scholarly journals Desain Pintu Air Sekunder Berbantu Komputer Untuk Daerah Irigasi Cinangka Kabupaten Bogor

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 163-178
Risky Ramadan ◽  
Budi Indra Setiawan

The most problem that occurs in Cinangka Irrigation Area is the not function of sluice and not used to properly regulate water of it. If the discharge regulator is not operated properly, the provision of irrigation water has the potential to be wasteful or lacking. The purpose of this study is to determine the discharge requirements for secondary irrigation water in Cinangka, produce a design of sluice in the channel and an estimated cost of manufacture. The study was conducted in the Cinangka Irrigation Area, Cibitung Tengah Village, Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency. The study began from April - June 2020. The results obtained were known to be evapotranspiration, effective rainfall, and irrigation needs in the secondary channel of DI Cinangka per period of irrigation for one year. The largest Eto value occurred in September of 5.8 mm / day, the largest Cheff value occurred in November of 8.4 mm / day and the largest debit of needs occurred in March of 0.6 m3 / sec. Secondary sluice designed  manifold steel sluice with high specification and door width 1x 1 m, total height 2 m door, handlebar diameter 45 cm. Dratstick used is 1.5 inches. Estimated cost for making doors is IDR 7,085,000. These costs can increase depending on the manufacture location and manufacture services.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28 ◽  
Andriani Asarah Bancin ◽  
Dewi Sri Jayanti ◽  
T. Ferijal

Abstrak. Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Krueng Aceh memiliki jaringan irigasi permukaan teknis untuk mengairi 7.450 ha lahan sawah di Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Peningkatan tekanan pada sumber daya air yang tersedia untuk irigasi dan kebutuhan lainnya, terutama selama musim kemarau, membutuhkan jaringan irigasi yang memiliki efisiensi yang tinggi untuk menyalirkan air irigasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi penyaluran dan jumlah kehilangan air di saluran sekunder dan tersier dari jaringan irigasi pilihan yaitu Jaringan Lam Raya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi penyaluran rata-rata untuk BKA Kn 16 Lam Raya adalah 52,47%. Rata-rata kehilangan air dan efesiensi penyaluran air di saluran sekunder berturut-turut adalah 0.048 m3/dtk dan 81,11%. Kehilangan tersebut disebabkan oleh penguapan 2,73 x 10-7 m3/dtk, rembesan 0,00212 m3/dtk dan faktor lainnya 0,04548 m3/dtk. Kehilangan air rata-rata di saluran tersier adalah 0.01 m3/dtk yang merupakan kehilangan akibat adanya penguapan 5,046 x 10-8 m3/dtk, rembesan 0,00033m3/dtk dan faktor lainnya 0,00994 m3/dtk. Hal tersebut menyebabkan efisiensi penyaluran air di saluran tersier sekitar 71,88%. Namun, kinerja jaringan irigasi masih dikategorikan baik karena memiliki efisiensi penyaluran air yang lebih besar dari 60%. Kehilangan air di saluran tersier sebagian besar disebabkan oleh banyak bagian dinding dan dasar saluran yang rusak, dan adanya vegetasi dan sedimen pada saluran yang memperlambat aliran air. Conveyance Efficiency Of Irrigation Water At BKA Kn 16 Lam Raya Krueng Aceh Irrigation Area Abstract. Krueng Aceh Watershed has technical surface irrigation network to irrigate 7.450 ha of paddy fields in Aceh Besar District. Increasing pressure on available water resources for irrigation and other needs, particularly during dry season, requires an irrigation network having a higher level of efficiency to deliver irrigation water. This study aims to determine the delivery efficiencies and amount of water loss in secondary and tertiary channels of selected irrigation network. Lam Raya network was selected for the study area. Results showed that average delivery efficiency for BKA Kn 16 Lam Raya was 52.47%. The average water loss and water delivery efficiency in secondary channel were 0,048 and 81,11%, respectively. The loss was caused by evaporation 2.73 x 10-7 m3/s, seepage 0.00212 m3/s and other factors 0.04548 m3/s. The average water loss in tertiary channels was 0,01 m3/s contributed by losses from evaporation 5.046 x 10-8 m3/s, seepage 0.00033 m3/s and other factors 0.00994 m3/s. It caused tertiary channel's water delivery efficiency was approximately 71,88%. However, performance of irrigation network was classified as good since it has water delivery efficiency greater than 60%.  Water loss in tertiary channel largely due to many parts of wall and base of the channels were broken, and the presence of vegetation and sediment in the channel slowed the water flow.

Fahmi Fathul Bahri ◽  
Elma Yulius ◽  
Anita Setyowati Srie Gunarti

Cikarang Bekasi Laut (CBL) is a fixed-dam river-flow that flows through the building for upstream srengseng channel. Srengseng Hilir Secondary-Channel has 32 buildings for watering the rice fields in the Sukatani sub-district. The problem happened in the distribution of water when there is a loss of irrigation water due to infiltration of water into the soil where the soil is saturated. This causes a shortage of debit for field irrigation due to water loss in the secondary channel. The method used in Water Supply Evaluation of Irrigation Cikarang Bekasi Laut (CBL) for the Secondary Channel Srengseng Hilir D.I. Jatiluhur are the maximum discharge data, minimum discharge, and average discharge of the Fixed Cikarang Bekasi Laut (CBL) Dam in 5 year-period and calculating water requirements and water availability in D.I. Jatiluhur. Result showed that the P1 channel has an irrigation area of 105 ha and a channel length of 1906 m with an actual discharge of 2714 liters/sec and has irrigation efficiency of 5.71%. Channel P2 has an irrigation area of 106 ha and channel length of 1006 m with actual discharge of 1560 liters/sec and has irrigation efficiency of 6.11%. P3 channel has an irrigation area of 137 ha and 894 m channel length with an actual discharge of 175 liters/second and has irrigation efficiency of8.41%. Channel P4 has an irrigation area of 50 ha and a channel length of 951 m with an actualdischarge of 180 liters/second and has irrigation efficiency of 21.10%. Channel P5 has an irrigationarea of 71 ha and a channel length of 835 m with an actual discharge of 274 litters/sec and has irrigationefficiency of 37.97%. Channel P6 has an irrigation area of 74 ha and a channel length of 775 m with anactual discharge of 411 liters/sec and has irrigation efficiency of 63.79%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Hanan Shalsabillah ◽  
Khairul Amri ◽  
Gusta Gunawan

The Irrigation Area of Air Nipis is located in Regency of South Bengkulu at Bengkulu Province with irrigation area 3.116 Ha. Planning and management of irrigation systems is one of the important steps to determine the irrigation water requirement as a whole. The purpose of this research is aim to analyze the water requirement to get value prediction of minimum and maximum irrigation water requirement in irrigation area of Air Nipis using the CROPWAT Version 8.0 method. Irrigation water requirements obtained from CROPWAT Version 8.0 are based on climate data, soil data and plants.The parameters that were reference plant evapotranspiration, effective rainfall, soil treatment, soil data, and plants. The results of the research showed that the maximum irrigation requirement for calculation using CROPWAT 8.0 software occurred in the first 10 days of December (14,49 m3/sec), while the minimum irrigation water requirements for CROPWAT 8.0 occurs in mid to end March (0,04 m3/sec).

Okma Yendri ◽  
Erna Purnama Sari ◽  

The Kelingi Tugumulyo Irrigation Area is a permanent weir irrigation that runs through the building for the Satan Muara Beliti Water channel. Secondary Air Satan Muara Beliti channel has 5 buildings with the main function to flow the water through the rice fields in the Mara Beliti sub-district. Problems that arise in the distribution of water are the loss of irrigation water due to the pool of swift water and infiltration of water into the soil if the soil is saturated. These problems cause a lack of discharge for the fulfillment of irrigation water due to water loss in the secondary channel. The method used in assessing the Evaluation of Irrigation Water Provision from the Watervang Dam for Satan Water Secondary Channels was by analyzing the data of maximum discharge, minimum discharge, and average discharge of the Watervang Dam as well as calculating water demand and water availability in the Satan Muara Beliti Water Irrigation Area. There are three results about Tanah Priuk 1 weir channel (BTP1) condition. First, based on the plan discharge, according to the Kelugi Tugumulyo Irrigation network scheme, debit from BTP 1 to BTP 2 was 30.10 l/s, whereas the result from field calculation through the use of current meter was 7.89 l/sec; it means the lack of water from the plan for BTP 1 - BTP 2 which is 22.21 l/sec. Second, the debit from BTP 2 to BTP 3 was 10.80 l/sec, whereas the result from field calculation through the use of current meter was 6.20 l/s; it means the lack of water from the plan for BTP 2 - BTP 3 was 4.60 l/sec. Third, the debit from BTP 4 to BTP 5 was 11.10 l/sec, whereas the result from field calculation through the use of current meter was 6.92 l/s; it means the lack of water from the plan for BTP 4 - BTP 5 was 4.18 l/sec . It concluded that the secondary channel from BTP 5 to the village of Bali has insufficient water.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 290
Yuda Arnanda ◽  
I Wayan Tika ◽  
Ida Ayu Luh Gede Bintang Madrini

Sistem subak adalah merupakan salah satu bentuk sistem irigasi yang mampu mengakomodasikan dinamika sistem sosio-teknis masyarakat setempat. Air irigasi dikelola dengan prinsip-prinsip keadilan, keterbukaan, harmoni dan kebersamaan, melalui suatu organisasi yang fleksibel yang sesuai dengan kepentingan masyarakat. Sistem irigasi erat kaitannya tentang pendistribusian air irigasi pada subak yang berdasarkan luas lahan. Salah satu aspek yang akan dinilai dalam sistem irigasi adalah Rasio Prestasi Manajemen (RPM) irigasi Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui klasifikasi RPM di suatu subak dengan pemberian skor pada masing-masing klasifikasi RPM. Perolehan data sekunder dilakukan dengan metode survey, pengamatan secara langsung dan pengukuran. Data yang telah dikumpulkan selanjutnya akan dianalisis menggunakan metode Rasio Prestasi Manajemen (RPM) Irigasi. RPM irigasi setiap subak dinilai dengan menggunakan empat rentang nilai yaitu Baik bila 0.75 < RPM <1.25, Cukup bila 0.60 < RPM < 0.75 atau 1.25 < RPM < 1.40, Kurang 0.40 < RPM< 0.60 atau 1.40 <RPM<1.60 dan Sangat kurang bila RPM < 0.40 atau RPM >1.60 Hasil metode analisis rasio prestasi manajemen irigasi pada distribusi air di subak diperoleh RPM daerah hulu yaitu Pama Palian, Aya I dan Aya II memiliki RPM yang Baik yaitu rata-rata 100%. Ketersediaan air yang begitu melimpah karena subak daerah hulu, subak yang pertama kali mengambil air di daerah irigasi. Dan yang paling penting adalah sistim pengaturan pemberian air yang sudah optimal. Untuk subak daerah tengah RPM sedikit berbeda dengan di daerah hulu. Rata-rata RPM daerah irigasi tengah yang mempunyai kreteria Cukup yaitu sebesar 15,5% sedangkan Baik 84,5%. Untuk daerah irigasi tengah yang memiliki kriteria RPM cukup dengan nilai 15,5% disebabkan oleh pendistribusian air tidak seoptimal seperti daerah irigasi hulu. Untuk Subak daerah irigasi hilir rata-rata RPM secara keseluruhan yaitu 100% baik, ini disebabkan karena pembagian pendistribusian air daerah irigasi hilir sudah optimal sesuai dengan luas lahan.   Subak system is one form of irrigation system that is able to accommodate the dynamics of the socio-technical system of the local community. Irrigation water is managed with the principles of justice, openness, harmony and togetherness, through a flexible organization that is in accordance with the interests of the community. Irrigation systems are closely related to the distribution of irrigation water in subaks based on land area. One aspect that will be assessed in an irrigation system is the Irrigation Management Achievement Ratio (RPM). The purpose of this study is to determine the RPM classification in a subak by scoring in each RPM classification. Secondary data acquisition is done by survey method, direct observation and measurement. The collected data will then be analyzed using the Irrigation Management Achievement Ratio (RPM) method. Irrigation RPM for each subak is assessed using four ranges of values, namely Good if 0.75 <RPM <1.25, Enough if 0.60 <RPM <0.75 or 1.25 <RPM <1.40, Less 0.40 <RPM <0.60 or 1.40 <RPM <1.60 and Very less if RPM <0.40 or RPM> 1.60 The results of the analysis method of irrigation management achievement ratio in the distribution of water in the subak obtained by the upstream area RPM namely Pama Palian, Aya I and Aya II have a good RPM that is an average of 100%. The availability of water is so abundant due to the upstream subak, the first subak to take water in an irrigation area. And the most important thing is the optimal water supply management system. For the subak area the RPM is slightly different from the upstream area. The average RPM of the central irrigation area that has sufficient criteria is 15.5% while 84.5% is good. For the central irrigation area which has sufficient RPM criteria with a value of 15.5% caused by the distribution of water is not as optimal as the upstream irrigation area. For Subak downstream irrigation areas the overall average RPM is 100% good, this is because the distribution of downstream irrigation water distribution is optimal according to the area of ??land.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 412-421
Mahendra Rizqi ◽  
Muhammad Yasar Yasar ◽  
Dewi Sri Jayanti

Abstrak. Salah satu usaha peningkatan produksi pangan khususnya padi adalah tersedianya air irigasi di areal sawah sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Kebutuhan air yang diperlukan  pada areal irigasi besarnya bervariasi sesuai keadaan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan evapotranspirasi, kehilangan air, kebutuhan air untuk tanaman dengan memperhatikan jumlah air yang diberikan oleh alam melalui hujan dan kontribusi air tanah. Pengaplikasian CROPWAT 8.0 ini sangat membantu dalam pengelolaan data sehingga menghasilkan data yang dapat digunakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghitung kebutuhan air irigasi pada Daerah Irigasi Krueng Jreu dengan menggunakan software CROPWAT 8.0. Metode penelitian adalah menentukan parameter, pengumpulan data dan pengolahan data.  Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data luas areal yang dialiri, data-data untuk menghitung evapotranspirasi meliputi temperatur, kelembaban relatif, kecepatan angin, lama penyinaran matahari, curah hujan, pola dan jadwal tanam yang dianjurkan di daerah penelitian. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh  Nilai evapotranspirasi potensial (ET0)  rata-rata  di Daerah Irigasi Krueng Jreu adalah sebesar 3,75 mm/hari, curah hujan efektif (Re) rata-rata di Daerah Irigasi Krueng Jreu adalah sebesar 3,09 mm/hari, kebutuhan air untuk penyiapan lahan adalah sebesar 11,35 mm/hari untuk Bulan November dan sebesar 11,71 mm/hari untuk Bulan Mei, kebutuhan bersih air di sawah (NFR) untuk padi rendeng dan padi gadu yaitu sebesar  11,22 mm/hari dan 25,34 mm/hari, dan kebutuhan air pada pintu pengambilan (DR) untuk padi rendeng dan padi gadu yaitu sebesar 17,27 mm/hari dan 38,98 mm/hari. Kebutuhan air irigasi di Darah Irigasi Krueng Jreu dengan total luas area sebesar 3.287 ha dengan kebutuhan air irigasi pola tanam padi-padi yang dimulai awal pengolahan lahan pada awal Bulan November maka didapatkan kebutuhan air irigasi maksimal yaitu terjadi pada Bulan Juli dengan perhitungan CROPWAT yaitu sebesar 14,9 m3/detik dan untuk perhitungan manual yaitu sebesar 6,26 m3/detik. Kebutuhan air irigasi minimum yaitu terjadi pada Bulan Desember dengan perhitungan CROPWAT yaitu sebesar 0,00 m3/detik dan perhitungan manual yaitu sebesar 0,45 m3/detik.Analysis of Irrigation Water Requirement Using CROPWAT 8.0 in Krueng Jreu Irrigation Area  of Aceh Besar RegencyAbstract. One of the efforts to increase food production, especially rice, is the availability of irrigation water in paddy fields according to their needs. The required water needs in the area of irrigation varies according the State needs for evapotranspiration, water loss, water needs for plants with attention to the amount of water given by nature through the rain and the contribution of groundwater. The application of  Cropwat 8.0 is very helpful in managing data so as to produce data that can be used. The purpose of this study was to calculate irrigation water requirements in the Krueng Jreu Irrigation Area using Cropwat 8.0 software. The research method is determining parameters, data collection and data processing. The data used in this study is the data area that is flowed, the data for calculating evapotranspiration include: temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, duration of solar radiation, rainfall, patterns, and planting schedules recommended in the study area. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded as follows: the average evapotranspiration value (ET0) in the Krueng Jreu Irrigation Area is 3,75 mm/day, the effective rainfall (Re) in the Krueng Jreu Irrigation Area is amounting to 3,09 mm/day, water requirements for land preparation of 11,35 mm/day in November and 11,71 mm/day in Mei, clean water requirements in rice fields (NFR) for rendeng rice and gadu rice which amounted to 11,22 mm/day and 25,34 mm/day, and water requirements on the retrieval gate (DR) for rendeng rice and gadu rice were equal to 17,27 mm/day and 38,98 mm/day. Irrigation water needs in Krueng Jreu Irrigation Blood with a total area of 3.287 ha with irrigation water requirements for rice-paddy cropping patterns that were started at the beginning of land processing at the beginning of November the maximum irrigation water needs were obtained in July with  Cropwat calculations that is equal to 14,9 m3/second and for manual calculations amounting to 6,26 m3/sec. For minimum irrigation water needs, that occurs in December with a Cropwat calculation is 0,00 m3/second and manual calculation of 0,45 m3/sec.

1994 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-138 ◽  
T. B. Brenneman ◽  
H. R. Sumner ◽  
L. R. Chandler ◽  
J. M. Hammond ◽  
A. K. Culbreath

Abstract Propiconazole (Tilt®) was applied to Florunner peanut by injection into irrigation water (chemigation) or as a foliar spray. At rates of 0.12-0.25 kg/ha of propiconazole control of both Rhizoctonia limb rot (Rhizoctonia solani AG-4) and stem rot (Sclerotium rolfsii) was inconsistent. Chemigation resulted in the lowest incidence of stem rot, but the incidence of stem rot was only 26% less than the control. Yields from plots receiving chemigation were greater than expected based on disease ratings, indicating that some effects of the fungicide were not being evaluated. Where foliar sprays of chlorothalonil were applied for late leaf spot (Cercosporidium personatum), supplemental applications of propiconazole via chemigation improved leaf spot control. However, substituting chemigated propiconazole for foliar sprays of chlorothalonil consistently resulted in more severe leaf spot and, in one year, decreased yields. Propiconazole is most effective against leaf spot when applied as a foliar spray, whereas chemigation applications provide optimum efficacy against soilborne pathogens of peanut.

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