scholarly journals Mempelajari Tegangan pada Balok dengan Bantuan Software Berbasis Perhitungan Matematis dan Visualisasi 3 Dimensi

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-146
Anang Kristianto ◽  
Yosafat Aji Pranata

Penelitian pada mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Sipil U.K.Maranatha menunjukkan sebagian besarkecenderungan gaya belajar mahasiswa adalah active–sensing (41,38%) serta visual (68,97%), kondisiini rupanya sejalan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Richard Felder sebagai pengembang ILS(Index Learning Style) terhadap mahasiswa teknik Iowa State University yang menyatakan bahwa63% mahasiswa adalah active learners, 67 % sensing learner dan 85% visual learners, kemudianpenelitian terhadap mahasiswa Michigan Tech. menunjukkan bahwa 56% active leaners, 63% sensingleaners, dan 74% visual leaners. Secara umum hasil penelitian Felder menunjukkan bahwa 64%active leaners, 63% sensing leaners, dan 82% visual leaners. Penemuan ini setidaknya bisa memberigambaran yang cukup umum bahwa mahasiswa teknik memiliki kecenderungan gaya belajar yanghampir sama dibeberapa perguruan tinggi.Mahasiswa dengan gaya belajar active-sensing-visual learners memiliki kecenderungan belajarmelalui metode praktis problem-solving, penggunaan banyak gambar, grafik, sketsa sederhana sertaaktivitas kelompok dimana mereka diberi kesempatan untuk bertukar pikiran dan bereksperimen.Hambatan pemahaman akan materi yang disampaikan terjadi ketika para mahasiswa dengankecenderungan gaya belajar seperti ini menghadapi materi mekanika rekayasa yang sulit untukdibayangkan perilakunya, bahkan untuk materi yang didalamnya terdapat persamaan-persamaanmatematis yang sederhana.Salah satu materi dasar yang diberikan pada matakuliah mekanika bahan adalah tegangan pada balokatau kolom (lentur, aksial, geser, dsb) akibat beban merata, terpusat sentris, terpusat eksentris yangmengakibatkan lentur biaksial, dsb. Penggunaan suatu software komputer berbasis perhitunganmatematis dan mampu memvisualisasikan persamaan-persamaan matematik dalam bentuk grafik baik2D atau 3D seperti MatCad atau MatLab akan sangat membantu mahasiswa memahami konsep danperilaku tegangan pada balok/kolom.Beberapa keuntungan penggunaan alat bantu ini adalah secara umum mahasiswa dapat memahamidasar teori, penurunan rumus, perilaku tegangan pada balok dengan lebih baik. Kedua, mahasiswadapat melihat suatu eksperimen sederhana mengenai perilaku tegangan pada balok dengan visualisasiyang menarik karena kemampuan software ini untuk mengupdate hasil serta tampilan grafiknya secara3 dimensi secara langsung. Ketiga, seluruh proses mulai dari dasar teori, penurunan rumus sertalatihan soal serta visualisasi grafik dapat terdokumentasi dengan baik. Keuntungan-keuntungan diatassangat membantu mahasiswa dengan gaya belajar active-sensing-visual learners yang mayoritasdimiliki oleh mahasiswa teknik sipil untuk memahami pelajaran mekanika bahan.

HortScience ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 974D-974
Ann Marie VanDerZanden ◽  
David R. Sandrock

Horticulture graduates entering the landscape industry will be faced with a multitude of complicated management decisions where they will need to integrate their understanding of plant science, site constraints, state and federal environmental regulations, and the human impact on the built landscape. To help students develop and refine their problem-solving skills, an interactive online case study was created. The case study was used in two different landscape horticulture courses at Iowa State University and Oregon State University. The case study centers on a residential backyard with eight landscape problem scenarios. Each scenario is identified on the clickable landscape map of the area and contains links to audio files, PDF documents, images, and Internet links. After investigating each scenario, students submit an analysis, diagnosis, and recommendation about the landscape problem via WebCT or Blackboard, depending on the institution. Student evaluation of the case study as a teaching tool was positive (3.5, where 1 = poor; 5 = excellent). Students answered additional questions using a scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. As a result of using this teaching tool, students felt that they were able to summarize the data (3.9), diagnose the landscape problem (3.9), and make a recommendation to the homeowner (3.6). Further, they felt this teaching tool was an effective way to deliver information (3.9); the interactive format aided their learning (3.7); that they were comfortable using a web-based format (4.2); and they liked learning using case studies (4.1). Our goal is to make the case-study framework available to other teaching colleagues who can then add their own data.

Vedamoni Ranjan

To develop in children a broad range of skills, including the problem solving, interpersonal and communication skills that are essential for successful living in a rapidly changing society. The curriculum encourages student initiative by providing children with materials, equipment, and time to pursue activities they choose. At the same time, it provides teachers with a framework for guiding children’s independent activities toward sequenced learning goals. There are seven specific types of learning styles. Visual learners prefer to learn mathematics through pictures, diagrams etc. A well-balanced intelligent child is able to develop all the types of learning styles. The students have to understand and accept their type of learning style earlier so that learning becomes easier and less stressful in the future. But it is important to train and practice the other types of learning styles so that the children can utilize them as effectively as possible. The teacher plays a key role in instructional activities by selecting appropriate, developmentally sequenced material and by encouraging children to adopt an active problem-solving approach to learning. This teacher-student interaction teachers helping students achieve developmentally sequenced goals while also encouraging them to set many of their own goals uniquely distinguishes the High/Scope Curriculum from direct-instruction and child-centered curricula (high/Scope Educational Research Foundation, 1989). Teachers keep notes about significant behaviors, changes, statements, and things that help them better understand a child’s way of thinking and learning. Teachers use two mechanisms to help them collect data: the key experiences note form and a portfolio. The High/Scope Child Observation Record is also used to assess children’s development. According to Ronald Barnett, learning may or may not take place when a subject is taught. While discussing this point he has presented two contrasting images of quality. They are institutional performance and student experience, student learning or student achievement. The teacher in his opinion is central to higher education. Teaching may be able to improve the quality of student’s learning but the teacher should remind himself that it may also impair the quality of student’s learning. This is partly because student’s learning strategies vary under two polarities, one between deep and surface understanding and the other between holistic and atomistic understanding of their learning experiences. He goes on to add that for a student, learning has three distinct aspects: learning style, motivation and curriculum demands. Therefore teachers have to pursue, beyond teaching strategies to enable their students to attain certain specific skills.

2019 ◽  
Relsas Yogica

At the beginning of the learning process in college, one of the things that must be understood by a lecturers is identifying student’s learning styles. Basic knowledge is needed about condition of the student in order to achieve instructional goals. By knowing the learning styles of students, lecturers can design techniques and methods to make an effective lecture time, to open the opportunity to make learning productive more, as well as to design appropriate approach for each activity. For students, this research will be useful to know whether learning method that they use is accordance with their learning styles, also to open some opportunities to change their learning habits, it can also be a reference for what types of careers corresponding roughly to live. By understanding the importance of basic knowledge about the learning styles, researcher have described the learning styles of freshmen year in Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Padang. Of the 177 students who became the object of research, note 96 (54.23%) of them are visual learners. 58 (32.76%) of them are students who have audio style. The rest numbering 23 people (12.99%) have a kinesthetic learning style. These results provide information to faculty and students to use variety methods and media during the lecture time.

1975 ◽  
Vol 38 (7) ◽  
pp. 423-427

Approaches to solving food problems have often been too specific, both here at home and abroad. In developing countries, chronic food problems have often been attacked with a technology, the adoption-diffusion of which, if nonappropriate to mores and customs of the people, has in the long-run been counter-productive. Through the World Food Institute at Iowa State University, we propose to identify problems, analyze them, bring competencies to bear on solving them, provide a continuing feed-in of educated, competent people geared to a problem-solving, interdisciplinary attack, and study the interrelationships to Iowa and the United States. We propose a continuing thrust from our University utilizing pertinent components of the land-grant mission which permitted problems to be solved in Iowa. Through this outward thrust in the broader, international scale, we hope to improve the nutrition and hope for hunger avoidance of humans elsewhere, and simultaneously thereby to increase our own understanding. We look to the peaceful interchange of food-related knowledge which, in the ultimate, knows neither borders nor political leanings.

L. S. Chumbley ◽  
M. Meyer ◽  
K. Fredrickson ◽  
F.C. Laabs

The development of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) suitable for instructional purposes has created a large number of outreach opportunities for the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Department at Iowa State University. Several collaborative efforts are presently underway with local schools and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) at ISU to bring SEM technology into the classroom in a near live-time, interactive manner. The SEM laboratory is shown in Figure 1.Interactions between the laboratory and the classroom use inexpensive digital cameras and shareware called CU-SeeMe, Figure 2. Developed by Cornell University and available over the internet, CUSeeMe provides inexpensive video conferencing capabilities. The software allows video and audio signals from Quikcam™ cameras to be sent and received between computers. A reflector site has been established in the MSE department that allows eight different computers to be interconnected simultaneously. This arrangement allows us to demonstrate SEM principles in the classroom. An Apple Macintosh has been configured to allow the SEM image to be seen using CU-SeeMe.

L. S. Chumbley ◽  
M. Meyer ◽  
K. Fredrickson ◽  
F.C. Laabs

The Materials Science Department at Iowa State University has developed a laboratory designed to improve instruction in the use of the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The laboratory makes use of a computer network and a series of remote workstations in a classroom setting to provide students with increased hands-on access to the SEM. The laboratory has also been equipped such that distance learning via the internet can be achieved.A view of the laboratory is shown in Figure 1. The laboratory consists of a JEOL 6100 SEM, a Macintosh Quadra computer that acts as a server for the network and controls the energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS), four Macintosh computers that act as remote workstations, and a fifth Macintosh that acts as an internet server. A schematic layout of the classroom is shown in Figure 2. The workstations are connected directly to the SEM to allow joystick and computer control of the microscope. An ethernet connection between the Quadra and the workstations allows students seated there to operate the EDS. Control of the microscope and joystick is passed between the workstations by a switch-box assembly that resides at the microscope console. When the switch-box assembly is activated a direct serial line is established between the specified workstation and the microscope via the SEM’s RS-232.

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