scholarly journals Proses Berpikir Mahasiswa Program Studi Matematika IAIN Bukittinggi dalam Memecahkan Masalah Geometri Ditinjau dari Perbedaan Gender

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Tasnim Rahmat

<p><em>This study aims to describe the thinking process of students in solving geometry problems in terms of gender. This research is qualitative-descriptive. The subject of this research is the Semester V student of Bukittinggi IAIN Mathematics Education. The instruments used are tests and interviews. the thinking process of Bukittinggi IAIN PMTK students in geometry problem solving tends to be different in the stages of processing information on men and women. In planning and resolving problems in female subjects more analytical in completing compared to male subjects. But the subject of men is </em><em>more</em><em> able to describe the problem. Male subjects can see with a different perspective. But this depends on the questions given and the understanding of concepts and experiences that have existed in the previous subject related to the questions given</em><em></em></p><p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses berpikir mahasiswa laki laki dan perempuan dalam memecahkan masalah geometri. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif-deskriptif. Subjek pada penilitian ini adalah satu mahasiswa laki laki dan satu mahasiswa perempuan Pendidikan Matematika IAIN Bukittinggi yang memiliki kemampuan matematika yang setara dan komunikatif. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes pemecahan masalah geometri dan wawancara. Proses berpikir mahasiswa dalam  memecahan masalah geometri cenderung  berbeda pada tahapan mengolah informasi pada laki laki dan perempuan. Dalam merencanakan dan menyelesaikan masalah pada subjek perempuan lebih analitis dalam menyelesaikan dibandingkan dengan subjek laki laki. Namun subjek laki laki lebih bisa menggambarkan dan mengabstrakkan permasalahan. Subjek laki laki bisa melihat dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda. Namun hal ini tergantung pada soal yang diberikan serta pemahaman konsep dan pengalaman yang telah ada pada subjek sebelumnya terkait soal yang diberikan.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-152
Miftah Syarifuddin

[Bahasa]: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses berpikir siswa bertemperamen choleric dan melancholic dalam menyelesaikan masalah geometri. Proses berpikir dalam penelitian ini adalah proses berpikir konseptual atau proses berpikir prosedural. Proses berpikir konseptual meliputi 5 (lima) kompetensi, yaitu menggunakan aturan dasar, melihat pola, menerapkan konsep, mengklarifikasi situasi, dan mengembangkan masalah. Proses berpikir prosedural adalah cara berpikir siswa yang terbiasa menghafal rumus dan menggunakan cara-cara rutin dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 2 (dua) siswa perempuan dengan kemampuan matematika tinggi dan setara di kelas IX Salatiga, Indonesia, terdiri dari 1 (satu) siswa bertemperamen choleric dan 1 (satu) siswa bertemperamen melancholic. Pemilihan subjek penelitian berdasarkan hasil tes temperamen dan hasil tes kemampuan matematika. Data penelitian diperoleh dari pemberian tugas penyelesaian masalah geometri dan wawancara kepada para subjek penelitian sebanyak 2 (dua) kali. Pemberian tugas penyelesaian masalah kedua dan wawancara kedua merupakan triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses berpikir siswa terungkap melalui tugas penyelesaian masalah geometri yang diberikan. Siswa bertemperamen choleric menggunakan proses berpikir prosedural dalam menyelesaikan masalah geometri, sedangkan siswa bertemperamen melancholic menggunakan proses berpikir konseptual dalam menyelesaikan masalah geometri. Kata kunci: Proses Berpikir; Choleric; Melancholic; Masalah Geometri [English]: This study aims to describe the thinking process of students with choleric and melancholic temperament in solving geometry problems. The thinking process in this research is conceptual thinking process or procedural thinking process. The conceptual thinking process includes 5 (five) competencies, i.e. using basic rules, seing patterns, applying concepts, clarifying situations, and developing problems. The process of procedural thinking is a way of thinking of students who are used to memorizing formulas and using routine ways of solving problems. This research was a descriptive research with qualitative approach. The subjects consisted of 2 (two) female students with high and equivalent mathematics abilities in the ninth grade in Salatiga, Indonesia consisting of 1 (one) choleric student and 1 (one) melancholic student. The selection of research subjects is based on temperament test and mathematical ability test. Research data obtained from geometry problem solving task and interview to the research subjects twice. The second task of problem solving and interview is triangulation of data. The results reveal the thinking process of students through the task of solving the geometry problem given. Student with choleric temperament used procedural thinking processes in solving geometry problems, while student with melancholic temperament used conceptual thinking processes in solving geometry problems. Keywords: Thinking; Choleric; Melancholic; Geometry Problems

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-37
Marlinda Indah Eka Budiarti ◽  
Faisal Eka Mahendra

Abstract: Due to difficulties in learning geometry, the teacher plays an important and active role in creating students who have good problem solving skills. The teacher also has to test the level of geometrical thinking of students based on Van Hiele's theory to find out the students understanding about geometry material, so the teacher can overcome the difficulties of students in learning geometry. This research is designed to explore and describe the process of geometry problem solving based on Van Hiele's theory. Therefore this research used descriptive exploratory. It used qualitative approach. The subject of this research is limited to University of Muhammadiyah Sorong students which obtained the level of visualization, analysis, informal deductive and will be analyzed based on the gender. Data of this research is 1) Geometry Van Hiele Test; 2) Problem Solving Test; 3) Interview. The conclusion of this research is: 1) At the level of male visualization thinking is to identify problem and determine goal using language problem. While at the level of women visualization, it reached on determining goal, ; 2) the level of male analysis thinking is able to pass five steps in problem solving by using own language but are less systematic. While level of female analysis thinking is able to pass five steps in problem solving systematically; 3) level of male deductive formal thinking is to pass five steps problem solving systematically and using own language. While level of female deductive formal thinking is able to pass five steps problem solving systematically and explaining by using own language.

Imelda Aisah Sarip ◽  
Kamid Kamid ◽  
Bambang Hariyadi

The aim of this research is to describe creative thinking process of linguistic type student in biology problem solving. This research is conducted to linguistic intelligence type of subject at SMPN 6 Kota Jambi. SL the subject was selected based on the aim of the research. Data collection is conducted by interview and a modified think aloud method. Data is analyzed based on creative thinking process purposed by Polya.The result of this research shows that SL could find and arrange the given problems and collect data correctly and appropriately. The problem solving steps is done systematically to the end of problem solving process. The last steps problem solving, SL does checking while doing scratching to make sure that the written answers meet her need.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Trimahesti Trimahesti ◽  
Kriswandani Kriswandani ◽  
Novisita Ratu

Abstrak: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika dalam mengerjakan soal olimpiade SMP bagi siswa kelas IX SMP N 8 Salatiga. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 4 siswa yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Berdasarkan hasil tes dan wawancara diketahui semua subjek tidak memenuhi kelima tahap Krulik & Rudnick pada soal nomor 1. Pada langkah awal tahap membaca dan berfikir (read and think) subjek  telah melakukan kesalahan dalam memahami soal/masalah. Sedangkan untuk soal nomor 2 hanya 1 subjek yang tidak mampu melewati tahap kelima pada tahap teori Krulik dan Rudnick yaitu refleksi dan pengembangan (reflect and extend). Abstract:  This is a qualitative descriptive research. The purpose of this research is to know the ability of mathematics problem solving in doing Junior High Olympics for students of grade IX SMP N 8 Salatiga. The research subjects consist of 4 students selected by purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of tests and interviews are known that all subjects did not meet the five stages of Krulik & Rudnick in question number 1. In the first step of reading and thinking phase, the subject has made a mistake in understanding the problem. Meanwhile, in question number 2 only 1 subject who is not able to pass the fifth stage at the stage of Krulik and Rudnick theory, that is reflect and extend.

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