Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Latest Publications





Published By Maranatha Christian University

2549-7219, 1411-9331

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-157
Deni Setiawan ◽  
Michael Kristianto Marbun

Implementation of "Green Building" in construction is the responsibility of all parties involved in the construction project. The Office of the Federal Environment Executive (OFEE) defines green buildings or green buildings as “the practice of increasing the efficiency by which buildings and their sites use energy, air, and materials, and reducing the impact of buildings on health and the environment, through better siting, design work. construction, operation and removal - maintenance of the complete building life cycle. (Kubba, 2017). At the planning and implementation stage of a construction project the selection of building materials or materials must be precise but also efficient. The concept of eco-efficiency was introduced in 1991 by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development - WBCSD and includes “the development of competitively priced products and services that meet the needs of the quality of human life, while progressively reducing impact on the environment and consumption of raw materials throughout the life cycle accordingly. with the capacity that is on planet earth. "This concept means producing more products with less resources and less waste, and therefore this concept has less impact on the environment. Then it is necessary to assess all the environmental impacts caused by the extraction of raw materials from the start of the material being given (cradle) to the end of its service life (tomb). The research objective is to develop environmentally friendly materials for problem solving materials, electricity and plumbing. The results of the analysis show that the mechanical, electrical, and piping materials used in the Maranatha Sport Center project have not met the 7 overall environmentally friendly criteria for the material-life-span stage, however, each material used has the main green criteria that have been self-declared by each. -Each material manufacturer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Cover Vol 17 No 2 (2021)

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-168
Frederikus Dianpratama Ndouk ◽  
Mauritius IR Naikofi ◽  
Krisantos Ria Bela ◽  
Don Gaspar Noesaku Da Costa

So far, the system of the roof structure of residential and office buildings is dominated by conventional frame types. The use of a 3-joint arch structure system is only familiar to warehouse buildings and the like. The purpose of this study is to identify the feasibility of using type 3 joint arches on the roof of a residential building. The research scenario is focused on calculations using SNI 7973-2013, namely Design Specifications for Wooden Construction and Specific Static Structural Analysis Methods for 3 Joint Arch Structures based on the length of the truss span model, which is 9 m. The calculation result indicates that 1). The 3-joint curve type is worth using as it proves stable and safe 2). The distance between the truss of the roof truss affects the dimensions of the truss. The implication is that the construction of the roof of a residential house can use a 3-joint arch structure system while the basic material for modeling uses Code E20 wood material with Quality B, depending on the length of the span and the slope of the roof.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-124
Novi Andhi Setyo Purwono

Barus is an area where most of the people are fishermen, this is because Barus is an area located on the coast. The existing condition shows the shoreline on the east side of the seawall building, the condition of the shoreline is experiencing abrasion resulting in the retreat of the coastline and almost reaches the fisherman's flat building area, this is due to the port building in the form of a massive trester jutting into the sea resulting in sediment supply to the retained flat towers and the coastline has declined.To maintain the stability of the coastline, it is necessary to make an effort to control the damage to water in this area. The shoreline model is a numerical forecast model based on the sediment continuity equation and the sediment transport rate equation along the coast. Sediment transport rates along the coast are a function of the variation in height and direction of waves along the coast formed by the effects of refraction and diffraction. The results of the shoreline change model with the protection of the fisherman's flat area from waves by building sea walls is the east side of the fisherman's towers abrasion ± 7 m and sedimentation ± 5 m, the front area of the fisherman's towers does not occur sedimentation or abrasion, the western side of the fisherman's towers does not sedimentation and abrasion occurred, the east side of Barus Jetty did not occur abrasion or sedimentation, the area of Barus Jetty occurred ± 20 m sedimentation, and the west side of Barus Jetty occurred sedimentation ± 9 m. These results indicate that for handling conditions by making a seawall in front of the flat area shows that the location is safe from scouring of waves

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-144
Mangaramot Justisiano Pakpahan ◽  
Budi Hartanto Susilo

A.H Nasution Street is one of the primary arterial roads that  connect between Cileunyi to East Bandung. East Bandung region is one of the areas that chosen by people at Bandung to settle. Therefore during rush hour there is congestion at A.H Nasution Street. The goal of this research is to identify vehicle travel time on A.H Nasution Street, and evaluate each intersection that is one of the major delays on A.H Nasution Street and provide alternative solutions using PTV Vissim. The road sections that reviewed ini this research started from the A.H nasution – Ahmad Yani Intersection until Ditbintekjatan, (Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan) with data collection time on Monday, 9th Mar 2020 at 06.00 am – 07.00 am. The existing analysis on A.H Nasution street from West to East has LoS F with vehicle travel time taken for 22 minutes 10 seconds with a delay of 410 seconds, while from East to West has LoS F with vehicle travel time taken for 23 minutes 47 seconds with a delay of 345 seconds. If repairs are made by widening the lane at Sta (0+000) – Sta (0+500) and the the prohibition of turning right at each unsignalized intersection on the section that reviewed, the A.H Nasution street from West to East has a LoS C with vehicle travel time faster with a shorter delay, while from East to West has a LoS D with vehicle travel time faster with a shorter delay.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-183
Andi Setyo Pambudi

The level of land-use change in the Brantas watershed includes encroachment in the upstream area of the spring which has been increasingly massive since the 1960s, and reached the highest level in the late 1990s which driving the watershed damage. The damage in the upstream area encourages the need to increase resilience by building The Sumber Brantas Arboretum Area. This area is equipped with sedimentary control structures to ensure the long-term sustainability of the arboretum. A recent study of the rainfall plan and the security level of the sedimentary control building to the arboretum became an interesting thing to be reviewed. The analytical approach used in this study is quantitative. The method used for flood design analysis uses three methods including Log Pearson Type III Method, Gumbel Method, and Iwai Method. The selected hydrograph is the Nakayasu Hydrograph. Hydraulics analysis of sediment control buildings using HEC-RAS tools with several other hydrological calculations. The results of the analysis in the Sumber Brantas Arboretum Area showed that the design flood discharge (Q) was 59.35 m3 / sec. In flood design conditions with its own weight, the åf of the sediment control building is 42.2 (higher than the minimum safety level) and it is relatively safe, either in normal or in an earthquake condition. In the design flood conditions with full sediment storage, the Sf of sediment control buildings is 1.6 (higher than the minimum safety level) so that it is relatively safe, either in normal or in an earthquake condition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-103
Sarra Amanda Sinaga ◽  
Siti Zainab ◽  
Hendrata Wibisana

The development of West Sidoarjo especially at Krian city has a major influence on the growth of suburban areas. By increasing the number and activity of the population, transportation is one of the principal parts that cannot be separated from the activity. This leads to quite complex traffic problems, especially traffic density problems. This research was conducted to analyze the Service Level Index (ITP) with linear regression method on Jalan Ponokawan until Jalan Mayjend Bambang Yuwono Krian. The survey was conducted in the morning (07.00-09.00), afternoon (12.00-14.00), and evening (16.00-18.00) to analyze the calculation of traffic volume, road capacity, and the speed of the free flow by using Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997. The Geographic Information System (GIS) can help to provide information on road service level index analysis in the form of thematic maps that are easy to understand. From the results of data analysis, a service level index (a) is calculated on each segment using linear regression method and the result of segment I is 0,093, segment II is 0.141, segment III is 0.074, segment IV is 0.210, segment V is 0.130, segment VI is 0.109, and segment VII is 0.113.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-54
Christino Boyke Surya Permana

Indonesia has a new seismic code, namely SNI 1726 2019 (SNI 2019). It is developed based on the 2017 Indonesian Earthquake Source, Hazard Maps, and ASCE 7-16. This paper is intended to explain the procedure for calculating response spectrum according to SNI 1726 2019, at ten ports located in Indonesia. The results are then verified with the software RSA2019.  Furthermore, it will be compared to SNI 1726 2012 (SNI 2012) to see the difference in spectral acceleration value (Sa). The result presents that the ports located in Sorong and Banggai have the highest Sa, whereas the port in Banjarmasin has the smallest value. Port in Surabaya and Tuban have nearly the same Sa due to their close location, while Banyuwangi has a Sa value slightly above them. The ports in Padang, Lampung, and Penajam must use a specific site response analysis to determine the design response spectra, which is not discussed in this paper. The comparison with SNI 2012 shows that the response spectra of SNI 2019 have a higher Sa than SNI 2012. However, in some areas such as Tuban and Sorong, the Sa of SNI 2012 at 0.1 to 0.6 s period are larger than SNI 2019.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-87
Yopi Grace Hutahaean ◽  
Budi Hartanto Susilo

Taman Sari - Cikapayang intersection is one of the intersections in Bandung that has traffic problems, namely traffic jams. It can be seen from the length of the long lines at the arms of the Taman Sari - Cikapayang intersection to the Sulanjana intersection which often occurs during rush hour and weekend. Traffic jam occur in the Taman Sari - Cikapayang intersection during weekend because of the large number of cars parked along the Cikapayang road and the front of ??Balubur Town Square (Baltos) area. To minimize the level of congestion at the Taman Sari - Cikapayang intersection, a study was conducted to determine the causes of congestion at the Taman Sari - Cikapayang intersection and optimize the performance of the Taman Sari - Cikapayang intersection. It could be maked by modeling the Intersection using VisSim software. From the results of modeling conducted on VisSim software to describe congestion in the area of ??Baltos  can be obtained an alternative solution to optimize the performance of Taman Sari – Cikapayang intrrsection. The results of the evaluation of traffic performance at Simpang Taman Sari - Cikapayang is obtained by the length of the largest queue at rush hour in the afternoon are found in the Cikapayang approach with a length of 353 meters with a LoS F. Based on simulation, the best solution to solve the problem of the length of the queue and LoS in the Baltos area is by banned the parking area on the Baltos area because it can reduce the length of the existing condition queue on the Taman Sari and Cikapayang and can increase LoS F in existing conditions to LoS A.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-29
Silvani Desy Palino ◽  
Budi Hartanto Susilo

An airport that was constructed and used for air traffic certainly repented of the action of thickness analysis and evaluation of thickness that could withstand the burden of traffic movements. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to analyse runway pavement thickness that used is FAA Method Advisory Curcular no. 150/5320-6E through FAARFIELD software and the result is a total thickness of 814, 9mm with surface course thickness of 200 mm, base course thickness of 127 mm, and subbase course thickness of 487,9 mm. Evaluation thickness the stucture strength which is PCN score through two methods ICAO and FAA based on AC 150/5335-5C by using COMFAA software and by calculating ACN score which is the number that become a certain aircraft limitation toward the pavement.PCN score ICAO method is 89/F/C/X/T < ACN is 89,3 and FAA method is 101,4/F/C/X/T > ACN is 89,3. The result of mininum construction cost analysis from 5 comparative is a method of software FAARFIELD of  Rp.326.252.664.418,00.

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