scholarly journals Policy Bundling and Costly Monitoring

2021 ◽  
Greg Sasso

When should elected officials be in charge of multiple vs single policy areas? To study this question, I analyze a formal model of political accountability where politicians can have authority over one or two policy areas. When all politicians act sincerely, voters are always better off with unbundled policies. However, the voter is indifferent when all politicians pander. When bundled politicians partially-pander, the optimal institution is dependent on how likely the politician is to be a good type. I then show that voters are willing to spend more to monitor politicians in charge of multiple policy areas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 600-625
Joshua A Strayhorn

One explanation for why voters sometimes fail to hold elected officials accountable for corruption is failure to correctly attribute blame. Yet existing theories of how voters attribute responsibility do not consider how voters assessments may be shaped by the possibility that politicians can strategically delegate corrupt activity. This paper develops a formal model of an electoral accountability environment where politicians can pursue malfeasance directly or indirectly, but where ‘rogue agents’ occasionally pursue malfeasance independently. Corruption can arise via multiple pathways, and politicians sometimes possess plausible deniability. In one equilibrium, voters rationally reelect after plausibly deniable corruption due to a non-obvious and novel mechanism. Politicians are also more likely to delegate malfeasance to agents when they anticipate lenience. Voter lenience is non-monotonically related to many parameters, including politician competence, the agent’s malfeasance preferences, and transparency.

2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-125 ◽  

AbstractWhen a central government deals with local demands, it may strengthen political accountability of the local governments by political decentralization or offer benefits through economic assistance. An authoritarian regime uses economic assistance policy because political decentralization may contradict regime survival. Although economic benefits can be used to buy political support, the distribution of these benefits is seldom equal. We argue that the unequal distribution is more salient in regions where ethnic minorities reside because the unusual demographic composition of those areas make it difficult for the national government to evaluate the performance of the local government who is responsible for the distribution of the economic benefits. As a result, economic assistance may backfire in ethnic regions and intensify their existing conflicts. We develop a simple formal model to illustrate our arguments and explore the cases of Xinjiang and Hong Kong for empirical analysis.

2022 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-70
Radu-Daniel Vatavu ◽  
Jacob O. Wobbrock

We clarify fundamental aspects of end-user elicitation, enabling such studies to be run and analyzed with confidence, correctness, and scientific rigor. To this end, our contributions are multifold. We introduce a formal model of end-user elicitation in HCI and identify three types of agreement analysis: expert , codebook , and computer . We show that agreement is a mathematical tolerance relation generating a tolerance space over the set of elicited proposals. We review current measures of agreement and show that all can be computed from an agreement graph . In response to recent criticisms, we show that chance agreement represents an issue solely for inter-rater reliability studies and not for end-user elicitation, where it is opposed by chance disagreement . We conduct extensive simulations of 16 statistical tests for agreement rates, and report Type I errors and power. Based on our findings, we provide recommendations for practitioners and introduce a five-level hierarchy for elicitation studies.

Ronald S. Weinstein ◽  
N. Scott McNutt

The Type I simple cold block device was described by Bullivant and Ames in 1966 and represented the product of the first successful effort to simplify the equipment required to do sophisticated freeze-cleave techniques. Bullivant, Weinstein and Someda described the Type II device which is a modification of the Type I device and was developed as a collaborative effort at the Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The modifications reduced specimen contamination and provided controlled specimen warming for heat-etching of fracture faces. We have now tested the Mass. General Hospital version of the Type II device (called the “Type II-MGH device”) on a wide variety of biological specimens and have established temperature and pressure curves for routine heat-etching with the device.

E. Horvath ◽  
K. Kovacs ◽  
I. E. Stratmann ◽  
C. Ezrin

Surgically removed human pituitary glands as well as pituitary tumors fixed in glutaraldehyde, postfixed in osmium tetroxide, embedded in epon resin, stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate have been investigated by electron microscopy in order to correlate ultrastructure with functional activity. In the course of this study two distinct types of microfilaments have been identified in the cytoplasm of adenohypophysiocytes.Type I microfilaments (Fig. 1) were found in the cytoplasm of anterior lobe cells of five female subjects with disseminated mammary cancer and two patients with severe diabetes mellitus. The breast cancer patients were treated pre-operatively for various periods of time with different doses of oxysteroids. The microfilaments had an average diameter of JO A, formed parallel bundles, were scattered irregularly in the cytoplasm and were frequently located in the perikaryon. They were not membrane-bound and failed to show any periodicity.

W. Jurecka ◽  
W. Gebhart ◽  
H. Lassmann

Diagnosis of metabolic storage disease can be established by the determination of enzymes or storage material in blood, urine, or several tissues or by clinical parameters. Identification of the accumulated storage products is possible by biochemical analysis of isolated material, by histochemical demonstration in sections, or by ultrastructural demonstration of typical inclusion bodies. In order to determine the significance of such inclusions in human skin biopsies several types of metabolic storage disease were investigated. The following results were obtained.In MPS type I (Pfaundler-Hurler-Syndrome), type II (Hunter-Syndrome), and type V (Ullrich-Scheie-Syndrome) mainly “empty” vacuoles were found in skin fibroblasts, in Schwann cells, keratinocytes and macrophages (Dorfmann and Matalon 1972). In addition, prominent vacuolisation was found in eccrine sweat glands. The storage material could be preserved in part by fixation with cetylpyridiniumchloride and was also present within fibroblasts grown in tissue culture.

E.M. Kuhn ◽  
K.D. Marenus ◽  
M. Beer

Fibers composed of different types of collagen cannot be differentiated by conventional electron microscopic stains. We are developing staining procedures aimed at identifying collagen fibers of different types.Pt(Gly-L-Met)Cl binds specifically to sulfur-containing amino acids. Different collagens have methionine (met) residues at somewhat different positions. A good correspondence has been reported between known met positions and Pt(GLM) bands in rat Type I SLS (collagen aggregates in which molecules lie adjacent to each other in exact register). We have confirmed this relationship in Type III collagen SLS (Fig. 1).

G. D. Gagne ◽  
M. F. Miller ◽  
D. A. Peterson

Experimental infection of chimpanzees with non-A, non-B hepatitis (NANB) or with delta agent hepatitis results in the appearance of characteristic cytoplasmic alterations in the hepatocytes. These alterations include spongelike inclusions (Type I), attached convoluted membranes (Type II), tubular structures (Type III), and microtubular aggregates (Type IV) (Fig. 1). Type I, II and III structures are, by association, believed to be derived from endoplasmic reticulum and may be morphogenetically related. Type IV structures are generally observed free in the cytoplasm but sometimes in the vicinity of type III structures. It is not known whether these structures are somehow involved in the replication and/or assembly of the putative NANB virus or whether they are simply nonspecific responses to cellular injury. When treated with uranyl acetate, type I, II and III structures stain intensely as if they might contain nucleic acids. If these structures do correspond to intermediates in the replication of a virus, one might expect them to contain DNA or RNA and the present study was undertaken to explore this possibility.

Arthur J. Wasserman ◽  
Kathy C. Kloos ◽  
David E. Birk

Type I collagen is the predominant collagen in the cornea with type V collagen being a quantitatively minor component. However, the content of type V collagen (10-20%) in the cornea is high when compared to other tissues containing predominantly type I collagen. The corneal stroma has a homogeneous distribution of these two collagens, however, immunochemical localization of type V collagen requires the disruption of type I collagen structure. This indicates that these collagens may be arranged as heterpolymeric fibrils. This arrangement may be responsible for the control of fibril diameter necessary for corneal transparency. The purpose of this work is to study the in vitro assembly of collagen type V and to determine whether the interactions of these collagens influence fibril morphology.

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