scholarly journals Web-based Information System Design of Karang Taruna with Design Thinking Method Approach

Dikdik Musfar Pribadi ◽  
Falaah Abdussalaam ◽  
Jaenal Arifin

Abstrak Karang Taruna Haur Galur berperan aktif dalam kesejahteraan sosial masyarakat di wilayah Kelurahan Sukagalih. Mulai dari menggerakkan Pemuda Unit hingga pemberdayaan UMKM Kelurahan Sukagalih melalui Program Kerja “Koperasi Serba Usaha”. Karang Taruna Haur Galur memiliki 14 Buku wajib, diantaranya 12 buku isian dan 2 buku pedoman. Banyak data yang dimiliki oleh Karang Taruna Haur Galur belum terstruktur dan tidak memiliki basis data yang terintegrasi. Hal ini mengakibatkan ketidakteraturan pada penyimpanan data, juga rawan terjadi redundansi data. Generasi yang belum tergabung dengan Karang Taruna merasa bahwa informasi tentang Karang Taruna Haur Galur belum merata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperbarui sistem perekaman data, media penyambung informasi antara Karang Taruna Haur Galur dan Masyarakat Kelurahan Sukagalih, serta menarik minat pemuda untuk bergabung dengan Karang Taruna Haur Galur dengan merancang sistem informasi berbasis web. Pada perancangan ini peneliti menggunakan metode design thinking. Penelitian ini menggunakan observasi dan wawancara langsung kepada pengguna, yang membantu memperoleh informasi mengenai kebutuhan pengguna akan komponen pembangun yang dibutuhkan. Pada akhirnya Karang Taruna Haur Galur dapat mengorganisir data yang dimiliki dan di sisi lain mendapatkan wawasan serta ketertarikan yang lebih luas. Abstract Karang Taruna Haur Galur plays an active role in the social welfare of Sukagalih Urban Village. Starting from mobilizing the Youth Unit also empowering UMKMs in Sukagalih Urban Village through the Work Program "Koperasi Serba Usaha". Karang Taruna Haur Galur owns 14 compulsory books, including 12 filling books and 2 manuals. The data organized by Karang Taruna Haur Galur is unstructured and yet to have an integrated database. This resulted in an irregular data storage and is also prone to data redundancies. Generations who have not joined Karang Taruna stated that information about Karang Taruna Haur Galur has not been well distributed. The purpose of this research is to improve the data recording system, media of information that connects Karang Taruna Haur Galur and Sukagalih Urban Village Society, also attracting the youth to join Karang Taruna Haur Galur by designing a web-based information system. This web-based information system uses the design thinking method. The research is conducted using direct observations and interviews to the users, as it will help to acquire information on the user's needs for the required building components. Eventually, Karang Taruna Haur Galur is able organize their data as well as gaining broader insights and engagement.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Ipan Supandi ◽  
Fahmi Yusuf ◽  
Fauziah F

The store Lingga Tires is a trademark unit engaged in the sale of the tires. The store Lingga Tires only rely on the conventional sales namely the subscriber must come into the store and doing transaction at the store. This makes the customer became less know the products in the market and the existing promotion. The store Lingga Tires want to provide a satisfactory services with want to deliver innovation and convenience for customers. To store the Lingga Tires need a means to support the sales transaction and media promotions effective means of implementing the method Customer Relationship Management (CRM) web-based. CRM is one of the means to build a good relationship with customers and to acquire new customers. Web-based Sales information system is built by the method of software development waterfall , the language of PHP programming technique, MySQL database as data storage and testing method using the black box & white box testing this system can be used by the administrator, customers and direction. The administrator is the person who manages the whole system. Customers can make your reservation, payment confirmation and have points shopping. The direction of instructions view report, this system is expected to be a solution to overcome the problems and to be able to increase sales in the Store Lingga Tires.Key Words: Information System,Sale,CRM, Web, Store Lingga Tires

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Andre Pramanta Widianto ◽  
Cindy Taurusta

In a foundation there is a need for fast and fast mustahiq data storage. This socio-religious foundation for the yadufa cup is still stored manually. The previous data storage was still using Microsoft Excel. In the current era technology is needed, information systems to make it easier for admins to complete their work. From manual work to computerized. The writing uses data collection methods in the form of interviews with the admin of the foundation to find out the problems. Then do a literature study by reading the appropriate previous research. Then analyze the main problems that exist to determine the boundaries of the problem. The conclusion of this study aims to research the manufacture of "WEB- based information system for acceptance of mustahiq candidates (Yayasan socio- religious cup Yadufa) is to create and provide an information system that can be used to store data accurately, record recipients of mustahiq participants quickly and accurately.

Zubair Shobrun Jamil ◽  
Dedy Irfan ◽  
Titi Sriwahyuni

The development of information technology that very rapidly, have an impact transformation on various aspects of life. One of the growing information technology and widely implemented is a web-based information systems. Implementation of a web-based information system currently does not just present the information in text form, but also displays the information in the form of a map. In the terms of its utilization, application of GIS technology can be widely used in various fields, including in the health field. This can be used in the presentation of information dissemination of healthy facilities in the city of Padang. Information Systems for mapping Healthy Facilities in Padang City is a tool to convey information distribution healthy facilities that exist in Padang. This information system is designed with the PHP programming language and MySQL database as data storage. To display the digital maps, Google Maps is used because it has the APIs that can be integrated with multiple technologies. The presence of this information system is expected to provide facilities for those who need information about healthy facilities in Padang City. Keywords: Information System,Healthy Facilities, Google Maps, PHP, MySQL.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Tumbur Togu ◽  
Herlawati Herlawati ◽  
Adi Muhajirin

Abstract   Web-Based Badminton Court Rental Information System at GOR Villa Mas Indah, North Bekasi. Badminton GOR Villa Mas Indah is a business brand engaged in sports. However, the information system implemented in the company still tends to have many shortcomings and weaknesses by using a ledger, therefore the company needs a Web-Based Badminton Court Rental Information System Design at GOR Villa Mas Indah Bekasi Utara with the aim of helping in improving the business brand marketing strategy. and maximizing service with the aim of facilitating performance in data processing, changing data, viewing field schedule information, and data stored automatically and safely. The system development method uses Waterfall. Data collection methods are interviews, observation, literature study and questionnaires. The system design uses UML, the system is built using the PHP programming language, with MySQL database and application display using CSS Bootstrap. Testing the system using Blackbox Testing.   Keywords: Booking, Information Systems, Rental, Waterfall, Web Based,   Abstrak   Sistem Informasi Penyewaan Lapangan Bulu Tangkis Berbasis Web Pada GOR Villa Mas Indah Bekasi Utara. GOR Bulu tangkis Villa Mas Indah adalah brand usaha yang bergerak di bidang olahraga. Namun sistem informasi yang di terapkan dalam perusahaan masih cenderung memiliki banyak kekurangan dan kelemahan dengan menggunakan buku besar, oleh karena itu perusahaan perlunya Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penyewaan Lapangan Bulu Tangkis Berbasis Web Pada GOR Villa Mas Indah Bekasi Utara dengan tujuan membantu dalam meningkatkan strategi  marketing brand usaha dan memakasimalkan pelayanan dengan tujuan mempermudah kinerja dalam mengolah data, mengubah data, melihat informasi jadwal lapanagan, serta data tersimpan secara otomatis dan aman. Metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan Waterfall. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu Wawancara, Observasi, Studi Pustaka dan Kuesioner. Desain sistem menggunakan UML, sistem di bangun menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP, dengan basis data MySQL dan tampilan aplikasi menggunkan CSS Bootstrap. Pengujian sistem menggunakan Blackbox Testing..   Kata kunci: Berbasis Web, Booking, Penyewaan, Sistem Informasi, Waterfall.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-77
Mohammad Syamsul Aziz

The presence of information systems today can be felt by almost all elements of society. In the elements of government, education, public and private industry, even UMKN has started to use information systems in carrying out their activities. The development of information system technology has not fully touched the current field, one of them is the element of the profession as a lawyer. In the 4.0 revolution era, lawyers should use a website-based information system. This is done to make easy for clients to get information quickly and accurately. Making information systems using the waterfall method can run effectively, because it has phase of system requirements analysis, design, coding, and testing. With the support of the HTML, PHP, Javascript, and CodeIgniter programming languages ​​so that the process of creating a lawyer information system at NurhadiSigit Law Officer runs as expected and can be implemented optimally.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-116
Oky Irnawati ◽  
Ida Darwati

Abstract: The author reflects on one private company engaged in the field of communication that is still carrying out the process of inventory of conventional goods. In this study the authors conducted a web-based inventory information system design analysis, the authors used the Waterfall, the Java programming language the author chose in designing this inventory application. This web-based inventory application is to support the process of monitoring goods so that they can be better controlled so that they can become a reference as a decision maker quickly.            Keywords: Inventory, Waterfall Model, Web Based  Abstrak: Penulis melakukan pengamatan terhadap salah satu perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dalam bidang komunikasi yang masih melakukan proses inventaris barang secara konvensional. Pada penelitian ini penulis melakukan analisis perancangan sistem informasi inventarisasi berbasis web, penulis menggunakan model Waterfall, bahasa pemrograman Java dipilih penulis dalam merancang aplikasi inventarisasi ini. Aplikasi inventarisasi berbasis web ini untuk mendukung proses monitoring barang agar dapat terkontrol dengan lebih baik lagi sehingga dapat menjadi acuan sebagai pengambil keputusan dengan cepat.      Kata kunci: Berbasis Web, Inventaris, Model Waterfall

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Adi Widarma ◽  
Mutia Rahmawan

Abstract - The web-based lecturer track record information system application at the Asahan University Faculty of Engineering which has been designed serves as an information that aims to place data storage media to increase lecturers' functional positions. With this application, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Asahan conducts monitoring or equalizing data and has a recording / recording of all important data of lecturers in carrying out promotions. Based on the theoretical basis and the analysis of programming used with PHP programming language with Notepad ++ editor and database using XAMPP, resulting in a lecturer track record program that aims as an information system tool for storing lecturers for web-based functional promotion and this application is used online at Faculty of Engineering, Asahan University. Keywords - Lecturer Track Record, Information System, WEB

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