Л. О. Чіп

Проаналізовано особливості, основні проблеми ін-вестиційного клімату в Україні, його виключну важ-ливість для сприяння динаміки соціально-економічного розвитку та можливості модернізаціїна цій основі національної економіки. Розглянуто ос-новні риси, тенденції інвестиційних процесів в Украї-ні та напрями вдосконалення державної політики усфері інвестування, а також заходи щодо удоскона-лення правового поля у сфері інвестиційної діяльнос-ті. Акцентовано увагу на тому, що в Україні пере-важають негативні оцінки стосовно інвестиційногоклімату, поскільки внутрішніх інвестицій недостат-ньо, щоб забезпечити високу довгострокову динамі-ку, а темпи залучення прямих іноземних інвестицій –як інвестиційного стимулятора – значно уповільни-лися. Обґрунтовано необхідність, що на сучасномуетапі розвитку економіки країни прямі іноземні інве-стиції є невід’ємним компонентом її нормальногофункціонування. Висвітлено фундаментальну значу-щість інвестиційної діяльності для чіткого окрес-лення національних інтересів з урахуванням впливівгеополітичного середовища. The features of the main problems of the investment climate in Ukraine, its crucial importance to the promotion of the dynamics of socio-economic development and possibility of updating on this basis of the national economy have been analyzed. The main features and trends of investment processes in Ukraine and ways of improving the state policy in the field of investment, as well as measures to improve the legal framework in the field of investment activities have been examined. The attention has been focused on the fact that Ukraine is dominated by negative assessments of the investment climate, because domestic investment is not enough to provide high long-term trend, and the rate of foreign direct investment - investment as a stimulant - slowed considerably. Necessity, that at the present stage of development of the economy, foreign direct investment is an integral part of its normal operation. The fundamental importance of investment for a clear definition of national interests, taking into account the effects of the geopolitical environment has been highlighted.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 256-266
A. Mamatkulov

Author analyzes the impact of foreign direct investment on domestic investment in host developing countries and checks whether a foreign direct investment has a “positive” or “negative” impact on domestic investment, as well as evaluating the impact of selected variables on this relationship. Using a full sample, the main conclusion of this study is that FDI does have a positive (crowding out) effect on domestic investment in this sample of developing economies. In the short term, an increase in FDI by one percentage point as a percentage of GDP leads to an increase in total investment as a percentage of the host country’s GDP of about 10.7%, while in the long term this effect is about 31% dollar terms, one US dollar represents us 1.7$ of total investment in the short term and us 3.1$ in the long term. Based on the results of this study, it was once again proved that inflation hinders domestic investment in host countries by 0.04% and 0.12% in the short and long term, respectively.

2007 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-40
Slavica Penev

Investment Climate and Foreign Direct Investment Trends in the South Caucasus and Central AsiaThis paper analyzes and compares investment climates and trends in the South Caucasus and Central Asia. The analyses and comparisons were conducted in view of the impacts of transitional progress, economic development, and the energy reserves from these regions on the inflow of foreign direct investment. Improvement of the investment climate by accelerating the transition process and reducing investment risks can be seen as the most important determinants of FDI inflows into the countries of these two regions. Structural diversification of South Caucasian and Central Asian natural resource-based economies would be essential in ending dependence on the energy and mining sectors and would have positive long-term effects on economic growth and the investment climate, and attract other, additional types of FDI.

2015 ◽  
pp. 151-156
A. Koval

The improving investment climate objective requires a comprehensive approach to the regulatory framework enhancement. Policy Framework for Investment (PFI) is a significant OECD’s investment tool which makes possible to identify the key obstacles to the inflow foreign direct investment and to determine the main measures to overcome them. Using PFI by Russian authorities would allow a systematic monitoring of the national investment policy and also take steps to improve the effectiveness of sustainable development promotion regulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 165-182
Ahmet Emrah TAYYAR

The relationship between foreign direct investment, which is a type of cross-border and long-term investment, and environmental quality is a current issue that is heavily debated. Foreign direct invesments can ensure economic growth and development of countries, while also causing a change in environmental quality. In the research conducted, it is seen that changes in carbon dioxide emissions with foreign direct capital inflows are mainly investigated from the point of view of the host countries. However, foreign direct invesment outflows may have an impact on the environmental quality of the home country. Because foreign direct invesment outflows can enable the transfer of more environmentally friendly techonogies to the country and strengthen management skills. The impact of foreign direct investment outflows on the home country's environmental pollution is shaped by many factors (scale, technique, and composition effects). In addition to these effects, it is necessary to pay attention to the regional and sectoral distribution of capital outflows. The main aim of this study is to examine the links between Turkey's foreign direct invesment outflows and carbon dioxide emissions for the period 1990-2018. For this reason, a unit root test was applied to variables whose natural logarithm was taken. Tests showed that all series are stable of the same degree. Engle&Granger(1987) and Granger&Yoon(2002) tests were used to determine the cointegration relationship between variables. The crouching error correction model(CECM) was applied to determine the causality relationship. According to the results of the analysis; i) In terms of the Engle&Granger(1987) test, there was no long-term relationship between variables. ii) According to the Granger&Yoon(2002) test, it was determined that there is a bidirectional hidden cointegration relationship between the positive shocks of carbon dioxide emissions and negative shocks of foreign direct invesment outflows. iii) There is a bidirectional asymmetric causality relationship between the positive shocks of carbon dioxide emissions and the negative shocks of foreign direct invesment outflows. iv) It is observed that 1% negative shocks in foreign direct invesment outflows reduce positive shocks in carbon dioxide emissions by 0,26%. As a result, since negative situations in foreign direct invesment outflows have an effect on improving the quality of the environment, the environmental dimension should be taken into account in the policies to be made.

Significance Last week, its partners in the ‘Quad’ grouping -- the United States, Japan and Australia -- agreed to help increase its vaccine manufacturing and exporting capacity. Each of the Quad members is wary of China, which like India is gifting and selling coronavirus jabs around the world. Impacts India’s manufacturing sector will attract more foreign direct investment. Greater cooperation over supply chains will help strengthen India-Australia ties. Indian pharma will in the long term aim to ease dependence on imports of active pharmaceutical ingredients from China.

2015 ◽  
Ramon Torrent ◽  
Federico Ortino ◽  
Xavier Fernandez-Pons ◽  
Federico Lavopa ◽  
Altagracia Acuevas ◽  

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