scholarly journals Sistem Pendistribusian Air Bersih Metode Prabayar Terkendali Mikrokontroler Berbasis IoT

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 1025-1035
Efrizon ◽  
Muhammad Irmansyah ◽  
Anggara Nasution ◽  
Era Madona ◽  
Anggi Lifya Rani

A number of problems sometimes often arise regarding the flow of clean water from Regional Drinking Water Companies (PDAMs) to customers, such as the flow of water stops suddenly or there is no water at all, so it is necessary to manufacture a prototype system for monitoring the distribution of clean water with a microcontroller-controlled prepaid method. IoT based. The distribution of PDAM water that is channeled to consumers can be monitored online through the Internet network. The objectives of this research are (a) to make a prototype (prototype) of a prepaid clean water distribution system controlled by a microcontroller based on IoT, (b) to program an Arduino IDE-assisted system, and (c) to measure system performance. The research method starts from making a prototype physical form of clean water distribution assisted by a microcontroller, programming the microcontroller and Wi-Fi module, and measuring system performance. The results of measuring system performance are indicated by an error in the ultrasonic sensor reading HC-SR04 that occurs when the water level is low and too high with a maximum measured water level of 95%. The error when measuring the waterflow sensor at the water level is lower than 49% which is influenced by the water speed from the low pressure pump when the water level is below that value. The accuracy level of the waterflow sensor is 96.96% which is based on the sensor measurement results which are compared to the measurement results with a measuring cup. The system can monitor data readings from the waterflow sensor by using the NodeMCU ESP8266 on a web server from Thinkspeak via the smartphone screen. Overall the tool can function well

2021 ◽  
Vol 2111 (1) ◽  
pp. 012024
Efrizon ◽  
M. Irmansyah ◽  
Era Madona ◽  
N Anggara ◽  

Abstract The purpose of this study is to create a prepaid PDAM clean water distribution system using a microcontroller based on the Internet of Things (IoT). The hardware used to realize the system consists of ultrasonic sensors, water flow sensors, relays, LCD buzzers and Arduino. ESP 8266 01 for delivery to the Thingspeak app. From the test results obtained HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor reading error occurs when the water level is low and too high, the maximum measurable water level is 95%. When calculating the comparison between the water discharge that is read by the sensor and that measured by the measuring cup, the results are always not the same. The error when testing the water flow sensor at the water level is less than 49% this is influenced by the speed of the water fired by the pump, where the pump will be under low pressure when the water level is below that value. The system can monitor data readings from the water flow sensor using the ESP8266 monitored on the thinkspeak web server using a smartphone. Overall the tool can function well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 352-361
Budi Yannur ◽  
Didit Suprihanto ◽  
Happy Nugroho ◽  
Aji Ery Burhandenny ◽  

PDAM Loa Kulu Branch still uses sticks or poles as an indicator of the water level in the reservoir. Reservoir is a place to store clean water production from PDAM, the weakness of using sticks or poles is when the operator does not monitor continuously causing air loss when production becomes large. The goal of the study was to design a water-level prototype to control excess water in the reservoir. The method used is a prototype with the stage of gathering information through interviewing PDAM staff, creating and repairing prototypes and testing prototypes. The test used hardware consisting of Arduino uno r3, ultrasonic sensor hc-sr04, flowmeter sensor yf-s201, 16 x 2 lcd, relay module, buzzer, solenoid valve 12 V_dc, pump 12 V_dc and display measurement results in the visual studio application 2019. Our findings are that the length of reservoir charging with an average input discharge of 3.6 liters / minute is 2.93 minutes. As for the length of emptying the reservoir with an average output discharge of 1.06 liters / minute is 12.10 minutes. The conclusion of this study is that the system can monitor the water level inside the reservoir automatically and know the time needed for the feeling and emptying process of the reservoir.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 352-361
Budi Yannur ◽  
Didit Suprihanto ◽  
Happy Nugroho ◽  
Aji Ery Burhandenny ◽  

PDAM Loa Kulu Branch still uses sticks or poles as an indicator of the water level in the reservoir. Reservoir is a place to store clean water production from PDAM, the weakness of using sticks or poles is when the operator does not monitor continuously causing air loss when production becomes large. The goal of the study was to design a water-level prototype to control excess water in the reservoir. The method used is a prototype with the stage of gathering information through interviewing PDAM staff, creating and repairing prototypes and testing prototypes. The test used hardware consisting of Arduino uno r3, ultrasonic sensor hc-sr04, flowmeter sensor yf-s201, 16 x 2 lcd, relay module, buzzer, solenoid valve 12 V_dc, pump 12 V_dc and display measurement results in the visual studio application 2019. Our findings are that the length of reservoir charging with an average input discharge of 3.6 liters / minute is 2.93 minutes. As for the length of emptying the reservoir with an average output discharge of 1.06 liters / minute is 12.10 minutes. The conclusion of this study is that the system can monitor the water level inside the reservoir automatically and know the time needed for the feeling and emptying process of the reservoir.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-235
Muhammad Rizki Apritama ◽  
I Wayan Koko Suryawan ◽  
Yosef Adicita

ABSTRACTThe clean water supply system network on Lengkang Kecil Island was developed in 2019. A small portion of the community's freshwater comes from harvesting rainwater and dug wells, which are only obtained during the rainy season. The primary source of clean water used by the community comes from underwater pipelines with a daily discharge of 0.86 l/sec. The water supply of the Lengkang Kecil Island community is 74.3 m3/day, with 146 House Connections (HCs) and to serve public facilities such as elementary schools, primary health centers, and mosques. Hydraulic evaluation of clean water distribution using EPANET 2.0 software on flow velocity shows the lowest rate of 0.29 m/s and the highest of 1.21 m/s. The lowest pressure value in the distribution system is 6.94-6.96 m and headloss units in the range 0.08-0.25 m/km. These three criteria are still within the distribution network design criteria (feasible). A carbon footprint can be calculated from each activity from the analysis of the evaluation of clean water distribution networks. The most massive emissions came from pumping activities with 131 kg CO2-eq, followed by emissions from wastewater 62.5 kgCO2-eq. Further research is needed to determine the quality of wastewater and the design for a centralized wastewater treatment plant (IPALT) to improve Lengkang Kecil Island residents' living standards.Keywords: Lengkang Kecil Island, water, EPANET, carbon footprintABSTRAKJaringan sistem penyediaan air bersih pada Pulau Lengkang Kecil dimulai pada tahun 2019. Sebagian kecil air bersih yang digunakan masyarakat berasal dari pemanenan air hujan dan sumur gali yang hanya didapat pada musim hujan. Sumber air bersih utama yang digunakan masyarakat berasal dari pengaliran perpipaan bawah laut dengan debit harian 0,86 l/detik. Kebutuhan air masyarakat Pulau Lengkang Kecil adalah 74,3 m3/hari dengan 146 Sambungan Rumah (SR) serta untuk melayani fasilitas umum seperti sekolah dasar (SD), puskesmas, dan masjid. Evaluasi hidrolis distribusi air bersih dengan menggunakan software EPANET 2.0 terhadap kriteria kecepatan aliran menunjukkan nilai terendah 0,29 m/s dan tertinggi 1,21 m/s. Nilai sisa tekan dalam sistem distribusi adalah 6,94–6,96 m dan unit headloss pada kisaran 0,08–0,25 m/km. Ketiga kriteria ini masih berada dalam kriteria desain jaringan distribusi (layak). Dari analisis evaluasi jaringan distribusi air bersih, dapat dihitung jejak karbon yang dihasilkan dari setiap kegiatannya. Emisi terbesar berasal dari kegiatan pemompaan dengan nilai 131 kgCO2-eq, diikuti dengan emisi yang berasal dari air limbah dengan nilai 62,5 kgCO2-eq. Penelitian lanjutan diperlukan untuk mengetahui kualitas dari air limbah dan desain untuk instalasi pengolahan air limbah terpusat (IPALT) untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup penduduk Pulau Lengkang Kecil.Kata kunci: Pulau Lengkang Kecil, air, EPANET, jejak karbon

2018 ◽  
Vol 197 ◽  
pp. 16003
Aris Haris Rismayana ◽  
Castaka Agus Sugianto ◽  
Ida Bagus Budiyanto

When the rainy season arrives, flooding is a common phenomenon. Almost every street, housing, village, river, even in the city center, wherever floods can occur. One effort to prevent the flooding is to create a floodgate on reservoirs or dams that are used to control the water distribution. The water level at this dam must be checked frequently to anticipate if the water level is at a dangerous level. The inspection of water levels will be very difficult if it must be conducted by humans who must be available in the field at any time. This research aims to create a prototype system that can replace the human role in monitoring the dam water level condition at any time by developing an integrated system between hardware and software using IoT (Internet of Things) technology approach and social media (twitter and telegram). The developed system consists of the height sensor (distance), microcontroller and wifi module, which is placed on the water gate. This system serves to measure the water level at any time and send data in real time to the server. The results of system testing performed shows that when the system is in normal circumstances, the system sends data to the server every minute, and updates the status of water level in twitter every 5 minutes. In case the water level has exceeded a predetermined limit, the system sends data to the server every 5 seconds and passes the warning message to all registered telegram contacts.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Fikri Fatmala

Quality Services User of Service User Pdam City Surabaya (Study on PDAM Responsiveness and Accountability in providing customer service of dirty/smelly water). Settlement in Surabaya city is one of clean water prone area. So far the distribution of clean water is done through home connection obtained from pdam Surya Sembada in Surabaya city, but the service obtained stiil not in accordance with service standard. This study aims to how resposiveness an akuntability PDAM Surabaya city in providing services. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method whit focus of public service covering, service procedure, completion time, competence of service providr officer. Research results can be seen that customer complaints service water distribution system that has been implemented well enough about the procedures service, facilities and infrasructure, the competence of serviceprovider. But at this yime the process of workmanship provided by the officer has not been in accordance whit waht is set and the officer so far only responds to all customer complaints but not acted upon. Keyword : service, responsiveness and accountability

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Ayu Rahmad Jayanti ◽  
Ririn Endah Badriani ◽  
Yeny Dhokhikah

The clean water distribution in the Genteng Subdistrict, Banyuwangi Regency is included in the service area of the Zone 1 PDAM tile unit. The 60 liters/second reservoir discharge capacity is obtained from Sumber Umbul Sari in the Glenmore District. The distribution of clean water in Zone 1 is still less than 70% of the area served, as the installed discharge capacity is estimated to be insufficient. In order to achieve the distribution goal, a network system must be developed by adding direct debits and planning a new pipeline. The Epanet 2.0 program simplifies the calculation of pipeline networks by integrating elevation data, network maps, pipeline specification, and load. The analysis of the simulation results was conducted using the Public Works Minister's hydraulic parameter standards 2007. Planning of a distribution network and a cost budget in 2029 were done to estimate the water supply needs and budgets required. The hydraulic simulation results based on the analysis of the pressure of all joints are in accordance with the standard, while the analysis of the velocity in pipe is less standard. The need for water discharge in 2029 is 71.6 liters/second. In Kembiritan Village, the construction of distribution pipes with an additional reservoir unit was planned. The planned pipe dimensions in the development area were 25 mm at 796 meters, 50 mm at 4062 meters, and 75 mm at 1518 meters. The cost of planning a clean water distribution system in 2029 is Rp. 1,431,375,000.00. Distribusi air bersih di Kecamatan Genteng Kabupaten Banyuwangi merupakan wilayah pelayanan Zona 1 PDAM unit Genteng. Kapasitas debit reservoir sebesar 60 liter/detik berasal dari sumber umbul sari di Kecamatan Glenmore. Pendistribusian air bersih di wilayah Zona 1 masih kurang dari 70% wilayah yang terlayani, karena diperkirakan kapasitas debit yang terpasang kurang mencukupi. Untuk memenuhi target pemerataan distribusi perlu pengembangan sistem jaringan dengan penambahan debit dan perencanaan jaringan pipa baru. Program Epanet 2.0 memudahkan dalam perhitungan jaringan perpipaan dengan mengintegrasi data elevasi, peta jaringan, spesifikasi pipa dan debit. Analisis hasil simulasi menggunakan standar parameter hidrolis Permen PU 2007. Perencanaan pengembangan jaringan distribusi dan anggaran biaya pada tahun 2029 guna memperkirakan debit kebutuhan air dan anggaran biaya yang dibutuhkan. Hasil simulasi hidrolis berdasarkan analisis tekanan semua junction telah sesuai standar, sedangkan analisis kecepatan masih di bawah standar. Kebutuhan debit air tahun 2029 sebesar 71,6 Liter/detik. Pengembangan pipa distribusi direncanakan di Desa Kembiritan dengan tambahan satu unit reservoir. Dimensi pipa rencana di wilayah pengembangan digunakan diameter 25 mm sepanjang 796 m, diameter 50 mm sepanjang 4062 m dan diameter 75 mm sepanjang 1518 m. Biaya perencanaan sistem distribusi air bersih tahun 2029 sebesar Rp. 1.431.375.000,00.

2019 ◽  
Vol 203 ◽  
pp. 04013 ◽  
Vipal Rathod ◽  
E. Sharan Dilip ◽  
Ronak Shah ◽  
Deepak Mandge ◽  
Amit Yadav ◽  

ITER-India, the Indian domestic agency for the ITER project, has the responsibility to supply a set of two high power Gyrotron sources (1 MW, 170 GHz, 3600 s) along with the auxiliary systems for Electron Cyclotron Heating & Current Drive applications. For such high power Gyrotron systems, one of the challenging areas is the system integration and establishment of reliable integrated system performance. ITER-India plans to establish the integrated Gyrotron system performance that essentially meets the ITER requirements in a Gyrotron Test Facility which is specifically being developed at ITER-India. This paper discusses about the recent updates towards the Test Facility development which includes, development of cost effective & modular Body Power Supply (BPS), Industrial grade prototype interlock & protection modules, a Gyrotron field simulator and cooling water distribution system.

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