scholarly journals Construction of Advertisements in Pakistan: How far Television Commercials Conform to Social Values and Professional Code of Conduct?

2019 ◽  
Vol IV (II) ◽  
pp. 22-31
Bakht Rawan ◽  
Nazia Bibi

The present study examines that how far television content especially televised advertisements in Pakistan are conforming to the professional code of conduct, and social values of the society. For this purpose, the researchers selected TV commercials being telecast during prime time dramas and examined them through content analysis against the code of conduct formulated by Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA). The researchers focused on existence/non-existence of deception, obscenity, and stereotyping in the advertisements. They also explored that whether the level of existence of deception, obscenity and stereotyping varies from product to product and channel to channel or remains intact across the board. It was found that most of the advertisements were deceptive but a few. The element of obscenity (dress and gestures/postures) existed in all the analyzed advertisements. And as compared to ethnic stereotyping gender stereotyping was prevailing more in the chosen advertisements. The results indicate that Pakistani media are transgressing the cultural values and PEMRAs code of conduct.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Sri Sabakti

Many folklores have same motives, but different in development adjust to the community that support the story. Differences in the development of the story in folklore shows the influences of local cultures to the storyteller. The differences cause various versions of folklore. It is also seen in folklore Mahligai Keloyang from Indragiri Hulu Regency and Koba Malin Deman from Rokan Hulu Regency. Therefore, this study aimed to find the similarities and the differences of the two folklores. The analysis of the similarities and differences of The legend Mahligai Keloyang and Koba Malin Deman applied dynamic structuralism theory, the theory which does not only emphasizes the intrinsic elements, but also pay attention to extrinsic elements in literature. Due to the fact that the study was also intended to compare two folklores, the research method used is descriptive comparative method. Based on the analysis of the structure of the story, it is found that there are similarities and differences in the stories Mahligai Keloyang and Koba Malin Deman which includes elements of the theme, the characters, the settings, and the plots. Based on the analysis of the cultural values in the folklores, some similarities and differences of religious values, moral values, and social values are found.AbstrakBanyak cerita rakyat yang mempunyai motif yang sama, tetapi berbeda pengembangannya disesuaikan dengan masyarakat pendukung cerita tersebut. Perbedaan pengembangan cerita dalam cerita rakyat memperlihatkan adanya pengaruh budaya lokal kepada si pencerita. Perbedaan itulah yang menimbulkan berbagai versi cerita rakyat. Hal ini juga terlihat dalam cerita rakyat “Mahligai Keloyang” dari Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu dan “Koba Malin Deman” dari Kabupaten Rokan Hulu. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan kedua cerita rakyat tersebut. Analisis terhadap persamaan dan perbedaan cerita legenda “Mahligai Keloyang” dan “Koba Malin Deman” dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori strukturalisme dinamik, yaitu teori yang tidak hanya menekankan pada unsur-unsur intrinsik, tetapi juga memerhatikan unsur ekstrinsik dalam karya sastra. Karena penelitian ini juga bermaksud membandingkan dua cerita rakyat, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif komparatif. Berdasarkan analisis struktur cerita didapati bahwa persamaan dan perbedaan yang terdapat dalam cerita “Mahligai Keloyang” dan “Koba Malin Deman” meliputi unsur tema, tokoh, latar, dan alur. Mealui analisis nilai budaya pada kedua cerita rakyat tersebut diperoleh persamaan dan perbedaan tentang nilai agama, nilai moral, dan nilai sosial.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Erlina Erlina

<p><strong>            </strong><em>This research is motivated by the analysis extrinsic elements novel </em><em>Sang Pemimpi</em><em>. This study aimed to describe the social values, cultural values, moral values, and religious values in the novel </em><em>Sang Pemimpi</em><em>. The research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The data in this study is a form of social values, cultural values, </em><em>religius </em><em>values and moral </em><em>on Sang Pemimpi</em><em> novel by Andrea Hirata. Data source is </em><em>Sang Pemimpi</em><em> novel by Andrea Hirata. Data collection techniques in this study are: (1) to read and understand the Novel </em><em>Sang Pemimpi</em><em> by Andrea Hirata, and (2) give coding by underlining sentences containing social values, cultural values and political values in the note of the novel </em><em>Sang Pemimpi</em><em> by Andrea Hirata all data regarding speech acts in a novel study. While the steps in analyzing data are: (1) read data that has been </em><em>record</em><em>ed, (2) classify or record data for the purpose for researchers based on the novel </em><em>Sang Pemimpi</em><em> by Andrea Hirata, (3) interpreting or interpretation of data for the purpose of research is to analyze the novel Sang </em><em>Pemimpi</em><em> by Andrea Hirata, and (4) make the conclusion of the study. The results of this study stated that extrinsic elements contained in </em><em>Sang Pemimpi</em><em> novel by Andrea Hirata is the value of cultural education, where cultural rights set forth in the novel The Dreamer ie when they are a teenager then it started to work for money. Social educational value, namely the attitude of helping each other like Arai and Mak Cik, and as pastor and Jimbron. the value of religious education that is visible on the pastor and Jimbron, although Jimbron raised by a pastor, but the pastor did not impose his religion on Jimbron. moral and political education value seen in a leader who has no morals and honesty.</em></p><p> </p><p><em>            Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh analisis unsur ekstrinsik novel Sang Pemimpi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai sosial, nilai budaya, nilai politik, nilai moral, dan nilai religius dalam novel Sang Pemimpi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. </em><em>Data dalampenelitian iniadalah bentuk nilai sosial,  nilai budaya, nilai realigi dan moral dalam novel Sang Pemimpi karya Andrea Hirata. Sumber datanya adalah novelSang Pemimpi karya Andrea Hirata.Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) membaca dan memahami Novel Sang Pemimpi karya Andrea Hirata</em><em>, dan (2) </em><em>memberi pengkodean dengan menggarisbawahi kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung nilai sosial, nilai budaya, dan nilai politik dalam Mencatat Novel Sang Pemimpi karya Andrea Hirata  semua data mengenai tindak tutur dalam novel yang diteliti. Sedangkan langkah-langkah dalam menganalisis datanya adalah: (1) membaca data yang sudah dicatat, (2) mengklasifikasikan atau mencatat data sesuai tujuan peneliti berdasarkan novel Sang Pemimpi karya Andrea Hirata, (3) menginterprestasikan atau penafsiran data dengan tujuan penelitian yaitu menganalisis novel Sang Pemimpi karya Andrea Hirata, dan (4) membuat simpulan penelitian.</em><em>Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa unsur ekstrinsik yang dapat dalam novel Sang Pemimpi karya Andrea Hirata adalah nilai pendidikan budaya, di mana budaya yang tercantum dalam novel Sang Pemimpi yaitu apabila sudah beranjak remaja maka sudah mulai bekerja untuk mencari uang. nilai pendidikan sosial, yaitu adanya sikap saling tolong menolong seperti Arai dan Mak Cik, dan seperti pendeta dan Jimbron. nilai pendidikan religius yaitu terlihat pada pendeta dan Jimbron, walaupun Jimbron diasuh oleh seorang Pendeta, tetapi pendeta tersebut tidak memaksakan agamanya pada Jimbron. nilai pendidikan moral dan politik terlihat pada seorang pemimpin yang tidak mempunyai moral dan kejujuran.</em></p>

Massimiliano Aragona

AbstractThe way somatization is expressed—including the actual somatoform symptoms experienced—varies in different persons and in different cultures. Traumatic experiences are intertwined with cultural and social values in shaping the resulting psychopathological phenomena, including bodily experiences. Four ideal-typical cases are presented to show the different levels involved. The effects of trauma, culture and values may be pathofacilitating (creating a social context which is necessary for the experience to take place), pathogenetic (taking a causal role in the onset of the psychopathological reaction), pathoplastic (shaping the form such a psychopathological reaction takes) or pathointerpretive (different interpretation of the same symptoms depending on the patient’s beliefs). While the roles of trauma and culture were already well recognized in previous accounts, this chapter adds an exploration of the importance of values, including cultural values, in the aetiology, presentation and management of somatization disorders. As a consequence, the therapeutic approach has to be adjusted depending on the way these factors intervene in the patient’s construction of mental distress.

2016 ◽  
Vol I (I) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Saima Andleeb

This research categorizes treatment model of political parties in of agenda setting and framing perspective in major TV news channels in Pakistan before the elections of May 2013. The prime time (7-11pm) of these channels for one month was selected for supervising, examining and organizing determinations of coverage of general elections by news channels in under the code of conduct and procedure of coverage set by regulators. The researcher conducted content analysis of prime time which includes headlines of news bulletin, talk shows and issued addressed in program content broadcast on TV channels during that time frame. Results of the study showed that all news channels failed to fulfill the fundamental obsessions of impartial balance and reasonable reporting of political parties and their nominated candidates. In this study as the analysis showed the conduct of the elections, though having eminent place in the state news plan, it devastatingly explained the major political parties.

2012 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
Kyle Asquith ◽  
Alison Hearn

Drawing on critical cultural theory, the industry trade press, and an exploratory content analysis of prime-time television, this article examines the under-researched phenomenon of “internal network promotions.” The authors argue that internal promotions constitute a central component of the growing promotional orientation of Canadian prime-time television. They provide a theoretical overview of the practices of branding and a general description of the rise of “advertainment” on Canadian television. They then focus on the ways in whichn internal network promotions comprise a taken-for-granted “branded” backdrop against which television content, already heavily infiltrated by promotional interests, is mounted. The article concludes with a call for more research into the promotional nature of Canadian primetime television and its social, political, and cultural implications.Cet article a recours à la presse spécialisée pertinente, la théorie critique sur la culture et une analyse de contenu exploratoire de la télévision en période de pointe afin d’examiner le phénomène insuffisamment étudié de « promotions internes au réseau ». Les auteurs soutiennent que les promotions internes constituent une composante centrale de l’orientation promotionnelle croissante de la télévision canadienne en période de pointe. Ils fournissent un aperçu théorique des pratiques de stratégie de marque et une description générale de la montée du « publidivertissement » à la télévision au Canada. Les auteurs se concentrent ensuite sur les manières dont les promotions internes au réseau forment un arrière-plan pris pour acquis contre lequel le contenu télévisuel, déjà profondément infiltré par des intérêts promotionnels, se démarque. L’article conclut en recommandant davantage de recherches sur la nature promotionnelle de la télévision canadienne en période de pointe et sur les implications sociales, politiques et culturelles de cette nature.

Media Asia ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 168-172 ◽  
Catherine N. Axinn ◽  
Vijay Krishna

1984 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 623-627
M. Carole Macklin

A psychometric investigation was conducted of Rossiter's test (1977) to measure children's attitudes toward television commercials. The factor analyses conducted on different populations of test-takers suggested empirical difficulties in the number and nature of dimensions underlying the scale.

BMJ Open ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. e025807 ◽  
Alexander B Barker ◽  
Jordan Smith ◽  
Abby Hunter ◽  
John Britton ◽  
Rachael L Murray

ObjectivesExposure to tobacco and alcohol content in audio-visual media is a risk factor for smoking and alcohol use in young people. Previous UK research has quantified tobacco and alcohol content in films and broadcast television but not that of video-on-demand (VOD) services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. Furthermore, it is not clear whether regulation by Dutch (Netflix) or UK (Amazon Prime) authorities results in differences in content. We report an analysis of tobacco and alcohol content in a sample of episodes from the most popular programmes from these two VOD providers, and compare findings with earlier studies of UK prime-time television content.SettingUK.ParticipantsNone. Content analysis of a sample of 50 episodes from the five highest rated series released on Netflix and Amazon Prime in 2016, using 1 min interval coding of any tobacco or alcohol content, actual or implied use, paraphernalia and branding.ResultsOf 2704 intervals coded, any tobacco content appeared in 353 (13%) from 37 (74%) episodes. Any alcohol content appeared in 363 (13%) intervals in 47 (94%) episodes. There were no significant differences between the two services, however the proportion of episodes containing tobacco and alcohol was significantly higher in VOD original programmes than those recorded in an earlier study of prime-time UK television.ConclusionsAudio-visual tobacco and alcohol content is common in VOD original programmes and represents a further source of exposure to imagery causing smoking uptake and alcohol use in young people. This appears to be equally true of services regulated in the UK and The Netherlands. Given that VOD services are consumed by a global audience, it appears likely that VOD content is an important global driver of tobacco and alcohol consumption.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 340
Bharathan Viswanathan ◽  
Robinson Joseph ◽  
Philip Thomas ◽  
Sambasivan Elumalai

<p>Indian accounting standards are not only principle based but also based on users’ perceived ethical notions on professional ethics and compliance with professional code of conduct that are issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).Codes of conduct for accountants give guidelines for proper behavior in the profession. The present study attempts to understand the perceptions of practicing auditors and professional Chartered Accountants (CAs) on the Indian accounting Standards and adherence to the professional code of conduct issued by the ICAI. The study is based on a survey conducted among a sample of qualified CAs. On the basis of the findings, the study concluded that ethical accounting standards are fundamentally necessary for accountants to produce quality financial reports free from material misstatements.</p>

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