scholarly journals Livelihood Strategy, Vulnerability, and Resilience of Farmer Household in Flooded Area

Stevani Brigita ◽  
Martua Sihaloho

Flooding is a natural disaster that provides various impacts on life, especially for the survival of farm households. Farmers in doing the farming certainly depends on the nature and weather. Floods certainly have an impact because it can make the crops decline even to the occurrence of crop failure. Facing such circumstances requires farmers' households to determine the livelihood structures undertaken and demand that farm households determine how to conduct livelihood strategies in order to maintain and improve existing livelihoods. A livelihood strategy is a person's or a group's way of meeting their needs or achieving an improvement in life. The livelihood strategies undertaken will affect the vulnerability of a household and have a relationship with the resilience of the farm household in the event of a flood disaster. Livelihood structures and livelihood strategies of farm households living in flooded areas may be different from those in other areas not experiencing crisis or flood disaster. The purpose of this research is to analyze the strategy, vulnerability and resilience of household livelihoods of farmers in flood-prone areas.Keywords : farm household, livelihood strategy, resilience, vulnerability---------------------- ABSTRAK Banjir merupakan suatu bencana alam yang memberikan berbagai dampak terhadap kehidupan, khususnya bagi keberlangsungan hidup rumahtangga petani. Petani dalam melakukan usahataninya tentunya sangat bergantung dengan keadaan alam dan cuaca sekitar. Bencana banjir tentunya memberi dampak karena dapat membuat hasil panen menurun bahkan sampai terjadinya gagal panen. Menghadapi keadaan tersebut menuntut rumahtangga petani untuk menentukan struktur nafkah yang dilakukan dan menuntut rumahtangga petani menentukan bagaimana melakukan strategi nafkah dalam upaya mempertahankan dan meningkatkan sumber nafkah yang ada. Strategi nafkah adalah cara seseorang atau kelompok untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka atau mencapai peningkatan hidup. Strategi nafkah yang dilakukan akan berpengaruh terhadap kerentanan suatu rumahtangga dan memiliki hubungan dengan ketahanan (resiliensi) rumahtangga petani dalam menghadapi situasi bencana banjir. Struktur nafkah dan strategi nafkah rumahtangga petani yang tinggal di kawasan terpapar banjir dapat saja berbeda dengan wilayah lain yang tidak mengalami situasi krisis atau bencana banjir. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis strategi, kerentanan dan resiliensi nafkah rumahtangga petani di wilayah rawan bencana banjir.Kata Kunci : kerentanan, resiliensi, rumahtangga petani, strategi nafkah

Margaret Adesugba ◽  
Elizabeth Oughton ◽  
Sally Shortall

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (19) ◽  
pp. 8166
Shuxin Mao ◽  
Sha Qiu ◽  
Tao Li ◽  
Mingfang Tang

Rural household livelihood research of ethnic minorities is urgent to the development of ethnic areas in China and achieve the world poverty reduction goal. To improve ethnic rural household livelihood, it is fundamental to figure out what are the types, characteristics as well as impact factors of their livelihood strategies. In the study, we explored the household livelihood strategy choices and livelihood diversity of the main ethnic minorities (Tujia and Miao) in Chongqing, as well as how livelihood capitals impact livelihood strategy through methods of clustering, livelihood diversity index and multiple logistic regression under the framework of sustainable livelihood approach. The results show that: (1) Full-time job, both full-time and part-time job, part-time agriculture, part-time job and subsidized livelihood strategy are livelihood strategies adopted by Tujia and Miao rural households in Chongqing, China. (2) The characteristics of the identified livelihood strategies are diversified and various in natural, financial, human and finance capital. (3) A number of livelihood capitals impact the way that household choose their livelihood strategies, but the livelihood capitals have no significant impact on the livelihood diversity. By detailed analysis of the characteristic of rural ethnic household livelihood strategy, especial livelihood diversity, the research enriched sustainable livelihood literature and provided useful information for policymakers and practitioners in designing effective programs for regional sustainable development and ecological protection.

Naseem A. Qammer Farhet A. Shaheen ◽  
Shabir A. Wani Nageena Nazir ◽  
Farooq A. Lone Shamim A. Simnanis

Maria Eduarda Pereira Alves ◽  
Fernando Mainardi Fan ◽  
Vinicius Alencar Siqueira ◽  
Leonardo Laipelt

The delimitation of flooded areas is important information for natural disaster management, environmental impact prediction and for territorial planning. Flooding occurs when water levels overflow the limits of a river’s channel and seep into the floodplains. When they affect people, they are considered a natural disaster. The delimitation of a flooded area, in the occurrence of an extreme event, can be performed by using field techniques, such as mapping, surveying through the afflicted area or by taking aerial photographs. However, field survey is not a trivial task and not always does it allow for the attainment of the necessary data for a given project. For that purpose, there are various techniques that can be used to assess flood-spots. Some techniques are simpler, being based only on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and such is the case of the HAND model (Height Above Nearest Drainage), which has garnered plenty of fame recently in the process of applying delimitations to possibly flooded areas. Other techniques are more complex, like the use of hydrodynamic modeling. There are large-scale hydrologic-hydrodynamic models that simulate runoff generation and water transportation processes in the river basin from rainfall, basin, and meteorological data. This is the case of the large-scale distributed hydrological model called MGB (Modelo de Grandes Bacias), which has been developed and employed in these types of cases. However, there are no studies in the literature that compare the results produced by these multiple approaches using differing degrees of complexity and spatial scales. It was precisely to fill this gap in scientific literature that this work was developed. Featured here, for the first time, is the validation of the MGB model’s performance in two versions, one of regional scale and another of continental scale (MGB AS), in delimiting the flooded areas, compared to a satellite image of the inundation; and with two versions of the HAND model, one generated by a local study and the other by a global reference. The case study used in this validation was a major flood that occurred in the Uruguay River, near the town of Itaqui (Rio Grande do Sul), which borders Brazil and Argentina, in October 1997. The results show that the MGB model, both in the regional and the continental scales, could delimit the flooded area, with a few overestimations in the northern portion of the image. The HAND method at the local scale also allowed a mapping of the flooded area, with overestimates for more springhead-like areas in small tributaries. The HAND method at the global scale, on the other hand, proved to be inadequate for the purpose of delimiting flooded areas in this region. The leading cause is believed to be the small drainage area threshold linked to the utilized global HAND product. From the calculation of performance metrics, like hit rate, false alarm ratio and criticality index, Regional MGB was the one that most adequately expressed the extent of the flood observed in the Landsat 5 image when compared to the others, followed by MGB AS.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Rachmi Wildan Aghnia Meutia Putri ◽  
Arya Hadi Dharmawan

The expansion of oil palm plantations is an effort to improve peoples' welfare through land clearing. This expansion led to changes in household livelihood strategies around the plantation area. Various tactics and mechanism are conducted by a household to adapt to changes in order to maintain and improve their life. The expansion of forest areas into oil palm plantations leads to changes in livelihoods structures in all layers of the farm household. Widespread of palm oil plantations cause a shock to farm household. Shock is able to be faced by utilizing file livelihood assets (natural capital, human capital, social capital, physical capital, financial capital). The purpose of this paper is to identify the expansion of plantations occurring in farm households and to livelihood structure of farm households. The method used this research is a quantitative method supported by qualitative data. The result of this research shows that the higher economic level of a farmer household, the faster expansion of oil palm farmland. The palm oil on the farm sector contributes the most income of oil palm household.Key words: expansion plantations, livelihood strategy, livelihood structureABSTRAK Ekspansi perkebunan sawit merupakan upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui pembukaan lahan. Ekspansi ini menyebabkan perubahan strategi nafkah rumah tangga sekitar kawasan. Ekspansi kawasan hutan menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit mengakibatkan perubahan struktur nafkah pada semua lapisan rumah tangga petani. Perkebunan kelapa sawit yang meluas menimbulkan kesulitan bagi rumah tangga petani. Kesulitan tersebut dihadapi oleh rumah tangga petani dengan cara memanfaatkan lima modal nafkah (modal alam, SDM, sosial, fisik dan finansial). Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi ekspansi perkebunan yang terjadi pada rumah tangga petani sawit dan menganalisis struktur nafkah rumah tangga petani sawit. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif yang didukung oleh data kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah semakin tinggi lapisan ekonomi rumah tangga petani sawit, maka semakin cepat ekspansi lahan yang dilakukan. Sektor on farm kelapa sawit menyumbang pendapatan paling tinggi pada struktur pendapatan rumah tangga petani kelapa sawit.Kata Kunci : ekspansi perkebunan, strategi nafkah, struktur nafkah

Tinur Fitri Ayu Harahap ◽  
Arya Hadi Dharmawan

This study aims to identify the structure and strategy of the household livelihoods, identify the utilization of livelihood capital that influences household livelihood strategies of oil palm farmers and identifies the utilization of social relationships of oil palm farmers' households. There is a difference in the livelihood structure of households of oil palm self-reliant with plasma palm oil farmers. This research is done by quantitative method supported by qualitative data. The result of this research is explaining that the average of households' livelihood structure of palm oil farmers is from non-farm sector, whereas in households of plasma oil palm farmers is dominated by on farm sector supported by non-farm sector. The utilization of subsistence capital by two types of oil palm farmers is also different. Both types of farmers have diverse social relationships in support of farm household income.Keywords: livelihood assets, livelihood strategies, oil palm farmer household, social relations----------------------- ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur dan strategi nafkah rumah, mengidentifikasi pemanfaatan modal nafkah yang mempengaruhi strategi nafkah rumahtangga petani kelapa sawit serta mengidentifikasi pemanfaatan relasi-relasi sosial rumahtangga petani kelapa sawit. Terdapat perbedaan struktur nafkah rumahtangga petani kelapa sawit swadaya dengan petani kelapa sawit plasma. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif yang didukung oleh data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini memaparkan bahwa secara rata-rata struktur nafkah rumahtangga petani kelapa sawit swadaya berasal dari sektor non farm, sedangkan pada rumahtangga petani kelapa sawit plasma didominasi oleh sektor on farm yang didukung oleh sektor non farm. Pemanfaatan modal nafkah oleh dua jenis petani kelapa sawit juga berbeda. Kedua jenis petani ini memiliki relasi sosial yang beragam dalam mendukung pendapatan rumahtangga petani.Kata Kunci: modal nafkah, petani kelapa sawit, relasi sosial, strategi nafkah

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Ari Nurlia ◽  
Dadang Hikmah Purnama ◽  
Sabaruddin Kadir

Forest and land fires are problems that have not been resolved and occur almost every year. Various policies related to forest and land fires began to be promoted nationally and have restricted communities in managing their land. This causes a vulnerability in society. Farmers are required to carry out various methods and strategies to overcome economic problems. This research aims to analyze the livelihood assets and livelihood strategies of farmer households. The study was conducted from February to June 2020 in Pulu Beruang Village, Tulung Selapan Sub-District, and Kayu Labu Village, Pedamaran Timur Sub-District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. This research is a survey research using a mixed sequential explanatory approach by using the triangulation principle.The quantitative data collection is done through a household survey using a questionnaire to 75 respondents in Pulu Beruang Village and 70 respondents in Kayu Labu Village.Qualitative data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), and field observation. The results showed that Pulu Beruang Village had a greater asset score in human capital and financial capital. In comparison, Kayu Labu Village had a greater score in natural capital. Physical capital and social capital in both villages had scores that were not distinctly different. Hence, they did not have a different effect on community resilience. Livelihood assets owned by the community influence their household livelihood strategies. The household livelihood strategy in Pulu Beruang Village uses human capital and financial capital, agricultural sector and non-agriculture, especially trading, and swallow’s nest business. Meanwhile, the livelihood strategies of farmers’ households in Kayu Labu Village rely on their natural capital and agricultural sectors, such as fisheries and purun crafts.Keywords: forest and land fires, livelihood asset, livelihood strategies

This paper focuses upon the magnitude of income-based poverty among non-farm households in rural Punjab. Based on the primary survey, a sample of 440 rural non-farm households were taken from 44 sampled villages located in all 22 districts of Punjab.The poverty was estimated on the basis of income level. For measuring poverty, various methods/criteria (Expert Group Criteria, World Bank Method and State Per Capita Income Criterion) were used. On the basis of Expert Group Income criterion, overall, less than one-third of the persons of rural non-farm household categories are observed to be poor. On the basis, 40 percent State Per Capita Income Criteria, around three-fourth of the persons of all rural non-farm household categories are falling underneath poverty line. Similarly, the occurrence of the poverty, on the basis of 50 percent State Per Capita Income Criteria, showed that nearly four-fifths of the persons are considered to be poor. As per World Bank’s $ 1.90 per day, overall, less than one-fifth of rural non-farm household persons are poor. Slightly, less than one-fourth of the persons are belonging to self-employment category, while, slightly, less than one-tenth falling in-service category. On the basis of $ 3.10 per day criteria, overall, less than two-fifth persons of all rural non-farm household categories were living below the poverty line.

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