiful.” Some titles in the bibliography show the hopes of those dreamers to have been tempered by fears of “supersize” or similar drawbacks.

Federal Writers Project of the Works ◽  
David Kipen

1999 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 126-128
Catherine S. Ramirez

Throughout the twentieth century (and now the twenty-first), the specter of a Latina/o past, present, and future has haunted the myth of Los Angeles as a sunny, bucolic paradise. At the same time it has loomed behind narratives of the city as a dystopic, urban nightmare. In the 1940s Carey McWilliams pointed to the fabrication of a “Spanish fantasy heritage” that made Los Angeles the bygone home of fair señoritas, genteel caballeros and benevolent mission padres. Meanwhile, the dominant Angeleno press invented a “zoot” (read Mexican-American) crime wave. Unlike the aristocratic, European Californias/os of lore, the Mexican/American “gangsters” of the 1940s were described as racial mongrels. What's more, the newspapers explicitly identified them as the sons and daughters of immigrants-thus eliding any link they may have had to the Californias/os of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries or to the history of Los Angeles in general.

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 77-83
S. L. Grabovska ◽  
L. O. Kolodochka

This article deals with the results of study of species content and basic peculiarities of beaked mites-Phytoseiidae in plant associations of one of the regional centers of Ukraine. The species composition and distribution of mites-Phytoseiidae (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) in plantations of Brovary town of Kyiv region were determined. Fourteen species of 8 genera of phytoseiid mites were found. Index of their existing and relative biotope connection of each registered species to vegetation types and plant species were computed. The study was conducted according to the results of material treatment on the territory of the mentioned city from 25 species of plants (16 species of hardy-shrub and 9 of herbaceous vegetations). The studies of distribution of plant-living mites-Phytoseiidae were conducted separately for hardy-shrub and herbaceous plants). The collection of faunistic material was executed during the vegetation of periods of 2011 and 2013. Within the city the collection of the material was conducted with hardy-shrub plants and herbaceous type of vegetation along the streets, in parks and squares of Brovary city of Kyiv region, district center, one of the satellite-cities of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. The study of species complexes characteristics of mites was conducted with usage of data calculated on the basis of frequency index (Is), degree of relative habitat confinedness (F) (Pesenko, 1982) and domination index Paliy-Kovnatski (Di) (Shitikov, 2003). Only on one species of plant (F=1) 6 species of mites-Phytoseiidae were found – T.сotoneastri on blue spruce, T. laurae – on common spruce, T. aceri – on ash-leaved maple, P. incognitus – on dog-rose, P. soleiger – on mulberry-tree, A. caudiglans – on sea-buckthorn. These species can be related to stenoecic. The mentioned species are stenotopic only in relation to the sample of plants from the plant associations of Brovary, as in other regions these species of mites can populate the other species of plants. The rest 8 species, being registered on two or more types of plants, are related to euryoecic. Among them there is a group of 6 species with “positive tendencies to population of plants”, owning the indicators of habitat confinedness 0<F<1: A. andersoni (0,92–0,96), A. rademacheri (0,85–0,96), N. herbarius (0,92–0,96), T. tiliarum (0,66–0,77), A. pirianykae (0,73–0,99), A. clavata (0,82–0,98). The rest species, E. finlandicus и K. aberrans, have the expanded range of indicators in relation to habitat confinedness (-0,71<F<0,55 и -0,16<F<0,88), that specifies on their ability to populate the big quality of species. E. finlandicus has the negative indicator of relative habitat confinedness in relation to the plants of herbaceous morphotype that serves confirmation of the ecological peculiarity of the species detected earlier. The data of relative habitat confinedness of mites to certain species of plants shows availability of stenoecic (T.сotoneastri, T. laurae, T. aceri, P. incognitus, P. soleiger, A. caudiglans) and euryoecic species (A. andersoni, A. rademacheri, N. herbarius, E. finlandicus, K. aberrans, T. tiliarum, A. pirianykae, A. clavata). 

2003 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 431-472 ◽  
Edit Lippai ◽  
Andrea Dúll

A városépítészet egész történetét végigkísérik a „Jó város - jó társadalom” elképzelések, vagyis az utópiák. A jelen tanulmányban néhány, a szépirodalomban megjelent ideális, tökéletes, kívánt városelképzelést, vagyis eutópiát elemzünk környezetpszichológiai és szimbolikai szempontból. A városok tényleges téri-társadalmi szerkezetének és folyamatainak, valamint ezek mentális-érzelmi leképezodésének vizsgálata egyidos a környezetpszichológiával. A kutatást Kevin Lynch (1960) úttöro vizsgálatai alapozták meg, amelyeket „A város képe” (The Image of the City) címu klasszikus könyvében publikált. Lynch három amerikai város - Boston, Los Angeles és Jersey City - lakosságának reprezentatív mintáin végzett kutatásában a lakók mentális térképeit vizsgálta. Kutatásának eredményei szerint az emberek fejében él egy kép a városukról (image of the city), ami a városlakó orientációs bázisa és egyúttal esztétikai-formai struktúra. Összehasonlítva a három amerikai városról alkotott mentális térképeket, Lynch rájött, hogy bizonyos környezeti elemek általános térkép-jellegzetességnek tekinthetok: utak (paths), határok (edges), lakónegyedek (districts), csomópontok (nodes), iránypontok (landmarks). Az utópiák három csoportra oszthatók: idobeli (múlt- és a jövobeli), térbeli (négy világtáj irányában, illetve magasban vagy mélyben levo) és abszolút (képzeletbeli) utópiákra. Az általunk elemzett idobeli utópiák: Atlantisz, Mennyei Jeruzsálem, Minas Tirith és Diaspar, térbeli utópiák: Nekeresd, Napváros, Eldorado és abszolút utópia: Elefántcsonttorony. Ezeket a városutópiákat ebben a munkában kulturális városképeknek tekintettük, és ily módon elemeztük fizikai, észlelheto elemeiket. Vizsgálatunk során arra az érdekes felfedezésre bukkantunk - természetesen Lynch munkájáról nem is tudva -, hogy az utópiák megalkotói pontosan az általuk empirikusan feltárt fenti szempontok alapján írták le információikat az általuk tökéletesnek tartott városról. Elemzésünk eredménye szerint leírhatók a vágyott város ismérvei általában: 1. széles, jó alapanyagból készült sugárutak, 2. jól elkülönített határok és szélek, amelyek védenek, s tagolják a város szerkezetét és 3. a városon belül tágas tereket, kerületeket fognak közre, valamint 4. a csomópontokban a vizuális tájékozódást segíto jellegzetes és látványos tereptárgy van. A városok lakóit többek között közös szimbólumrendszer és a kommunikáció adott, megszokott módja kapcsolja egymáshoz. Az utópikus városok szimbolikus „kognitív térképeinek” funkciója - a valós városokéhoz hasonlóan - az lehet, hogy keretet és biztonságos kapaszkodót nyújtanak egy ideális világban, megteremtik az arról való közös kommunikáció lehetoségét, és ily módon kifejezik, létrehozzák és fenntartják az emberek vágyott tökéletes helykötodését és helyidentitását.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-73
Zaitun Zaitun

This research was conducted to find out how big the interest of tourists who come to visit wajik stalls and sugar cane juice sweet so that in know whether the two places are worthy made in culinary branding in the city of Berastagi tourism. The method used in this research is qualitative method with descriptive research type which explain the actual condition that happened in the field with data collection technique through observation, interview and documentation. Based on the results of the research can be in the know that in general the interest of visitors to enjoy the menu at the stall wajik peceren better in comparison the interest of visitors in sweet sugar cane stalls. The price offered in these two stalls is very relative and classified as not so expensive and visitors who come to stalls wajik peceren usually buy diamonds that are characteristic of the shop to be brought as by the family at home while the visitors who enjoy the menu at the sweet sugar cane where in general, visitors who come only enjoy the menu on offer, especially Berastagi sugar cane and not brought home as souvenir for the family.

1998 ◽  
Vol 38 (10) ◽  
pp. 309-316
William F. Garber

Past evaluations of the success of wastewater treatment and submarine outfall placement and operation have considered only a limited number of parameters affecting the marine and onshore environments. Important questions regarding the best allocation of available funds have not been adequately addressed. The relative contamination of the sea from airborne and landwash contaminants has not been considered. Neither has the increased air pollution deriving from the energy required for advanced treatment. Similarly, regular epidemiological studies to evaluate actual changes in morbidity arising from drastic changes in treatment and disposal have not been made prior to very large committments of funds. Most importantly, little attention has been given to the relative ranking of all environmental risks within a catchment area. The net result is that, when all factors are considered, the very large expenditures and increased energy use for sanitary wastewater treatment and outfall disposal will have a net negative effect on the physical and societal environment. The City of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Metropolitan area can be used to illustrate this probability.

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