scholarly journals Experimental uncertainty budget for concrete compressive strength test based on a multifactorial analysis

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (50) ◽  
pp. 383-394 ◽  
Stamatia Gavela ◽  
Nikolaos Nikoloutsopoulos ◽  
George Papadakos ◽  
Dimitra Passa ◽  
Anastasia Sotiropoulou
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-89
Angga Pirman Firdaus ◽  

Indonesia ranks second in the world's largest plastic waste producer after China. Each year, Indonesia can contributeup to 187.2 million tons of plastic waste, while China reaches 262.9 million tons of plastic waste. Based on the data, one way to utilize plastic waste by using plastic waste as a mixture of concrete, where the plastic used is polypropylene (PP) plastic with different percentage of concrete mixture, the test includes compressive strength test and tensile concrete. The results of concrete compressive strength testing with polypropylene (PP) plastic waste mixture of 5%, 10% and 15% at age 28 in aggregate aggregate mixture decreased by 5.15%, 6.89% and 13.53%. As for the result of concrete tensile strength test with polypropylene (PP) plastic waste mixture of 5%, 10% and 15% at age 28 in crude aggregate mixture decreased 17,61%, 24,13% dan 23,24%.

2013 ◽  
Vol 275-277 ◽  
pp. 2041-2044
Feng Yan ◽  
Nan Pang

In this paper,the mechanical properties were studied,the self compacting concrete cubic compression strength,prismatic compressive strength test,discussed two kinds of relationship between intensity index.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-17
Chairani Sabrina Mecha ◽  
Tri Mulyono ◽  
Prihantono Prihantono

The purpose of this research is to determine the Superplasticizer Sikament LN as a added of cement in compressive strength test in an effort to determine the maximum compressive strength of the concrete. This research was partially adding cement with Superplasticizer with a variety of percentages 0%, 0,5%, 1%, 1,5%, and 2% of the total weight of cement. Concrete design f’c 35 MPa, W/C 0.4, 12±2 cm slump, amount of sample was 30 (3 samples for each variation for concrete life of 7 and 28 days). The results showed that 0,5% variation of Superplasticizer reached the average concrete compressive strength is 43,5 MPa; 1% variation of Superplasticizer is 42,56 MPa; 1,5% variation of Superplasticizer is 40,86 MPa and 2% variation of Superplasticizer is 40,2 MPa. The maximum concrete compressive strength contained 0,5% variation of Superplasticizer.

2012 ◽  
Vol 164 ◽  
pp. 103-106 ◽  
Pei Hao Li ◽  
Bo Jin

A remediation technique of cracked concrete by bacterial mediated carbronate deposition i.e. bio-deposition is discussed. Bio-deposition is a technique that comes from a broader category of biomineralization. The aim of this study was to investigate the plugging of artificially cracked concrete using bacteria Sporosarcina pasteurii and combined with sand as a filling material in artificially made cuts in concrete specimens which was cured in urea and Ca2+ medium and to research the effects on the compressive strength and flexural load of healing of concrete specimens by bio-deposition. The remediation efficacy of cracks in concrete was studied through compressive strength test and flexural failure test. Experimental results show that bio-deposition is able to make the improvement in concrete compressive strength and flexural load. The technique can be used to improve the compressive strength and flexural load of cracked concrete specimens and the remediation of cracks.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-41
Muhamad Nasrulloh,

Concrete is a building material widely used in construction projects. In principle to create concretewith very good quality by the quality of its constituents of fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate,semen, and air, and the way it works. The fine aggregate (sand) as the base material for concretemanufacture is required in determining the quality of the concrete, since the aggregate is a fillerbound by cement and water into a solid mass, the quality of fine aggregate luminaire (sand) directlyaffects the quality of the concrete. The fine aggregate (sand) used in this study came from 3samples in Blitar area, ie 1 sample from Kelud mountain, 2 samples from Kali Putih, and 3 samplesfrom Brantas River. Location of research at the Laboratory Structural Civil Engineering UniversityTribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang. The method used in this study using laboratory experiments andguided on SNI 03-06912000. After a fine aggregate study of 3 samples in Bitarit obtained theaverage compressive strength test, samples of 1 fine aggregate (sand) of Kelud mount recordedaverage of concrete compressive strength of 7,802 Mpa (highest), sample 2 of fine aggregate ( sand)of Kali Putih resulted in average concrete strength test of 3.208 Mpa (lowest), and a sample of 3 fineaggregate (sand) of Brantas river yielded average concrete strength test of 3,272 MPaBeton merupakan material bahan bangunan yang banyak dipergunakan dalam pelaksanaan proyekkonstruksi. Pada prinsipnya untuk mendapatkan beton dengan kualitas yang baik sangatdipengaruhi oleh kualitas dari bahan – bahan penyusunnya yaitu agregat halus (pasir), agregat kasar,semen, dan air, serta cara pengerjaannya. Agregat halus (pasir) sebagai bahan dasar untukpembuatan beton memegang peranan penting dalam menentukan mutu beton, karena agregatmerupakan bahan pengisi yang diikat oleh semen dan air menjadi massa padat, sehingga kualitasagregat halus (pasir) mempengaruhi langsung terhadap mutu beton. Agregat halus (pasir) yangdibahas pada penelitian ini berasal dari 3 sampel di wilayah Blitar, yaitu sample 1 dari gunung Kelud,sampel 2 dari kali Putih, dan sampel 3 dari sungai Brantas. Lokasi penelitian di LaboratoriumStruktur Teknik Sipil Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang. Metode yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen laboratorium dan berpanduan pada SNI 03-06912000.Setelah dilakukan penelitian agregat halus dari 3 sampel diBlitar mendapatkan hasil uji kuat tekanrata -rata yaitu, sample 1 agregat halus (pasir) gunung Kelud menghasilkan rata – rata uji kuat tekanbeton sebesar 7,802 Mpa (tertinggi), sample 2 agregat halus (pasir) Kali Putih menghasilkan rata –rata uji kuat tekan beton sebesar 3,208 Mpa (terendah), dan sample 3 agregat halus (pasir) sungaiBrantas menghasilkan rata – rata uji kuat tekan beton sebesar 3,272 Mpa

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Decka Chaniago Sukanli ◽  
Priyanto Saelan

ABSTRAKDalam campuran beton, agregat kasar memiliki 70% sampai 80% pengaruh terhadap kuat tekan beton. Agregat kasar memiliki bentuk yang berbeda seperti membulat, pipih, dan memanjang tergantung pada sumbernya. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan penyelidikan pada kadar maksimum bentuk pipih dan memanjang agregat kasar dalam campuran beton. Pada penelitian kadar bentuk pipih dan memanjang agregat kasar ini menggunakan benda uji silinder dengan ukuran diameter 10 cm dan tinggi 20 cm. Pengujian dilakukan dengan uji slump dan uji kuat tekan beton yang mengacu pada SNI. Slump rencana yang digunakan yaitu (30-60) mm dan (60-180) mm dengan kuat tekan beton rencana yaitu 30 MPa usia 28 hari. Hasil pengujian ini dapat diketahui bahwa kadar pipih dan memanjang agregat kasar melebihi 20% tidak berpengaruh terhadap kuat tekan beton selama kadar pipih dan memanjang agregat kasar tidak melebihi 45% dari total agregat batu pecah.Kata kunci: bentuk pipih dan memanjang, agregat kasar, kuat tekan beton, uji slump ABSTRACTIn concrete mixture, coarse aggregate has 70% to 80% influence on concrete compressive strength. The coarse aggregate have different shape like rounded, angular, flaky and elongated depending on the source. In this study, we investigated the maximum level of flat and elongated coarse aggregate in concrete mixture. In the study of the level of flat and elongated forms coarse aggregates using cylindrical specimen with a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 20 cm. Testing was conducted with slump and concrete compressive strength test which refers to SNI. The slump plan used is (30-60) mm and (60-180) mm with a 30 MPa concrete compressive strength of 28 days. The results of this test can be seen that the flat and elongated of coarse aggregates exceeding 20% does not effect compressive strength of the concrete as long as the flat and elongated of coarse aggregates not exceed at 45% of the total aggregates.Keywords: flat and elongated shape, coarse aggregates, compressive strength, slump test

Erny Agusri ◽  
Wahyu Pratama Jaya

Quickcure CX is a chemical for concrete designed using the latest technological innovations, this added material can accelerate and increase the compressive strength of concrete by 5 - 10% and can reduce the moisture content in the concrete mixture by 5 - 10%. The purpose of this study was to increase and accelerate the effect of the compressive strength value of concrete produced by Quickcure CX added material on K-500 concrete.The research sample is a cube-shaped test object with a size of 15cmx15cmx15cm. There are 4 sample variations, namely: Normal Concrete, Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.25%, Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.45%, and Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.65%, each variation consisting of 15 samples.After conducting the concrete compressive strength test, this study obtained the highest average compressive strength test results in Normal Concrete (503.2kg / cm2), Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.25% (513.8kg / cm2), Normal Concrete + Quickcure 0.45% (536.4kg / cm2) and Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.65% at 551.6kg / cm2 at the age of 28 days. So of the 4 variations in the value of the compressive strength test of concrete, it still increases in Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.65%, and accelerating the concrete does not accelerate because the average age is 21 days with a variation of Normal Concrete + Quickcure cx 0.65% with a value of 488.8 kg / cm2 so the concrete has not reached the compressive strength that was planned.Keywords: Concrete, Quikcure CX, Compressive Strength, K-500

Crystals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 912
Zhi Heng Lim ◽  
Foo Wei Lee ◽  
Kim Hung Mo ◽  
Jee Hock Lim ◽  
Ming Kun Yew ◽  

Conventional compressive strength test of concrete involves the destruction of concrete samples or existing structures. Thus, the focus of this research is to ascertain a more effective method to assess the compressive strength of concrete, especially during the hardening process. One of the prevalent non-destructive test (NDT) methods that involves the employment of elastic wave has been proposed to forecast the compressive strength development of air-entrained rubberized concrete. The change of the properties, such as wave amplitude, velocity and dominant frequency of the wave that propagates within the concrete is investigated. These wave parameters are then correlated with the compressive strength data, obtained using the conventional compressive strength test. It has been certified that both correlation between wave amplitude and concrete compressive strength, as well as the correlation between velocity and concrete compressive strength, have high regression degrees, which are 0.9404 and 0.8788, respectively. On the contrary, dominant wave frequency has been proved imprecise to be used to correlate with the concrete compressive strength development, as a low correlation coefficient of 0.2677 is reported. In a nutshell, the correlation data of wave amplitude and velocity could be used to forecast the compressive strength development of an air-entrained rubberized concrete in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 132-140
Mulyati Mulyati ◽  
Wiki Yulandi

This research uses paper ash, lokan shell powder, and sikacim concrete additivefor normal concrete mix. Paper ash is used as a cement additive, while lokan shell powder is used as a partial substitute for sand. To overcome the lack of water in the concrete mixture, Sikacim concrete additive is used. The purpose of this study was to determine the compressive strength of concrete resulting from the use of paper ash as an additive and lokan shell powder as a substitute for sand by adding sikacim concrete additive.The test object used a cube mold of 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm with a concrete compressive strength of K-250 design at the age of 28 days of testing. Variations of the specimens used paper ash 0.25% by weight of cement, and lokan shell powder 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% by weight of sand, and 0.7% additive from the volume of water. Based on the results of the compressive strength test of concrete, the compressive strength of concrete is obtained, for normal concrete it is 276.6 kg/cm2, from the use of 0.25% paper ash, 0% lokan shell and 0.7% additive of 362.6 kg/cm2, from the use of 0.25% paper ash, 10% lokan shell and 0.7% additive of 365.3 kg/cm2, from the use of 0.25% paper ash, 20% lokan shell and 0.7% additive of 300.53 kg /cm2, from the use of 0.25% paper ash, 30% lokan shell and 0.7% additive of 250.16 kg/cm2.

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