scholarly journals Value Stream Analysis of Fresh-Cut Vegetables in Bangladesh

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. p112
Shakila Salam ◽  
Mousumi Saha ◽  
Mahmuda Nasrin

Fresh-cut vegetable is a value added product and its demand shows remarkable growth tendency in Bangladesh. The study specifically examined the roles of value chain actors, value addition through marketing system and evaluating prospects of fresh-cut vegetables. Data obtained from a total of 103 vegetable customers (from Dhaka city), 10 outlet managers of SHWAPNO supermarket (from Dhaka city), 20 vegetable growers and 35 marketing intermediaries by using purposive sampling technique. Among available fresh-cut vegetables, 5 vegetables named taro root, amaranth stem, taro root stem, green pea and bean seed are considered in this study. Using marketing margin and value added models; the results indicate that each actor along the value chain starting from farmer to retailer (supermarket) added a significant amount of value. Processor and supermarket added highest value among all selected fresh-cut vegetables’ value chain actors. There is enough scope to develop specific channel for fresh-cut vegetable marketing. Moreover, the evaluation results of SWOT analysis accurately reflected the fresh-cut vegetable market situation which made it possible to assess the potentiality and identify strategies for development of this market in Bangladesh.

2006 ◽  
Vol 86 (Special Issue) ◽  
pp. 1361-1368 ◽  
Peter M. A. Toivonen

The fresh-cut apple industry has recently become established in North America. The future looks very bright for this value-added fruit product, however its growth requires improvements in quality and reduction of production costs. The existing industry has grown from concept to reality in response to research activities in anti-browning dips, package technology, sensory analysis, postharvest physiology, postharvest pathology and food microbiology. Several examples of how these critical research inputs have impacted and continue to impact on the industry practice are discussed. The next generation of questions and challenges posed by the industry will require some new inputs. Research in several disciplines will be need accessed to resolve the emerging issues. Traditional breeding effort and/or molecular technologies will be needed to provide non-browning fruit, fruit with better processing characteristics such as small cores to reduce waste and improved flavour and nutrition retention after cutting. With new cultivars, further work will be required to understand the commercial handling of each, including selection of harvest maturity and optimization of storage protocols. Also, pre-harvest factors such as phosphorus nutrition will need to be investigated further in terms of their effects on fruit tissue and membrane stability. Management of fungal pathogens is a key issue that needs to be studied from the field through storage and after cutting and packaging of the sliced fruit. The very nature of fresh-cut fruit has and continues to require a coordinated multi-disciplinary research strategy. Key words: Value-chain, value-added, apples, fresh-cut, integrated research

Sorta Grace Pardede ◽  
Yosef Manik

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun strategi yang tepat dalam peningkatan nilai tambah andaliman (Zantoxylum Acanthopodium) di Kabupaten Toba Samosir yang mempengaruhi ekonomi pemangku kepentingan. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan ialah: i) pengumpulan informasi produksi disentra penghasil andaliman yaitu Kecamatan Habinsaran, Bor-bor, Nassau, Lumban Julu, Ajibata, dan Silaen, ii) identifikasi/analisis model rantai pasok iii) menganalisis peran/pengaruh serta pemetaan para pemangku kepentingan iv) analisis nilai tambah setiap mata rantai pada rantai pasokan. Terdapat dua jenis metode yang diaplikasikan dan termasuk dalam deskriptif-eksploratif. Pertama, metode kualitatif mencakup studi literatur dalam memperoleh data/acuan pengerjaan, observasi, wawancara dengan pelaku rantai nilai dan pemerintahan. Kedua, metode kuantitatif dengan perhitungan Hayami untuk mengetahui nilai tambah andaliman. Fakta menunjukkan luas lahan produktif pertanian andaliman ± 62,9 Ha dengan kapasitas produksi sebesar ± 417,2 ton/tahun. Terdapat dua model rantai pasokan yaitu andaliman segar dan olahannya. Kemudian pemetaan rantai nilai dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai R/C dari margin setiap node rantai pasokan. Saat harga andaliman netral hingga tinggi rentang nilai R/C antara 1,08 hingga 1,73 yang menandakan setiap aktor akan untung. Namun apabila harga andaliman rendah nilai R/C antara 0,85 hingga 1,9 dengan keadaan tersebut ada aktor yang sangat dirugikan atau diuntungkan. Hasil terkait peta rantai nilai mengungkapkan rekayasa nilai andaliman belum optimal terbukti dari produk yang dihasilkan rantai pasokan masih jauh dibawah nilai potensial yang mungkin. Analisis SWOT memberi informasi peluang dan tantangan mengembangkan rantai pasok demi meningkatkan nilai produk andaliman. Akhir penelitian ini ialah rekomendasi strategi peningkatan nilai tambah diantaranya, menambah diversifikasi produk, membuat sentra khusus pengolahan andaliman, dll.   This study aims to develop appropriate strategies for increasing the added value of andaliman (Zantoxylum Acanthopodium) in Toba Samosir Regency which affects the economy of stakeholders. The steps taken are: i) gathering information on production of andaliman producing centers namely Habinsaran, Bor-bor, Nassau, Lumban Julu, Ajibata, and Silaen Districts, ii) identification / analysis of supply chain models iii) analyzing the role / influence and mapping of the parties stakeholder iv) value added analysis of each link in the supply chain. There are two types of methods applied and included in the descriptive-exploratory method. First, the qualitative method includes the study of literature in obtaining work data / references, observations, interviews with value chain actors and government. Second, the quantitative method with Hayami's calculation to find out the added value of andaliman. Facts show that the area of productive land of andaliman is ± 62.9 hectares with a production capacity of ± 417.2 tons / year. There are two supply chain models, namely fresh and processed andaliman. Then the value chain mapping is done to find out the R / C value from the margins of each supply chain node. When the reliable price is neutral to high, the R / C value range is between 1.08 and 1.73, which indicates that each actor will profit. However, if the reliable price is low, the R / C value is between 0.85 to 1.9 with this condition, there are actors who are greatly disadvantaged or disadvantaged. The results related to the value chain map revealed that optimal value engineering has not been proven to be optimal from the products produced by the supply chain are far below the potential potential value. SWOT analysis provides information on opportunities and challenges of developing supply chains to increase the value of andaliman products. The end of this research is a recommendation to increase added value strategies, including increasing product diversification, creating special centers for andaliman processing, etc. 

MT Uddin ◽  
MM Islam ◽  
M Nasrin

The goal of the study was to analyze the different actors involved in the dairy products value chain with their value addition activities and estimate the demand for livestock products through measuring the availability of milk, meat and egg at individual level. With this goal, the study was conducted in four districts namely Sirajganj, Bogra, Rangpur and Narsingdi which were selected purposively for this study based on concentration of dairy farming and the presence of dairy processing plants/companies. The simple random sampling technique was followed to select a total of 240 from six types of stakeholders/ actors i.e., input suppliers, dairy farmers, milk traders, processing plants/companies including their branches/agents, credit organizations and service providers, and consumers of livestock products. Data and information were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, mathematical techniques, enterprise analysis, SWOT analysis and value chain analysis followed by graphical presentation. Cost of milk per litre was highest in Narsingdi (Tk. 25.33) and lowest in Sirajganj (Tk. 19.66). Dairy farmers in Narshingdi derived highest net return per cow per day (Tk. 109.48). Investment in dairy farming was highly profitable since BCR per day per cow in all the districts were more than one. Collection point/processing plants added highest value (35.5%) to a product followed by farmers (25.2%), milk traders (28.3%) and retailers (11.0%). The availability of milk, meat and egg was higher in all the study areas than the national average. The impact of price and income on quantity demand was statistically significant for all the products. The demand for milk and egg was price elastic whereas demand for meat was price inelastic. On the other hand, the demand for livestock products was found as income inelastic. However, in spite of various problems and threats, there is a great export potential for value added dairy products along with satisfying the unmet consumer demand in the domestic market for such products. Bangladesh J. of Livestock Res. 21-25: 45-55, 2018

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Kristiana Kristiana ◽  
Zulfika Satria Kusharsanto ◽  
Ramos Hutapea

<p>As a region with the largest oil palm plantations in Indonesia, Pelalawan Regency is highly potential to develop a program of oil palm-cattle integration. Pelalawan has implemented the program legitimated by Regent Decree Number KPTS./524/Disnak/2012/472 regarding Zoning Regulation on the development of Oil Palm-Cattle Integration. The program of oil palm-cattle integration itself has been the basis for the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture Number 105 Year 2014 regarding the Integration of Oil Palm Plantation and Beef Cattle Farming. Moreover, the integration system of oil palm-cattle gives a lot of benefit to farmers, for example the utilization of manure as organic fertilizers could reduce farmer’s expenses for chemical fertilizers and the cattle can be an asset for them. Products made from the integrated program are solid manure, liquid organic fertilizer, fodder, biogas, and beef. To improve the competitiveness of those activities, we can analyze the value chain which includes product design, inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing, sales, services and supporting activities. By using a value chain analysis, this study aims to provide recommendations for strengthening programs which could be implemented to improve the value-added of the products.</p><p> </p><p>Keywords: oil palm-cattle integration, value chain, value-added, industrial cluster</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 ◽  
pp. 01013
Michael P. Heide ◽  
Martin S. Heide ◽  
Dan-Cristian Dabija ◽  
Barbara Kreis-Engelhardt

Research background: The industrialized world is experiencing a far-reaching crisis situation due to the pandemic triggered by COVID-19. Economies with global value chains are particularly badly affected, including Germany. The associated glocal effects force the management of organizations, including SMEs in the healthcare sector, to place risk management on a strategic level. Purpose of the article: This research contribution is intended to provide organizations in times of crisis with a profitable outline of the intelligent use of business management tools in the Corona crisis. The focus is on the determination of significant value and risk drivers using SWOT analysis, communicative reporting and the creation of key figures for decision support. The results of the 2nd survey of the Federal Guild of Orthopedic Technology on the Corona effects show high sales and order drops due to a sharp decrease in the frequency of customers at orthopedic companies compared to grocery retailers. In the Corona crisis, both sectors are considered to be systemically relevant and are of major importance for the state community. Methods: The authors have analyzed pandemic-related secondary data in order to show the economic effects of COVID-19 for SMEs in the healthcare sector and to comprehensively record the problem. It was carried on already available data from WHO, DeSTATIS as well as specialist organs of technical orthopedics were used. Findings & Value added: In a crisis, managers are primarily challenged to evaluate and redefine their previous management philosophy. Proactive and cross-functional cost management across the entire value chain is essential to ensure the continued existence of the company.

2016 ◽  
pp. 137-144
D. Liu ◽  
A. Cusack ◽  
M. Chaliha ◽  
S. Pun ◽  
K. Abberton ◽  
A Value ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 252 ◽  
pp. R19-R32
Robert Marschinski ◽  
David Martínez-Turégano

The EU´s falling share in global manufacturing has fuelled concerns about an overall loss of EU competitiveness, in particular vis-à-vis China. We analyse the empirical evidence underlying these concerns by applying a newly developed decomposition technique to global input-output data spanning the years 2000 to 2014. Our results confirm the diminishing role of the EU in manufacturing value chains, but also show that this is mostly, by nearly 75 per cent, a consequence of the geographical and sectoral reallocation of global demand, reflecting the lower economic growth in the EU relative to the rest of the world. Still, the other almost 25 per cent of the EU’s loss of global share is explained by its lower participation in manufacturing value chains, which confirms a downturn in EU competitiveness. By extending the analysis to individual manufacturing activities we show that this general trend is more pronounced for low-tech (e.g. textiles) than high-tech sectors, with pharmaceuticals emerging as the most resilient EU industry. Policy concerns appear to be most warranted for electronics, a key sector for which the EU´s global share fell even more than for overall manufacturing, without evidence that EU value added from upstream service inputs could significantly mitigate this trend.

Ma. Teresa B. Lirag

The presence of cacao industry plays a critical role in the economic development of a country. A study was conducted to determine the cost, return and added value along the value chain stages of cacao in Camarines Sur, Philippines. Sixty-eight farmers served as respondents using purposive sampling technique and interviews/key informant surveys were conducted. Results of the study showed that cacao production has high return on investment of 77.89% and 160% for the farmer and processor, respectively but a low return on investment of 13% for traders. The value added from farmer to processor is Php 590.00/kilogram, and Php 125.00/kilogram from processor to trader. Various opportunities and prospects for cacao production had been identified such as increased technical and production support from the government, presence of R & D programs, increasing trend towards wellness & healthy lifestyle, and increasing businesses offering cocoa-based products. Recommendations include improvement in access and availability of processing facilities, improvement of market information for farmers, provision of trainings to enhance capability of farmers, strengthening of farmers’ groups to increase their access to technical and financial assistance from government and provision of infrastructure support and storage facilities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Dessy Agustina Sari ◽  
Sukanta Sukanta

Abstract—Higher competition in businesslike field demanded each company acted as a value creator with progressive fixing performance. One of effort in increasing productivity was reducing waste. Enterprise T have seven type of extravagance were over production, transportation, inventory, over processing, motion waiting and defect. Minimize waste have bond with production time which could increase efficiency on using electricity and decreased lead time. Production process in this company showed non-value added time such as excessively material transportation in picking area and so the workers too much waited for the next schedule activity. This condition caused higher product lead time. Lean manufacturing idea necessary was implemented with using tool Value Stream Mapping – VSM. This strategy would resumed for the company maintenance and the result showed that lacking as much 26,45% of lead time could be a problem solution. Reducing lead time could be higher if the company have applied and played continue improvement.Keywords—lead time, lean manufacturing, value stream mapping.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-30
An Apriyani Tebiary ◽  
I Ketut Suastika ◽  
Buana Ma'ruf

Competition of shipyard industry market in this globalization era encourages companies to realize the importance of improving the effectiveness and efficiency so that, able to compete in terms of quality, cost and on time delivery. Production effectiveness is one effort that must be achieved by a shipbuilding industry to survive amid the competition in seizing market share. Production effectiveness is done with the aim of producing economically, continuously and on time to the customer, so that the company's survival can be guaranteed. This study aims to identify the activities that are classified as waste in the process of ship building at PT. Dumas Tanjung Perak Shipyard Surabaya so as to minimize production time in shipyard industry. The results showed the effectiveness of PT. DUMAS currently reaches 84.96%. In the process of improvement with the application of value stream mapping effectiveness value reached 92%. The conclusion of this research is a value stream mapping method can be applied measuring instrument and can describe the flow of production process in shipyard so that can explain in detail activity that give value added or non value added activity.

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